11x34 - Can't Tell Me Nothing: Part 1

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Degrassi Next Generation." Aired: October 2001 to July 2010.*
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About the kids at Degrassi Community School. Centralizing around the children of the original characters from Degrassi High (1987). The show aims to deal with serious and sometimes taboo issues that plague teenagers.
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11x34 - Can't Tell Me Nothing: Part 1

Post by bunniefuu »

Head coach:
let's go! Let's go!

I'm open! I'm open!

Head coach:
let's go! Let's go!

This is the under eighteen
national team tryouts!

You gotta want it!

get outta my face!

(Players holler)

stop her!

Head coach:
hustle, ladies, hustle!

Show us you wanna make
today's first cut!


(Ball thuds)

(Whistle blows)

amazing goal!

(Girl moans in pain)

(Girl moans and cries)

look what I did to that girl.
I should go apologize.

for being awesome?

Come on, it's all
a part of the game.

I think the national team
coaches will understand.

Female coach:
get the first aid kit, please!

come on, katie,
eyes on the prize!


Eyes on the prize.

(Drew claps)

♪ Whatever it takes ♪

♪ I know I can make it through ♪

♪ And if I hold out ♪

♪ I know I can make it through ♪


♪ Be the best ♪

♪ The best that I can be ♪

♪ Whatever it takes ♪

♪ I know I can make it ♪

♪ I can make it ♪

♪ I can make it through ♪

♪ Oh oh-oh... ♪

♪ I can make it through ♪
(oh oh-oh...)

♪ I can make it through ♪
(I can make it!)

♪ Whatever it takes ♪

♪ I know I can make it through ♪

oh! Getting back into music?

Trying to.

I thought it might help me feel
like my old, sunny self.

Well, good!

'Cause we could both use
some post-breakup happy.

So let's burn off
those breakup clouds

And let the sunshine in!

if only it were that simple.

Have you seen my songbook?

It's little, pink,

Has every song
I've ever written in it.

Oh, I must've left it
at kc's!

There's three years work
down the drain!

Or you can just
get it back.

That would mean
talking to him.

Well, it's bound to happen
at some point.

and when it does

He's gonna remind me of
what a horrible person I am

For giving our baby up
for adoption.

I just wanna move on
from all that.

Well, don't you think
a little happiness

Is worth one tiny,
awkward conversation?

(Dog barks,
traffic rumbles)


Hey, has the team
called you yet?

Last night?

Wow! That's amazing,
good for you!

No, they haven't called me yet.

Thanks, that's sweet.

Okay, bye.

(Wheelchair whirs)

Was that the team?

No! Bethany.

She got a call!

I can't believe it,

I scored twice as many goals
as her in rep league!

They'll call,
hang tight!

What if I screwed this up,

By hurting that girl?

I broke her nose!

And I should've apologized.

It was an accident!

Well, what if the coaches
don't see that?

What if they think
I'm some goon?

If I don't make
the national team,

The right coaches won't see me,

Which means no shot
at a college scholarship,

Which means no tryout
for the games!

Which basically means I should
give up soccer right now,

And take up... Knitting.

Glad you're keeping things
in perspective.

This has been my plan
since I was ten!

Sometimes the universe
has a different plan.

We adapt.


There is no other
plan for me, okay?

I need to make this team!

Definitely a taurus.

Don't just sit by the phone,
you'll go crazy!

Aren't you still
the school president?

Katie: yeah.
Maggie: then go be presidential!

let me start by declaring
"west drive's" season premiere,

Must-see addictive teen tv,
is at its finest!

we have so much
to talk about here

On the "west drive experience."

oh my gosh!

The carmen/carter
makeout session?

I liked it!

Carmen is supposed to be
with niko!

Carnie? So played!

The car-car action
was so hot!

more like car wreck!

um, excuse me!

Tristan: no, seriously-
tori: like, no!

Are you coming,
or what?

I'll be right out!

You're leaving?

I promised zig I'd watch him
skateboard before class.

But we're not done the vlog!

We've been doing these recaps
since season five.

Our fans expect us to post them
before the next episode!

Well, can't you just finish?

By myself?!

Zig's my boyfriend,
you understand.

(Blows a kiss)


We need a great event
to kick off my presidency,

And these proposals
are terrible!

Easy to sort, though.

"Bring your parent
to school day."


"Proposed by fiona coyne."


Is that my phone buzzing?


(Sighs heavily)

What if we moved
degrassi gladiators up?

Well, then we'd have to move
the one act plays over,

And then the intramurals
would have to start late,

And basically the whole year
would be ruined!

Our constituents
are gonna revolt

Unless we plan something fun!

I think someone needs
a prescription for chill pills!

(Cell phone rings)

Oh my god!


Yeah, this is her...
She. Me.


Thank you!
Thanks so much!

Okay, bye.

I did it!

I made it
to the next round!

More tryouts
this afternoon!

I should go
to the field early.

Go! I'll take care
of the student council stuff.

You focus on tryouts.

Are you sure
you can handle it?

I've learned from the best.

I might have to bust
a few noses.


Thank you!

(Squeals excitedly)


Guess I'm early.

Yeah, me too.

I used to have
a tight schedule,

And now I don't know
what to do with myself.

How are you?

Good summer?

Yeah, it was good.


Did you get my message?

Your songbook.

It's in here.


(Sighs deeply)

What's all this
other stuff?

Just some things
you left at my house,

I...i thought you'd want them.

(Bell rings)

(Students chatter quietly)

Mrs. Robin:
so, good morning,
ladies and gents.

(Clears throat)


It's the act of using language
to evoke an emotional response.

(Owen grunts)

hey, can I ask you something?

I need your help.

You know this weird
little niner?

Oh, yeah, dude,
we're totes bffs.

Dude, can't you see I'm busy?!

But mom said-
What do you want?

Brotherly advice.

How do I break up a girl
and her boyfriend?

Oh my god, tris.

This is serious!

(Groans) sit!

Pick up some weight.

(Grunts with effort)

Tori got back together
with zig,

And now she keeps
breaking plans with me.

So find another friend.

We were gonna take over
grade nine together!

Power squad, the play,

And now all she wants to do
is go to the stupid skate park

With stupid zig!

So go to the skate park.

Sounds like something fun
normal people do.

Normal people?

I mean normal teenagers,
not straight people.


Tori's my bestie!

I can't lose her,

And I'm not leaving

Until you tell me
how to break them up!


So tell her zig
called her fat.

That's your advice?

Now get outta here

Before someone sees you
talking to me!

(Bike whirs)

(Spectators cheer)

I'm open!


(Ball thuds)

(Spectators cheer
and clap)

Woo! That's my girl!

(Players cheering
and clapping)

(Ball thuds)

(Cheering and clapping)

Watch it, midget!

Sorry about yesterday.

If you need to play dirty
to make it...

You grabbed me!

It's not my fault
you can't keep up!



Oops! Accident.

Female coach:
I think she's hurt!

(Whistle blows)

Ow! Agh!


Head coach:
you went down hard, matlin.

You need to sit out
for a bit?

Ah... No, I'm good.

You sure?

Yes! I'm fine!

Then let's get you back
in the game.

Atta girl!

(Blows whistle)

Eyes on the prize.

Players: (shouting)
over here!



Is your knee supposed to be
that colour?

It's not as bad
as it looks.

And besides,
I have a million things

To take care of,

Starting with
event proposals.

Lay 'em on me.

You sound stressed,
should I be worried?

Mare, I'm fine!

Time to make decisions.

Come on!

Okay, um...

We have...
"Degrassi coffee house."

Put a stage in the caf,

Dim the lights,
serve coffee,

And invite musicians.

Open stage!
Love it.

Okay, phew!

Because I already made
the posters,

And jake's building
the stage.

It's perfect.

You're a lifesaver!

Yay! I'm gonna put these up.

Marisol: hey!
Drew: hey.

I got you a brace.

My knee's fine!

I just need
to get it moving.

Okay, do your worst!


You ready?



What happened?
You okay?

(Katie hisses in pain)



Maybe I'll try out
that brace. Ow!

if it hurts that bad,

It might be
a serious injury!

You don't wanna end up
in a wheelchair!

Why would you say
something like that?

Sorry, I didn't mean it
like that, i...

My mom was my age
when she first felt the signs

Of multiple sclerosis.

Sorry, I um...

I thought it wasn't
a "passed on" thing.

Yeah, well,

Studies are inconclusive
at best.

Which is why I need to take
my shot while I can.

Who knows what shape
I'll be in next year?

Hey, my-my godfather's
a sports doctor.

Maybe I can get you in
to see him.

He can give you some type
of physio.

Whatever it takes.

Music can be a way
to express personal style,

But also a way to link yourself
to a social group.

I want you to pair up
and brainstorm social groups

Defined by
their musical tastes.

There are really only
two groups:

You're a rational person
who likes adele,

Or you're a moron.

Break time!

Did you finish
the "west drive" vlog?

Done! It's a little short,
but the fans will love it.

Sorry about bailing
this morning.

Zig doesn't really get
"west drive."

Zig doesn't get a lot
of things.

Like how not to talk
behind people's backs!

What people?
What is he saying?

No, I can't.
I shouldn't.

Is it about me?

I walked by
the skate park,

And I overheard zig
say to his buddies

That he likes that
you're a little bit curvy.

He thinks I'm fat?!

That jerk!
I know, right?

(Tori gasps)

No! No, no, no, no, no!

Don't cry!
Don't cry.


He's gonna break up
with me again,

And then I'll have no one!

Maybe not;
he said he likes it!

He doesn't mean that!
He hates me!

No, he doesn't.

He didn't even say it.

I made it up.

Why would you do that?

'Cause you're spending
all your time with him!

We're supposed to be
best friends!

We are!

And a real best friend
would want to hang out

With his best friend
and her boyfriend,

Not try and break them up!

What is wrong with you?
Now I'm a mess!

(Jenna sniffles)

(Weeping and sniffling)

You moped all night,

I see you're moping again,

But I have the cure
for the mopes.

Open stage
at the coffee house!

I-i don't know, alli.

Didn't kc give
your songbook back?

along with all this.

It's too much right now.

So you're just gonna sit
and stare at it

Instead of singing?

How am I supposed
to be happy

With all this stuff
haunting me?

What are you doing?

I'm gonna lock this away,

And you are gonna find
the happiest song

To sing at the coffee house.

Yeah, I'm not really
in the mood.

not yet!

But did you know
you could make a dog happy

By wagging its tail?

Make it do that thing it does
when it's happy,

Then it feels like
it's happy,

And then it becomes happy!

I don't have a tail,

Singing songs is your tail,

Now you wag that tail,

You wag it!

I said wag it!

(laughing) okay,
I'm wagging!

(Treadmill whirs)

that's good enough.


So is there any physio
I can do?

I'll draw you up a plan,

Stay off it 'til
the swelling goes down,

And then you'll come back
and see me.

But my next tryout's tomorrow!

That doesn't sound
like a good idea.

I think you strained your acl.

If you tear it,

You're looking
at walking complications

For the rest of your life,
or worse.

I'll book an mri,

And we'll see what's
going on in there.

Okay, well,
can we do that today?

Well, the first opening
isn't until early next month.


Then I'll lose my chance
at the national team!

Can't you give me
an injection?


For the pain.

I mean, pros get them
all the time!

Hockey players,
basketball players.

But those are elite athletes
paid to play through the pain.

Can't you give me

Oxy? Codeine?

You want me to prescribe

Habit-forming dr*gs

Without a proper course
of treatment?

Yeah! I mean,
you said it yourself,

You can't be sure
it's my acl.

Take some ibuprofen.

If it hurts to walk,
don't play on it.

I'll have my assistant
set you up for an mri.


♪ A girl like me ♪

♪ Just trying to have some fun ♪

♪ Not going around
trying to bug anyone ♪

♪ But still I sit here and... ♪

(Wood clatters)

♪ shine... ♪

♪ Just believe ♪

♪ Touch the sky ♪

♪ Open... ♪

Do you have to do
that here?

This is where
the coffee house is.

And no offense,

Do you have
to do that here?

Shouldn't you be home,

Making out with
your step-girlfriend?

Clare and I broke up.

Sorry, I didn't know!
I'll play somewhere else.

No, stay.
I'll do something less hammery.


but well,

Can you play something
a little less...


Less shiny?

You know how it is,

I mean...

Happy music seems phony
right now.


♪ I still know the way ♪

♪ But you get lost ♪

Zig, it was you?

Come here!
You're so sweet!

I got invited too.
I thought it was you.

it was i.

I have a proposal.

Please, sit.

you're my best friend.

Zig, you're a good guy,
I'm sure.

But I felt like you were
taking her away from me.

I got jealous.

And you tried to break us up!

I know,
it was stupid.

But, look,
I'm totally willing to share.

I'm not a sandwich,

I'm sorry!

Can't we just all hang out

Like you said?

Starting with this.

They're calling for acts
for the open stage,

And I say we do "half-hearted
until I'm with you."

The song we wrote
at summer camp?

and performed
at your uncle's wedding!

It k*lled!
People cried.

Are you in?

Sure... Why not?

Who says three's a crowd?


(Breathing hard with each step)

Wow! Someone's hungry!

it's not what you think.

I'm looking for something
and you're in my way!

I'm just getting a drink.

(Katie sighs)

Is everything okay?

No one binges on peas!

It's for my knee.


There's my soccer star!

Do you want any particular
meal tonight -

Fuel for tomorrow's
big tryout?

No, just... Whatever's easy.

Pass me my anti-convulsants.

What if I can't do it?

Are you nervous?

Ever since you were in utero,
you've been a little kicker.

You were born for this,


Here you go.

You don't take those every day,
do you?

Only when I need it.

I'm gonna call your father
at the office,

And then I'm going
to start dinner.

My daughter...
On the national team!

(Chair whirs)

(Pills rattle)



(Strums guitar)

(Taps pen,
sighs heavily)




(Crickets chirp,
dog barks)

(Siren wails nearby)

so, what did dr. Dawkins say?

that there's a fifty
percent chance

That it's nothing at all.

What about the other fifty?

The pain's all in your head,

wow! You are hardcore!

So... Why don't you show me

What you've got there,

You asked for it!



Lucky shot.

Let's see you do
that one twice.





(Drew pants)

That was awesome.

So, how does it feel?

Much better.

I feel great.
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