13x33 - How Bizarre

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Degrassi Next Generation." Aired: October 2001 to July 2010.*
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About the kids at Degrassi Community School. Centralizing around the children of the original characters from Degrassi High (1987). The show aims to deal with serious and sometimes taboo issues that plague teenagers.
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13x33 - How Bizarre

Post by bunniefuu »

Invest in "double d

Party planning"

And the double ds
will make you a healthy return

On your investment.

We're offering thirty percent
of the company

For a $ , dollar investment.

Mr. Perino:
okay, remember how it works?

They pitch their business

And you decide
if it's a wise investment.

So, any takers?

I like parties.

I'm in at $ ,
for sixty percent.


Sixty percent gives her control
of the business!

(Bell rings)

Mr. Perino:
I suggest you work on
your negotiation skills,

Mr. Torres,

And remember, business proposals
are due next week!

What's going on
with you?

You've been acting like
a space cadet all week!

Mr. H has been working me
like crazy.

How about we work
on the proposal after school?

No can do.

I'm seeing a movie with alli,
jenna, and connor.

What, and you didn't
invite me?!

I'm sorry,
you're just persona non grata

With alli and jenna
right now.

That means they hate you!

What?! Why?

Well, clare told them
that you tailed and bailed.

Whoa, whoa!
That's not what happened!

Clare's the one
who wasn't over eli

When she had sex
with me!

Whatever. I'm staying neutral
on this one.



Dude, read a book!

All right, but what happened
to bros before...

Nice girls?

You're like my brother,
but you don't kiss me,

And alli does.
A lot.

We can change that.

Oh yeah?!

(Both laugh)

I can't believe clare's
making it weird with everyone

Right before we graduate!

I need to talk to her.

Unless you're gonna

I don't think
she wants to hear it.

I'm not going
to apologize,

'Cause I didn't do
anything wrong.

We're gonna have
a mature conversation,

Like the two mature adults
that we are.

Just make sure she doesn't try
to have sex with you again,

And you'll be fine!


♪ Whatever it takes ♪

♪ (The best that I can be) ♪

♪ Oh, oh, oh ♪

♪ I know I can make it through ♪

Rumour has it that
alli and jenna hate me.

Do you have any idea
why that might be?



See, I think it's 'cause
you poisoned them against me!

I just told them
my side of the story.

And that's what exactly?

That- (pauses)

You blew me off
right after we had sex!

That is not what happened!


Then what did happen?
Please, enlighten me.

We- we had sex,

And you immediately ran off
to talk to eli!

What was I supposed to do?
We had just broken up!

He was there!

I thought
we meant something.

I'm not the one
that pulled away!

Because I won't be
your rebound!

Can you just please
tell alli and jenna that?

Since all you seem
to care about

Is other people
not being mad at you,

Maybe you should
tell them yourself!


Maybe I will.

I feel like my mom and dad
already hate me.

If luke goes to prison,
they'll never talk to me again.

You did the right thing
by reporting him!

I'm sure your parents
understand that.

Pass me the mom.

Then why are they being
so cold to me?

It's like a freezer
at home,

A big emotional freezer.

You should try talking
to them!

Pass me the dad.

And say what?

I don't know,
tell them how you're feeling.

They're your parents,
they love you!

it sure doesn't feel
like it.

I feel like
I've been thrown to the wolves.

Okay, it must be a really weird
time for them right now,

But they deserve a chance
to explain themselves,

And you deserve a chance
to be heard.

Were there wolves
in medieval england?

Mmm... Who knows?

But they look really cool.



Has your sense
of responsibility changed

As you've gotten older?

If so, how?

Zig novak, are you reading
your textbook?

Maybe I love reading.

I could've read
"w*r and peace"

For all you know.

Ms. Grell:
anyone have any thoughts
on this?

Ms. Grell: zig!
Zig: what?

I was totally
paying attention

To whatever it was
you were saying.

Au gratin.

It's a personal favourite
of mine.

(Students laugh)

That's right,
real men know how to cook.

Gordon ramsay over here.

Is this for the job

Your intervener lined up
for you?

Yeah, jose set me up
at the trendy

New farm-to-table

Don't get too excited,

My guess is they'll stick you
in the dish pit.

Well, keep hating,

Because the proof is going
to be in the pudding,

Which I make.


(Fountain splashes)

Whoa! Easy, speedy!

I've gotta get
out of here.

I've got some friend stuff
I need to deal with.

Well, if you work
that hard,

You're gonna make
the rest of us look bad.

You don't need me
for that, miles.

Ah, clever.
That's good.


Oh, and I'm done!

I'm outtie!

Mr. Hollingsworth:
drew, are you leaving early?

No, sir, I finished the stuff
I have for today.

Okay, great.
There's just something

I was hoping
you could do for me.

Uh, actually,
I've got somewhere I need to be.


I mean, shouldn't
my right hand man

Be at, you know,
my right hand?

Uh, yes, sir.
Ah, what do you need?

Okay, you can go.

But listen,
on your way out,

Can you find my wife?

Tell her we have
to get to the tv studio?

We leave in ten minutes.
I have no idea where she is!

Will do!

Thanks, mr. H.


Oh! I'm sorry.

Mr. H. Asked me
to come find you.

Oh my god!

I should go get him.

No, don't!

I don't want him
to see me like this.

He just wanted me to tell you
that you're um...

That you're leaving soon.

Can you tell him

I'm not going to do
the stupid interview?!

I'd rather not.

No one wants to see an old lady
like me on their tv.



You're quite the gentleman.

And you're quite the lady.

Not-not old,

Just beautiful.

If you could not tell
your husband I said that,

That'd be...
That'd be swell.

(Both laugh)

Don't worry.

(Sighs tearfully)

May i?

(Sighs heavily)

Should I tell the driver
you're on your way?

Tell him
I'll be five minutes.


water here.

Chef kaz:
and that's the sautee station.
On your left!

ah, is that where
I'm gonna be working?

Not on your life!

So where am I working then?
The pizza oven?


Which station is mine, then?

Chef kaz:
right here.

I'm chopping onions?!

Chef kaz:
wrong again. You're gonna be
watching jamie chop onions.

I'm just watching someone
chop onions all day?

Chef kaz:
well, how else
do you expect to learn?

You're just lucky I didn't
stick you in the dish pit,

So pay attention!

(Knife thuds)

Here you go.

One for you,
and one for you.

um, what's he doing here?

he wanted to talk to you.

Well, tell him
we don't wanna be talked to.

jenna and alli are upset
that you had sex with clare

And failed to follow through
on a relationship with her.

Thanks, connor.
I got that.

Look, I didn't mean
to hurt clare.

but you did!

Yeah, because she ditched me
for eli.

I didn't want to be
her rebound!

So you're not just
some player?!

No, no,
I'm not that guy anymore.

And you don't have
another girl on the hook?

Trust me,
this is only about clare.

(Cell phone chimes)

(Jenna gasps)

Tell us again
how this is just about clare!

You pig!

(Laughs incredulously)

Um... Who...
Who would send me boobs?


look, guys, I promise you,
this is not what it looks like!

Sure it's not.


♪ To think anyone could ignore
all those warning signs ♪

(Door slams)

(Forks clink)

Could you pass the beans,

Did you know they didn't have
green beans in medieval times?

Can someone please say

Mrs. Baker:
I'm sorry?

No one talks anymore,
especially to me!

Well, it's a trying time
for everyone, becky.

I know,
but I feel trapped here!

You feel trapped?!

Try having an ankle bracelet

That doesn't let you
out of the house!


I might be going to jail!

She's upset about
dinner conversation?!

Get real, becky!

Mrs. Baker:
we should go check on him.


(Door slams violently)

(Sighs tearfully)


(Keys click)

"Need an escape?

Disappear into
'realm of doom.'"

(Key clicks)

I don't think they're clare's.

You don't think?

It was dark.


No, no,
those breasts I know.

Come on, man,
I need your help!

I'm desperate
and you're the connoisseur!

Okay, okay, fine!

But if alli finds out,

I'm looking at this
as a scientist

And not a man.



I believe these to be
the breasts of an older woman.

What is it?

(Stunned laugh)
I think it might be mrs. H.

Mrs. H.?!

As in your boss's wife,
mrs. H?

oh my god.

Guy :
just go to the caves!

Guy :
yeah, we should, actually.
Yeah, really.

Can you wolfmen help me
cross these mountains?

I want to make potions,
but I need kudzu

And it's over there.

Wolfman leader:
we don't want girls
around here.

Girls ruin everything!

let's get her!

(Fighting grunts,
swords clank)

becky: oh!

(Cries of surprise)
wolfman: whoa! What happened?

Wolfman :
dude, it's a mage! It's a mage!
Let's get out of here!

Sir excellence:
be gone, wolves!
Never return!

Here, take a healing potion.

You saved me!

Sir excellence!

Sir excellence:
pleased to be of service,
princess with two dollar signs.

Do you need help crossing
the mountains of tak'ul?

What's a tak'ul?

Sir excellence:
you're new, huh?

It's over yonder.

thanks, but I've been
playing for hours

And I haven't gotten anywhere.

Plus, those wolfmen
were really mean.

Sir excellence:
don't let those brutes
ruin it for you!

Let me show you everything
this magic world has to offer.

It'll be just you
and just me.

like a date?

Sir excellence:
yes, but for now I must away!

I shall return for you.

Until then, milady.

Mrs. Baker:
don't you have to leave
for school?

Uh, yeah,
I've just got to get changed.

A history project
kept me up all night.

(Bell rings)

(Students chatter)

Ms. Grell:
and what about you, zig?

How was your first day
at the restaurant?

yeah, did you get to use
one of those torch things for...

What's it called?

Grace: uh, creme brulee.
Maya: right.

Um, no, but I got to work
the sautee station.

Maya: oh, fancy!
Grace: too fancy.

Only experienced chefs
get to work the sautee station.

I watch food network.

fine! They just...

Made me watch someone
chop onions all day.

they didn't let you
hold a knife?


You were right.

They just think I'm some useless
g*ng member charity case.

Or they wanted you
to learn.

Yeah, everybody starts
from the bottom.

Yeah, but they could've
at least treated me

With a little respect.

if you want respect,

You need to go in there
and demand it.

You forgot a button.

oh, sorry.
My bad.


Can I borrow you?

Uh, no!

No, I'm-
I'm really busy!

All right then,
I will join you.

Ow! The sun's right
in my eyes.


Frankie, would you switch
with me, please?


Frankie, sweetie,

Could you go get us
some coffees?



Ow! Papercut.

Do you have
any band-aids?

In the pool house,

(Sighs heavily)

I found the band-aids,

But I'm probably going
to go home.

I'm not feeling
too well.


look, you're totally hot
for a mom,

But we cannot do this.
It'd be a huge mistake!

Mrs. Hollingsworth:
drew, stop!

I am trying to apologize

For sending you
that humiliating picture.

I was so mad at him,

And I was drunk,
and you were so cute.

I just, I thought two
could play his little game


You're so sweet
to play dumb,

But we both know

That he's sleeping
with his campaign manager.

I... Did not know that.



Okay, now we can all
just go back

To pretending
everything is fine

For the sake
of the election.

I am so pathetic!


you're not pathetic.

You're awesome!

Mrs. Hollingsworth:
it's okay, drew,

It's not your job
to make me feel better.

I'm sorry I put you
in this position.


You're staying late.

Things go bad
with mom and dad?

Terrible. They barely listened
to a word I said.

She said with a giant smile
on her face...

Oh my god, becky,
you've turned to dr*gs!

This isn't the answer!

No, silly, I'm smiling
because I have a date!

Please help me
pick out a dress.

Sky blue,
or daisy yellow?

are you dating a sim?

He's a knight!

Well, a mage knight,

'Cause he's a knight,
but he does magic.

What is happening
right now?!

I started playing
"realm of doom"

And it's super fun!

I'm a princess!

That's what you did instead
of talking to your parents?

I tried talking to them;
it didn't work.

Well, promise me
you'll be careful.

Some people are on these things
for ulterior motives.

I promise.

But you have nothing
to worry about.

He's a perfect gentleman.

He's british!

(Both laugh)

Then daisy yellow
all the way!

and frankie saw everything!

Mrs. H. Said she was going
to handle it,

But what does that
even mean, right?

What should I do, bro?

You keep making
the same mistake

Over and over again, man!

Mrs. H., Clare, zoe -
you never learn!

I need to tell mr. H.!

terrible idea!


Well, for starters,

He may not even know
what happened.

Look, but he's going
to find out,

And I should be the one
to tell him!

And then he's gonna ask her

And then she's gonna
blame you,

And he's gonna believe her
over you

Because she's his wife!

Okay, he needs to hear
my side of the story!

He needs to know
that I'm not a bad guy!

I don't care what you say,
I'm gonna do it!

(Frustrated sigh)

Chef kaz:
jamie, double check
you've prepped enough asparagus!

Okay, everybody,
let's get to it!

uh, chef kaz?

I want to work
the fryer tonight.

Not gonna happen.

Okay, look, I've done
a lot of research

Before I came here.

I can do more
than you think!

Chef kaz:

Show me.

Wrong! You have to trim
the ends first.

Okay, stop!

You're gonna cut your fingers
if you do it that way!

Look, I asked you
to watch jamie

And learn how to do it,
and you didn't!

And now you expect me
to give you more responsibility?

I was just upset that you
didn't give me more respect.

More of a chance.

Chef kaz:
I'm giving you a chance
by letting you be in my kitchen.

Respect is earned.

That means learning
how to chop one of these!

You let me know
what you decide, novak.


Show him how to do it again!


Mr. Hollingsworth:
if you are looking for change,

It stands right here
in front of you...


Right here before you.

In front. Before.

(Clears throat)

Sir, I was hoping
we could have a word?

I'm really busy here,

Ah, we need to talk
about frankie.

What about frankie?
Is she okay?

Yeah. No, no,
she's fine.

It's about the hug.

You hugged frankie?!

No! No, no!

I hugged your wife
and frankie saw.

I'm sorry, why were you
hugging my wife?!

Because she was embarrassed
about the photo she sent me.

Photo of what?

She didn't tell you
any of this, did she?

Photo of what?!

Uh, of her boobs.
I- I mean, breasts.

She has this crazy idea

That you're having an affair
with andrea,

Which obviously
isn't true!


Right. I just didn't
want you finding out

From someone else.

Well, thanks for
your honesty, then.

Now, uh, why don't we put
all this behind us

And just focus on winning
this election?

I knew you'd understand.

Mrs. Hollingsworth:

What are you two
talking about?


Fantasy football.

Anyway, thanks for the tips,

I'll keep those in mind.


Thank you, sir.


I can't believe
we robbed those wolves!

They didn't even see us!

Sir excellence:
this is the place
I wanted to show you.


(Water splashes)

This is my secret hideaway.

Best place in the whole realm,
if you ask me.

It's so beautiful!

Sir excellence:
just like you.

Now, watch!

How did you do that?

Sir excellence:

I can do anything...
For you.


(Game chimes)

are you kissing me?

sir excellence,
where did your armour go?

Sir excellence:
don't worry,
we're alone.

Join me?

(Game chimes)


Why stop there?


♪ Whoa ♪

♪ Whoa ♪

Oh yeah!

Guess who didn't
lose their job!

This guy, this guy!

heard you out?

Yeah, he totally got it.
I knew he was cool.

He was cool with his wife
sending you boob pics?!

Yeah, we had a mature,
adult conversation

And, unlike with clare,
it actually worked.

All right, let's get started on
this our business proposal.

Laptop me.

(Cell phone rings)

It's campaign headquarters,
one sec.

Torres here.

But I just talked
to mr. Hollingsworth

This afternoon.

Yes. Yeah, i-
yes, I understand.

(Sighs heavily)

What happened?

I just got fired.
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