11x29 - Dead and Gone: Part 2

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Degrassi Next Generation." Aired: October 2001 to July 2010.*
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About the kids at Degrassi Community School. Centralizing around the children of the original characters from Degrassi High (1987). The show aims to deal with serious and sometimes taboo issues that plague teenagers.
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11x29 - Dead and Gone: Part 2

Post by bunniefuu »


wow... Isn't this place
so pretty?

Hey, guys!

Uh... Hi?

I, uh, got bianca
a ticket.

She's sitting with us.

I'm gonna go find
our table.

What's going on?

You told me
to help her.

Help her with her problem,

Not bring her
to prom with us.

yeah, and isn't her problem

That she and her boyfriend
want to k*ll you!

Okay, guys,

Bianca doesn't want anyone
to know

That her boyfriend's
been hurting her.

And her boyfriend's
a g*ng member?

Yes, it's complicated,

But she was doing it
sorta to protect me.

But it doesn't matter

I-i took care of it.


I took katie's advice.

I talked to him,
it's over.

Then why is she here?

Because i... Thought bianca
would feel safer

If she was here,
with us.

So it's your job
to protect her?

No. Look...

I've been there
for both of you, right?

But bianca has no one.

So can we please
just put all of this aside

And try and have
a fun night?

What do you say?

(Clears throat


♪ Whatever it takes ♪

♪ I know I can make it through ♪

♪ And if I hold out ♪

♪ I know I can make it through ♪


♪ Be the best ♪

♪ The best that I can be ♪

♪ Whatever it takes ♪

♪ I know I can make it ♪

♪ I can make it ♪

♪ I can make it through ♪

♪ Ooh-oh-oh ♪

♪ I can make it through ♪

♪ I can make it through ♪
(I can make it!)

♪ Whatever it takes ♪

♪ I know I can make it through ♪

(Knock at door)

I can't believe clare
stormed off

And walked all the way
to prom.

Yeah, well, it's kinda nice
she ran out ahead.

You know, most girls are
usually running behind.

Well, you guys
traumatize clare

With your wedding

And you're making jokes?

I wasn't too impressed

With her little
announcement either.

You're mad
that we're dating?

Jake, how well
do you know clare?

I don't know...
What does that matter?

All right,
so what happens?

You guys get more serious,
then you break up.

Now, how is she going to take
having to see you

Every morning
at the breakfast table?

Look, uh...

We're mature enough
to handle this, dad.

I mean, especially...
Especially clare, so...

We'll be okay.

I just don't want to see
clare get hurt...

Or you.

(Soft piano music plays,
low hum of chatter)

more bread?

don't all fill up on it.


(Clears throat)

So, um...

Katie, you did some ballet
when you were younger?


Bianca's a bit
of a dancer herself,

Right, b?

Yeah. Took jazz
when I was a kid.

A little hip-hop.

Oh, cool.

I never took those.

That's a cute bracelet.

My auntie made it.

Whoa! Is that-

it's nothing.

It's okay.

Drew told me about,
you know, your boyfriend.

I, uh,
I just mentioned-

That he wants to help.

You have a pretty
great boyfriend.

uh... Hey, guys,
I have a surprise for us.

hey! Holly j!

Holly j: (on tablet)
happy prom, everybody!

Happy prom!

how's the new kidney feeling,
holly j?

It's great.
I wish I could be there.

everything's beautiful.

All thanks to you.

Uh... Guys,
the banner's crooked.

oh, uh...

Holly j:
just kidding.
Everything's perfect.

Oh crap!
No, it isn't!

I forgot the king
and queen crowns.

I'll go get 'em.

Sorry, holly j.

Holly j:
it's all right.

I'll live.

holly j, did you get
the flowers I sent over?

Holly j:
I did.

Hey, had another talk
with my mom

About accepting
that I'm gay.


And I'm preparing my dad
to find out.

I was dreading tonight,
but I'm glad we're both here -

And at the same table.

Well, might not be
the last time.

I accepted my offer
to eastern.

that's great.

Well, maybe we'll sit together
during frosh week.



Hey, huge problem.

I need a ride to degrassi
because I forgot the crowns.

Okay, where are they?
I'll find them.

Um... You know I'm not sure
where I left them,

So, maybe I should go
with you.

Let me just grab
my keys.

♪ It's been days ♪

♪ Since you turned
and walked away ♪

Something sweet
for my sweetie?

Are you not having fun?

I'm trying.

I just had a different vision
of tonight.

Let's dance -
just the two of us.

♪ Because you were jealous ♪

♪ And afraid ♪

♪ Baby, I was risin' ♪

♪ You let me down ♪

♪ We should have
stood together ♪

♪ Now, I can't breathe ♪

♪ If I'm not breathing
with you ♪

This was my vision
of tonight.

Me and you... Right here.

♪ I can't breathe ♪

♪ If I'm not breathing
with you ♪

I'm sorry I ever said

We couldn't be
ballroom partners.

I was an idiot.
We would've k*lled.

(Bump) oh!

Or k*lled someone.


you see?
She's trying.

You're right.

I shouldn't have been
so jealous.

♪ 'Cause you said we were over ♪

♪ You were so cold ♪

♪ We should have been forever ♪

♪ I wanna be forever ♪

♪ Now I can't breathe ♪

♪ If I'm not breathing
with you ♪

♪ I can't sleep ♪


Did you really walk
all the way here?

I... I needed
to clear my head.

I'm glad you're here.

How are you so fine
right now?

I spoke to my dad.
He's sorta cool with us.

But how are you cool
with them?

This could be great.

Once your mom gets over it,

We'll have an excuse
to hang out all summer!

Because we'll be
brother and sister!

Are you not at all

That they're rushing
into this?

They like each other.

My mom is not ready
for this.

We have to stop
this wedding.

You're kidding!
Look, my dad is happy.

And what about me?

I don't matter?

You do.

But maybe we should
just cool it.

You're breaking up
with me at prom?

We're gonna be living
together, clare.

What happens
if we break up then?

I'm gonna go.

These are your friends.
I'll... See ya later.

the school's kinda romantic
when it's empty, eh?

Ms. Oh:
I guess.
The crowns are in here?


May I have this dance?

♪ Six a.m.
I hear the cars roll by ♪

You did all this
for me?

Well, it's...

The only chance
we were gonna get.

I had to.

You're right.

The school is kinda romantic
when it's empty.

♪ It's the same thing ♪

♪ Happens every day ♪

(Dance music fades in)
♪ I'm not in love ♪

♪ I'm not in love ♪

♪ I'm not in love ♪

♪ I'm not in love ♪

hey, thanks for all
of this.

For the first time in a while,
I actually feel safe.

Hey, it's the least
I could do.

♪ I'm not in love ♪

♪ I'm not in love ♪


Oh my god.


Why is he here?
We had a deal.

As in, you talked to him?
I told you not to do that!

I just wanted this
to be over.

With him,
it's never over, drew.

I'll handle this.

Don't do something stupid.

Stay with me, please.

vince, we can talk about
this later.

Please leave.

You in love with squeaky clean
james bond over there?

Just go.

I ain't leavin' alone.

We had a deal, vince.

She's not going with you.

You gonna stop me?

♪ I'm not in love ♪


♪ I'm not in love ♪

♪ I'm not in love ♪





Now, get outta here!

♪ We are not in love ♪

♪ We are not in love ♪
(cocks g*n)

♪ We are not in love ♪

(g*nsh*t blasts)

(g*nsh*t blasts)

(g*n clanks on floor)

(Panicked screaming)

everybody just remain calm!

Check the person next to you.
Police are on their way.



I'm fine.
I'm fine.


oh, adam!

Is he hurt?

Does anyone know
first aid?

I've taken classes.

Everybody just give us
some space.

(Breathing heavily)

drew, get me something!



I'm sorry.
I need to do this.

(Screams in pain)

bianca, what are you doing?

I need to end this.

(Cries out in pain)

this is gonna slow the bleeding
until the ambulance comes.



Be okay, please.

(Cell phone beeps)

Is that you?

I think that's you.

(Cell alert)

oh my god.

sh**ting victim,

g*nsh*t wound
to the shoulder.

Current bp is bypal.

Is he going to be okay?

It looks like
a clean wound.

But he's gonna make it though,

He should be all right.
You gonna ride along?


Can you guys go with him
to the hospital?

Of course.

Mom's on her way
to the hospital and um...

And I'm gonna meet you there,

where are you going?

I'm gonna meet adam
at the hospital.

You're going after her,
aren't you?

Bianca can't do this
on her own.

Enough with the v*olence!

But I can't let him get away
with hurting adam!

What do you think is gonna
happen when you find him?

He has g*ns.
You're not a super hero.

This has to be over!

Fine, then I'm going
with you.


There's no way in hell

I am letting you
out of my sight.

Fine, then let's go.
I just hope she picks up.

oh my god...


Oh my god...

This was a mistake.

(Car rumbles past)

(Car rumbles past,
sirens wail in the distance)

Be careful, okay?

(Low hum of chatter)


Don't ruin your life.

Vince already ruined it.

As soon as he shows his face,
I end this!

We can end this...
Without the g*n.

It's so messed up.

Either I stay with him,
sell dr*gs,

Be his sl*ve,
or whatever.

Or I try to leave

And he hurts the people
I care about.

I'm trapped, drew.
I have no choice.

You'll go to prison!

Beats this life.

How do you know
he's in there?

It's his safehouse.

He comes here
after anything goes down.

You see?
You know things about him.

A lot.

Bianca, you have
the g*n he used!

If I squeal,

He'll just send his boys
after me.

Just like he did to you.

Then we can get them,

You know things
about all of them, right?

But I did bad stuff, too!

The cops'll cut you
some slack.

Yeah? When my fancy lawyers
cut me a deal?

We'll find a way.

Call the police.

Let's end this.

Come on.

♪ The last miracle ♪


♪ The emptyness of hope ♪

♪ When all you want... ♪

did it hurt getting shot?

No. It felt like a warm hug
on a cold day.

Well, look on
the bright side,

Girls think scars are
pretty cool, right?

Yay, another thing to explain
when I take my shirt off.



Adam: mom!
Mrs. Torres: baby!

Oh my god.

Oh, thank god,
you're okay.

(Cell phone beeps)

You okay?

Things have gotten complicated
between me and jake.

It sucks to hear that.



How complicated is it?

"Off to the cabin
until the wedding.

See you there, sis!"

Our parents are
getting married.

Well, I can see how that
might be a problem.

I'm sorry, clare.

Maybe it wasn't
meant to be.

♪ The lives you recall ♪

♪ The things that you stole ♪

♪ The push backwards ♪

♪ That makes you fall ♪

♪ The scars that you show ♪

♪ The lover that you hold ♪

♪ Is no more than a ghost ♪

♪ And I've seen the cold ♪

♪ And the rain ♪

♪ And I pushed you back ♪


(Sirens wail,
police chatter over radio)

oh, I am so, so, so sorry,
little bro.

ow! Careful,
I'm still really sore.

When we get home,
I'm your butler.

Breakfast in bed,
xbox whenever you want it...

This is all my fault.

isn't it all her fault?

What is she doing here?

Bianca spent all night
with the detectives,

Spilling everything she knows
about vince's g*ng.

She needs our help.

And she's gonna need
a good lawyer... Or two.


We'll talk.

thank you.

Ms. Oh:
I loaded a molecular modeler,
a sky map,

An interactive periodic table,

And everything else
you'll need

For the spalding
science program.

thank you, ms. Oh.

Have a great time,

I loved it
when I went.

All right,
let's hit the road!

Uh... Wait in the truck.

I've gotta say goodbye to...
The school.

You are so weird.

Uh... I'm really sorry
about last night.

It was supposed
to be perfect.

Sav, it...
Was really romantic.

It was?

I'm sorry
I snapped at you.

Before the interruption,
I was having a great time.

So was i.

If things were

I know.

But knowing that
is enough.

♪ Hard to control
when it begins ♪

♪ The bittersweet
between teeth ♪

♪ Trying to find
the in-between ♪

♪ Fall back in love eventually ♪

You don't need to say bye
to every brick!

♪ Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah ♪

♪ Can't help myself
but count the flaws ♪

You know, degrassi can be
pretty intense sometimes,

I'm really gonna miss it.

Don't worry,
I'll send you updates.

There'll still be
plenty of drama

In those halls next year!

♪ Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah ♪

♪ Can you whisper ♪

♪ Fall back in love eventually ♪

♪ Can you whisper ♪

♪ Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah ♪
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