11x13 - Should've Said No: Part 2

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Degrassi Next Generation." Aired: October 2001 to July 2010.*
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About the kids at Degrassi Community School. Centralizing around the children of the original characters from Degrassi High (1987). The show aims to deal with serious and sometimes taboo issues that plague teenagers.
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11x13 - Should've Said No: Part 2

Post by bunniefuu »

Yup. I understand.

I'll let them know.

(Phone beeps off)

What's wrong?

Uh... Your father
has an opportunity

To transfer
to the boston office,

If you're still serious
about moving.



Someone tell me
this is a practical joke.

it's just something
we've been discussing, adam.

who's "we"?

Your brother's had
trouble coping

Since the incident
with the g*ng.

And your father
and I think

That a change of scenery
might help.

So what?
My vote doesn't count?

I like it here.
I have friends.

My own radio show.

You'll make new friends,

Yeah, 'cause that's easy
for the transgender kid.

Okay, I liked our old school,
but I gave it up for you.

Yeah, people thought
I was a freak there.

I came to degrassi
for a fresh start.

Your problem's
in your head.

Wherever we go,
it's coming with us.

Okay, what's your point?

You haven't tried
to get better.

You're running away.

Okay, stop.
Apologize to your brother.

Drew, I'm sorry
you're such a wimp.

Oh, adam!

You know what?
This is totally unfair!

It's totally something.

Your brother's upset.

That's all.
He'll get over it.

What if he's right?

♪ Whatever it takes ♪

♪ I know I can make it through ♪

♪ And if I hold out ♪

♪ I know I can make it through ♪


♪ Be the best ♪

♪ The best that I can be ♪

♪ Whatever it takes ♪

♪ I know I can make it ♪

♪ I can make it ♪

♪ I can make it through ♪

♪ Ooh... ♪

♪ I can make it through ♪

♪ I can make it through ♪
(I can make it)

♪ Whatever it takes ♪

♪ I know I can make it through ♪

(Cell phone beeps)

I don't want you to think

That I'm out with
a different man every night.

Mom, it's fine.

No, it's not.

I get it.
You have needs.

It's biological.


Is he nice to you?



Wonder if dad's dating,

(Song starts playing)
yo! It's time to wind
that clock!

Don't delay.

Time is running out to buy
your movie night tickets.

(Turns music up)

(Exhales) I've got problems.
Big ones.

Is your family moving
to boston

Because your parents
are in denial

That your brother has
post traumatic stress disorder?

(Half laughs)
you wanna talk?

Nah. Hit me.

okay, so look...

The thing is,
you were right about alli.

I still dig her.
A lot.

Then break up with sadie.

Yeah, but there's
no guarantee

That she actually
likes me back.

It's better to have
sadie as a girlfriend

Than no girlfriend
at all.

I like her.

just not as much as alli.

What do I do?

why don't we uh...

Ask our listeners
which girl to choose?

Hey! Oh no you don't.

adam here with a doozy
of a dilemma.

You see my friend, dave,

Can't choose between xbox
and playstation.

I say the answer is simple:

Get both.



♪ When you shake it
and you wind that clock ♪

♪ You make my alarm go
ring-a-ding-ding-ding ♪

♪ When you shake it
and you wind that clock ♪

♪ You make my alarm go ring... ♪

and then dave took off
just as I was ordering dessert!

It sounds amazing.

what, are you two,
like, dating now?

Who? Jake and i?

We're keeping things

Define casual.

We see each other
when we want.

Which seems to be
all the time.

We laugh,
we have fun.

Sounds like
the perfect arrangement.

I don't want
to get hurt.

And if we keep things

I won't.

hey, um...

Can I borrow you
for a minute?

I suppose...


Sounds perfectly casual.


If you become
a boston bruins fan,

You're dead to me.

Hey, man, the move's
not a sure thing.

Adam doesn't want to go,
and I get it;

He's happier here.

I made some pretty good
friends here, too.


Being scared
all the time stinks.

Maybe you need
a distraction,

Something to keep
your mind off things.

I tried that, remember?

Maybe that was the wrong
type of distraction.

What about something...

Couldn't hurt to try.

(Ahem) hey, jess.
See, uh...

I have a really big problem.

Somebody gave me two tickets
to movie night,

But I only need one.

That's quite a predicament.


The python is staring
at us.

He's just jealous
that I get to kiss you

And he doesn't.

Jake martin,
closet romantic.

I'm sorry, that didn't sound
very casual, did it?

No, it sounded cute.

So how are things
with your mom?

I told her I understand
her biological needs.


I have the perfect thing
to take your mind off it.

A date tonight.

Don't you have plans?

Movie night with katie.


I can tell her
something came up.

A sick aunt perhaps?

Who needs my full


(Doorknob rattles)

(School bell rings)

Looks like
we have company.

I just want you to know

Whatever this is...

I like it.

Me, too.

and then lebron hit
a three-pointer

With five seconds
on the clock.

We can watch the highlights
on my phone.

hey, I should probably
help alli.

right. More movie night stuff.

Hey, need help
with that banner?

And how do I know
you won't run away again

Like you did on friday?

I-i'm sorry about that.

No, I get it.

One plate of nachos
and you're sick of me.

Yeah, that's right.
You're practically unbearable.

And since I'm such a glutton
for punishment,

I was hoping
we could hang out again -

If you want to.

And you're sure
she won't mind

That I'm stealing you

Nah, she's cool.

Well, then here...
Get to work.

Up on the ladder.

Alli, I'm sorry
I can't come to movie night.

Jake cancelled with katie
so we could hang out.

So what if I might
be falling for him?

No! Don't you dare say,
"I told you so."

Divorce papers?

"the marriage of helen
and randall edwards

Has broken down irretrievably

Due to repeated infidelity
on randall's part."

I-i'm sorry, alli.
I have to go.

♪ Oh dear lord ♪

♪ I can feel your claws
upon me ♪

(Knock at door)

♪ Scratching and squiggling me ♪



Mind if I come in?

This was supposed
be casual, right?

Yeah, I guess.

Then maybe you should
call katie,

See if she's still
free tonight.

Why would I do that?

'Cause this doesn't feel
casual anymore.

(Weeping softly)

(Low hum of chatter)

♪ We are some twisted misfits
and we like it ♪

Hey, everyone.
Uh... Welcome to movie night!

Thanks for coming,
I hope you guys have fun.

And if you don't,

Alli bhandari's
the girl to blame.


Hey, find me a date?

One minute,

You're all head over heels
over jake,

The next you're asking
for a setup?

So I guess we won't be talking
about what you found

In your parents'
divorce papers?

The stuff that they said
about each other...

There's just so much hate.

You and jake are
not your parents.

Neither were eli and i.

But after our breakup,

We can't even look
at each other.

I can't let that happen again.
I can't get attached.

so instead of one guy,
you're gonna date several?

that makes perfect sense.

This is liam.

He likes music...a lot.

Hi, I'm clare.

Hi, alli tells me you're a fan
of british new wave.

Who isn't?


Oh, what about right here?

Directly in front
of the screen,

Close to the refreshments.


hey... What's going on
between you and alli?

We're just friends.

Two great girls...
Can't choose between them?

It's okay,
I understand.

Yeah, no kidding.

You're cheating on jenna
with marisol.

what?! No, it's not like that.

Marisol and I are
just hanging out.

We're friends,

And how many times
have you hooked up?

Come on, bro.

You're not as sneaky
as you think you are.

I like jenna and marisol.

What am I supposed to do?

You need to end it
with one of them...

Before someone gets hurt.

(Low hum of chatter
and laughter)

One popcorn.

Extra butter.

Glad the guys who organized
the health initiative

Weren't involved tonight.

(Movie begins to play)

(Ghoulish moaning and growling)

Is everything okay?

Does that guy go
to our school?


Maybe you don't
recognize him.

It's kinda dark.

He looks like one of the guys
who att*cked me.

Where are you going?

(high-pitched screams)

Get a room.

You want us
to get a room?

can we get some air?

okay, but first I'd appreciate
you clearing up

This room thing.

hey, what are you
doing here?


Same as you I bet.
Movie blows.

what'd you expect?

Did you see the dweeb
who organized it?


you ready?

Been practicing at home.

all right,
let's see what you got.

let's do this, play boy.

(Sparring grunts)


good one.

(Sparring grunts)

Try getting outta this.

Hey, where did you guys
learn that stuff?

Took commando krav maga
for years.

The rest I picked up
watching ufc.

Think I could
get a lesson?

As you wish,


Yeah. Oh.

thank you.


(Screams from the movie)

hey... Is this seat taken?

I thought you were going
to miss the movie.

I had a few things
to iron out.

But now you're all mine?


Look, sadie,
you're a great girl.

Unbelievable! Alli?

I never cheated.

Is that supposed
to make me feel better?

You know what you are?

A good guy
that told you the truth?

A dirtbag!

You suck!

Dave turner is a pig!

Look, sadie, could you
keep your voice down?

A lying, cheating pig!


I'm so happy we're out here...
In the corridor.

I mean, who comes
to movie night

To watch a movie anyway,

But what are you doing?

I mean,
don't get me wrong.

I'm very comfortable
being used in this way,

But you might actually upset
that guy, jake, you like.

Jake and I are
just friends.

You watch him the way
I watch rock documentaries.

I don't want to.

I wish kissing him felt
the same as kissing you.


But if jake and I
get together,

We'll just end up
hurting each other.

You're right.

What you two have now
seems way, way better.

Look, if you don't mind,

I'm gonna catch the rest
of the movie, all right?

Watch her, man,
she's frisky.

Can we... Take a walk?


(exhale) okay, come on.

(Sparring grunts)

oh! (Pain) ah! Ah ah!

shame on you.

Not twenty minutes
and drew's got you beat.

Come on,
I was barely trying.

we can go again.

come on,
movie's almost over.

I should get back
to my date.

yeah, same here.

You guys and your dates.

You think we could
do this again?

I'm free tomorrow
after school...

If owen here
isn't too scared.

hoo-hoo-hoo! Okay.

I'll bring my 'a' game,

Them's fighting words.

hey... Dave turner,
reporting for clean up duty.

Looks like you missed
your mouth.

Heh... Apparently honesty
is not the best policy.

what did you do?
Insult justin bieber?

(Laughs) no, I told her
I dug another girl.

So... This other girl,
do I know her?

Uh, I believe so.

You see there's
this problem,

I went after this girl
once already and...

Got brutally rejected.

What a bitch.

she's not all that bad.

She makes me laugh...
A lot,

She can eat more
than I can,

And uh...
Ooh! She's kinda hot.

How hot?

At least a seven.

Well, maybe this time
things will be different.


Sounds like this girl
had to date a few duds

To appreciate dave turner's
unique je ne sais quoi.

Yeah, well you think this
girl is free next tuesday?

I have a feeling she is.

All right,
then it's a date.

Oh, and dave...

I'm a twelve.

(Laughs) at least.

At least.

Hey! How was movie night?

Yeah, it was great.

Good. This could be
one of your very last

Degrassi events ever.

Hey mom, is dad gonna
take that boston thing?

Is this about
your brother?

No, mom, it's...

I just...
I don't want to run away.

I think that if I stay here,
I can find a way to move on.

And what prompted
this sudden change of heart?

I made some new friends.

They showed me
there was another way.


This isn't dr*gs again,
is it?

(Laughs) no, mom.

It's uh...
Like a sports thing.


Well, I suppose I can support
"like a sports thing".

I'll have to talk
to your father, though.

He's gonna flip.


Listen, if you're still
having trouble,

We can find you
some help.

It's okay,
I'll be fine.

(Channel surfing)


I found my parents'
divorce papers

Before you came over.

My dad cheated on my mom,
more than once.

We both know
where this is headed.

We go out for a couple weeks,
maybe a month-

We have fun.

And then one of us
changes our minds -

Decides we're not
into it anymore -

And we break up,

And every time
we see each other

It's uncomfortable.

Maybe we should
just stay friends.

I don't think
that's gonna work.

Then what do we do?

Well, we can always try
avoiding each other.

Or we could take a risk.

All right.

Competitors on tv:
(sparring grunts)


(Quick exhales)

♪ And when you have no love ♪

♪ Lightning's coming ♪

(Loud crunch)

♪ Run for cover ♪

♪ Ten thousand soldiers ♪

♪ The w*r is coming ♪

♪ Sparks enter your skull ♪

♪ The dogs are burnin' burnin' ♪


Stop it!
I think my mom is home.

what? Now you're worried
about getting caught?

Mrs. Edwards:
clare, is that you?

um... Yeah.
Yeah, mom, it's me.

Oh, jake,
what a surprise.

He gave me
a ride home.

How chivalrous.

I taught him well.

Guess it's good
you're both here.

We can k*ll two birds
with one stone.

(Laughs) you don't need
to frighten them.


What is going on?

I know you said it
wasn't necessary to bore you

With the details
of my love life,

But I don't want
any more secrets.

So... What I'm trying
to say is...

Your mom and I
are dating!

I really hope you two
are okay with this.

Jake? What do you say?

Uh, yeah. Yeah.
Sure, dad.

It's cool.

Clare, honey?

Of course,
it's okay!

W-why wouldn't it be,

(Laughing, relieved)
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