07x10 - Pass the Dutchie

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Degrassi Next Generation." Aired: October 2001 to July 2010.*
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About the kids at Degrassi Community School. Centralizing around the children of the original characters from Degrassi High (1987). The show aims to deal with serious and sometimes taboo issues that plague teenagers.
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07x10 - Pass the Dutchie

Post by bunniefuu »

(Rock music blares
as balls ricochet)

not bad, not bad.

Not bad?

Break was awse.

Dream on, spin.

My granny can
break a table

Better than that.





Yo, spinner,
my man.

How long have you been rockin'
that gorgeous mullet?

(Low hum of chatter)
(balls clank in background)

I have cancer, dude.

I'm sorry, man.


You know,
I'm going through chemo,

And... I'm gonna be fine.

Look on the brightside:
hello, medical marijuana.

Way better
than the stuff

You can score
round these parts,


Well, they don't
prescribe medical weed

To teenagers.

Not to me, anyway.
I asked.

If you have needs,
I can facilitate.

(Music plays over
low hum of chatter)

I think we all need
a change of venue,


I dunno, jane.

I have chemo
in the morning.

Which is why you need
to have fun tonight!

You gotta keep your
spirits up, dude.

You're right,
you're right.

Let's go have fun,

♪ Does anybody know...
Woo hoo! Hey! ♪

♪ Don't wanna let it go ♪

♪ Look around,
yeah, we better dumb it down ♪

♪ Woo hoo! Hey! ♪




attention students,
anyone interested...

Oh.            Oh.

Spinner, hi.

How are you doing?

I think the better
question is,

How are you doing?

I heard about
the chemo.

How're you feeling?

Brutal, but um...

That's why god invented
crackers, I guess.

(School bell rings)

(Plastic rustles)


Isn't there something
that'll work better,

Like, medication?

I've tried every
anti-puke pill out there.

(Deep inhale)

Side effects made me:

Drowsy, lazy,


And a bunch of the other
twelve dwarves.

today we continue
our presentations.

Gavin mason.

(Preparing breath)


(disgusted groans)


Better get yourself
to the nurse.

You can do your presentation
on friday.

(Somber music plays)

can someone find
the janitor?

(Cars rumble by)

(Music plays in the background)

paige! Latte run, pronto.

Way ahead of you,

No whip, soy,

Heated precisely
to degrees.

have my pda reprogrammed.

The commands
are off-putting,

Make them more affirming.


(Camera flashes)

Is something wrong?

Is this not what
you had in mind?

Nobody looks like
they're having any fun.

The models aren't smiling.

Top marks, paige.

You're as good as I was
when I did your job.


Thanks, david.

How long did it take you
to get promoted?

Not long.
Four years-ish.

Come on,
I'm being serious.

So am i.

And uh, four years
passes... Quickly,

Sort of.

♪ It's everywhere... ♪

♪ We shouldn't fight it ♪

♪ Lord, i... ♪


Coming, andrea.

(Heels clack as she runs)

I can't take these,

They put me to sleep
for days.

Maybe that's what
your body needs?

Can we have a second?

You know, I have had
a few students

Undergo chemotherapy,

And there came a time
for most of them

Where managing school
and chemo

Became too much.

I'd really like you

To consider staying
at home

Until the course of your
treatment is complete.

That's six weeks,
ms. H.

I miss six weeks,
I don't graduate.

This is about your health,

About your life.

You can graduate later.

Ms. H, I made a vow:

Jimmy and I will graduate
in june together.


Don't send me home.

Please, I'll...

I'll find a way
to deal, okay?

(Pills drop into garbage)

(Phone beeps on,
keys tap quietly)

(Phone beeps to indicate
sent message)

♪ Build it up,
tear it down ♪

♪ There is nothing
left to say ♪


♪ Should we go,
should we wait ♪

♪ No one wants to waste away ♪

(hacks and coughs)


I don't think anyone would
disagree with the statement,

"Technology continues
to improve all our lives."

But with the good
comes the bad

And today, we'll discuss...


Simpson's gonna
bust you.

I'm watching a monkey.

Ah, hey, hey...

I like to call this
a "monsterwich."

(Mimics monster)
blaw, blaw.

now think of it

As two prime examples
of this threat...

How are you
keeping that down?

New herbal supplement.

Yo, dude,

Monkeys are awesome.

I mean...

They're just like us,

But with fur,
you know?

Dude, are you high?

You're high for saying
that I'm high

When really
it's more like,

Who's to know?

you know, like,

Who and what and...

Why and where...


What was I saying, man?

Prosecution rests,
your honour.

The defendant
has smoked chronic.

(Bell rings)



Spinner! Hey.

Where have you been?
I called you last night.

Oh, you did?


My cell service blows.

So I guess that's why
you didn't get the text

I sent you today?

Mmm, I'm sorry.

I'm just kind of in
my own headspace.

I wasn't in a great mood

And I didn't want
to bring you down.

No, dude, don't ever
worry about that,


I'll just pick you up

And put you back
in a good mood.

That's what I do.

All right.

All right, cool.

So do you wanna
hang out tonight?

Catch a movie
or something?

Yeah, we could.

There's this band
playing at lee's,

They're so rad.

I dunno.

C'mon, it'll be fun.

Meet me at the doors
at : , okay?

make sure the caterer

Doesn't include
those asian rolls.

I loathed them.

Everyone told me
they adored them.

But they were wrong
to like them.

andrea, meeting.

We need to talk
about these photos.

They're stark,


And not going
in our catalogue.

Reshoot 'em.

That'll cost a fortune,

Although I do agree
they're not working.

Unless we make
them work.

The stark look,

It works in black
and white.

We could drop out the colour
and save ourselves a reshoot.

It's a thought.

A terrible one.

I promise you,

Whatever you want,
we will do.

Let's get this clear,

We do not need
some plucky little upstart.

I understand that,

Oh good,
then understand this.

This is what I need:

A walking, talking pda

In cheap shoes.

(Shocked chuckle)

These shoes are not cheap!

And feel free
to watch them walk

Right out of here.

(Paige's heels clack heavily
as she walks away)

(Bike whirs by)

(Music plays in the diner)

Mint tea?

Good for the stomach.

Working on a cup here.

Hey, have a seat.

Peter's at his dad's
yacht club,

And I am here
to study.


I hear that.

I mean, how does
calculus or english

Help us deal
with life?

Doesn't help me
deal with cancer.

Yeah, and it doesn't
help me deal with...


So much of what
I thought was important -

You know, school,
spirit squad,

The whole thing -

It just... (Sighs)

It seems so stupid
to me now.

You know what I mean?

Totally! It's like you
just tore a page

From the book of spin-

I'm sorry.

Tea doesn't help?

Nothing helps.


There is one thing.


Well, I've never
tried it myself,

But whatever works
for you.

For the record,
you are endorsing it?

I'm endorsing us
ditching these textbooks

And going to have a talk.

Will you be partaking?

(Chuckles) I've changed,
but not that much.

Fair enough.

Well, let's go talk.


(Door chimes open)

♪ It's nice to talk ♪

♪ It's nice to smile ♪

♪ But that will be
the end of us ♪

(Spinner's phone rings)

Where are you, spin?

♪ Is it over ♪

(Cell rings)
♪ maybe we're already dead ♪

(Food sizzles, dishes clank
and utensils clatter)

someone's up early.

cause someone was too excited
about all the fab fun

She and team fun kids
are going to have today.

You're not going to work?

I have decided
to give myself

A personal day.

Let them freak out,

I'm spending time
with my roomies.

Paige, we kind of have
a group project due

For historiography.

What on earth
is historiography?

It's the history
of history.

Okay, that is too boring
for words.

It behooves me,

As you and eleanor's
closest friend-

Oh, actually,
I don't really like you.

Shh! It behooves me
to give you both

The mental break
that you need.

Today, team,

It's all about
slowing down

And smelling the bacon.

Maple bacon,

The candy of meats.


(School bell rings)

attention students...


Where were you
first period, man?

I had a late night.
No big deal.

I played the cancer card
with ms. Smith

And got a late slip.

Yeah, but you missed
the chem exam review.

I know all I need to know
about chemistry:

Thc, my brother.

So this is your
thing now?

Spinner mason,
chronic stoner.

So this is your
thing now?

Jimmy brooks,
guy who loves busts balls,

Or in my case, ball.

that's funny.

Besides, I'm in
a "no weed zone" today.

I need my brain
for school.

hey, jane!

Ooh, trouble in paradise.

you could say that.


Hey, listen,
about last night,

I'm really sorry.

I was totally high.

I just stayed at home

And fell asleep
in front of the tv.

Well, your loss,
show rocked.

I bet.

Can I get a raincheck?

So you blow me off
last night

And now you're
all over me.

Make up your mind,

Are you into me
or not?

I am.

Just gimme a chance
to prove it, okay?

Tonight, it will be
totally awse,

I promise.


(Cars rumble by)

I live for matinees.

Me too.

I'm so glad
you talked us into this.

It's just what
the doctor ordered:

A holiday from reality.
(Paige's phone rings)


(Continues ringing)

Ugh! It's work.

shouldn't you answer?

They're probably
wondering where you are.

What if they
fire you?

Uh, I would go out,

Buy new shoes
and dance a jig

All up and down
the street.

But without a job,

How would you pay
for those shoes?

Eleanor, must you
harsh my mellow?

Ooh, goodie,
the movie's starting.

(Rasped voice)
...where men are men

And women are women,

One eunuch
holds the fate

Of all humanity...

so, um...

You like dj storm,

He's spinning
this saturday.

He dj'd this party
I was at

And tore the roof off.

It was so awesome.

We should um...

We should really go
check him out.

(Cue hits pool table)

Wow, this is fun.

I'm sorry, okay?
I'm just a little-

High? No kidding.

Spinner, I don't care,
just be awake.

It's easier said
than done.

Chemo is sapping every bit
of strength I have.

I know.

No, you don't!

Your dragging me here
and there and everywhere.

Party, party, party.
I don't want to party.

Then what do you want?

I dunno.
To talk and stuff.

Well, I was just trying
to talk to you.

About stupid parties
I don't care about!

You wanna know what
I really did last night?

I just hung out with darcy

And we had
the greatest talk.

So you blew me off
for your ex?

That's awesome!

You know what?

it was awesome.

You know what,

Take your weed,
your self-pity,

And your "great talk
with darcy"

And jam it up your butt!

♪ That's love though
swinging on a wall ♪

♪ Is this the way ♪

♪ Is this the way ♪

♪ Is this the way ♪

it's friday:

Time for spinner's

okay, this book...

It's a very good book,
it's uh...

Feels good in the hand.
(Students laugh)


It's by margaret laurence

And it's called
"the stone angel."

Maybe you could start

By telling us
about the theme.

Yeah, okay.


The most prevailing theme
in this book

Is that of pride,

And that's seen through
the protagonist, hagar.


You're making a mockery
out of this whole class.

Where are you

I'm going to get high.


mr. Mason,

I will have
to give you a zero!

just settle down.

(Door shuts)

Good day, team fun kids.

Another personal day?

You know, I thought
about going to work

And then I thought
I'd rather go shopping.

I have everything
we need

For a fab aft of fun,

Including three dvd's:

One for each of our
personal tastes.



You've had a fun holiday

Away from reality
and everything,

But it was a holiday,
meaning you go back.

Well, you know,

I was thinking I could
enroll in university

Next semester.

And you could have
another psychotic break.

you hated university.


I know.

what am I gonna do?

Well, (exhales)

Think of it...

Think of it
as four years.


four years of school versus
four years with andrea.

What gets you further?

You know,
that little boat

Trying to climb the wave
in the perfect storm?

That's me at work.

Every day I am trying
to get over that wave

And...i never do.

Have a little faith
in yourself.


I'm so high.

that's good, right?

Sweet freedom.

So kwan's mad,
who cares?

(Pats arm away)

awe, man.

Oh man...

Spin, it's fine.

What's the worst
that happens?

You fail english.

for the third time!

What kinda idiot
fails his own language

Three times?

the system is stupid.

I have half a mind
to drop out of school.

Yeah, but you won't!

I'm gonna be stuck
there forever!

we're all in ruts

That we can't bust out of.

Life's a prison.


That is the most
depressing thing

I've ever heard, okay?

you're getting paranoid.

Yeah, well,
you're making me paranoid.

I'm just talking!

okay, well stop!
Stop talking.


Okay, I gotta...
I gotta go.

I gotta...
I have to talk to kwan.

I gotta apologize
to jane.

I need to fix my life.

(Bikes rattle)

(Bikes rattle and crashes)

And I thought
I was a mess.

david, this latte is cold

And don't even get me started
on this rancid platter!

I'm sorry, andrea.
I'll fix it.

No, you won't.
I will.

Soy latte,
precisely degrees.

And I will have
a new platter here

Within minutes.

And you're here, why?

When you walked out,
we had to move on.

I know,

It was so totally

But I've learned that

No matter what I have to do
at this job,

It's completely worth it.

Well, the next time
you leave me alone

Will be your last.

I need you, paige.

Well, I'm here
for the duration.

The black and whites
look fab.

They look okay.

Tobias is pleased.

Oh, don't get all
ugly betty on me.

You have dues to pay.
Huge dues.

(Camera shutter clicks)

Thanks for understanding,
mrs. H.

Well, from now on
take your medication,

And only
your medication.

Hey, jane,
do you have a minute?

Oh, sixty seconds.

So ms. H.
Won't expel me

If I stay at home
till chemo's done.

And you're telling me
this because?

'Cause I want to know

If you'd bring me
my homework.

And why would I do that?

I'm trying to ask you
for another chance, okay?

You kind of um...

You kind of hurt
my feelings, dude.

I know.

You were just trying
to make me happy,

I dumped all over you
for it.

I'm really, really sorry.

I screwed up too.

I was trying to be
your cheerleader

And I should've
just let you chill.

I realized something out there
in the ravine.

Um, looking
inside yourself...

Really sucks.

I realized
something else too.

That I like you.

I really like you.

I like you too.


One more thing.

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