13x36 - Out of My Head

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Degrassi Next Generation." Aired: October 2001 to July 2010.*
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About the kids at Degrassi Community School. Centralizing around the children of the original characters from Degrassi High (1987). The show aims to deal with serious and sometimes taboo issues that plague teenagers.
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13x36 - Out of My Head

Post by bunniefuu »

winston, get right in there.

We want dtv's "making of" story
on the fashion show to be epic!

Great idea asking jack
to be our choreographer.

She's amazing.

she is, isn't she?


Becky: (singsong)
you love jack!


Imogen: (startled gasp)
jack: hey, cute-stuff.


You haven't seen
imogen's designs yet, have you?

What do you think?

they're nice, yeah.

the theme's
"old hollywood glamour!"

Well, then they're perfect.

Okay, I gotta go.

They were not listening to me
when I said-

I said extend your arm!

I'll see ya later.

yeah, for sure!

She hates them!

what are you talking about?
She just said they were nice!

nice is bad!
Nice is dull!

No, you're wrong.

They're classic.
Like we talked about.

Classic is just boring
wearing a tuxedo.

I need to change them.

Just because you think
jack may not like them?

Because I need these
to be amazing!

Do you know how many millions
of hot, cool, girls

Are lined up to date her?

'Kay, you're overreacting.

I just want to tweak them

So they're a teensy bit more

They'll still fit our theme,


Pinky swear!


Just don't go too crazy,

The fashion show's today

And it means a lot to me
that it goes well.

You have absolutely nothing
to worried about.

(Dance music plays)


♪ Whatever it takes ♪

♪ (The best that I can be) ♪

♪ Oh, oh, oh ♪

♪ I know I can make it through ♪

♪ oh, I wanna dance
with somebody ♪

♪ I wanna feel the heat
with somebody ♪

what's with you?
You only sing whitney

When something exceptional
has happened.

oh, maya, you know
I never need an excuse

To pay homage to the second
greatest diva of our time.

May she rest in peace.

You don't fool me.
I've barely seen you this week.

I've just been super busy

Getting ready to m.c.
The fashion show.

what's that?

um... Ah...

Uh, becky.

Uh, she needs to see me
right away

For a costume fitting.

She couldn't
just text you?

Uh, yeah, she's old-fashioned
like that.

(Lock rattles)

Tah-tah for now!


Becky: (over pa)
get your fashion show tickets
at the student council office

Before it's too late.

The show is going to be
the talk of the school.

Don't miss it!

at school?!

I couldn't stop thinking
about you.

These last few days
have been incredible.

I just want to shout it
from the rooftops.

But you can't.
You get that, right?

No, I was just...

This is serious,

You and me,
what we've been doing,

Has to stay a secret.

You have my word.

(Bell rings)


Come to my place tonight

And we'll pick this up
where we left off.


You go first.

I'll wait a few minutes
and then follow.

(Distant squeak of sneakers,
gym whistle blows)

I still don't know about
the double turn at the end.

Zoe: it's weird.
Frankie: no, no, it's okay.

I saw the models do it

At the marc jacobs show
in new york.

oh well, if they do it
in new york!

I'm just saying
it's industry standard!

Um, why did becky
change her mind

About making you
a model again?

Uh, she said she made a mistake.


Was her mistake not knowing
how rich you are?

What does that
have to do with it?

Maybe she's hoping to fly down
to new york fashion week

On the hollingsworth jet?

Or maybe she realized
I'm a good model!

Or maybe your mom slipped becky
a little donation

So she could help
change her mind?

That's ridiculous.

She wouldn't do that,
right, keish?

Well, there was that one time
in grade two

When you magically
got put at the front

Of the ballet recital

After your mom "talked"
to our instructor.

hey! You and that mystery guy

Take that trip
to the "basement" yet?

could you zip it, novak?


What's he talking about?

What guy?
What's going on?

Nothing. No one.
Don't worry about it.

so you gave yourself
that giant hickey?


So there is something
going on with you!


Okay, there is someone,
but it's a secret.

Is it because he's ugly?

You know I don't judge
based on looks.

No, he most definitely
is not ugly.

And can't you mind
your own business

For once in your life?!

Sorry, tris.

I'm happy if you're happy.

good morning, everyone!

Mr. Yates?!

Are you...?
Is it...?

Ugh! Tristan,
are you fooling around

With our english teacher?!

And you said
it would never happen.

turn to page
in your textbooks -

"How to write a poem."

I also meant
it should never happen.

he's our teacher.

and tear it out!

You can't learn
how to write a poem

From a textbook!

He's not like a "teacher"

He's... Cool.

It does not matter!

He's still
an authority figure!

You don't get it.
We're in love.

Are you being serious
right now?

Because you sound like
a cautionary tale!

He's taking advantage
of you, tristan!

You should tell simpson!

Ms. Matlin?

Is there something you'd like
to share with the class?

Just excited about poems!

That's a passion
I like to see.

Now, pens out.
Our first exercise is...

You have to promise me

You won't say anything
to anyone.


Promise me!

Or you're seriously
dead to me.

Yeah. Okay.


♪ You give me
the feeling somehow ♪

♪ To not stop, baby ♪

♪ So drop, baby ♪

♪ I really whip you right now ♪

♪ And give you everything
I have ♪

♪ But that thing is ♪

♪ I can't control my hands,
my arms and my feet ♪

♪ When I hear ♪

♪ The drums, the bass,
this track ♪

♪ Just put it on repeat ♪

♪ So you better
clap your hands ♪

♪ To the rhythm of the beat
when you're in front of me ♪

♪ 'Cause the thing is ♪

♪ I can't control my head,
my heart and my laugh ♪

♪ When I hear ♪

♪ I can't control my hands,
my arms and my feet ♪

♪ When I hear ♪

(School bell rings)

brother! We need to talk!

Whoa, frankenstein,
what's wrong?

Becky gave me
a modelling spot

In the fashion show.

Isn't that a good thing?

It would be,

Except I don't know why
she changed her mind.

You don't think mom would pay
becky to let me in, do you?

(Scoffed chuckle)
sure, sounds like her.


yeah, franks.
She did the same thing

To my little league coach
so he'd let me start.


I did tell her
how upset I was

About not getting a spot.

What should I do?

Uh, have fun modelling?

everyone's making fun of me
for being rich.

Okay, who cares
what they think?

If people want to make fun
of you,

They're gonna find
a reason.

Too rich, too poor,
too fat, too skinny.

That's depressing.

Or liberating.
Just live your life.

Or I could go confront becky
and find out the truth.

Sure, or that.

thanks, brother.

there is no way
I'm wearing this.

It is literally garbage.

you just don't get it!

It's a commentary on
disposable celebrity culture...

And refuse!

you mean garbage.

I am covered
in sanitary napkins.

and tampons!
Isn't it great?

what is going on?

becky baker!
Not the hero we deserve,

But the hero we need!

imogen's lost her freaking mind
is what's going on.

Hey, what is this?

I made my designs
totally haute couture!

Old hollywood was classic,

But celebrity
is now disposable.

Like garbage!
Get it?!

Okay, we need to talk
in private.

Can you guys get these dresses
to the gym, please?

ooh, I hear dramz.

Why is everyone
so upset?


Is it that time
of the month?

Imogen is literally
a crazy person.

I don't know how we're gonna
have a freaking fashion show

When she's ruined
all the formal wear!

Don't worry!

I'm sure everything
will work out!

Things always do!

You're rather chipper.

Oh, you know,
just a hot date tonight.

Ooh! Juicy.
Do tell!

Sorry, no can do.

Oh, I get it.

It's sexier
when it's secret.

(Clicks tongue)

tristan milligan,
please report to the office

As soon as possible.

Tristan milligan
to the office.

What's that about?

I bet simpson's mad
about the joke

I make in my monologue
about his ties.

Jeez! He's uptight.

But what about
dress rehearsal?

Oh, don't worry.
I'm sure this won't take long!

so, listen.

Can we make sure
that the kids understand

That the fashion show's
not a spare?

They have to actually show up
for these things.

what's going on?

tristan, um...

Come on in,
have a seat.

this is a giant

I love your ties,
mr. Simpson.

It's all in the name of comedy,
I swear.

Uh, this isn't
about my ties.

Is it the alcohol jokes?

I know they're
a little adult, but-


But if we're being honest
with ourselves,

High school kids drink,

this isn't about
the fashion show, tristan.

Tristan, I want you
to be honest with me.

Are you having
a sexual relationship

With your english teacher,
grant yates?

Who told you that?

It doesn't matter.

Well, it matters to me!

It's totally insane.


Mr. Yates never...

Performed sexual acts
on you?

No! Absolutely not!

Did he pressure you
to perform sexual acts on him?

He's not like that!

He's like the best teacher
I've ever had.

You don't have
to protect him.

I'm not protecting anyone!

You know I'm here
to help you.

I'm telling the truth!


So what's gonna happen now?

Is he gonna get
in trouble?

Why are you worried
about him?

Did he thr*aten you?

Mr. Simpson...

Did he say something bad
would happen

If anyone found out?

No! I just...

He seems like a nice guy.

I wouldn't want him
to get into trouble

Because someone around here's
a pathological liar.

So can I go now?

Fine. Go ahead.

Ow! You are way stronger
than you look.

What are we doing
out here?

I wanted some privacy
so I could yell at you!

Now sit!

What did I do?!

Are you kidding me?!
You ruined everything?

Because of the dresses?
I totally made them better!

No. No, you didn't.

People are supposed to look good
at fashion shows,


Now all the formal wear
looks insane!

But now my designs
are avant-garde

And jack will love me

Well, I guess that's all
you care about then -

Stupid jack

And whether she thinks
you're cool enough.

I'm sorry.
What can I do?

You can sit here

And think about
what you did.

Now I have to go in
and clean up your mess

Before the show starts.

Well, let me help you!

No! Don't move from that spot!
You've done enough.

I can't believe this.

I wore vintage chanel

To the daytime emmys
two years ago.

how the mighty have fallen!

At least you have
the hottest one.

Zoe: you think?
Keisha: yeah.

have you seen becky?

she hauled imogen away.

I'm hoping
to an insane asylum.

Oh, there you are, becky.
I need to talk to you.

we all need to talk to you.

What's being done about
these abominations?

Nothing! You're just gonna have
to roll with the punches!

you're kidding.

She's kidding, right?

I don't think so.

'kay, guys, just get your hair
and makeup checked.

I need to get
to the lighting table.

Actually, I wanna talk to you
about something else.

Look, frankie,
I don't have time.

Did my mom pay you
to give me a modelling spot?

What? Of course not.

I would never accept
a bribe!

Then why did you change
your mind all of a sudden?

Winston said he'd only sh**t
the show for dtv

If you weren't in it.

He did what?!

He said something about
it being impossible

To be around you.

And you agreed?

I did, at first.

But then I felt bad,

Especially 'cause
you were so good!

Which is why
I changed my mind.

I just made winston
film it anyway.

Look, I really need to go.
Break legs out there!

Why aren't you
in the gym?

I need you m.c.
The fashion show for me.

What? No, I can't!
Becky's mad at me!

Okay, well, I can't do it.
Something's come up.

Becky said I wan't supposed
to leave this spot

And she was very firm
about it.

You'll be awesome.

They're your designs
after all.

I don't know...

I don't wanna
make things worse.

Maybe this is your chance
to redeem yourself!

You'll be stepping up
in a moment of crisis!

You'll be everyone's hero.
Good? Good!

Thanks, imogen!
You're the best!

Hero, you say.

(Piano plays)

and... Go for tristan.

Wait! What?
That's not tristan!

(Lights click on,
students applaud)

Welcome to the first annual
degrassi fashion show!

Cut the music!

Cut it!

(Clears throat)

Before we begin,
I'd like to say a few words...



Sometimes, in fashion,
we take risks,

And sometimes those risks
pay off.

But sometimes they don't,

And then people that are
most important to fashion

Are mad at fashion
for doing a dumb thing.

But maybe fashion only did it
because fashion felt insecure.

But now fashion is really,
really sorry...

And fashion just cares
about people

And would be heartbroken
if they couldn't forgive it

For being
an inconsiderate idiot.

So, without further ado,
the models!

(Students cheer
and applaud)

You're a jerk, jerk!

Who else would I be
talking to?!

You asked becky not to give me
a modelling spot?

I know.
I'm sorry.

(Sighs) not cool.

You made me think
I was ugly.

What?! No!
That's impossible!

You're not ugly!
You're beautiful!

I didn't wanna be around you

I like you.

Then why would you
wanna avoid me?!

You're my best friend's

I've known you
since forever.

I was worried things
would just get weird.

Plus, I didn't know
if you actually

Just liked me back
or not!

And don't forget,
I'm a giant idiot and-



Shut up.

Winston: what about-
frankie: miles?

He'll survive.


I've been looking for you

you can't be here, tristan.
I can't be seen with you.

no, it's okay!

I've been suspended
pending an investigation

Into an "inappropriate
relationship" with you.

How is that okay?

that's impossible!
I didn't tell simpson anything!

you must have told somebody.
I thought you understood.

Uh... I do.

well, obviously not.

'Cause when there's
any allegation whatsoever,

There's an immediate suspension
and investigation.

They asked me,
but I denied everything!

It's fine!

It doesn't work
like that.

How could you be so naive?

I thought I could trust you.

You can, I swear!
We can figure this out!

No, we can't.

We can't see each other

(Tires screech)

(Tense exhale)

And here is zoe,
the talk of the town,

In an extra absorbent gown.

Wearing a very absorbent dress,

Hopefully it does not rain!

And here comes the reason
I have a tummy ache right now.

I did eat a great deal
of these chips, just saying.

They were delicious.

And finally,
we have frankie

And her coffee cup
cocktail dress.

Can effortlessly transition
from day to dumpster diving.

(Students applaud)

And that brings us to the end,

Thank you so much
for everyone coming!

A special thank you
to my choreographer, jack jones,

And my co-coordinator
extraodinaire, becky baker.

Come on up,
you guys.

Come on!


(Students cheer
and applaud)

come on, becky!

Jack, imogen and becky:
oh! (Flattered giggles)

Becky: thank you.
Imogen: thanks.

Are we okay?
Do you still think I'm a jerk?

A little...

but we're okay.

If it means anything,

I'm gonna get my karmic

I don't have to worry about
impressing jack anymore.

Go get her, tiger.


Hey, you were pretty funny
up there.

You don't have
to say that.

Uh, question though.

Why did you change
all your designs?

The first ones you showed me
were great!

You said they were nice!

Is that why
you changed them?

'Cause you thought
I didn't like them?

I was intimidated.

You're so awesome
and good at everything.

You're intimidated
by me?

I'm intimidated by you!


Because you're amazing,

And unique,
and totally yourself.

I've never met anyone
like you, imogen.


okay, so, I was thinking

Maybe you could custom make
something for me.

(Locker slams shut)

how could you do this to me?
How could you tell simpson?!

I didn't have a choice!

Yes you did!

You could have kept
your stupid mouth shut!

How could I stay silent?

I was so worried
about you!

worried I was too happy?

Worried because what mr. Yates
is doing is wrong!


Tristan, it's illegal!

No! We're in love
and he was suspended!

There's gonna be
an investigation!

You ruined my life.

Yeah, well, it might feel
like that right now,

But I did all of this
to protect you!

no, I don't need protecting!


You think I don't know
what love feels like?

You think
you're the only one

That gets to have
epic romances?

I want you to have that,

You can have that.
I want you to have that.

But not...
Not with him!

You get to have a million guys
in love with you

And a perfect home,


And I just wanted this one,
one good thing.

But you, of all people,
ruined it for me.

No, it's not like that!

Tristan, please!
I love you!

No, I don't wanna
hear it!

I don't want to talk to you
ever again.


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