13x34 - My Hero

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Degrassi Next Generation." Aired: October 2001 to July 2010.*
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About the kids at Degrassi Community School. Centralizing around the children of the original characters from Degrassi High (1987). The show aims to deal with serious and sometimes taboo issues that plague teenagers.
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13x34 - My Hero

Post by bunniefuu »

Take that, sucker!


Sir excellence:
I love the way
you work that sword.

careful, I might use it on you.

Sir excellence:
I wouldn't mind that at all.

(Becky giggles)

Someone's here super early
avoiding being at home!

Imogen, I was in the middle
of a quest with sir excellence!

You've been online
with your creepy bf all week!

Have you even eaten?!
Let's get breakfast.

He's not creepy!

Oh, you've met him?
In real life?

No, but he has
a deep voice.

Like a forty-year-old
basement troll?!

He says he's from high school
and I trust him.

You don't even know him.

He has problems with
his parents, like me;

He has a mean older brother,
like me.

We talk a lot.

He always asks me
how I'm feeling.

You're actually falling
for this guy!


Well, can you at least
find out who he is?!

I don't wanna ruin
what we have.

Well, if what you have is real,
then you won't.


Okay, I promise...

To take my laptop back!


♪ Whatever it takes ♪

♪ (The best that I can be) ♪

♪ Oh, oh, oh ♪

♪ I know I can make it through ♪

(Food sizzles)

mmm! Smells good!

But what are you doing,
we have to go to school!

I'm caramelizing onions.

I figure if I can nail this,

Chef kaz might let me try it
at the restaurant.

Maybe tonight!

Didn't your g*ng watchman jose
set up a meeting with your mom

Today after school?

Uh, yeah, right.

Um...i probably won't
be able to make it.

I might have to be
at the restaurant.

this is really important.

So is this job!

It's okay to be nervous.

It's a big deal.

(Zig sighs)

Why did she kick you out?

It's okay,

Please just tell me?

I was selling pot
out of the store.

She had no idea.

This guy came looking for me
to rob me

And I wasn't there.

Mom was.

So was my little brother.

The guy had a g*n.

Oh, zig!

My mom gave me the chance
to leave the g*ng,

But I didn't.

She may never
forgive me,

And honestly,
I don't blame her.

I can come with you tonight,
if you want,

For moral support.

This is just something
that I need to do on my own.


Oh, zig,
your onions are burning!

Oh sh**t!


(Bell rings)


We got an a minus
on our business proposal!

That's gotta be like
the highest mark in the class!

what'd you get?

into caltech.

Early acceptance!

My man!

I didn't even apply
to schools.

I have no future.

Says you,
but look.

I've been doing
the math,

I think we can turn "double d"
into a legit business.

that's a stupid idea!

We can't throw parties
for the rest of our lives!

Why not?
We'd be awesome at it!

Because it's kid's stuff!

I was supposed to be working
in the mayor's office

Before mr. Hollingsworth
fired me!

I wanna do something big!

So I'm not good enough
for you?

Don't be an idiot, dallas,
all right?

That's not what I meant.

All right.

Well, since you're
so above it...

I'm "single d"
from now on!

(Huffs angrily)

hey, grace!

Uh, it's me, becky.

Remember, from that
investigation we did?

Oh, when we sent
your brother to prison!

Yeah, I remember.

So how's life at home
with the felon?


So terrible
that I've mainly

Just been playing
this video game

So I don't have to speak
to my stupid family.

Uh..."Realm of doom?"

You play "realm of doom?!"

Yeah, it's super fun.
I even met a nice guy.

You want me
to hack his account.

How did you know?

It's smart
to look into him.

Make sure he is
who he says he is.

Yeah, exactly!

I can do it...


But I won't.

What? Why not?

The security on those servers
is mental!

I'd have the feds crawling
all over me.

Just ask him
for a picture.

I thought of that,
but he could google "hot guy,"

And send me
any channing tatum wannabe.

Get him to write "me"
on a piece of paper

And take a picture
with it,

And have him send it
right away.

I never thought of that!

That's what I'm here for.

To help people
find love online.

(Gym whistle blows)

imogen moreno for dtv.

Tell me,
what are your thoughts

On this week's
cafeteria menu?

I did a really bad thing.

Step into my office,

Tell doctor moreno
your problems.

I was awful to dallas

When he's basically
my last friend.

What did he do?

it's just...

Everything's been
garbage lately.

Everyone's mad at me.

The thing with clare.

And to top it all off,
I got fired for hugging someone.

What?! That's it?

Yeah, just 'cause my boss has
all these secret family issues.

Well, he can't do that.

They have to have a reason
to fire you

Or it's wrongful termination.

You're kidding,
'cause I love that job!

Well, then fight for it,

great news! Sir excellence
is not a creepy old perv.

doctor moreno finds this
very interesting!

Doctor moreno?!

Yeah, she's very good.

Becky: oh...
Drew: thanks, immy!

You're welcome.

Kinda james dean-y,

yeah, there's some good
jaw action happening,

But it could be the angle,
he's a pro.

What do you mean?

Well, he's working
his good side,

And it's shot
from a low angle,

And there's a hastygram
filter on it.

Chewy! Come here.

What's this guy
trying to hide?


Wait, you know him?

Of course I do,
he goes here.

To degrassi?!

Yeah, he's probably gaming in
the resource centre right now.

Yeah, there he is.

That's sir excellence?

Otherwise known as miles'
weaselly little brother.

So he's not british?

Uh, no!

Why do you guys have a picture
of that niner?

Imogen: ohhh!
Becky: niner?!

Oh my god!

Sir excellence isn't
the creepy old perv!

You are!


Becky, what...

(Motorcycle rumbles)

zig, man,
don't forget to breathe.

It is the most important thing
about being alive, after all.


Being alive.

Since when do you
get nervous?

You know, my mouth
is really dry.

Can we stop
for some water?

Your mom will have some
at her place.

You know,
the convenience store?

Not if she doesn't want
to talk to me.

It could happen.


I thought you were supposed
to make me

Feel better about stuff!

It's my job to help you,

And sometimes
that means being honest.

So she may never
forgive me?!

Zig, relax.

You'll be okay.

I don't think
I can do this.


I'm sorry.

I just...


Hey, miles, do you know
where your dad is?

So a second downtown
subway line-

Go nuts.

is that your final word
on the transit issue?

You know me, jennifer,

I don't change horses
in midstream.

Well, thank you
for your time.

You are very welcome.

Jennifer: bye.
Mr. Hollingsworth: bye bye.

You should not be here.

Look, I need
to talk to you.

We have nothing
to talk about.

I-i just want my job back, sir!

And you can't have it back.

Now, have a nice day.

but I didn't do
anything wrong!

You know what happened
wasn't my fault!

Drew, you crossed a line
and now you need to go!

So-so-so that's it?

Look, I loved working for you.
All I ever did was work hard!

I was wrongfully terminated!

Mr. Hollingsworth:
you're not going to get
litigious on me, are you, drew?

What? Look, all I want
is my job back!

Mr. Hollingsworth:

(Big splash,
miles snickers)

Ten out of ten!

Oh my god,
I'm so sorry, sir!

Mr. Hollingsworth:
no, it's my mistake.

Drew, could you give me a hand?
Drew: yeah.

(Mr. Hollingsworth grunts)


Now, you get out
of my house!


(Jennifer murmurs quietly)

hey! Care to tell me
what that was all about?

I've gotta go.

Okay, listen.
If you ever change your mind,

I'm jennifer doolittle
with "the interpreter."

Call me, okay?

(Students chatter)

(Becky sighs)

(Becky sighs heavily)

(Keys click)


where have you been?

I don't think
we can play together anymore.

Sir excellence:
what are you talking about?

It's just not the same for me.

Things have changed.

I know you go to degrassi.

It's just not a good idea,

With us both going
to the same school.

I like to keep my
"realm of doom" life separate.

You can understand that,

I mean...

That's why you're on here too.

To escape.

♪ It cannot stay the same ♪


(Keys clack)

(Sighs sadly)

(Miles chuckles)

Well, mr. Popular's
eating alone?

What do you want,

Don't call the paper
about my dad.

(Laughs humourlessly)

What can I tell the paper
about your dad?

Uh, that he's having
an affair with andrea.

You know?

It's just, it's best
if this stays a secret, okay?

Look, he fired me, all right,
and that was totally unfair.

You've gotta understand
what that's like.

My dad's a powerful man,

Maybe he can get you
something you need.

Like what?!

He's got a lot of connections
that might be useful to you.

I'm sure you can come up
with something.

Just think about it.


(Onions sizzle)

(Cooks holler back and forth)

Onions, please!

That's you, novak!


What is this?

These onions are overcooked!
I can't use this!

Look, this is my fault,
you're not ready for this.

Jamie, I need more onions!

You, go scrub
the fingerling potatoes.

I just made one
little mistake!

Chef kaz:
yeah, but it's not
your first mistake, is it?

Can't you see
that I've changed?!

No, not really.

I'm not firing you, novak,
just go deal with the potatoes!

I'm sorry, okay?

I'm sorry that I'm not perfect,
I know that I screwed up!

Zig, stop!
Take a breath!

Take a breath.

This isn't about me,
is it?

No, it's not.

It's a small kitchen.

There's no room
for your baggage.

You've got issues
with someone else,

Take it up with them,
not me.

Now, tick tock!
I need those potatoes.

(Sighs heavily)



So... What is this?


I just wanna talk.

Drew, I can't give you
your job back.

Not after what you did.

With all due respect,

I don't think
I did anything wrong.

Drew, you hugged my wife
in front of my daughter.

It was very confusing
for her.

But none of that
would've happened

If you weren't having
an affair

With your
campaign manager!

I am not gonna sit here
and discuss my personal life

With a teenager!

What'll it take to make
the idea of this affair

Vanish from your memory?

I don't want your money.


But firing me was unfair
and you know that.


I only want
what's rightfully owed to me

As a former employee.

To help me
move forward.

(Fighting sounds,
swords clank)

Are you still playing
that game,

Even without your baby
prince boyfriend?

Of course I am,
I love it!

Even without him.

Plus, I blocked hunter
so that he can't find me.

except in real life.

Hello, princess.

Um, sorry,
can I help you?

Don't play dumb.

How did you know
it's me?

You said you went
to degrassi,

And you talk about jesus
a lot,

So I put two and two


I want all my stuff back.

All the gold I gave you,
my water walking boots,

They were really expensive.

Yeah, that's fair.

Um, I'll leave it in a chest
in our special place.

Oh, you mean that place

Where we had
that awesome time kissing

Before you went ahead
and ruined everything?!

Becky, what is he
talking about?

Look, I'm sorry
I hurt your feelings,

But it's over now!

Why did you have to go
and be a real girl?!

Everything's better
when it stays online!

Hunter, sir excellence
isn't real!

"Realm of doom"
is just a game!

The fact that you would
even say that

Proves that
you don't get it!

Real world people
always disappoint.

Online, I'm a hero!

You wanna live irl,
you go ahead, noob.

Oh, and if you tell anyone
about what we did

In the meadow of zorath,

I will find you,

And I will turn you
into a troll!

That... Was intense!

Wait, what did you do
in the meadow of zorath?

Don't worry about it.

I've gotta get a life!

Feel like taking
a break?

You trying to buy my friendship
with food?

Not just any food.


Honey garlic,
extra garlic.


Look, a lot of stuff's
been going wrong for me.

I lost my friends,
I lost my job,

I even pushed
my best friend away

Because I didn't realize
he was there for me.

I was an ass.

Yeah, you were.

You were in a tough spot,
caught between me and alli,

And I wasn't there for you
on that.

I need you back,

I need "single d" to be
"double d" again.

My life's not complete
without your d.


I heard it
as soon as I said it.

Yeah, you did.

(Both laugh)

Here, I um...

I got something
for you.

A letter of reference
from mr. H.

And contacts?

Who are these people?

Every high society person
hollingsworth knows.

We can use his contacts
to get "double d party planning"

Started for real.

That is, if you still
wanna be partners.

Dude, you had me
at extra garlic.


This looks good,
can I have one?

Maya, stop!

I'm trying to do this!

(Doorbell rings)

Oh, that must be
your mom.

I really wish jose
was here right now.

You can do fine
without him, okay?

I'll get the door.
I'm proud of you.

(Door opens)

Maya: hi, mrs. Novak.
Mrs. Novak: hello.

come in.
Um, zig's just in there.

It's nice to see you again.

Mrs. Novak:
you too.



Okay, save me some steak!

Um, come in, sit.

(Clears throat)

Okay, um...

So tonight,
for your dining pleasure,

We'll be having
a juicy cut of filet mignon,

Um, with... Caramelized onions,

Fingerling potatoes,
and asparagus.

Made by yours truly.

I waited for you yesterday.
You never came.

Um... I-i was scared.

Of what?

That you wouldn't
forgive me.

I'm here, aren't i?

Let's eat,
it's getting cold.

♪ ...the light alive
inside of you ♪

♪ No matter
what tomorrow brings ♪

It smells good!

♪ Grown-ups do ♪

♪ The light in you ♪

(Zig laughs)

(Sighs nervously)

(Door opens)

Leaving already?

I just wanted
to say hi.


And that I'm sorry.

You don't have to say it
if you don't mean it.

I mean it.

I was a jerk to you.

But I understand why
you didn't think I was over eli.

You don't have to explain.

What you guys had was epic.

It doesn't just end.

No, but it doesn't mean

That you and I didn't
have something...

Or at least
I thought we did.

We do!

Or... We did.

We do-did.

I just hope
you can forgive me

And that we could at least
be friends again.

I'll get there.

Because it would suck
not having you in my life.

See you in the morning.


I'm uh... Studying in the caf
in the morning

With alli and jenna.

Swing by and say hi.

(Sighs with relief)

Mom, can I talk to you
for a second?

Not now.

It won't take long.

I said not now,

I have no idea how we're gonna
manage these legal bills.

(Mrs. Baker sighs heavily)

I made out with a boy
I didn't know!


I was feeling so unloved,

I just needed someone
to talk to,

Someone to pay attention
to me!

Mrs. Baker:
rebecca baker!

You are not
that kind of girl!

Okay, it was in a video game,
but it was still very taboo.

I don't understand.

it doesn't matter.

The point is, you and dad act
like luke is the only one

Going through something!

Mrs. Baker:
look, we are doing our best!

This is a trying time
for all of us.

And I feel like
it's all my fault.

I thought I did
the right thing.

Oh, sweetie!

We are still here
for you, too.

Thanks, mom.

You know what?
You're right;

If we're gonna
get through this,

We need to stick together,
as a family.

I'm still part
of the family?

Oh! Of course you are!

You're my daughter,
I love you.

Come here.

But sticking together means

You have to stand up for luke
at his trial.

The family can count on you
for that, right?

Because we both know
he didn't do anything wrong.
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