07x09 - Hungry Eyes

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Degrassi Next Generation." Aired: October 2001 to July 2010.*
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About the kids at Degrassi Community School. Centralizing around the children of the original characters from Degrassi High (1987). The show aims to deal with serious and sometimes taboo issues that plague teenagers.
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07x09 - Hungry Eyes

Post by bunniefuu »

I haven't heard
from sean,

I've got nothing

For my university
entrance essay,

And to top it off-

Monsters are taking
over the school?

what's this,
another commercial sh**t?

This school will do anything
for money.

(huffs) and I didn't
bring my headshots!

purple does make
the world go round.

what is going on?

purple dragon energy drinks

Is sponsoring the badminton
tournament this weekend.

can you believe this?

It's a full-on
commercial as*ault

On our academic environment.

I'll drink anything

That puts more money
into school athletics.

And what about the under-funded
academic activities?

Today's meeting agenda:

We're drafting
an anit-purple dragon argument.

Great, I'll be there.

Of course you will.

or you could go
to the tryouts.

Purple dragon wants
to hire degrassi girls

As their sampling models.

ooh! I'm so in.


I think you'd look
great in purple.

Trust me,
I'm not interested.

There's a shocker.



You don't think
I can wear a tiny dress

And hawk sugar water?

Everyone knows
you never would.

You are who you are,

You never change.

I change!

I do.




need pompoms, noise-makers,
hats and jackets?

Degrassi spirit merchandise
will be on sale all week

Outside the gym.

tryouts at noon,

Just in case
you change your mind.

Damian is so into you.

You think?

I mean, is that okay
with you?

We only went out
for four hours,

But it might be a problem
with your boyfriend.

(Email beeps)

Who just sent me
an email.

"thanks for the tofurkey.

Hid your anti-w*r books
from my bunkmates."

no hemp underwear?

What's that supposed
to mean?

Tofurkey, anti-w*r books,

Am I really
that predictable?

Not in a bad way.

(Badminton rackets whack,
sneakers squeak)

(Badminton rackets whack,
sneakers squeak)

Is this bringing back
any memories?

Well, when you've got
a two-year-old,

It's kinda hard to get
back in the game.

You kicked butt at badminton
at lakehurst.

you remember that?

Look, my doubles partner
dropped out.

Are you busy
this weekend?


I could ask my mom
to babysit.

Practice after school?

(School bell rings)

aggressive marketing
has no place in our school.

It commodifies youth,

And lines the pockets
of corporations.

They're sponsoring
a tournament,

Not world domination.

It's the third year
in a row

The academic decathletes
can't go to finals.

Yet, sports are heralded.

I thought you of all people
would be behind us.

What makes you think
I would?

Only everything
you've ever said or done.

Purple dragon is exploiting
degrassi students:

Hiring them to use their bodies
to sell their product,

Not to mention
the minuscule dresses.

I've seen shorter dresses
at the prom.

I motion for a boycott

Of purple dragon
girl auditions.

a boycott...

How predictable.

Well, you're the expert
on protesting,

What do you suggest?

If you want to change
the face of purple dragon,

Be the face
of purple dragon.


Council will consider
the point.

(Rackets whack)
(students chatter)

thirty-two in a row,

That's not too bad.

Must be that new grip
I showed you;

You've come
a long way.


I could say
the same for you.

Two years ago,
you wore bicycle shorts

To the school dance.

It was halloween!

I was lance armstrong,
just way skinnier.


You've definitely
grown up.


Can I be honest with you?

I've never actually
done it.

Lots of people
are virgins.

You shouldn't-


No, not that.

I've never even
kissed a girl.

Oh, um...

We're a team.

You teach me
on the court

And I'll teach you
off the court.


we're being h*m*.

Remind me why
we're here again?

you're not here
and neither am i,

Purple dragon girls
and are.

Just try and have fun.

(Heels tap across floor)

Hope I'm not too late?

what are you doing here?

Well, emma convinced me

The first step to showing down
with purple dragon

Is showing up.

four, six, eight,

And you with the bangs.

I'm sorry, goodbye.

What? Why?!

It's five-foot-seven
height minimum,

Thank you.

this is lame.

(Heels stomp)

As for the rest of you,

Let's see that
dragon flare.

You, with the glasses,

Why should people
drink purple dragon?

Well, uh, faster metabolic
absorption of liquids

Allows athletes increased-


Attitude, honey,
you don't got it.



You, number ten,
sell to me.

Red-blooded people
will be tickled purple.

Sassy and sharp,

Now that's what
the p. D. Girl is all about.

I thought we were
just eye candy.

have you ever seen
eye candy talk?

And besides,
as an advertising major,

I like my beauty
with a brain.

Number seven,
two and four.

any students currently
under consideration

For a university
athletic scholarship

Should meet in the gym
after school.

e-e-e-emma, um...

Wow! You're um...

yet unattainable?

That sounds like
a purple dragon girl talking.

What can I say?

Purple dragon brings out
the monster in everyone.

come on, snake,

I'm just showing off
a different side of myself.

How boring would I be
if I were always the same?

As long as you're okay

With what you're getting
yourself into.

I am.

This is about being comfortable
with my body.

Purple dragon is about
feeling confident

And making people confident
when they drink it.


Someone's learned the lingo,
haven't they?

You're the one
that taught us

The medium is the message.

Wish me luck.

a reminder to all students

Of the regional badminton
tournament this weekend:

Please ensure you...

Coach armstrong:
before this weekend's
badminton action gets underway,

Let's hear it
for purple dragon!


(Cheering and applauding)

Thanks, coach.

Stay hydrated
all weekend long

With purple dragon.

Now let's meet our girls!

("Gonna getcha"
by see spot run plays)




And emma.

♪ (Unintelligible lyric)
would i... ♪

♪ Oh yeah... ♪

♪ You run my television set ♪

♪ You're turning me ♪

♪ On... ♪

♪ Oh yeah ♪

♪ My-my-my
I'm gonna getcha ♪

♪ I'm gonna getcha
'cause it's so darn easy ♪

♪ My-my-my
I'm gonna getcha, baby ♪

(Whistle blows,
crowd cheers and hollers)

(Low hum of chatter)

So this is how
you take down purple dragon

From the inside?

Excuse me, liberty,
I have customers.


just a reminder:

Smoking is not
allowed anywhere...

(cat-call whistle)

Emma nelson,
a purple dragon girl?

I would never have guessed.

Hey, can I get
some of that?

Be careful,

Purple dragon brings out
the monster in everyone.

So I've heard.



that dress looks great
on you!

I'm kinda surprised
you put it on.

I'm full of surprises.

Since this was my idea,

I think I deserve
a thank you.

("Gonna getcha" continues)

♪ My-my-my
I'm gonna getcha, baby ♪

uh, hey-o!

Now we're even.


♪ Gonna getcha ♪

(Door clicks open)

Hey, have you seen
my best friend?

A cute girl,
about yay high,

Doesn't kiss strangers.

I thought you said
you and damian were over.

We are,
but you and sean aren't.

What can say?
I'm just doing my job.

You know, friendly
to any potential customer.

Emma, love what
you're doing in there,

But the kissing?
It's just a bit over the top.

I thought you wanted "sassy."

Be sassy on the cheek only,

We need guys
to think that you're...

Approachable yet unattainable.

you've got it.

I'll see you
back in there.

Wow, em...

New job, new image,
forgotten boyfriend,

And the weekend
just started, huh?

What can I say?
I'm redefining myself.


Sav and mia:

All right?

Every time I looked over,
you were there.

What can I say?
I had a good teacher.

And now it is time
for your first lesson.

Here? Now?

Yeah. Sure, why not?

Okay, so...
We're just hanging out,

Um, talking and...

Oh, but...

I'm cold.

Sav, I'm freezing.

Well, let's go somewhere
warmer then.

Okay, no, sav.

(Amused chuckle)

When a girl says that,
she means...

You know, warm her up,

Give her a hug.

See you're learning.
(Half laughs)


You're good at this.

practice makes perfect.

Would you like to taste
the difference energy makes?

You're pretty smooth.

Bet you're even smoother
under that dress.

(Dismissive smirk)
what's your flavour?

Purple tea
or grape moss.

How 'bout a little bit
of that special recipe,

With extra lips?

(Hard push,
beverage splashes)


(Shocked gasps)

outta my face, skeeze!


Let me get that for you.

How about a free

("Hey hey" by the carnations

(Students cheer and applaud)

(Cheering and applauding)

(unintelligible chatter)

Holly j:
congratulations out there.


Sav and I are in
the semis tomorrow.

I was talking about
your little make-out session

In the zen garden.

You saw that,
did you?

Well, I know that he
shot me down before,


Turns out
he was just nervous.


Then I guess you cracked
the sav code.

Yeah, we kissed.

And it's so sweet,
I was his first.


Won't be his last today.

What was that?

Good for you.

(Knob turns and clicks)

Look, I know I shouldn't have
poured that on bruce,

But he is a neanderthal.

Well, maybe you should've
poured it on yourself.

And encourage
his wet t-shirt fantasies?

No thanks.

Advertising :
sex sells.

They think if they buy
the drink

They can get girls like us.

So we're just objects
to be had?

Not people, just bodies?


Your body can be
the perfect sales tool.

And as long as you're
wearing this dress,

What's in those bottles

Is more important
than your hang-ups.

It's just kinda
the way it is.

Oh my god,
what are you doing?

I'm going "purple
with refreshment."

don't drink that.

Two zillion calories
per can,

It is a ticket
to obese-city.

Wait, so we can't drink
the product we're promoting?

Just between you and me?

If your attitude
isn't perfect,

Your body better be.

What's wrong with my body?

You wear the largest size
that we make

And it would suck
if you grew out of it.

(Bottle thuds into garbage)

(Bottle cap clanks
on the floor)

(Slaps leg)

em, dinner.

I'm not hungry.

is everything okay?

Your mom made your favourite,
tofurkey burritos.

by the salteens plays)

Sounds great,
I'll be down in a sec.

♪ C'mon kids
we're on the go now ♪

♪ We've got the moves
yeah, we got the know how ♪

♪ It's not hard
to know all the answers ♪

♪ You've got to know me
how do you see me ♪

♪ Now... ♪

We did it!
You rock!

Coach armstrong:
the mixed doubles champions:
mia jones and sav bhandari!

(Roaring cheers and applause)

What are you doing?

What we practiced?

(Cheering and applauding)


People who like each other
show affection in public.

Mia, I like you,

But not like that.

So what did you think
we were practicing for?

I just thought that
you were trying to help me,


I like someone else.

So I helped you kiss
someone else?

Hey, guys,
they're giving out the trophies.

He can have it.

(Racket clatters on the ground)

Coach armstrong:
all right, let's have
another round of applause

For the people that made
this tournament possible,

Purple dragon!

(Hollering and applauding)

And here to announce

The mens singles
champion trophy:

Purple dragon girl,
emma nelson.

(Whistles and cheers)



But before I give out
the trophy...

(Low hum of chatter)

I'd like to announce
that I'm taking a stand

Against purple dragon.

(Confused chatter)

What do you think
you're doing?

Purple dragon wants this body
to sell their product,

But not if it comes
with this mind.

Don't question, just sell?

Coach armstrong:
emma? Not here, not now.

They say that as long
as I wear this dress,

I can't have opinions.

Exactly, so either shut up
or take off the dress.


I am not going
to shut up.

(Drum roll)

(Cymbals crash)
(loud cheers and whistles)

(Hip hop beat plays)

(Hollering and excited cheers)

(Sporadic applause)

(Whistling and cheering)

(Bicycles whir by,
student chatter)

it's vegetarian week
at the cafeteria, degrassi.

Are you ready for some lentils?

(Lock rattles and opens)

I tried to warn you.

Look at them,

He's actually interested
in her sticker book.

Sav likes anya?

Wake up and smell
the scratch 'n sniff,

Mamma mia.

It was never gonna work
between you two.

wow, look at them,
they look like...


I hate to have something
in common with you,


You and i,

We need men,
not boys.

Hey, ladies.

Are your legs tired?

you've been running
through our dreams all night!

whoa! Hey-o!

(Hands slap,


I guess we're gonna
have to wait.

(Television static crackles)

Despite the highly public
wardrobe malfunction,

Purple dragon has decided
to continue its partnership

With degrassi.

hmm, no such thing
as bad publicity.

However, the school board
will be reviewing its policies

For in-school promotion.
Thank you.

(School bell rings)

So I'm still waiting
to hear about my suspension.

Well, you're in luck.

Hatzilakos has decided
against it.

She did?

off the record,

She thinks what you did
was brave.

You've got two days detention
for violating the dress code.

We've got three months
before you graduate.

(Tight speech)
please gimme a break.

So, you busted out
the birthday suit

Early this year.

How does that feel?

Massively embarrassing,

At least I had control
over what people saw.

Too bad you can't control
what they'll think,

Or dream, or fantasize.

I wish I'd thought
of that.

I can't believe you're
the same emma nelson.

So, not so predictable,

Who would dare
call you that?

Maybe it's time
I let sean know

That I'm not the same girl
he left behind.

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