11x24 - Don't Panic: Part 1

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Degrassi Next Generation." Aired: October 2001 to July 2010.*
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About the kids at Degrassi Community School. Centralizing around the children of the original characters from Degrassi High (1987). The show aims to deal with serious and sometimes taboo issues that plague teenagers.
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11x24 - Don't Panic: Part 1

Post by bunniefuu »

Health initiative,
pro or con?

Katie-kins, it's
a high school election.

Nobody cares
about the issues.

Then how will I get
people to vote for me?

By wearing
tighter shirts.

I don't understand
why you're so nervous.

The only person running
against you is mo.

He's funny.
He's friendly.

He's triple xl.

People want their president
to be aspirational.

Like the girl
in this poster.

But wearing a tighter
shirt wouldn't hurt.



Can you believe it?!

Drew torres just
flirted with me!

I thought you
were over drew.

You never get over
an epic crush.

Can't you imagine those
arms wrapped around you?

Those lips kissing yours?

(Bell rings)

Mare, drew and i-

Are in the same
tae kwan do class.

I know. Could you
put out some feelers?

See if he's

Please, please!


I knew there
was a reason

You were my
best friend.

We better get these
posters up before class.

♪ Whatever it takes ♪

♪ I know I can make it through ♪

♪ And if I hold out ♪

♪ I know I can make it through ♪

♪ Be the best ♪

♪ The best that I can be ♪

♪ Whatever it takes ♪

♪ I know I can make it ♪

♪ I can make it ♪

♪ I can make it through ♪

♪ I can make it through ♪

♪ I can make it through ♪

♪ I can make it ♪

♪ Whatever it takes ♪

♪ I know I can make it through ♪

I knew they were hurting,
but I didn't stop

Because your mind tricks you.

It tricks you into thinking
that things are fine,

they're not fine.
Nothing is fine.

(Yells) it's all wrong!

Look at those eyes.

Those are crazy
person eyes.

You were having
a manic episode.

And hurt a lot
of people.

How am I supposed to face
them back at school?

You'll keep taking your
meds and talking to me.

And when you're ready,
you'll apologize.

That's an important
step to recovery.

You make it
sound so easy.

It's not.

Every day is going
to be a struggle.

But a bipolar diagnosis
doesn't have to be

The end of the world.

Lots of great people
suffer from it.

Ernest hemingway.

Edgar allen po.

Jackson pollock.

Vincent van gogh.

Maybe I should stay home
for a few more days.

Don't want to
cut off an ear.

Hey look, if you
find yourself struggling,

Just give me a call.

I know
you can do this.

I'll try.

Nah, you'll do
more than that.

You're committed
to getting better.

There's nothing
I want more.

Then you better go.

Don't want to be late
for your first class.

(Breathes deeply)

hey, how are you?

I'm better since, you
know, some girl told me

That fighting won't
solve all my problems.

She sounds
pretty smart.

Oh, she is. That's why
I would like to thank her

With tickets to the
canada/us soccer game.

I would die
to see that!

That is why I thought it'd
be the perfect first date.

C'mon. Don't make me
get on my knees.

I'd love to-


my best friend
still likes you.

Katie, it's been
months since marisol

Bored me to death
on that date.

I know, but going after
your best friend's crush

Is verboten.

Okay, so then I guess
I'll just have to tell her

That I went after you.

Hey. I found
more sticky tack.

So, what were you guys
chatting about about?

Oh, we were
just verbalizing...

Yeah, about how
katie's going to be

The best president
degrassi has ever seen.

(Bell rings)

Ugh, math.

If I'm late again,
armstrong is going to flip.

I know what you and drew
were really talking about.

You do?!

So, is he interested
in me or what?

Right. Um...

The thing is, he gave
me the impression

He was interested
in someone else.

Good to know.

Vote mo for prez.

He's not popular,
so he's got time for you.

Think you might be
overselling yourself.




What's up ms. Oh?

Sav, I'm concerned.

About my last

Your musical acumen.

Last time we spoke,
you mentioned a band.

Deadhand, yeah.

Their drummer's out
of this world.

Mediocre at best.

If you wanna hear
great drumming...

You made me a cd?

For your musical

Of course.

My musical development.

I got to get to
my next class.

You liar. I thought
you said nothing happened

After you ran into
her at the concert.

Nothing did.

We've just been
talking music.

There's no proof
she's actually into me.

Man, she gave you
a mix cd.

That's her generation's
code for let's get it on!

Carpe diem, my friend.

carpe diem.

Just updated simpson
on your condition.

You'll visit
the school nurse

Twice a day
to get your meds.

Whatcha doing?

Making a revenge list.
Anybody I should add?

I'm just kidding,

I knew that.

Wow. You must really
think I'm crazy.

Not that I blame you.
My actions over the past

Few weeks have
crossed the line.

Which is why I owe
tons of apologies.

That's what
the list is for?

Once I get these guys
to forgive me,

I hope that my life
go back to normal.

Who's first?

(Sighs) the one girl
I need on my side

Most right now.

Better get started.

Not before you
take your pill.




I'll leave the rest of these
with the school nurse.

Good luck, big guy.

okay, let's get started.

Now, tomorrow we'll
kick-off campaigning

By having the candidates
introduce themselves,

The next day we'll
have a q & a,

And then we'll send
everyone off to the polls.

Any questions?

No? Okay.

Well, for class president
we have mo mashkour...

Male student:
go mo!

And katie matlin.

Oh, is it too late to
add one more to the list?

She's joking, sir.

No, I'm not.

May the best
girl win.

Okay, anyone else?

All right.

(Whispers) you know
how much I want this.

As much as
I wanted drew?

I overheard your
little conversation.

Have fun at your
soccer date.

Mare, I was
gonna tell you-

After you announced
your engagement?


I hope you'll accept
my apology

Because I can't
make it through

The rest of the year
without you.

Heavy is good.

Best supporting

You realize I was
the director, right?

Well, if you didn't
bail me out on stage,

The play would've

Well, that's
pretty terrific

Considering you tried
to get me fired.

Ha! I plead insanity.

The doctor will
back me up.

Turns out, I'm bipolar.

If I had a dollar
for every time

I heard that excuse...


So, does this mean
I'm forgiven?

You're lucky
I like gifts.

For success,
choose the best.


I'll take one of those.

(Phone beeps)

Ugh, just my mom.

Marisol won't
answer my texts.

I'm gonna lose my best
friend and the election.

Running against mo
was one thing.

People barely
know him.

But mare's
miss popularity.

People like her
way more than me.

I don't.

That's what got me
into this situation

In the first place.

What if she never
forgives me?

Isn't she the one running
against you for president?

Only because she feels
like I betrayed her.

Mare and I have been best
friends since kindergarten.

We've been through
everything together.

We're like sisters.

So? Shouldn't sisters
be able to talk this out?

I should find her.

Before things get
out of control.

Not on an empty stomach.

You missed lunch
'cuz of that meeting,

So I snagged you
a burger.

There are like a million
calories in that.

(Hamburger voice)
a million delicious

It'll make you
feel better.

Not now.


So, that disk
you gave me,

It inspired me to make
some changes to a song.

That's good,
isn't it?

Yeah, except that
I'm having trouble

With the bridge.

Ah, the trickiest part.

so I was wondering

If I could
get some help.

From you.

If that wasn't obvious,
which it probably was.

I have a lot of
marking to do today.

Yeah, sure. Yeah...

If you're too busy,
I understand.

What about tomorrow
at lunch?

Are you sure?

That I'd rather
spend an hour

Working on music,
than listening

To teachers complain
about the coffee

In the staff room.
(Chuckles) oh yeah.

Okay. Great.

The school needs a leader
people can trust.

One that would
never s*ab

Their best friend
in the back.

Hey. Can we talk
for a sec?

My schedule's
jam packed.

Please, just
let me explain...

Why, out of all
the guys at degrassi,

You go after
the one I wanted!?

I didn't go after him.
It just happened.

But you knew how
much I liked him!

Mare, you have
to forgive me.

I'll do anything.


You name it.

End things with drew.

called you last night,

But your mom said
you were busy.

I was working
on my speech

For candidate intros
this afternoon.

Oh, let's hear it.

I don't think we
should go out.

That's a weird
way to start.

We met under extraordinary

What if during
the redundant

Daily grind
of high school,

We realize we have
nothing in common.

Then what?

So, I take it your
talk with marisol

Didn't go well.

Do you want me
to talk to her?

No. I'm sorry.

I just can't let
a guy come between us.

Even one as
awesome as you.

Katie, the way
you helped me

Through all my crap, there
must have been a reason.

Am I just supposed
to forget all that?



So, then tell me again
we shouldn't go out.

Okay, so to finish this
segment on religion,

I want each of you
to do a presentation,

With model, about one ritual
and its role in society.


Could we do a full-sized model?
Of say, a sweat lodge.

Some native cultures use them
for spiritual ceremonies.

Why not.
(Bell rings)

Okay, the rest of you,
save your questions

For tomorrow's class.

Thank you!

Hey, jake.

Um, I'm sorry about
everything that happened

With the play.


Uh. Ha.

Hey, um, me again.

Um, I know you said
that you're okay,

But you don't
seem okay.

What do you want
from me, eli?

Your forgiveness.

You tried to breakup
clare and me.

An apology isn't
going to cut it.

(Frustrated sigh)


(Plays acoustic guitar)

Ms. Oh:
it's good.

You hate it.

The harmonic structure
is too similar

To the chorus.

Try the same chords,
but shift into...

(Piano plays)

A minor.

(Plays guitar)

Yeah. That's amazing.

With age comes wisdom.

You're only

Not that I looked you
up online or anything.

Um, you know,
I probably should go

'Cause I don't
want to take-up

Too much of your time.

if you have a minute,

I'd love some
advice on a song.

Okay, yeah. Sure.

It's still pretty raw.

(Plays a soft melody)

♪ Searchin' day and night ♪

♪ Dreamin' she'll find
someone right ♪

♪ He walks through
the door ♪

♪ She knows she must ignore ♪

♪ The tingling
in her heart ♪

♪ She cannot start... ♪
(Abruptly stops)


Uh, the words
really spoke to me.

I think I'm gonna
scrap it.

(Footsteps walking away)

(Sighs) how did drew
take the rejection?

Surprisingly well.

You didn't do it.

all right everyone,

Time to meet your
presidential candidates.

First up, marisol lewis.

(applauds & cheers)

I've spent the last day asking
students what they want

From their president.

And I've listened
to all the requests,

Even the illegal ones.

And while I won't break
the law for you,

I'll make sure next year
is the best ever!

(applauds & cheers)

Katie matlin,
you're up next.

(applauds & cheers)

Go katie!

Okay, um, the reason
I'm running

Is I love this school

And together we can
achieve our goals.

sounds super fun!

(laughs & murmurs)

Um, tell the people one
of the many reasons

You'd make a perfect
president, katie.

Well... I can
think of several.

You see, katie is great
at keeping secrets.

Which is important
in politics.

Oh, and she'll step on anyone
to get what she wants.

You're judging me about
stepping on people?

You're such
a hypocrite!

Who stole kc from under
his baby-momma's nose?

Not me!

You're a shameless
home wrecker!

That is not true!

Yeah, it is.


Thank you, ladies!

Okay, before we get
too far off track,

Let's meet your
final candidate!

(applauds & cheers)

Mo mashkour here
with two promises.

I'll get fries
back in the caf.

And I won't hook up
with your boyfriend.

(applauds & whistles)

It's not working.
It's never gonna work!

Dr. Weston:
eli, eli, breathe.

In and out.

Now, tell me what's wrong.

If jake won't forgive me,
I'm never gonna get better.

Dr. Weston:
that's not true.

But you said apologizing is
an important part of recovery.

You apologized to jake.

You cannot force
people to forgive you.

So what am I
supposed to do?

Wait around until
he changes his mind?

No, you move on
with your life.

Find some positive

Okay, thanks.

(Phone beeps off)

Ms. Oh:
it was rude of me
to walk out.

Yeah, it's okay.

I am a bit confused though.

I think it would
be better if we didn't

Spend any more time
alone outside class.

Because of the song
you wrote about us?

Oh, sav.

Right, sorry.

I'm such a moron.

A teacher writing a song about
a student. It would just be-


Not exactly what
I was going for.

More, too good
to be true.

Which is why I shouldn't
have sung it,

Written it,
or even thought it.

So the song
is about me?

I've been having feelings,
but you're my student.

It's wrong.


♪ Keep me out
of paradise ♪

♪ We're fighting
on the same side ♪

♪ Stranger things
I wish I might... ♪

My shrink thinks I need
a new activity.

The rugby team's
looking for new members.

Because you need
to spend more time

In a cast this year?

I am bordering on insanity.
Why fight it?

I don't understand why
you don't understand

Why this is a big deal.

it's an artsy chick flick.

It's likely to be lame.

it's not about that!

wanna clue me in here?

It's about spending
time together!

We're together right now!

And I don't know about you,
but I'm having a real blast.

Oh, cut the sarcasm
for one minute.

Looks like I've found
my new activity.

(Sighs) please tell me
it's not winning clare back.

No, no.
I'm done with that.

But I know what
makes clare tick,

So I'm gonna help him
understand her,

So they can mend fences.
Then he has to forgive me,


Rugby doesn't sound
so crazy anymore.


Mare? Mare wait up.

The home wrecker thing,
it just happened.

Like drew just happened.

I'm so sorry!

Can we please just
go back to being friends?

You have everything.

Why'd you take the one
thing I wanted?

Because he likes me,

And there's a lot he
doesn't know about you.

Like, you spend
every night at soccer,

You spend your lunches
at the paper,

And the only other
guy you've ever kissed

Was during a game
of truth or dare.

That's not true.

Oh, and then there's
your little problem...

You promised
you'd never tell.

(Bell rings)

Hey jake, can I talk
to you after class?

Sorry. Kinda busy.

I know,
but it's kind of-

okay, kids.

Subjects for your
final projects.

Let's go.

Eli: sir?
Perino: yeah?

I was thinking about doing
a native sweat lodge.

I already pitched that!

Did you?

Well, I've done
tons of research.

And I feel that the therapeutic
nature of the sweat lodge

Would complement my
psychiatric recovery.

Okay, partner up
with jake then.

Well, I'd love to,
if that's cool with jake.

Sounds super.


Okay, who's next?

So, the entire school
is talking about marisol,

The home wrecker.

I'm a terrible person.

Don't beat yourself
up about it.

She kinda deserved it.

Why do you like me?


I've only ever kissed
two other guys.

I had no idea
you were that easy.

I'm not being
facetious, drew.

Okay, i-i don't
know what that means.

But I do know that
you saw me at my worst.

And you stuck around.

I don't just like you.

Katie, I need you.

Hey, sorry to interrupt.

I wanna let you
know how terrible

I feel about everything
that's happened.

You really mean that?

Absolutely. And I hope
the stress of the situation

Doesn't make your
little problem worse.

What little problem?

Oh, I assumed you told drew
about your urge to purge.

What's she
talking about?

Katie's bulimic.

That's not true!

You shouldn't be ashamed.

Lots of girls have
eating disorders.

She's just trying
to cause trouble.

Hey, hey, hey.
It's okay.

No one would
ever believe

That you have
an eating disorder.

Because that would
be pathetic.

And you're anything
but pathetic.

♪ Knocked down in the sand ♪

♪ But there's no turning back ♪

♪ There's no turning back ♪
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