07x13 - Bust a Move: Part 1

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Degrassi Next Generation." Aired: October 2001 to July 2010.*
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About the kids at Degrassi Community School. Centralizing around the children of the original characters from Degrassi High (1987). The show aims to deal with serious and sometimes taboo issues that plague teenagers.
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07x13 - Bust a Move: Part 1

Post by bunniefuu »

I've been living a lie

And making a living
out of it.

But I can't...

I can't do this anymore
with you...

With me.

I just...
I want you to love me

Even when there's no applause.

I want this to be-


(Camera lens zooms)

You're not being
a very good director.


You want to make it
in this business,

You're gonna have
to sell it

And two buttons just...

That isn't selling it,

But three does.

Let's see how you perform
on the casting couch.

(half laughs)


(Struggling breaths)

I am never going
to get this demo done

For smithdale u,
am i?


See those blank dvds
over there?

We've got opportunities

To make a memorable
movie about you

Or... Or us.

More like problems.

I don't want that kind
of memorable tape.

Yeah, but if you go
to smithdale?

Your fiance's going
to need a little...

Something to tide him over
when you're in class.

What fantasy world
is that?

I'm going away,
you're staying here,

And our fake engagement
is over as of graduation.

Maybe not.

(Snort of laughter)





hey, tony hawking!

Wait up!

It's stephen hawking,

Did your,

Did your brain
get cancer too?

Oh, that's funny,
that's funny.

Actually, my first round
of chemo's done

Just in time
for spring break.

I know, right?

Seven hours to go.

and only five days

Until you and I are
rocking out

On the smithdale campus.


Is this off the wagon
with purple dragon?

How did you win these?!

I drank a ton
of purple dragon

Going through chemo.

Didn't keep much down,
but I drank a lot.

I don't think
those are real.

spring break,

smithdale, here we come.

I booked us
a campus tour

So we don't look like
hopeless morons

If we get in.

I can't wait
to see the theatre!

And I need
a vay-cay.

Things are tense
at the simpson-nelson place

With my dad home
all day.

I have a friend
at psi alpha zeta.

I'm sure she'd
let you guys stay.

Should be a wild time.

there room for one more?

what, you're bailing
on florida?

Who's gonna ride
the mindshaft with me?

You even tall enough
for that?

There was a change
of plans.

So what do you think?
I'd pitch in for gas.

We could all cram
into my car.

If you get it.

don't worry,

I'm sitting down
with the parentals tonight.

How are you going
to get them

To let you drive
to smithdale?

By convincing them
to let jay and I

Visit his poor,
sick grandma.

Wouldn't it be easier
to tell the truth?

trust me,
it'll be easier

Once I'm waving a smithdale
acceptance letter

In their faces.

good luck to all students
auditioning this weekend

For the smithdale
drama program.

(Approaching heels clonk)

The nurse says there's
nothing wrong with you.

There is.
She doesn't believe me.


Well, skipping school,
faking sick,

Lying about being
harrassed by a teacher,

Maybe you're becoming
hard to believe?

Everyone whispers,

They all know I'm the reason
simpson's not here.

I can't take it!

Please can I just
go home?


But we're coming
back here later,

We have a meeting.


Can we go?


Nah, it just needs
fresh oil.

(Hub cap clatters)

Wow, if there was
children's aid for cars,

I would be on the phone.

Hey, don't you have
something better to do

Than ride my ass
all day?

Not until manuela
gets here.

You and manny?

Yeah, we're uh... Engaged.

Yeah, engaged.

For real?

No, for fake,
but the benefits are real

And besides,
she is so hot.

You know,

I don't even mind driving up
to smithdale with her.



Can we bum a ride?

(Smirks) sorry,
santos car is full.


(Object thuds)

This should get
your motor running.

Speaking of motors

Sounds like she's got you
pretty revved up.

what can I say?

She is high-octane.

(Engine whirs in the distance)

I want this to be about

More than just roses
at our feet.

'Cause when the lights dim
and the curtains drop,

We're left holding hands.

Perfect take.
Just amazing.



Your ticket to smithdale;
the official demo reel.

My parents pat me down
when I enter the house.

Bring it tomorrow?


(excited breath)
I'm so nervous!

This is the hugest
audition of my life!

Well, if it doesn't fly,

This dvd'll land you
an adult feature.

Some scenes from our little
make-out session yesterday.

You recorded it?

I accidentally left
the camera on,

But I'm gonna need this

'Cause you're gonna
get famous and...

Leave me.

What makes you think
I'll wait till I'm famous

To leave you?

So, I'm here
for a good time,

Not a long time?

That's my little trooper.

Throw it out,
I'm serious.

Ready for operation

(Car door slams)

(Car doors slam)

Are you sure
you want to do this?

I think it'll be
good for me, mom.


what's going on?

I thought you said
we had a meeting?

Spirit bear:
welcome to the red pine
ascent program

For troubled teens.

I am spirit bear
and this is linc.

And the people
who love you

Have reached a point
of hopelessness.

So, over this next week,

We're gonna help you
discover new ways

To deal with your issues.

What is this,
some kind of work camp?

Spirit bear:
it's time to say goodbye.

(nervous breaths)

No. No.

Please don't leave me here.

I will change,
I promise!



It's for the best, darcy.

(Exhale of disbelief)

Sit over there.

Now, if everyone will remove
their shoes, we'll begin.

First, you'll be handed
your red pine outfits,

Handing over all your
personal belongings

For the duration
of your stay.

Then you'll each be assigned
a cot in the gymnasium

Where you will sleep
until you're ready

For the second part
of your quests.


thank you.

And she wants to meet
her grandson's fiancee


before she dies.

I know it's kind of
last minute,

But she got really

Oh no, what do they
think it is?


Yeah, you know how it is.

Mr. Santos:

I'm not sure, manuela.

It's so far,

Letting you use my car...

Makes me nervous.

I know how much
your car means to you.

You can trust me
with your baby,

And with manny too.

As long as you keep manuela
from getting behind the wheel.

She can't drive
for beans.

She is in safe hands.

Think of me as a...
A surrogate father.


(Ritualistic drumming)

(Crickets chirp)

(Drumming continues)

(Air horn blasts)

Spirit bear:
thirty seconds, people.

Beds rolled,
come to the circle.

(Hurried shuffling,
low chatter)

Your okay.

darce, the straps.

The straps, the straps.

Spirit bear:
five, four,

Three, two,

(Stopwatch beeps)

This is so stupid!

How is this supposed
to fix me?

These skills
are gonna help you

During this week's

journey? Oooh.

Around degrassi?

in the wild.

We're prepping you for
your outdoor solo quests.

Hold on.

You're leaving us outside?


Are you crazy?!

Back in your beds people;

We're gonna do this
until everyone gets it right.

(Moans of discontent)


(Grunt of effort)

geez, ashley.

What do you have in there,
your issues?

never know what you'll need
on the road.

(Keys crank from socket
and jingle)

Eh, what?

You're driving?

(Under breath)
all right.

Just think,

One day this will be
a minivan

With little hogart munchkins
in the back.

you're kidding me, right?

Fine, little hogart-santos

Hayden, stop hitting
your sister, dakota.

Oh, put your pants on.

You are just
like your mother!

knock it off.

Do you wanna walk home alone,

stop! Stop!

I can't do this!

This fake engagement
was supposed to give me freedom,

But you're freaking me out
with all the...

Next year this
and someday that.

You're not coming.

When I get back home
I'm telling my parents

That the engagement's off.

And what happens to us?

I've let one man control me
my whole life,

I'm not about to do
that again.

pffft! Fine.

Suit yourself.
I'll walk home.

Have fun, ladies.

Oh! Oh, wait!

My demo reel?

(Cd cases clatter,
bag rustles)

So, can i...


(Starts car up)

(grunt of effort)

(thumps car door)



I've been living a lie
and making a living...

Yo, jay?

I thought you'd be on
the road by now?

Look at her,
I mean she's so good.

I can't do this anymore
with you...

That manny's demo?

Doesn't she need that
for her audition?

We had a fight, so,

I gave her a dvd of us
making out instead.


So much for getting into


You basically ruined
any chance

Of her doing
what she wants

With her life.

you jackass.

God, what is wrong
with me?!


I need to swap
those dvds.

You gotta find her,
set it right.

in person, at smithdale.

(Rock music begins)

You uh...

Do you have room
for two dudes

And a wheelchair
in your car?

(Truck rumbles)

♪ I want to survive
I can taste it ♪

♪ I wanna... ♪

♪ I want to survive
I can taste it... ♪

ever since my friend
stabbed that kid,

I guess you can say
I've sorta been off the rails.

And then I thought,

"Why do I gotta be
such a jerk?"


I don't know.

Spirit bear:
thank you, warrior.

Next, um...


Your symbolic rebirth name


Cool, eh?

Spirit bear:
viking, what brought
you here today?

I uh...

I did crack.

Crack cocaine.

And then I um...

I stole a car
and uh,

Drove it into a wall.


Pass that to darcy

(Symbolic talisman clinks)

I have nothing to say.

Darcy, we all come
with scars.

This family is here
to help-

I don't even talk
to my real family,

Why would I talk
to you?

Did you choose your
symbolic rebirth name?

I don't know.

In myths, the phoenix dies
and rises again.

Insightful choice.


♪ Oh! ♪

♪ Oh oh oh ♪

♪ It's your turn,
why you baby ♪

♪ It's your turn,
oh oh oh ♪

♪ It's your turn,
drive me crazy ♪

♪ It's your turn,
oh oh oh ♪

♪ I've got a burnin
for ya baby ♪

♪ Let me stand next
to the fire... ♪

(Manny's cell phone rings)

oh, that's probably
my parents.

Pit stop.


so you guys all planning on
going to smithdale next year?

Enh, it's one
of my many options.

My mom's old sorority
wants me.

I'm thinking about it,
but this trip?

Anything to get out
of the house

Since snake's been home
from work. You?

Um, actually,
I scored tickets

To the purple dragon
mystery concert.

How'd you get the tix?

um, I have a connection.

I can probably
get you guys in.

sounds wild!

Hey, what did your mom say?

Grandma hogart
is feeling a lot better.

(Cell phone rings)

Speak of the devil,
it's her grandson.

Straight to voice mail.

No! No!

Do not put me through
to your stupid full voice mail!

dude, don't give up.

Yeah, not just 'cause
we're only halfway there.

I mean, I don't know
what to tell you, man.

Love's best...
When it hurts so good.

well, said.

it is over between us.

The sooner I get over manny,
the better.

And you know how
to get over a girl?

Get under another one.

No, don't...
Don't stop.

c'mon man,
just keep driving,


Keep driving past destiny?

(Half laughs)

ow! Ow!

oh my-
are you all right?

yes. Ow.

Stupid rock;
hopeless with those things.

Maybe it's
the "crack cocaine."

Let me guess,

Your parents needed
to ditch you

Over spring break?

Both of them,

Only you would
know that.

So, what's the misdemeanor?

You've done street racing,
drug scandal,

Ooh! And girls on internet -

I saw your name
on the red pine's list.

So, I signed myself up.

You did?

I told my mom
it'd be like...


Plus, I thought,
you know,

If I could be
with you...

Thank you, peter.

I'm going to
the bathroom,

But meet me in the hall
in like five minutes.


(Car doors slam)

right on time!
You'd be a shoo-in

Even if you weren't
a legacy pledge!

Punctuality is one
of the habits

Of highly successful

So... Are you excited
for the annual

Etiquette social tomorrow?

Yeah, our mothers held
the first one.

wow, etiquette social?

So, ah,
see you at the concert?

What, you're not
staying here?

I've got a place
to stay.

oh, maybe you girls
could help my brothers

With the set up?

those are your brothers?

Fraternity brothers.

I love this family.


hurry, we don't have
much time.

why are we here?

We're gonna need
a condom, right?


You want to have sex?

I just want to wipe
the slate clean

And start over,
with you.

(Door shuts)

No, darcy.

I don't know.
This isn't...

Please, peter.

I just want things
to go back

To what we had before.

I thought you wanted
to wait -

For your prince,
your perfect wedding?


You are my prince,


You said
you'd do anything.

(Passionate kissing)

(Jellybeans clatter into cup,
music plays)

so, um...

What frat are you from?
The alpha dogs?

(dry laugh)
that's funny.

You know, I could take you
back to the dog pound,

Show you around.

It is empty after all.


A stranger with candy?

Why don't we start
with your name?

Why don't we keep
this anonymous?

I mean, hey, listen,
I know girls.

I mean,
first it's names

And then I gotta
meet your parents,

And then next thing I know
I got a ring on my finger.

Like this one?

I won't tell your fiance.

Yeah, see you later,


(Car door slams)
(approaching footsteps)


Car trouble?

Not any more.

Thanks to my knight
in coveralls.

I'll stand by
till you're moving.

you saved me.

I owe you.

I can't thank you enough.

But there's
a beach party tonight.

(Cars whir in the distance)

If you like cars
and bikinis.

It's tempting,
but um...

But I look like crap
in a bikini, so...

Enjoy the party.

(Car door opens)

I know.
Okay, I know.

Hands behind
your head.


Hands behind
your head.

This truck has been
reported stolen,

You guys are coming
with me.

(Handcuffs snap)


You okay?

Yeah, I'm fine.



I mean, we had sex.

Was it...
Was it okay?

I think so.

(Light clicks on,
air horn blasts)

Got 'em!

Thanks to you,

We all get up an hour
earlier tomorrow

And you'll get to tell

well, she didn't
tell me about that.

I can't believe
you're ironing.

Excuse me
for wanting to prepare

For the biggest day
of my life.

Em, can you double check
my demo reel?

Ooh, demo reel?
Lemme see!

(Dvd zooms and whirs)

(Kissing and giggling)


That's one way
to get noticed.

ah, what work of shakespeare
is this?

"The humping of the shrew?"

Oh no!

Jay must've switched
my demo for-

"a midsummer night's
wet dream?"


I'm gonna k*ll him!
Where's my phone?

or "the merchant of penis?"


(Irritated grunt)

(Laptop clamps shut)

Can you call
your dad?

He's a lawyer.

From jail?
Are you nuts?

(Cell phone rings)

Some guy named manny?

I need to talk to her!

(Phone thuds onto table)

Lights out, ladies.

Don't let your skin touch
the mattress directly.

(Exhale of disbelief)
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