11x27 - Take a Bow: Part 2

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Degrassi Next Generation." Aired: October 2001 to July 2010.*
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About the kids at Degrassi Community School. Centralizing around the children of the original characters from Degrassi High (1987). The show aims to deal with serious and sometimes taboo issues that plague teenagers.
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11x27 - Take a Bow: Part 2

Post by bunniefuu »

(Cell phone rings)

(Sighs heavily)

(Door slams)


Lara coyne:
fiona? Are you still here?

My flight was delayed,
I didn't expect to see you!

You're still in bed!

Isn't holly j's graduation

Yeah, um...
Forgot to set my alarm.

Oh, sweetie.

I know this is gonna be
a hard day for you,

Seeing all your friends

I can skip the luncheon

If you want me to come
for support.

No, I'll be fine.

Are you sure?
I'm sure.


I'll leave you
to get ready.

Give holly j my love.

(Cell phone rings)

(Sighs heavily)


♪ Whatever it takes ♪

♪ I know I can make it through ♪

♪ And if I hold out ♪

♪ I know I can make it through ♪


♪ Be the best ♪

♪ The best that I can be ♪

♪ Whatever it takes ♪

♪ I know I can make it ♪

♪ I can make it ♪

♪ I can make it through ♪

♪ Ooh-oh-oh... ♪

♪ I can make it through ♪

♪ I can make it through ♪
(I can make it!)

♪ Whatever it takes ♪

♪ I know I can make it through ♪

come on, mom,

Don't you want
to get a good seat?

(Students and parents
chatter excitedly)

(Girl laughs)

so, what colour
is your prom dress?

Hot pink. Why?

My mom says
the man needs to get his date

A matching corsage.

Okay... I am really,
really, really sorry!

Owen asked you.


(Exasperated sigh)

Fiona, I've been worried sick
about you!

Why didn't you answer
my calls?

You were right,
it was messy.

Charlie has a girlfriend.

Aw, babe.

I'm such an idiot!


I have some news
that will cheer you up!

Is it that
you're not graduating

And charlie doesn't have
a girlfriend?


They scheduled
my kidney transplant.

Isn't that exciting?

Yeah, great.

You'll go to yale
next year

And live happily
ever after.

I thought my best friend
would be happy for me.

It was only
a matter of time

Before you got your surgery,
holly j.

I can't believe
how self-absorbed

You're being right now!

I had my heart broken
last night!

I don't have a date
to prom,

And I'm gonna be
all alone next year!

Well, you'll be happy
to know

That my surgery is scheduled
the day of prom.

Holly j, it's time.

I guess I'll let you know
how the surgery went,

If you decide to pick up
your phone!

(Band plays
"pomp and circumstance")

Mr. Simpson:
I'm very proud to introduce
this year's valedictorian -

She's heading to yale
next year -

Holly j sinclair!

(Audience cheers and applauds)



Well, good morning,
parents, teachers,

And fellow graduates!

Over the past four years,

We have had highs
and lows.

But no matter what,

We have gotten through
with the help of our friends.

When we leave degrassi,

Each one of us
is going to be all alone,

Facing the unknown,

And I have to admit,
I'm scared.

In two days,
I'm getting a kidney transplant,

And even though I know
it could save my life,

I still worry
about the outcome.

As we all go
our separate ways,

Whether it's kidney surgery,

Or moving away to university,

Or going to the army...


Holly j:
I know that no matter
how difficult the journey,

Our time together
has only made us stronger.

So as we bravely face
the unknown,

We will take with us
four years of memories

And friendships
that will last a lifetime.

class of ,

And good luck!

(All cheer and applaud)


we are going to rule
the school next year,

So I'm thinking
themes for our first dance.


Does this girl
look like she's ready

To lose her virginity?


What happened?

I may have given drew
the distinct impression

That we were going
to have sex...


But what about the stalling
with the sti test?

You should've seen his face

When I asked him
to get tested.

He lit up like a kid
with a cookie!

And you're not ready
to share that cookie?

oh, there's cookies?

So I just wanted
to let you know

That um...

I've talked to my doctor

And I've already
been tested.


And I'm clean!

Feel free to tweet it!

(Half laughs)

Wow. Awesome.

So, later?

Um... The two of us,
movies in my basement?

Sure. Sounds great.

Cool, uh...

I'll let you guys
get back to work, then.


Movies in the basement,

I need a favour.

And the award for excellence
in music

Goes to a very talented guy,

Your student council co-prez,

Sav bhandari!

(All clapping and cheering)

♪ Let's go,
let's follow the road ♪

♪ Until the sunrise
let's go and go ♪

♪ Until it's all right ♪

Chantay black!

(All clapping and cheering)

(Clapping and cheering)

Anya macpherson!

(Crowd claps and cheers)

Mr. Simpson:
riley stavros!

(Crowd cheers loudly)


Zane park!

Sav bhandari!

Holly j sinclair!

you are graduates!

(Students cheer wildly)


♪ And one day
we'll look back when ♪

♪ We were crazy
with all our friends... ♪

(Cars rumble)




You didn't say goodbye
last night.

Uh, yeah,
emergency prom stuff.


Well, um, good luck.
I have to go.

What's that?

It's just for my mom.

hand me the bottle.

Just let me go, please!

(Fiona sighs)

Mrs. Stavros:
here, ask one of your friends.

Ma, really, not now.

I just want a photo
with my son

Before he moves away

And becomes an eastern u
big shot!

And I can't wait
to meet the lucky girl

You're taking
to the prom!

I'm going stag.

Hey, riley.

You know why I don't have
a date to the prom,

Right, ma?

Your standards are too high.




I'll be out at university.

And when I come home,

I might want
to bring a boyfriend.

I guess I should stop hoping
it's just a phase.

Like it or not ma,
I'm gay.

And you look so handsome.

(Sighs heavily)

Thank you.



I don't wanna drink it.

It's just so hard
to fight the urge.

Who can you call?

Some kind of sponsor?

Your mom or holly j?

Holly j doesn't want
to see me right now.

She thinks I'm selfish.

Is that why you wanted
to drink?

Everyone has someone
who thinks of them first;

You know,
who's there for them!

Holly j's leaving me

And she can't be replaced.

Not by anyone!

I know it's not the same,
but I'm here

If you need someone
to talk to.

Stop being so nice!


I lost mr. Tuxedo pants.

What're you talking about?

I got drunk
and set him free.

Are you serious?

Why would you do that?!


I'm alone.

I deserve to be alone.

Do you realize
why you're alone, fiona?

You're alone because
you push people away!

And someday,

Nobody is going to bother
coming back!

You're right.


I have somewhere
I need to be.

So, uh...
What movie were you thinking?

Action, horror,
something with zombies maybe?

Do i, uh, get to protect you
at the scary parts?

Or comedy.

I love comedy;
what dvds do you have?


There's something
I want to do first.



What are you doing here?

Ah, I'm sorry.

I forgot my keys!
I'm locked out.

So you came to my house?

That's all right,
isn't it, drew?


the more the merrier.

Woman: (over p.a.)
Dr. Riley, call emergency.

Can I come in?


apology smoothie.

So...your last dialysis
before the big surgery.

That's exciting.

You were right
about charlie.

You always are.

I hate how you say that
like I do it on purpose!

Like I want you to fail.

You're just looking out
for me.


I found out
I was missing prom,

And I couldn't talk
to my best friend about it.

A smoothie isn't gonna make
everything all better.

And frankly,
I'm tired of fixing

Everyone else's problems.

so now it's your turn!

Girls, come in!

(Dresses rustle)

Anya and chantay:
happy prom!

You do know it's two days away,

I planned us a pre-prom!

Fiona booked us
the best hair and makeup team

In the city.

I already cleared it
with your mom,

Who okayed it
with your doctors.

And uh...
Our limo awaits!

Look, prom isn't just about
eating dry chicken

And dancing to
"living on a prayer."

It's about best friends,

And celebrating everything
you've been through together

One last time.

So, what do you say,
holly j?

Will you come with us
to pre-prom?

I'd love to!

(All laugh)

(Dramatic music plays on tv)

This movie is so deep.

I know.

It just makes you...

(Sighs heavily)

Like, really think.

That's it!

what are you doing?!

The movie is over!

That was the best part!

Marisol, would you mind giving
katie and I some time alone?

Someone should be home
by now.

good luck!

thank you!

(Door slides shut)

Finally, we're alone!

(Clears throat)

Okay, um...

I have a confession.

I asked marisol
to come over today.

What? Why?

I like you so much,

But I'm just not ready
to have sex.

Not yet.

You thought we were
going to have sex?

Yes, and I'm a virgin.

So... The sti test?

Was supposed to delay
this conversation.

I know you're experienced,

So if you want
to break up with me...

That's hilarious!

What's hilarious?

I have a confession
to make, too.

I like you a lot.

So I invited you over,

To introduce you
to my mom.

She'll be home
any minute now.

Oh my god!

I'm the biggest loser!

Not the biggest.

The cutest?

I'm home! Anyone here?

Yep, down here, mom!

So, are you ready?

To meet your mom?


Audra: hi.
Drew: hey.

Oh, who do we have here?

This is katie,
my new girlfriend.

it's nice to meet you,
mrs. Torres.

Uh, well, why don't we get
to know each other.

Come on upstairs.


♪ We're worlds apart ♪

♪ Today ♪

♪ Today we walk the world ♪

♪ We took our bows today ♪

(All laughing)

♪ Today we walked away ♪

♪ We bowed our heads
to say grace ♪

♪ 'Cause our world's
becoming strange ♪

♪ The worst part is
tomorrow's gone away ♪

♪ We condemn the words we say ♪

♪ A chance to risk it
from the flames... ♪

(Girls laugh)

All right, guys,

Holly j:
streamer time! Let's go!

♪ Today ♪

♪ Today we walked away ♪

♪ Today... ♪

Girls, come here!

Are you thinking
what I'm thinking?

our own degrassi walk of fame?

well, I still have
another year

Before I earn my prints.

You guys go ahead.

Hey, macpherson,
in or out?

(Sighs heavily)

What if I go to the army
and I can't hack it?

It's all I've got left.

I'm afraid too.

I'm suddenly going to be
this little fish

In this big university pond.

I'm really afraid
that I'm not going to make

The same kind of friends
at yale

That I did at degrassi.

and I've been too scared
to tell my best friend


Last night I drank
for the first time in months.

Why didn't you tell me?

I didn't want you
to be disappointed in me!

I feel like I just keep
disappointing everyone.


I even set charlie's cat free
last night.

You set
mr. Tuxedo pants free?

(Holly j and chantay snicker)

(Anya giggles)

It's not funny!

(Anya, chantay,
and holly j laugh)

(All laugh)

maybe it's a little bit funny.

Okay, I'm sorry.
Are you okay?


I'm really trying,
holly j.

I'm ready to move on.

Are you sure?
Anya: yeah.

Army, here I come.

(Sighs nervously)

One, two...



(Girls groan and laugh)

Holly j:
well, we're not done yet!



♪ That's my brother ♪

♪ Shine a light ♪


Degrassi will never forget us.

neither will i.

♪ On my own ♪

(Girls laugh)

♪ Shine a light ♪

♪ On my own ♪

(Diners chatter)

I'm sorry my mom
grilled you last night.

She's just looking out
for you.

She usually hates
the girls I date.

Speaking of girls
you used to date,

Um, bianca signed up
for grade nine orientation day.

She's not exactly a joiner.

Well, what do you think?

Can I trust her
with a group of niners?

I wouldn't trust her
with a pack of gum.

we need the volunteers,

So, maybe she's changed?

Highly unlikely.

Needs more sugar.

I'll be right back.

(Cell phone rings)

hey, charlie.

I owe you a huge apology.

I put these up
all over the area.

You don't have
to forgive me,

I'm just so, so sorry
about your kitty.

Thank you,

But he's found.
He is?!

Well, I guess we both
got found.

I'm thinking a lot
more clearly today,

Thanks to you.

Good to hear that.

And there's something here
that belongs to you.


I'll find a place
for it.

Maybe I can help you
patch things up with holly j?

No need.
I already did.

She's going in
for her kidney transplant.


She's getting
a whole new lease on life!


So am i.

I'm checking into rehab tonight.

Good for you.

So I guess
you're not going to prom?

there's always next year.
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