07x22 - Don't Stop Believing

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Degrassi Next Generation." Aired: October 2001 to July 2010.*
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About the kids at Degrassi Community School. Centralizing around the children of the original characters from Degrassi High (1987). The show aims to deal with serious and sometimes taboo issues that plague teenagers.
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07x22 - Don't Stop Believing

Post by bunniefuu »

(Timer buzzes)

Hi. I'm ellie.

I'm in first year

And I write for the core.

Enchante. Hugh.

The core, yeah.

Hey, I was wondering...

Are your computers mac
or linux?


speed dating, huh?

Who knew?

It's almost like
an all-you-can-eat boy buffet!

Hey, end-of-year shuffle,
you know?

You change houses,
you change honeys.

Well, we have been dating
for about a month now.

So, when do we upgrade
from "taking it slow"

To "proceed with caution"?

Well, why don't we
ratchet it

Right up
to "exclusive"?


Um, of course!

I just thought I'd never
see the day, marco.

then let's celebrate.

Jazz night, okay?

Okay, I'm leaving

Before you change
your mind.


Hey, it's only article research,
but still...

Fifteen freaks
and only two callbacks?

Don't worry.

When you become editor
of the core

Only the plum assignments
will be yours.

no, eric's got that job
locked up.

I have ginormous news.

My dad's co-signing a mortgage
on my new condo!

You just redid
your room.

That's awesome.

Wow! Congratulations!

With the good news,
a, a soupcon of bad...

I have to move
by the st.

We were gonna re-sign
the lease!

Now we have to find
a new roommate?!

it's fine.
We'll figure it out, el.

Just promise you won't leave me,

Would I do that?

well, way to go!





(Hum of campus chatter)

Hey! Just the person
I wanna see.

You are way too excited

For someone with an exam
tomorrow morning.

Okay, jesse said

I'm on the short list

For core editor-in-chief
next year.

That's amazing!

No, wait,
but I thought eric...

oh no, like I said
the job's his.

But even being shortlisted,

I could be assistant editor
next year,

While you and I are living
in that cute two-bedroom

We can't afford.

Well, how about
the reality

Of living with
your future boss?

I was thinking of asking eric
to live with us.


No, that's perfect.
I love eric.

(Phone beeps)

Oh... I gotta go.
Let me know what he says.

What, where?

You and eric are moving on,
now it's my turn.


See if he wants roommates.

first up,

In valedictorian news,

Two students share
the top marks this year.

So congratulations, liberty...

And damian.

Now, each of you will tape
a video speech tomorrow;

The grade twelves
will vote on them then.

Best of luck.

Damian's been here
one semester.

This is so unjust.

(Jazz music plays)


I will...

Never like jazz...

As much as I like you.

But I'm trying.


So, the jazz,
the nachos...

I'm sensing
that something's up here.

Well, um...

Okay, I know your lease
is up soon

And we have rooms to fill,

I wondering...

(Disbelieving chuckle)

Commitment to cohabitation
in a -hour period.

If we don't find
someone soon,

Ellie and I are gonna
have to split up.

Ohhh... So that's it.

You gotta make sure you two
can keep playing house?

What? No, no.
It's not like that.

Hey, you don't have
to fool me.

You and ellie,

You guys are attached
at the hip.

Well, we've known each other
since grade nine.

Hey, look,

Having a great
straight girlfriend -


But I don't want to wreck us
by going too fast.

(Jazz music plays)

(Front door opens and closes)

hey, you home already?

Was the second date

Supposed to be as speedy
as the first?

It only took him
ten minutes

To show me
his hunting trophies.

So, is someone
moving in here?

Someone gave me a big n-o.


That's okay.
We'll go on craig's list.

el, um...


Maybe we should go
our separate ways,

You know?

But I don't wanna
give this place up...

Or give you up.


Then let's finish
this exam

And enjoy the rest
of our time together.

We're just moving out,
we're not dying.

(Power hums,
lights flicker)

Another blackout?

I'll get the study candles.

(Police siren wails,
traffic whirs past)

it should never have been
a competition

In the first place.

I deserve this.

you think so, huh?

well, I've got degrassi's
top marks,

I'm student council

And I've spent years

Yeah, well,
I've toiled too,

At lakehurst.

It's not my fault
the school burned down.

Well, I suppose not,

But you'll just win
a lousy popularity contest.

I mean, you're smart,
handsome, charming...

you're charming, too,

And smart.

And you're pretty striking
yourself -

Green eyes...

They're hazel.

I mean, thank you.

I say let the vote happen.

You'll feel even better
when you win valedictorian

Fair and square.

Fine. Let the election

And may the best man,
or woman, win.


Freud pop quiz:

Define id, ego,
and superego.

do I have to?

yup. Go.

You kids look like
you need a break.

We need a miracle.

got one!

Free eat-it-before-it-melts
ice cream

From the big chill.

Ellie and marco:
oh, sold!

Chocolate -
your favourite!

Oh! Oh!
Having a brain freeze.

No! Oh! Ohhh!

This is disgusting!

This is wrong!

(Excited chatter,
upbeat music plays)

How many words?
How many words is it?

Two words.

(Unintelligible guesses)


Okay, I'm tired.

Do you, uh, wanna...

Mm, take some candles
and go to bed?

you guys might wanna
study upstairs.


okay, let's go clean you up.


I think I got a little bit
right here.


awww, cute.

You're feeding our baby
before bed.

Yeah, we'll have to arrange
visitation rights

Because he loves me.

he's gonna miss you.

Almost as much as I will.


Marco, I love you
and I always will,

Even if we're not living

I just...

I can't believe this might be
one of the last nights

That we live together.

I know. I can't imagine you
not being in the next room.

Then let's get our dream

We'll live on rabbit food
to afford it.

Hey, if hip hop can do it
maybe we'll see.

Okay, well...

Good night.


No! Stay.

Good night.

(Birds chirp outside)

(Alarm turns on,
radio plays)

(Clicks alarm off)

crap! The exam!

Morning, sunshine.

Maybe we should get
a one-bedroom

And save money.

the exam starts in minutes.

I'm just gonna get a bagel
and I will meet you there.


Marco, I'm just joking!

(Hum of chatter)

Emma, your boyfriend
is very chivalrous.

Well, I'm glad you two
made it home okay

In the blackout.

Do you mind if damian
and I discuss

One more detail?

Walk me to class;

I'm in the mood
for a hot boy safari.

Mmm, I will be tour guide.


Am I crazy,

Or did I feel a spark
between us last night?

A spark?

Talking in the dark

Doesn't mean we're going
to hook up.

Yeah, well,
that "talking"

Seemed an awful lot
like flirting.

I can't help it
if I'm a nice guy.

'Kay, spare me.
I'm not stupid.

Well, I'll see you
in class,

With my girlfriend -

Your friend, emma.

(Oil sizzles)

Rough exam, roomies?

The blackout's cancelled work,

So I'm cooking
the thawed freezer meat.

Cheer-up bacon?

Hey, look at it this way,
you're done for the year!

If you never ate bacon,

And then unexpectedly shared it
with your best friend,

Wouldn't you maybe wanna talk
about that experience?

and if you never ever

Thought about bacon
that way before,

You might be a little
too confused.

I lost my appetite.

I'm gonna go to the staff
announcement at the core,

Wish eric luck.

Ellie, wait.

(Door closes)

Details! Now!

(Awkward cough)

Ellie and...
Ellie and i...

(Awkward chuckle)
ellie and i...

(Pained breath)
ellie and i, we um...

We hooked up last night.

Define that statement

There was a base
or two reached,

But then we stopped
and we slept.

(speechless stammering)


Wow! That might just be a touch
completely awkward, huh?

And we talked about
living together.

what if she thinks...

Oh, give her some credit.

She knows you're gay.

She's your best friend,
not an idiot.

Just talk to her.

And eric.
What about eric?

Huh? Is it cheating
if it was with a girl?

If you ask me, hon?
Cheating is in the heart.

Depends what
you were feeling.

Yeah, well, right now,
I'm feeling

Like a total jackass.

Hi. I'm liberty van zandt.

This should be a contest
between equals,

But the truth
about damian haynes is,

His charm is all an act.

Cut! So you're resorting
to mud-slinging?

Desperate times call
for desperate measures.

Sure nailed the desperate.

Ugh! Just roll the tape.

fine, it's rolling.

Hi, I'm liberty van zandt.

This should be a contest
between equals...

okay, guys, only two minutes

Until jesse calls in
from his new job.


Didn't expect
to see you here.

I mean,

Both your make-out buddies
in the same room?

How awkward.

And we're not
discussing it.


You didn't tell eric?

Tell me what?


We might be getting
a two-bedroom together

Because marco couldn't
convince someone

To move in with us.


it was a tempting offer.



okay, okay, but...

Boyfriend and best friend
under one roof?

You sure,

Oh, okay,
uh, everyone?

The new star ledger intern's

About to make
a big announcement!

thanks, eric.
Well, let's cut to the chase.

I got your votes
and made my decision.

My successor is
a fantastic journalist

Who never shies away
from a tough story.

I'm proud to announce
next year's editor is...

Ellie nash.

Enjoy the party, everyone!
I wish I could be there.

(Co-workers cheer and applaud)

(Shocked laugh)

Thank you.


hey, congratulations.

(Overlapping chatter)

Most importantly,

While I'd love relish
the opportunity,

This isn't a popularity contest.

It's about choosing
the best speaker

For your graduation.

And I think, quite frankly,

Either choice is great.

Thank you.


nice sentiment, mr. Haynes.

And I expect nothing
but the classiest of competition

Between the two of you.

And now... Liberty!

(Dramatic choking coughs)



are you okay?

Can't... Breathe, sir.



You okay?

I'm fine.
All thanks to toby.


And now for speech number two.

Hi, I'm liberty van zandt.

This should be a contest
between equals,

But the truth about
damian haynes is...

(Power whirs and shuts down)


Great. It's another blackout.

Well, guess we'll finish this,

Oh, whenever we conserve
enough energy.

marco, you ready to go?

Talk to him,
for me, please?


I know I'm probably
the last person

You wanna talk to
right now.

Why would you say that,

Okay, I know this didn't go
how we expected.

But without you,
the core would be lost.

Say you'll be my number ?

I think this went exactly
how you expected it to go.

I know how you operate,

I beg your pardon?

Look, her plan

Was clearly better
than mine.

Okay, all I gave jesse
was what,

Three years of hard work,

Enjoy your -bedroom,


I'm sorry, el,
he's my boyfriend.

(Sigh of disbelief)

Radio dj:
that's all the information
we have...

(Turns radio off)

Well, it looks like
it's gonna be awhile

Before the power's back.

Rendering this class
somewhat pointless.

Heh. Um...

Mr. Simpson,

I really think the speeches
should be seen in tandem.

I could do mine orally.

Well, what about the grade s
in other classes?

Toby could record it
on his phone,

Podcast it later?

Damian, is that okay?

Yeah, sure.


Is there enough light?



The truth about
damian haynes is...

Even though he didn't always
attend degrassi,

He's more than worthy
of speaking on our behalf.

I've wanted to be valedictorian
my entire high school career,

But... So has damian.

And so I'd honour
either choice.

I just talked eric off a ledge
for the last two hours.

He feels like ass
about what he said to you.

it's a good thing
my best friend defended me.

Oh! Oh no, wait,
you totally didn't.

I can't always be your knight
in shining armour, el.

Look, we are just friends,
nothing more.


Marco, we just kissed.

It's not a big deal.


Yeah, that was weird,
and bacon-y?

it is a big deal, ellie.

We almost crossed
the line.

So what?

Then we stopped,
and then we went to sleep.

Why is this a crisis?

Because I al-
I almost didn't stop!

Part of me
didn't want to.

and part of me...

Didn't want you to.

Okay, I can leave.

We are totally dependent
on each other, el,

For everything.

Even for intimacy.

It's hurting us;

It's hurting
our real relationships.

then I guess
we're moving out.

I know many of you have been
waiting anxiously

For the answer
to this question.

Well, the valedictorian votes
have been counted.

to liberty van zandt!

(Hum of chatter)

Hey. Congratulations.


Damian may be
my boyfriend,

But, between us,
I voted for you.

Thanks, emma.
Means a lot.

Yeah, and if it weren't
for a blackout,

A choking fit,

And degrassi's
most popular podcast...

I got it, tobes.
I got lucky.

Yes, I'm feeling
the requisite guilt.


I know how much this meant
to you,

And perhaps simpson
will be amenable

To co-valedictorians?

Oh thanks,
but you won fair and square.

Yeah, I must confess.
It wasn't fair and square.

I made a really mean video

And I got lucky
with the blackout.

Mean? About me?

I said those nice things
in class

Because your classy speech
inspired me,

But I don't deserve this.

No, you do.

You deserve it.

I mean you're a great woman
who will give a great speech.

I have...
A confession, too.

At the dot,
I was flirting.

I like my girls feisty,
and smart.

Christmas dogs?

Uh, no thanks,

That clashes with my uh...
Everything I stand for.

I can't believe
I won't hear

Your daily fashion tips

And I can't believe we lived
with each other for a year

Without a m*rder.

There's still time.

Hey, roomies.

Not for long.

Then what are we?

Man, I knew this was
gonna happen!

We're gonna grow apart

And we're never gonna
see each other again!

Oh, hon, get a grip.

no, I'm serious.

Maybe this was a bad idea.

Come on,
what's so wrong

About living with
weirdo strangers?

You're ridiculous.

I thought about it
and... You're right;

I think a little distance
will be a good thing.

Only you could make
the right decision

And then freak out
about it.

Exactly! That's my point!

Who is gonna talk me down
from my neurotic fits?

oh my god.

We have phones!

yeah, well, make sure
they're charged, okay?

Always charged.

I love you guys.
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