13x32 - Enjoy the Silence

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Degrassi Next Generation." Aired: October 2001 to July 2010.*
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About the kids at Degrassi Community School. Centralizing around the children of the original characters from Degrassi High (1987). The show aims to deal with serious and sometimes taboo issues that plague teenagers.
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13x32 - Enjoy the Silence

Post by bunniefuu »


(Maya sighs)

Oh! Keep rubbing.

I'd rather be kissing!

Your eyes need to look tired
and bloodshot

If you wanna convince my mom
to let you stay home sick.

Oh, and um, suck on one of these
in the back of your mouth.

The red should make
your throat look sore.

Are you sure
this will work?

My mom's smart,
but she can be beat.

Good, 'cause tiny
and those guys

Have been texting me

They're pissed
I ditched out on them.

I can't go to school.

We'll get you away
from the g*ng, okay?

You keep saying that,
but how?

Mrs. Matlin:
are you guys still here?

You're gonna be late
for school!

Crap! I wish we could
just tell her.

What, so she can kick me out,

And then I wind up
in some group home

With rival g*ng members?
Great solution!

Okay! I have to get to degrassi
and get panorama set up,

But as soon as it's done,
we will figure this out.

all right, I'll work
on the program from here,

And I'll send you the file.



they look bloodshot.


Looking sore.
Lozenge, please.


Okay, look sick.

♪ Whatever it takes ♪

♪ (The best that I can be) ♪

♪ Oh, oh, oh ♪

♪ I know I can make it through ♪

It's too early in the morning
for your antics,

Alien scum!

Pew! Pew! Pew! Pew!



Uh, h-hey!

So, um, we kind of...


So I didn't dream that?

I actually kissed
my best friend's kid sister.

I have a name.

Sorry. Frankie.

Actually, I'm the one
who should apologize.

For two reasons:

One, I'm staying home
with bronchitis,

And two-

Have you seen keisha's tweets?

Well, apparently some
older guy's been making out

With my little sister!

Why would you
tell keisha?!

Uh, s-something so personal?

Well, she didn't tell her
the name of this makeout bandit!

He's a nice guy.
Chill out!

look, frankie,
I know high school guys.

Okay, I am high school guys.
We aren't nice.

He needs a warning.
Right, chewy?

Um, you usually hate
your sister.

That doesn't mean I want
some grade or creep

Trying to feel her up!

She's in grade nine!

Are you on his side,
or something?

No! He should be warned,


But I do need your help
to find out who he is,

So come on.


Um... Allergies.

Stupid chlorine.

L-let's go get this
rat bastard, huh?

(Bell rings)

I've got the monitors
to display

Our lie detector results.


I stayed up all night
making them extra colourful,

And funky!

you're extra colourful
and funky.

okay, if you two can stop
flirting long enough to set up,

We will have the coolest room
at panorama!

cooler than my exploration
of man versus machine

Through a post apocalyptic
cybernetic landscape?

(Laughs awkwardly)

Um, actually, clare,

Do you know where
the extra ethernet cables are?

Uh, con-man needs 'em
to get everything hooked up.

no idea!

For once,
I'm not in charge of an event.

yeah, the rubber room kids
should probably be lugging

This stuff around,

Surprise, surprise,
they've been slacking.

sorry, can't help.

We've gotta work
on our room:

An exploration of the power
and beauty of truth.

It's all about
how the mistakes we make

And the lies we tell
slowly eat away at us,

Until we're nothing
but hollow shells.

sounds... Bleak.

I think the word
you're looking for is awesome!

Clare: thank you.
Jack: let's get 'er done!

Hey, uh, clare!
Can we... Can we talk?

sorry, I've got art to make.

(Scoffs and sighs)


Wow! This is gonna be amazing,


Hey, there you are!

Do you know which room
is supposed to be becky's?

Yeah, becky's puppy palace
should be...

In the senior history class.

yeah, where you also told harry
he could set up

His renaissance art
made out of bacon!

Oh no, the puppies!

devoured the last supper.

Look, maya, this would be easier
if we had the programs

With the maps on them!

Yeah, they'll be done soon,
I promise!

(Scoffs) okay.

Weren't the programs
zig's job?

Where is that
little gangsta'?

He's hiding out
at home.

We're actually trying
to figure out

How he can stop being
a little gangsta'.

How'd you get him
to agree to quit?

a secret w*apon.

We... Kinda made out.

you sly dog!
You do like him.

I don't!

I'm still hung up
on miles.

I just needed to a way
to keep zig

From leaving the house.

What happens
when he finds out?

If he's out
of the g*ng by then,

It'll be worth it.


Any idea how to do that?

Easy, there are
three ways out:

A body bag, jail,

Or move to very-far-away-

Basically his whole family
lives in serbia.

He has nowhere to go.

hey, girls!

You guys seen zig around?

um, y-yeah, he should be
around here somewhere.

Didn't you didn't see him
on your way in?


I suppose I'll keep looking.

You got lots of snacks
over at casa blondie?

'Cause I think zig
has to stay in there forever.

All right,
let's split up

And see if we can find
the dirtbag

Who wants to deflower
your sister, huh?


(Sighs heavily)

Miles seems agitated.

Is he not taking
the maya break up well?

No, and now he has time
on his hands

To play detective.

What's the case?

The older guy that kissed
his little sister.

Excuse me.
(Coughs violently)


You mean frankie,
who's home with bronchitis?

Okay, it was me,
but just keep your mouth shut!

Miles hasn't noticed yet!

You guys are like
best friends.

Why can't you just
tell him?

He's on the warpath!

So? He'll be mad
for like a day

And he'll get over it.

It's not like you actually
wanna date her.

(Laughs wryly)

Oh my god!
You like her!

No, no, i-i can't!

I mean,
she's in grade nine!

Just tell him!

Off like a band-aid.

Hey, miles!


Winston knows who kissed
your little sister.

This oughta be good.

Uh... Damon!

Yep, big ol' damon.

(Bell rings)

well, thanks for finding
the perp.

You're a good friend,


Dammit, chewy,
we lost him!

It's for the best.

I heard his knuckles were numb
from punching.

Do you think I can't take him
or something?

Well, he's a mountain
of a man,

I just don't wanna see you
get hurt.

Well, I guess we'll have
to do it together,

Two on one.

Uh, no, I should
really get home.

We can go home just as soon
as damon gets the message

Loud and clear:

Stay away from frankie!


I am this close
to being done!

good, because drew's
breathing down my neck!


Someone's at the door.

I'll talk to you later,
all right?


I vouched for you, man!
Where have you been?!

Zig: i-i-
mrs. Matlin: hey, zig?

Are you feeling well enough
for some lunch?

I'm feeling peckish.

Oh... I didn't know
anyone was over.

Good afternoon,

Ma'am? Ooh!
That's my mother's name.


Uh, this is-
this is tiny.

He, uh, came to pick up
some stuff

For the arts night.

Well, tiny,
do you have time for lunch?

I was thinking soup.

Mmm! What kind?

Mrs. Matlin:
I don't know,
I will check the pantry.

Look, they know
you're here!

I convinced them
not to come with...

This time.

But you best keep
in touch with them.

They're getting jittery.

Nice place, man.

It'd be a shame
if anything happened to it.

(Door slams)

earth to edwards!

Where are you?

Just thinking of the best way
to dispose of drew torres' body.

Remind me never
to piss you off.

I am so mad at him,

And I'm mad at myself
for being mad at him!

Basically, I'm just mad!

Ooh! Did he k*ll your kittens
or something?

He dumped me!

what?! You and drew were dating?

I seriously have to catch up
on my gossip.

He ditched me
before we even got that far,

After making it seem like
we'd definitely be together!

Need some help dreaming up
a little revenge?

♪ Face to face ♪

♪ I told you I love you
I won't let your heart break ♪

♪ I'll run to the moon
and walk on the sea ♪

♪ Ea ea-ea-ea-ea ♪

Staff, students, parents,
and friends,

Welcome to panorama!

(Audience claps and cheers)


♪ Hear the siren call ♪

Don't forget
to grab a program!

Happy exploring, everyone!

Isn't this amazing?
So many people came!

I know!

I should probably get up
to my room.

I hope people like
my silent dance party.

What's not to like?

I just wish zig could be here
to enjoy it.

Wish granted,

♪ I'll run to the moon
and walk on the sea ♪

You figured the g*ng
wouldn't come after you

At a school event?

No. Um...

I have to go.


I dunno.

Back to the block,
I guess.

And the g*ng?
Zig, no!

Maya, they know
that I live with you

And they know where
you live.

I can't endanger your family
like that!

But what about you?

Hi, so connor still needs
the cables for his room.

So find him some!

maya, the rubber room kids are
supposed to be running things.

I'm just a supervisor.


Maya, go.
Take care of it.

Please don't go anywhere,
zig, okay?

Don't worry,
we will think of something!

♪ Can you hear the siren call ♪


(Door slams)

(Orchestra tunes up)

(Hush falls)

hey, turd!

What did you
just call me?!

look, miles-

You realize my sister's
only in grade nine, right?

Thanks for the tip,

But I'm just trying
to enjoy the art.

M-miles! Miles!

So you think it's okay
to kiss her,

And then brag about it,

That's it, dude!

no, miles! Miles! (Coughs)
it wasn't-

(Coughing and wheezing)

crashes on floor)

(Sighs heavily)

Maya: anything?
Alli: nope.

how about now?


(Futuristic sound effects play)

It's creepy.

Thank you.

Okay, can I go now?

this is what you get

When you put
the rubber room kids in charge!

excuse me?!

drew told me
you and your classmates

Shirked your responsibilities
all day!

You know nothing about
my classmates, okay?

They have problems!

Problems that you
can't even imagine!

This is about a boy,
isn't it?

He needs my help.

You can't help him
if he won't help himself.

What do you know?!

(Alli scoffs angrily)

Hey, I'm glad you called.

I really think
we need to talk.

me too, but first,
I need you to test something.

I just wanna make sure
everything works.

And then we talk?


Your exhibit's a uh...

Ow! Uh, a medical exam?


Lie detector.

(Nervous laugh)

okay, and we are ready.
(Machine beeps)

What's your name?

drew torres.

And where do you
go to school?


do you have a heart?

I'm-i'm sorry?

Do you like toying
with people's emotions?

Of course not.

Do you consider yourself
a good guy?


I mean I try,

So you're not a lying
sack of garbage

Who says whatever he can

To get what he wants
from girls?!

(Spectators gasp and laugh)

What is wrong with you?!

I just want you to know
how it feels!

look, I came here
to talk to you

And you're trying
to humiliate me?!

You ruined everything
and you don't even care!

Okay, why are you freaking out
at drew?

Maybe take a breather?

A moment when I need you

And you take
the other side.

(stunned gasp)

(Winston coughs violently)

You all right?

Wha... Are you?

Damon didn't hurt you
too bad, did he?

actually, he helped me
carry you here.

Decent guy.

He's not the one
who kissed my sister, though.

Oh... He isn't?

It was you.

Please don't hit me!

Why didn't you
just tell me?

You're so beat up
about maya,

I didn't want you to feel
like I betrayed you, too.

Why, 'cause frankie
kissed you?!

I mean,
it's kind of hilarious!

Oh yeah, so funny.

Um, why again?

Well, she had a crush on you
when we were like eight,

And now this.

Anyway, whatever.

I mean, it's not like
you're gonna date her.

She's in grade nine.

I mean, what would people
even call you?


Uh, um...


It's ridiculous.



(Muffled dance music plays)


I can't find zig anywhere,
have you seen him?

He hasn't been here.

Wow! It's really beautiful.

I know,
people love it.

There's a lineup
down the hall.

He went back,
didn't he?


Maya, no!

You can't just wander
into that neighbourhood

Without knowing
where he is,

It's not safe!

I can ping
his exact location.

He's not gonna pick up.

I don't need him to,

I just need to get
the towers working.

(Keys click)

(Computer beeps)

What's wrong?

It's the bus depot.

He's leaving town.

Maybe that's
a good thing.

He's escaping.

He has nowhere to go,

Sneaking off to be
with your new boyfriend?

Not now miles,

People saw you kiss him.

That's how easy it is
to get over me?

You know what, miles?
You were right, okay, all along.

He's been dealing dr*gs.
He's mixed up with a g*ng!

Well, have you told anyone?

I can't!


Let me by!

Maya, you need
to tell an adult.

You know that.

Why, so he gets kicked out
and has to go sleep

In that abandoned house

Or gets arrested
for dealing,

Or has to go back
to that g*ng

And beat people up
or get k*lled?!

God, miles,
I feel so trapped!

Imagine how he feels!

(Sighs heavily)

Okay, I may have
a way to help.

(Sniffing tearfully)

Okay, what is wrong
with you?!

You're acting
like a crazy person!

It's not my fault, okay?
It's drew!

Is this still fallout
from that kiss

A million years ago?

Something may have happened
more recently.

More kissing?

And other things.

Maybe "the" thing.

You had sex with drew?

I need to sit down!

And then he just ditched me!

Now he gets to walk around
like nothing happened,

While I feel terrible,
and gross, and rejected!

I'm so sorry,
I had no idea.

Is there anything
I can do?

Spa day? Shopping?

Weekend bender
in vegas?


Well, if you're serious...

There's only one thing
I've done lately

That's made me feel
any good.

(Bus rumbles)

making all stops to sudbury -
stops in barrie, parry sound...


maya, what are you
doing here?

You should be as far away
from me as possible!

Where are you going?

My ticket's to sudbury.

I don't know,
it's all I could afford.

You don't have to go!

What are young money
and his daddy doing here?!

(Sighs heavily)

I'm here to help, son.

How could you possibly
help me?!

During my campaign,

I've met with leaders
from your community.

I know people who work
in g*ng intervention

And I can introduce you.

so I can what,
snitch on my friends?

Mr. Hollingsworth:
no, it's not like that.

They're former g*ng members

They know what
you're going through.

It's a solution, zig.

I'll only do it
if tiny can too.

Tiny? The guy who got you
into all this?!

Tiny is in way deeper
than I am.

I can't face him at school
if we're on different sides.


Do you think
he'd agree?

(Women laugh,
axes thunk)

(Alli and clare laugh)

Three points, alli!
Well done!

This is... It's terrifying,
and amazing,

And terrifying!

See? Girl time with clare
can be fun!

So have you flushed
the boy drama

Out of your system?

I'm getting there.

Wanna help her out?


Hold your axes!

I realized I don't know
how to be single.

Who am I on my own?

A lumberjack, apparently,
and a triathlete,

And next you'll tell me

You're some championship

The sky is the limit!

No more worrying
about what some guy does

Or doesn't think of me.


Ready to cut him
out of your life?

(Clare and alli giggle)


Goodbye, boys!
Hello, clare edwards!

I can't do it, man.

I'm busy.

good, but you need
a specific excuse.

They'll respect you more

If you give 'em a reason
to bail.



Sorry, man,
I can't make it tonight.

I've got tickets...
To the ballet.

(All laugh)

Let's work on believability.

It's important not to tell
the g*ng outright

They want to leave.

They need to fade out

The other piece of the puzzle
is community.

They're losing one,

They need support
from elsewhere.

Zig doesn't really talk
to his parents.

Well, we'll try to set up
a reunion.

Hopefully we can get him back
into that household.

Where will he stay
until then?

He can stay with us.

Mom, what if the g*ng

That's possible.

Although we'll try to mediate
if any conflict arises.

If you're up
for keeping him here,

It could really help.

Yeah, I know.
We have to.


I should give you
all my contact info.


(Sighs heavily)

So, listen, um...


For everything.

Even pretending
you were into me.

Zig... I didn't-

You did.

It's okay.

If you knew,
why did you go along?

I got to kiss you.

(Both laugh)

But obviously,
you still dig the rich guy...

And it's okay.


If you promise
to stay out of trouble.

I promise to try.

(Both laugh)
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