13x30 - Sparks Will Fly: Part 2

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Degrassi Next Generation." Aired: October 2001 to July 2010.*
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About the kids at Degrassi Community School. Centralizing around the children of the original characters from Degrassi High (1987). The show aims to deal with serious and sometimes taboo issues that plague teenagers.
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13x30 - Sparks Will Fly: Part 2

Post by bunniefuu »

last chance!

Get your wild wild west night

break-up support kit
to the rescue.

We have rocky road, chocolate,

And your eyes
aren't even red.


No tears.

Well, not many.


all quiet on the western front?


I broke up with eli.


do you need something, drew?

Ah, yes, I need help getting
a scarecrow decoration

Out of the props room.

I'll come.

oh, it takes two people
to carry a scarecrow?

Well, it's big and heavy.

And awkward.
(Clears throat)

Come on, edwards.

I'll come too.

oh, no, I'm sure
we'll fine on our own.


yeah, that's what
I'm worried about.


♪ Whatever it takes ♪

♪ The best that I can be ♪

♪ Oh, oh, oh ♪

♪ I know I can make it through ♪

I am going to miss you
so much!

touched, hon,

But I'm trying to read
my script here.

Besides, I'll only be gone
for three months.

Holy thelma and louise,
I k*ll myself at the end?!

It... It's devastating!

My character gets kidnapped,

And kills herself
instead of escaping.

how could she escape?

She's tied to a chair
for like half the movie.

She could at least try!

What's the message here?

Don't get kidnapped?

More like
"don't fight back."

I'm calling my agent.

But it's bret barnett!
You have to do this!

I don't want to play
a victim.

Then don't.
Talk to the director.

You're the star.

You're right.

I'm zoe rivas.

I can make this work.

Hey, zig, got a sec?


You only bite your nails
when you're anxious.

Ah, you noticed that?

I notice
a lot of things.

I even know
why you're anxious.

You do?

You want to stop waiting.

Give us a chance.

Am I right?
I mean,

You are still wearing
my bracelet.



Zig, I think we should
just be friends.

(Sighs heavily)

You're still
not over miles?

So all that stuff you said
about waiting for me

Was a lie?!

I was worried
you'd do something crazy.

I'm not your charity case,

No, you're my friend.

We are not friends.

so what are we looking for

ah, simpson said

There's some kind of
scarecrow decoration in here.

well, we better find it quick,

Or else everyone's gonna think
we're in here making out.



The scarecrow.

I bet it's in that box
marked "hoedown."

So, I'll just, uh...
Yeah, okay.


Need help getting off?


♪ It's solid gold ♪

♪ They gone crazy ♪

We should, um...

We should probably
get back.


You sure you wanna do this?
Maybe we...

Maybe we should talk first.

Okay, great talk.

Bret barnett:
all right!

In this scene,

You are searching
for an escape,

But you realize the only escape
is to k*ll yourself.

What if, instead of that,

She actually escaped?


I wanna show girls

That they aren't
just helpless victims.

That's a really good thought.

Ah, have a seat.

Why don't we just jump into it
and see if we can make it work?

Thanks for listening, bret.

Yeah. All right.

So there's your jagged
little pencil stub

That you've been sharpening
forever and ever

Since you found it.
You know, considering.

Now, you cry for help,

Start to realize that...

You're never getting
out of here

And you don't want
your captors to win.

You don't wanna be
a victim.

So now, fully empowered,

You close your eyes and...

Bam! You jam that pencil
deep into your neck,

Smiling, finally free.

(Smacks paper)
that's good.

I thought you were
making changes?

I did! I did.

you do it sobbing,

But, you know,
now you do it fully empowered.

Waht's the matter?
You didn't think

I'd actually change
the whole ending, did you?

I see.

Okay, look, zoe.
(Takes a breath, thoughtful)

I know you've been through
a... A thing,

And I'm sympathetic.

But your job
is to follow the script,

And if you can't do that
I need to find somebody else.

So decide.

(Country music plays,
low hum of chatter)

can't bring this in.

Why do people think
bringing a g*n to school

Is a good idea?

You can't be a cowboy
without a p*stol, right?


Know who's here?

You tell him
where clare is, did you?

Yeah, getting supplies
in the props room.

You don't think
they're really...?

It's the props room.

You of all people know
what happens up there.

Should we go stop them?

Nuh-uh. I am not walking in
on that drama.

(Alli laughs)


Where's zig?

This is exactly
what I was worried about!

Zig's a big boy,
he'll get over it. Chill.

That's your great advice?

The last time someone
I cared about disappeared,

They never came back.

I'm sure zig is fine.

If he's not?

(Exhales, concerned)
I have to find him.

No, you have a solo
to sing.

No one will miss me.
I'll go.

You hate him.

I know.
But you don't.

And I'd do anything
for you.

Now don't cry,
little lady.

that was nothing
like my dream.

(half laughs)
you, um...

You dreamt about this?



You're cute
when you blush.

I can't believe
this happened.

I hope it keeps happening.

Me too, actually.

You'd be ready
for that?

(clears throat)

Eli, what are you doing here?

So this is why
you broke up with me?

For him?

It had nothing
to do with drew!

Drew: (clears throat)
okay, I should, ah...
Probably get out of here.

ever since you kissed lenore,
it's been different.

So I deserved to be
broken up with over voicemail?!

you two clearly have a lot
to discuss.

I mean are you two
even broken up?

yes, we are.

And, and I would have done it
in person

Had you picked up the phone,
but you never pick up!

I'm gonna give you two
some space.

(Door handle clicks)



One million dollar reward?
What did you do?

Zoe, please tell me
you wrapped early.

Bret and I had some...
Creative differences.

(exasperated sigh)

You got fired.


I left.


I tried, tris,

But I just couldn't do it.

It was like reliving
my as*ault,

Except the character
lost everything.

It's not worth the pain.

You are so brave.

(frightened whimper)

whoa! Who's the hot momma?

My momma!

And if she sees me,
she'll force me back to set.

Or you could
just stand up to her

And tell her
you don't wanna do the movie.

Are you going to judge
or are you going to help?

I need to hide!

Come on,
I can get you backstage.

what's with the pacing?

Now miles and zig
are both m.i.a.

they're not responding
to your texts?

Why is zoe here?

Long story.

Maya, you have a solo
in five minutes.

yeah, well, how am I supposed
to go on stage,

When those two doofuses
are doing who knows what,

Who knows where?

Zoe! Please tell me you sang
"tra le la le la triangle"

On west drive?

I know the song.
Patsy cline, right?

Any chance you want
a solo?

You have like five minutes
to get ready.

Love to help,
but I'm kinda hiding right now.

Zoe, I'm begging here,

Miles and zig might be k*lling
each other for all I know.

hey, and at least your mom
can't haul you off stage

While you're singing,


You're lucky I love patsy.

okay, that...

Thank you!

(Door rattles open)

here to gloat?

no, here to get you.
We have a performance.

Let's go.

Why would I go in there

When the party's clearly
out here?

(Half laughs)
look, maya's worried, zig.

I know you care-

Actually, I don't.

Well, I do,

And I'm not letting you
ruin this for her.

So come on.

Don't touch me,
rich boy!

Fine. Suit yourself.

yeah, that's right.
Walk away.

Go back
to my sloppy seconds.


(Lunging grunt)

aw, man, this is going down.

(Miles and zig grunt,
objects clatter)

that's right.

go! Take him! Take him!

Tiny: watch him! Watch him!
Zig: is that all you got?!

Come on, rich boy,
get up!

yeah, come on, man.

Miles and zig:
(struggling grunts)

Take him down, man.

(Grunting and panting)

(pained grunts)

(Miles pants heavily,
tiny chuckles)

broke the rich kid.

this isn't over!

It looks pretty over
to me.

(Pained whimpers)

Please stop pacing.
It's freaking me out.

So are you over me?

Like truly

over me?

I know I'm over being sad
all the time.

Wondering when you'll call.

Do you know have any idea
how lonely I've felt

These past few months?


But I'm here now.

So I had to break up
with you

For it to be important enough
for you to come?!

okay, look.
I'm sorry, clare.

Long distance is hard,
but I promise it'll get better.


When was the last time
we actually talked?


Look, I get it.
I've been far away,

And lenore was
a one-time thing,

So I totally get you
making that kind of mistake.

Drew's not a mistake.

He's been my rock.

He helped me
through chemo brain,

He was there
when you weren't.

He chased a rat for me!

Clare, please.

I don't want our story
to end this way,

Not like this.

Our story ended months ago,

I need to move on.

(Band plays "tra le la le la
triangle" by patsy cline)

♪ I saw you at the movie show ♪

♪ Just the other day ♪

♪ But I was with my other love ♪

♪ So I looked the other way ♪

♪ I didn't want to hurt him ♪

♪ Couldn't bare for him to see ♪

♪ The way that
I would look at you ♪

♪ And the way
you'd look at me ♪

♪ Tra le la le la
triangle ♪

♪ Tra le la le la
triangle ♪

♪ Tra le la le la
triangle ♪

Oh man.
Eli found you, didn't he?

I think they're still
in love.

I don't think
clare's over him.

Are you over bianca?

Yeah. I...

I mean, I think so.


But if she's not over him,
why she say she was into me?

You hooked up with zoe,

Like right after bianca
broke up with you.

Hey, you know what?

Maybe you're like
clare's zoe!

♪ tra le la le la triangle ♪

♪ Tra le la le la triangle ♪

♪ Tra le la le la triangle ♪

♪ What'll I do about you ♪

♪ What'll I do... ♪

♪ About you? ♪

(Students cheer and applaud)

what a pleasant surprise!

I can't believe you.

Storming out on rehearsals

So you can sing
at some party?

I couldn't do it, mom.

I was "helpless victim."

I understand it's hard,

But let's apologize to bret
and fix this.

I'm not apologizing
to that jerk!

If you don't,
you're done with this film.

Do you remember
my first role?

Pampers commercial.
You were six months old.

I've been acting
for as long as I can remember

And every role
has been your choice.

I'm tired of being used
by people -

By bret, by luke...

And by you.

So this is teenage


This is me being mature
for once.

Better see
if I can spin this

So it doesn't destroy
your career.

(Beer cans hiss when opened,
cans clank together)


Not in the mood, chewy.
Why aren't you inside?

'cause they won't let me take
this beauty in there!

so why don't you just leave it
in the box like everyone else?

this is an official wyatt earp
six-sh**t replica, man!

I'm not leaving it
in some box with toys.

Can I see that?

Hey, dude,
what happened to your face?

Are you okay?

I will be,
if zig thinks this is real.

whoa, whoa! Wait!
Bad idea, man!

you don't know
what it's like, chewy.

There'll always gonna be
a third person

In our relationship.

just give me that g*n!

relax, chewy.
I'm just gonna scare him.


back for another beating?

no. I'm just excited to wipe
the smug grin off your face.

(Scoffed chuckle)


No way you brought a real g*n
to this thing, man!

No? Well, I'm the rich kid,

You don't think my dad
has a collection

Of antique pistols?

You're not so tough now,

Look, look,
just put the g*n down, man.

This is crazy.

I don't know,
this feels pretty awesome to me.


is that a g*n?

Oh god, that's a g*n.

what the hell are you doing?

it's not real, okay?
It's a toy.

you held my man up
with a toy?

okay. Man...
Let's just go. Okay?

Come on.

what is your problem?!

I asked you to find zig,
not point a g*n in his face!

Maya, he kicked the crap
out of me.

I mean, every time we get good,
he screws us up!

Yeah, well, I think you've done
a good job of that yourself.

(Incredulous breath)
well, I'm sorry.

Okay, I'm sorry!

I told you that
you scare me, miles,

That you're unstable,
and still you do this?!

Hey, maya,
you don't understa-


I can't be with a guy
who scares me.

Not again.

Look, look,
you just need to think-

okay, just go.

come on, man.

(scoffed breath)

it's okay,
it'll be okay.

It's gonna be okay.

(Country music plays,
hum of chatter throughout gym)

Well, that was terrible.

At least it's really over.


This is a bad idea.

Drew, it, it is over
between me and eli,

I promise you.

Then look me in the eye
and tell me some part of you

Doesn't still love him.

It's complicated,
but I care about you, drew.

I'm saying
if we get together now,

I'll never be anything more
than your rebound

And I deserve more
than that.

It's time for me to walk off
into the sunset, clare.

♪ So much miscommunication ♪

♪ Like I don't even speak
your language ♪

♪ I'm not against the thought
of you and I ♪

Sure know how to pick 'em,

I'm sorry.

For what?

Your boyfriend pointing a g*n
at my head?

he's not my boyfriend.

Not anymore.

'Cause he's crazy

And you can do better.

can i?

This is my fault.

All of it.

What are you talking about?

If I just could've been honest
with you from the beginning,

None of this
would've happened.

Can't argue there.

(Maya and zig laugh)

I can't believe
you don't hate me.

Not gonna happen.

So we're still friends?

Yeah, still friends.

You want some?

Yeah. Gimme.

(Flatware clanks)

♪ True friend ♪
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