13x28 - Everything Is Everything

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Degrassi Next Generation." Aired: October 2001 to July 2010.*
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About the kids at Degrassi Community School. Centralizing around the children of the original characters from Degrassi High (1987). The show aims to deal with serious and sometimes taboo issues that plague teenagers.
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13x28 - Everything Is Everything

Post by bunniefuu »

(Muffled chatter)


I finally got a hold
of the registered owner

Of the suv,

Mr. Archibald simpson.

Your story checks out.

Of course it does!

Why couldn't you
just believe me,

Instead of making us wait
in this cop shop all night?!

You are free to go.

The car was towed
to that lot.

How are we supposed
to get there?

I don't know, cab? Bus?


You'll be billed
for the tow.

(Muffled police radio chatter)

It could've been worse.


You were a little

Because we got pulled over
for "driving while black."

That isn't supposed
to happen, connor!

Let's just get
the car back.

Alli'll be wondering
what happened.

We can't tell her
about any of this.


Because I don't want
to ruin her day.

She won't understand
what we've been through.

I'm not really good
at lying.

Then don't lie!

Let's just forget yesterday
even happened.

♪ Whatever it takes ♪

♪ (The best that I can be) ♪

♪ Oh, oh, oh ♪

♪ I know I can make it through ♪

morning, veep!

You're chipper.

Yeah. I had my date with eden
last night

And she was awesome.

She loves video games,

She laughed at all
the fart jokes in the movie,

She's super sarcastic,

And way, way pretty!

Well, besides fart jokes
and being pretty,

What else do you two
have in common?

What does she want to do
with her life?

she wants to work
with autistic children.

She loves kids.

Imogen: oh! Just like you.
Drew: yeah, I know!

Oh, there she is.


You actually do own
an anchorman t-shirt?

Yeah. Yeah,
I wore it just for you.

I'm so flattered.

I can't wait for our date
this weekend.

Me neither.
Can I walk you to class?

of course!

(Sighs heavily)

Drew: (over p.a.)
The panther volleyball team
is having a pancake breafast...

Whoa! Where's your harley?!

you like it?

Apparently, I need to work
on my sarcasm delivery.

I just love
grant's style.

And grant would be...

Mr. Yates, ocourse!

He basically said

I was like his favourite
student of all time.


Didn't you have to practically
beg your way

Into his playwriting

Well, clearly you don't
understand the connection

Between two
like-minded artists.

We're on our way to becoming...
Great friends.

Tris, students and teachers
can't be friends.

That's what I say.

Well, I say two friends
of the opposite sex

Can't live in the same house
without mucho drama.


Trust me, grant and I are on
another level.

Now, I've gotta go work on
a character bio

For the collective.

I don't wanna disappoint.




You're here!
What took you so long?

We had car trouble.

What kind of trouble?

Uh, we got stopped.


It stopped,
the car... Stopped.

It just-
it just stopped.

But we're here now!

Anyway, don't we have
to set up the booth

If we're going
to win this thing?

Already done!

Prime location!

Oh! Uh... Okay.

(Bell rings)

hey, I'm clare.


You're drew's vice-president,
aren't you?

Hand to the king.

That was a "game of thrones"
reference, by the way.

Yeah, I know.

Arya's such a little
baller, huh?


Yeah, she's my favourite


So did drew mention
that I was the one

Who set up
his teen personals profile;

That I was the one
who picked you out?

No, but that's pretty cool
of you.

I mean you're obviously
a good friend.

I just thought
he could use some help

In the girl department.

He has quite
the reputation lately.

Well, doesn't everyone,

I mean, I don't like
to judge people

Until I actually
get to know them.

I hope everything works out
for you two.

He's still pretty hung up
on his ex-fiancee, so...

Sorry, his fian- what?
He was engaged?

To the love of his life.

Someone he'll probably
never get over.


Hey, do you wanna partner up
on this assignment?

You can fill me in
on all the details about drew.


thank you. Feel free to take
a look at our findings,

They're quite interesting.

The booth beside you
is giving out info postcards.

"Capturing static charge."

Do you have info postcards,

Yes, dad,
knock yourself out.

Mr. Bhandari:
I knew you would be
on top of things.

actually, those were
my partner's department.

Dad, you remember
mike dallas.

Nice to see you, sir.

Ah yes, the young man
who was with my daughter

When she crashed her car

After taking too many
upper pills.

Ah, dallas is the reason

I even got this project
off the ground.

You know,
injury and all.

I suppose I should be grateful
for your help, then.

(Relieved sigh)

Mr. Bhandari:
come along, darling.

Let's scope out
the rest of the competition

Before you present.

(Participants chatter)

Excuse me,
young man,

Visitors are not permitted
to touch the displays.

I'm a participant.

Well, this booth is assigned
to a miss alli bhandari.

And I'm her partner.

Not according
to my information sheet.

Then your information sheet
is wrong!

Perhaps you could
just step away from the booth

Until I sort
this out-


If you come with me,


"N" to the "o"!
You can't just come over here,

And assume I'm doing
something wrong!

if you could just step-

You know what?

Do what you gotta do,

I'm staying put!

(Sighs heavily)

If only she knew
that her father did love her,

And that she wasn't
abandoned by him.

He only left
to keep her safe.

That's all I have
right now.

Great start, zoe.

I like that she's got sass,

But is smart about
how she uses it.

I agree.
That's definitely the best part.

Mr. Yates:
I wonder if daddy issues
isn't a little cliche.

Mm, truth!

We've seen it
a million times!

Mr. Yates:
take another crack, zoe.

See if you can find
a more unique approach.

I totally agree
with grant.

Why don't you read next,

Yes, since you seem to have
so much to say!


(Clears throat)

Wallace deveraux is the young,

Heir to an airplane
manufacturing fortune.

He doesn't wear
a hugo boss suit,

He works it!

(All chuckle)

Just a minute,
it gets better.

it sounds like
a soap opera character.

Mr. Yates:
I'd agree.

This isn't what I was expecting
from you, tristan.

The writing lacks depth
and specificity,

And frankly,
it's... Boring.

Who's next?

The judges are on their way,
are we ready?

Are you okay?

Um, yeah.
Yeah, let's do this.

Judge: miss bhandari.
Alli: hi.

Good afternoon, judges,

And welcome
to "organic fruit flies."

This is my partner,
mike dallas.

See? Partner!
I told you!

Well, we don't seem to have
your name on this project.

How convenient.

Uh, could you start
with an overview, miss bhandari?


In our experiment,

We concluded that
by nearly every measure -

Fertility, stress, resistance,
and longevity -

Flies that fed off
organic tomatoes and bananas

Fared better than those

Who dined off
conventionally grown fruit.

Ah, but the results
can't be directly

Extrapolated to humans.

No, but they can provide clues
to better understanding

Human processes and disease.

So why fruit flies?

because of their
short lifespan,

We can evaluate
basic biological effects

Over a finite
period of time.

That's impressive.

what's impressive?
My vocabulary?!

I happen to know
a plethora of large words.

You know what?
Your tone is a bit rude,

Young man!

I wonder why that is!

dallas, what are you doing?!

I think we've seen
enough here.

No, no, but wait!

We haven't shown you
our hypothesis,

Or any of the data!

Well, perhaps
we'll stop by later,

When your "partner" has learned
a little respect

For the process!

When I learn
a little respect?!

You tried
to kick me out earlier

Because I'm a black man

In a place
you didn't think I should be!

Oh my god!

Let's move on.

but you'll come back later,

I cannot believe
you spoke to him like that!

I told the truth,
he deserved it!

but did I deserve it?!

You ruined everything,

(Participants chatter)


I had reasons
to say what I said.

You called the science fair
judge a r*cist

In front of everyone!

Because he is!

It was a miscommunication,
that's all!

How do you know that?

How can you be sure
that that's the reason?

I can't.

But I know you're still upset
about yesterday.

I'm not upset,
I'm furious!

One idiot did something
at the mall,

And I get detained
like a criminal?!

Then I get pulled over
by the cops for no reason,

Other thanhe fact that
I'm a black guy driving an suv!

You got pulled over?

I was gonna tell you,

Had you just talked to me,

I would've understood
and supported you,

But instead you bottled it up
and exploded

At the worst possible moment!

This whole fair,

Everything we've been working on
for weeks,

It's all over!

no! No, it's not.
I'm gonna figure something out.

No, just don't!

If I'm lucky enough
to have the judges come back,

I want to present alone.

(Sighs heavily)

eden bailed on our second date.

She got this... This idea

That I wasn't over bianca.

From you.

She asked me questions,
I answered.

Drew: I am over bianca!
Clare: I know.

I don't get you!

First, you want me
to get a girlfriend,

Then you find me a girl,

And then you go out of your way
to sabotage this whole thing

That you set up!

I'm confused, okay?

Ever since eli did that thing
with that girl,

I feel sad all the time.

But I don't
when I'm with you.

Well, I think that's
called friendship.

and then we made out!

sometimes friends do that.

Look, I've made out with people
that I don't even really like!

(Both laugh)

See, I should be upset,
but instead, I'm laughing!

I'm annabella.

I set up that profile
as a kind of test.

I know.

You knew?
And you picked eden instead.


Because "annabella"
has a boyfriend.

If she was single,

It would be a completely
different story.

What now?

Drew: what?
Clare: what did you just say?

What did I say when?

you said if annabella
were single,

It would be a different story,
but annabella isn't your type!

Says who?

I like who I like.

I guess the ball's
in annabella's court now.

♪ You could always
make me feel all right ♪

♪ I thought you were lost ♪

♪ I thought you were lost ♪

♪ I thought you were lost ♪

What happened?

Mr. Yates happened.

The weirdo
english teacher.

Hey, he's not weird!

He's eccentric
and awesome!

And I thought he thought
I was awesome too,

But apparently
I'm just another dumb student.

What did you expect?

That we'd be friends.

That he'd be somebody
I could actually talk to.

I don't think a teacher
is the best place

To start looking for that.

Maybe you shouldn't put people
on a pedestal all the time.

everyone disappoints.

(Sighs heavily)

If you've come to tell me
I'm not good enough

For your daughter,

I know.

I wanted to tell you
a story, mr. Dallas,

If you will indulge me.

A few years ago,
we were traveling overseas

To my cousin's wedding.

I was pulled aside
at airport security

And taken to a small room,

Where I was detained
and questioned for hours.


We missed our flight
and all our connections.

We didn't arrive in time
for the wedding.

Sitting in that room,

I felt so wronged
and helpless.

I was the angriest
I've ever been

In my whole life.

I wanted to hit someone.

But I didn't.

The world is terribly,
terribly unfair, sometimes.

I can't turn a blind eye
to racism.

I won't.

The question
isn't whether to fight,

But how?

(Sighs heavily)

Drew: (over p.a.)
Attention, degrassi,
this is a friendly reminder

That there are no more
parking permits.

I'm not dropping out
of the collective!

You considered
dropping out?

Of course!

You were so mean
at lunch,

Especially after telling me
I was your favorite student!


But I'm staying
in the collective,

Because I want to learn
to be a better writer,

That's all!

We are not friends.

I was being tough on you

Because I didn't want
to show you favouritism.

Tristan, are you familiar
with the love story

Of heloise and abelard?

What's it about?

(Bell rings)

It doesn't matter.

But unfortunately,

It doesn't have
a happy ending.

(Students chatter)

I'll be by in about minutes
to see your presentation, okay?

excuse me, sir.

May I speak with you
for a moment?

I suppose.

I had two bad experiences

And I let that anger
get the best of me today.

I should've talked to you

And I shouldn't
have yelled.

That's not the man I am.

I mean,
I'm trying not to be.


Thank you for explaining.

please don't hold what I did
against alli bhandari.

She is the most amazing
scientist in this room, by far.

She deserves another shot.

We'll be by
in fifteen minutes,

So you can finish
your presentation.

Thank you,

But she'll be
presenting alone.

(Birds chirp,
students chatter)




You're waiting for me.
I was supposed to be meeting-

She thought we should talk.

Sorry about the ruse.

That's okay.
So what's up?

I shouldn't have bailed
on our date.

I completely overthought it.


So... Forgivesies?

Of course.


Do you wanna go grab
an iced mochaccino

Latte cappu
something something?

It's my treat.

Look, eden, you're...
You're great.

(Sighs heavily)

You're into someone else.

Is it clare?

That's a bit messed up.

You have no idea.

I guess I can appreciate
the honesty.

I hope it works out
for you and clare.

It won't, but thanks.


and finally,

The best overall project
of the science fair

Belongs to...

Degrassi students,
alli bhandari and mike dallas,

With "organic fruit flies!"

(Participants clap and cheer)

We won?

That's my girl!

Get up there!

(Alli giggles)

Would you like to say
a few words?


Thank you,
this is so encouraging!

I hope to keep working
on projects

That'll help change human lives
for the better!

Thanks so much!

(Participants clap and cheer)

this concludes
the competitive portion,

But please,

Continue to share your work
with one another

For the remainder
of the fair.

You did it!

I couldn'tve done it
without you,

Despite the dramatic


Are you talking
about the project,

Or... Us?



♪ Oh-oh-oh ♪

♪ Open up your eyes ♪

"The letters of abelard
and heloise."

Sounds like a yawn-fest.

Oh, it's not,
it's totes romantic.

Um, this guy,
let's call him "jim,"

Um, suggested I read it.

And you're trying
to figure out

If he loooooves you?

Okay, forget we ever had
this conversation.


Don't be such
a delicate flower.

"In this twelfth century

A teacher starts a torrid affair
with a student,

But when her family finds out,
they castrate him!"


How is this romantic?

Well, because after that
the girl becomes a nun

And the man a monk,

And for the rest
of their lives,

They write love letters
to each other.


That's pretty twisted.

okay, but...

Do you think "jim"
likes me?


What should I do?

Run as fast as you can.

Because this dude
sounds like trouble.


The judge told me
you spoke with him.

I hope you're not mad.

How can I be mad?

I got a second chance,

And according to you,

I'm the most amazing scientist
in this room!

Also the most amazing girl
in this room.

Hey, do you want a ride home
with me and my dad?


I just have to make
a stop first -

At the police station.

You're gonna yell
at that dumb cop

That pulled you over?

No. I wanna file
an official complaint.

I feel like
I wasn't treated fairly

And people need to know.

(Happy sigh)


(Both laugh)


Big ass trophy!

But at least, now,

I have a boyfriend
to lug it home for me?

I swear...

If you're messing with me,

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