13x31 - You Are Not Alone

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Degrassi Next Generation." Aired: October 2001 to July 2010.*
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About the kids at Degrassi Community School. Centralizing around the children of the original characters from Degrassi High (1987). The show aims to deal with serious and sometimes taboo issues that plague teenagers.
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13x31 - You Are Not Alone

Post by bunniefuu »

(Students chatter)

so what club
are we all joining?

I said I'd walk you here,
I didn't say I'd join anything.

come on, zig!
New season, new adventure!

Come on,
how about film club?

Watch some old movies.

If I wanted to steal
these movies,

I'd just pirate them,

Okay, okay.

How about... Show choir,

(Laugh incredulously)

Okay, maybe not.

Look, even if anyone wanted us
in their clubs,

There's nothing here
for people like us.

People like us?

Grace: unique outsiders.
Zig: ooh, I like it!

And if "the unique outsiders"
could do anything here,

What would it be?

Something like burning man.

It's this crazy event
in the desert.

All these artists go there
and create art,

And just explore.

You know, it would be
really cool to turn the school

Into like, a weird,
artsy funhouse for a night.

Yeah! You know, we should pitch
that to student council!

And the whole rubber room
could help!

(Bell rings)

these delinquents?!

Yes! Then we could prove
to everyone

That we don't deserve
the terrible reputation

That this room gives us!

Tiny, you'll help us run
an arts night, right?

(whispers) now!
Come on!


What the hell?!

Ms. Grell:
good morning, everyone.

Uh, before we begin,

Mr. Simpson has asked to do
a search of your lockers.

You know the drill!

(Students groan)

What were you saying again
about our reputations?


♪ Whatever it takes ♪

♪ (The best that I can be) ♪

♪ Oh, oh, oh ♪

♪ I know I can make it through ♪

Be the hero of your own story!

Join the comic book society

And never get any action!

Dude, I'm trying to attract
club members!

Yeah, I know,
but like... Why?

To meet people!

To have sparkling,
intellectual conversations

With like-minded individuals.

You mean girls.

Not...just girls.

Chewy, it's spring.
If you wanna get girls,

Let's just borrow
one of my dad's convertibles.

Let's go joyriding.

I'm not looking
for bimbos

Who are attracted
to shiny objects,


Has a single girl
signed up?


Miles, hottie alert!

you think so?!

Yeah, that-
that's a girl who has taste!

That's a girl who's
not afraid to take risks,

That's a girl who-

Is my sister.



Why is your annoying
little sister

Signing up for my club?

A joyride with bimbos
doesn't look so bad now,

Does it, chewy?

I'll meet my soul mate
in comic book society,

You'll see!

Oh! And no,

She won't just be
a comic book character!


(Locker door slams)

(Dog's leash jingles,
dog pants)

Grace, this is insane.
Where's zig?

Still think they'd let us
do our little arts night?

(Dog whines)

oh god, that's zig's locker!

better hope it's clean.

Why wouldn't it
be clean?

He hangs out with tiny.
A lot.

So? What does mean?

Tiny and his buddies kind of
run their neighbourhood,

And it's... Trade,
if you know what I mean.


Why are you so worried
about him?

(Sighs heavily)

Oh, I get it.

You two are finally shacking up
at casa blondie!

what?! I'm not into him.

I just don't wanna see him
throw his life away.

(Lock clatters)

(Muffled police radio chatter)

(Relieved sigh)

Ms grell:
all right, back to class,


See? We have to do
this arts night

And we have to get
zig involved!


To keep him busy.

Now, what if next time
his locker isn't clean?


(Sighs heavily)

it is gorgeous out!

Time to spend
some more time outdoors!

if you like allergies.

I was thinking we could go
for some bike rides,

Some dips in the lake...

what are you selling?

What do you think of doing
a triathlon with me?

I already signed up
for salsa dancing.

But wouldn't it be way more fun
to get super fit

With your super-fun

Think of all the girl time!


hey, boo, ready to try
the forbidden dance tonight?

Salsa isn't
the forbidden dance.

wait until you see me do it.


Okay, I get it.

It's a couples thing.

well, you can come, too.

and dance with whom?
I'm utterly single, remember?

Well, maybe you'll meet
a cute latin boy.

Or drew torres.

present, ready to show you
that my hips don't lie, baby!

Nope, never mind.

I will just join
the triathlon club by myself.

Maybe going alone is exactly
the shot in the arm I need.


zig, come eat with me!

I'm busy, actually.

Oh, come on, my treat.
Do you want pizza rolls,

chocolate pudding,

An apple?
Are you in a g*ng?


Is that your colour?

What, grey?
You're being ridiculous!

Is tiny?
Is he in a g*ng?

He is, isn't he?

(Sighs heavily)

Oh god.

Look, tiny is a good guy,

When I was on my own,

He and his friends,
they looked out for me.

They gave me money
for food-

In exchange for what?

Odd jobs,
or whatever.

Uh, but I'm done
with that now.

I live with you!

You said pizza rolls,

push it, ladies!

Visualize that hill,
and get to the top of it!

You'll be destroying triathlons
in no time!


and... Back down to zero.

Good warm-up, everybody.

You can now take a minute
to cool down

Before we tackle
the big climbs, okay?


(Panting) that-
that was a warm-up?!

Jack: thirsty?
Clare: like I'm gonna die!

Here you go.

Thank you!

You're a beginner,

You should probably
start slow.

I think I'll be fine.

Let me guess.

Just broke up with a guy,

Now you're here
to get fit.

Two guys, actually.

And, uh, my friends seem
to have zero interest

In spending time with me.


So... Should I quit?

No. Any excuse
to exercise

Is a good excuse
to exercise.

But if you really wanna forget
about those losers,

You should come hang out
with me and my friends later.

Oh yeah?
What are you doing?

It's top secret.

But if you come,

I promise
it'll be worth it.

Okay, let's go!

Come on, everybody!

The degrassi panorama.

"See degrassi
from fresh new perspectives!"

we take different school spaces

And give them each
to an artist or group

To create a project, experience,
or installation.

yes, and then we'll invite
the students,

Parents, and community
to come explore!

Sounds like fun.

it sounds like a lot of work.

Dallas: who'd run it?
Maya: we would.

Along with our other classmates
from the remedial room.

The rubber room kids?!

Aren't they the reason

Our lockers
keep getting searched?

I'm sorry,

Did you tie your shoes
this morning?

Excuse me?!

well, I just mean,
being a dumb jock,

That velcro might be
more your speed.

It doesn't feel so good to be
judged by a false reputation,

Does it?

He's got a point.

yeah, he does,

But still,
they are inexperienced.

(Bell rings)

Don't worry,
I'll supervise.

We can do it?

Uh, yeah,
event approved.

And meeting adjourned,


Now, we just have
to prove them wrong!

(Students chatter)

Why, hello there.

Would you sexy,
interesting ladies

Enjoy a book

About another sexy,
interesting lady

Just like you?

Just like them?!

what? You don't think
they'd enjoy it?


But orchid's a teen prost*tute,

So unless that's what
you're calling them...

What, did you just go
on wikipedia,

So you could come here
and pretend you know

What you're talking about?

No, I actually like comics.

I've known you since
you were five

And I've never seen you read
a single comic book.

There's lots
you don't know about me.

What I do know is
this feels a lot like the time

You begged me and miles
to come to wonderland,

And what,
we went on the minebuster,

And you barfed,

So we had to stay off the rides
for the whole day

And babysit you!

I didn't even get to ride
the behemoth!

Don't worry.

I'm not gonna barf
on your precious comic books.

♪ I'm on my way
to being all growed up today ♪

♪ To being all growed up today ♪

Wow! Who knew
you could draw?

Oh, I'm full of surprises.

You think anyone's actually
gonna come and pitch ideas?


You guys are running
like the coolest event ever.

I've already got some ideas
brewing in the ol' brain box!

(Cell phone buzzes)

Uh, I gotta take this.
One sec.

yeah, hello?
Yeah, one second.

Polite, handsome,

Into school
and the arts.

It's a whole new zig!

I know,
I think living here

Is really changing
his life around.

All the way around
to crush-worthy?

no, definitely not!

We should colour this.
Where are the markers?


Oh, I think zig grabbed them.

I'll get 'em.


oh my ganja!

(Women laugh)



What is this?

The backyard
axe-throwing league.

Is this what you do
for fun?

Oh, fun?

You wanna see fun?

(Surprised laugh)

Wanna throw?

Um... Okay!

now, I don't suppose
you brought a picture of your ex

For the bulls-eye?


Well, you will just have
to imagine he is up there.

Okay, legs bent.

One hand, yep, good.

Go ahead.

(Meaty thunk)

Well done.

This is incredible!

well, take boys
out of the picture,

The whole world opens up.

(Cans hiss)

(Both laugh)

To ladies night!

To ladies night!


okay, so we'll hear
all the pitches

And then we'll ask
a couple of questions.

Got it?

Where's your buddy?

(Zig clears his throat)

oh! Here he is.

One sec.

What's up?

Uh, did your mom
mention anything

About going through my bag
or anything, did she?

No, she didn't...
Find your weed

Because I flushed it.

You what?!

You said
you weren't dealing!

It wasn't mine!

So what, zig?
It was in my house!

Oh my god!

Look, we have to get
started, okay?

Are you kidding me?!

No, I have to go fix this
enormous mess that you made!

(Zig groans)

I should just erase it,

It's kind of hilarious,

You don't think
he should see it?

Too late.

What is this,
and why is my name on it?

Looks like frankie and keisha
were playing mash last class.



Mansion, apartment,
shack, house.

You write up the options
for career, car, and husband,

And then pick a number
to determine your fate.

Frankie got international
super spy,

Living in a mansion,
driving a maybach,

Married to... You.

That doesn't sound so bad.

Except you may be the "shack"
of the guys.

drew, dallas, blake -
all hotties.

and you're the dud.

okay, uh, first up,
tristan milligan.

All right, thanks.

My panorama room
will be about...


(Drew laughs)

Based on the idea
that fun is in the journey,

Not the destination.

I'll set up a piano
under a spotlight...

...connecting them through
music in the headphones,

People from
all different groups

Could come together
and dance in silence.

I call it...
Silent dance party.

That's an appropriate name.

Are you making fun of it?


No, no,
i-i uh...

I like it.

We'll let you know.

That's the last one.

Ready to narrow it down
to a short list?

Can I actually do that
on my own?

You sure you can handle that?

Okay, okay.

Good luck.


I need your help
with zig.

Oh god, you stuck your nose
in it again, didn't you?

He's dealing dr*gs again!

Or... He was.

I flushed them.


Was that ever
a bad idea!

I just wanted him
to stop!

If he's really working
with tiny,

With those guys,

He can't.


For starters,
he owes them money.

He gets the weed
up front.

If he sells,
he takes a small cut,

And gives the rest to tiny.

Tiny takes a cut,

And gives the rest
to the guy above him,

And so on.

So it's like
a pyramid scheme.

Not everything's
about money.

Let me show you.

All right.

Zig used to live...

On tiny's block.

He could either
join these guys

Or get hassled
by them.

Okay, so by joining,
he's safe in his neighbourhood?

Not even.
Gangs are small now.

Ten to twelve guys,

Territory's small, too.

There's another
clique here.

These are bloods.

Ms-thirteen is here.

Et cetera,

Et cetera.

The school is here.

So he needs the g*ng
to get to school safely?

But he doesn't live
there anymore.

He still sees
some of those guys every day.

And now,
thanks to you,

He owes them
a bunch of money.

Where are you going?!

This is the opposite
of staying out of it!

(Bell rings)

So are you walking
home with me,

Or do triathletes
run exclusively?

I was kidding,

I think I overdid it
at triathlon club.

How do you mean?

It took me ten minutes
to sit down.

I don't think
I'm getting back up.

Let me help you.

I can't lift
my arm either!

Why, were you running
on your hands?

I went to an axe-throwing league
with jack

From triathlon club.

Wait. Jack,
as in imogen's friend jack?

It was so cool,
out in the woods.

We had beer
and tossed axes,

It was just a bunch
of ladies

And no one mentioned guys
even once!

Yeah, because aren't
all those girls gay?

Are they? I don't know.
So what?

So maybe you'll find yourself
with some new suitors!

Because it's crazy to think
they'd wanna hang out with me

Just because
I'm fun to be around?

Let me help you.

Ah, no, no, no!

I will be fine
on my own.


Yeah, you look fine.

Ow! Ow! Ow! Ow!

Ow! Ow! Ow!


You know what?

You're pretty scary
for a little girl.

What do you want?

let zig go.

He's not in here, I swear.

I mean stop making him
do stuff for you.

(Sighs heavily)

It's $ dollars.

That should cover the stuff,

Who'd you rob?

My birthday cards
for the past two years.

He sent you to do this?

No! But he's out,

All right,
just promise me one thing.


Never sneak up
on me again!



All right,
where is she?!

You're gonna fight
my sister?

I don't know, man,
she might be able to take you.

hardy har har, no.

But I am gonna give her
a piece of my mind!

All right, well,
either way,

I'm gonna go pop some popcorn
to watch this!


Hey! Hey, frankie!

Yeah, I've got a bone
to pick with you!

You know-

♪ More than just a dream ♪



♪ More than just a dream ♪

♪ You were out of my league,
all the things I believed ♪


♪ You were just the right kind ♪

♪ Yeah, you were more
than just a dream ♪

♪ You were out of my league ♪

♪ Got my heartbeat racing ♪

♪ If I die don't wake me ♪

♪ 'Cause you are more
than just a dream ♪

(Winston gasps)

Are you okay?

You-you did that
on purpose!

I made you the world's worst
swimmer on purpose?

You got into that bikini
to distract me!

I don't need
an elaborate plan

To make you look dumb.

Yet you've been doing it
all week!

At the club meetings,

Using me in your little game
as the loser!

Who says you were
the loser?

Wait, so you left that
on the board...

Because I wanted you
to see it.

♪ You were just the right kind ♪

♪ Yeah, you were more
than just a dream ♪

Winston and frankie:
miles can never know
about this!

Know about what?

(Both laugh)

♪ If I die,
don't wake me ♪

♪ 'Cause you are more... ♪


looks like someone's
in a hurry.

I may have pushed
just a little bit too hard

On the bike yesterday.

so I was um-

Right, yeah!
Yeah, you were right.

Yeah, you'll get used to it,
don't worry.

um, I may have pushed
a little hard

At something else yesterday,

My reinvention,
my boy hating...

I don't follow.

This isn't easy
for me to say,

But I'm not gay.

I know.

You do?

Clare, you're obsessed
with guys!

So we can still be friends?


Now get limbered up,
we're going on a long run.

Oh, um, about that...

Just stretch really well
and run slowly.

Wow! Thanks!

It's really nice
to have some support.

You're a cool girl,

Even if you are hetero.

(Both laugh)

What about becky's
puppy palace?

A dozen tiny puppies
in a little castle.

How about yes,

And I get to supervise
all night!


(Cell phone buzzes)

I have to go.


don't worry about it.

With tiny?
You don't have to!

Zig: you don't understand.
Maya: yes, I do!

Zig, I paid him for the dr*gs.
You don't owe him anything!

You what?!

You let him know
that you know?

No wonder
he sounds pissed!

What's he making you do?

I won't know
'til I get there.

Debt collection,

Like hurting someone?

Zig, is there gonna
be g*ns?

I don't know, okay?

listen, I have to go.

no! Zig, you can't!

I have to!

Please stay.

For me.

Uh... Okay.

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