11x35 - Can't Tell Me Nothing: Part 2

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Degrassi Next Generation." Aired: October 2001 to July 2010.*
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About the kids at Degrassi Community School. Centralizing around the children of the original characters from Degrassi High (1987). The show aims to deal with serious and sometimes taboo issues that plague teenagers.
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11x35 - Can't Tell Me Nothing: Part 2

Post by bunniefuu »


♪ Too long you've been wrong ♪

♪ And I've gotta let
the whole world know ♪

♪ Far gone
I'm comin' around ♪

♪ And I got a lot
left to go ♪

♪ Good god
I'm on fire ♪

♪ And I'm lookin'
for gasoline ♪

♪ Even hell
ain't hot enough ♪

♪ For a rebel child like me ♪

♪ Ah! I do what I want... ♪

What are you doing
with mom's codeine?

I'm filling mom's pills!

You saw me do that

Okay, sherlock,
you got me!

I just wanna take
one or two for my knee

To make it through
the game tonight.

Can't you just take
an aspirin?

It's not strong enough.
I saw a doctor yesterday,

And he refused to give me

But...these kinda help.

Okay, so I'm supposed
to feel better

Because a doctor doesn't
want you to have it?

Please don't tell mom!

You know how important
this team is to me!

I'll do your chores
for a week.


Okay, fine, a month!

I really need this.

Fine, but you have
to promise me one thing.


No operating
heavy machinery!


(Pills rattle)

♪ Whatever it takes ♪

♪ I know I can make it through ♪

♪ And if I hold out ♪

♪ I know I can make it through ♪


♪ Be the best ♪

♪ The best that I can be ♪

♪ Whatever it takes ♪

♪ I know I can make it ♪

♪ I can make it ♪

♪ I can make it through ♪

♪ Oh, oh, oh... ♪

♪ I can make it through ♪
(oh, oh, oh...)

♪ I can make it through ♪
(I can make it!)

♪ Whatever it takes ♪

♪ I know I can make it through ♪

Jenna: (singing)
♪ there's reasons why
I don't remember you ♪

♪ There's a reason why
I don't see you anymore ♪

♪ I won't come knocking
on your door ♪

♪ Well it seems to me
something got in the way ♪

♪ And it seems to me
everything is not okay ♪

♪ But still we've got
nothing left to say ♪

♪ Now I'm over you,
all right? ♪

♪ So get over me
'cause you know it's right ♪

♪ So I'll forget everything
that happened ♪

♪ So get me out of your head ♪

(Chords stop abruptly)


I thought I was alone.

Marisol roped me
into being

The coffee house
sound guy too.

Know anything about
sound equipment?

A bit, yeah.

So what'd you think?

The song?
I liked it.

It's less shiny.


I'm sure glad clare
doesn't know how

To play guitar,

What's that supposed
to mean?

Well, it's about your ex,

it's about dealing
with a breakup.

I never said his name.

But everyone knows.
I mean...

You two had a baby

Look, all I'm saying is,
I wouldn't wanna be that guy

When you play it
in public.

(Students chatter)

♪ With you my heart is full ♪

♪ It feels there's nothing
I can't be ♪

♪ And with you
I'd walk a hundred miles ♪

♪ Or spend a million days ♪

♪ 'Cause you've got half
a heart ♪

♪ and you've got half a heart ♪

Tristan and tori:
♪ I'm only half-hearted
'til I'm with you! ♪

(Tristan and tori laugh)

You want the three of us
to sing that

At the coffee house?

You don't like it?

No, no!
It was... It was catchy.

Um, I just don't see
a part for me.

(Bell rings)

Well, uh,
I better get going.

Armstrong'll k*ll me
if I'm late again.

Maybe "half-hearted"
is just better as a duet.

The whole point
of doing this

Was so the three of us
could hang out!

If I can't make this work,

Then you'll always have
to choose who to hang out with,

And I can't compete with your
lanky, dark-haired boyfriend.

Oh, come on, tristan!

Why don't you write a new part
just for zig?

Tori, you know what?

You're a life saver!
That might work!

(Students chatter)

You ready to unleash
those cannon kicks

We practiced yesterday?

What's wrong?

If you had the chance
to play in the nfl,

Y-you'd do anything,

Who wouldn't?
It'd be a dream come true.

I need to ask what you think
about something.


They're my mom's, i...

I took some last night
for the pain

Before you helped me

Wow, they sure did work.

But isn't that stuff

Yeah, but I'm only going
to take them for the tryouts.

And if you make the team?

Well, we don't start training
until after christmas,

I'll have time to heal.

Just be careful.

I will.

Meanwhile, let's keep
you off that knee.

Piggyback to class?

(Bell rings)

(Drew grunts with effort)

excuse me! Soccer star
coming through! Thanks!

this song's great.

So you're thinking of playing it
at the coffee house?

I don't wanna play it
if it's that obvious

It's about kc.

Hey! Taylor swift made
billions bashing bad boys.

Real artists
don't hold back.

Mrs. Robin:
okay, students,

Today you present
your poetry assignment,

And kc has offered
to go first.

(Clears throat)

From the dark of the woods,
to the seaside villages,

The evil monster, grenna,
plunders and pillages.

She slaughters the cattle,

She feasts on the hens.

She tears out your heart
in front of your friends.

There's no way to guard
against grenna's attack,

She'll try to destroy you
behind your back!

(Book snaps shut)

Well, thank you
for that, kc.

Very um... Emotive.

Hey, does this banner
look okay so far?

You spelled coffee wrong.

Oh my god! I'm sorry.

what the hell, katie?

Uh, can I help you?

I submit a proposal
for the "degrassi coffee house,"

And I come here finding
you planning a...

"Cofee" house.

You stole my idea!


Sure, play dumb, marisol!

Whatever, old lady!

okay, I know we got off
on the wrong foot,

But marisol still needs
some help,

So maybe you could
take the reins?

I think not!

No, I'll wait for it
to fail,

Revealing you
as the incompetent

Lazy loser you are!

You have no idea
how hard I work!

Oh, I do.

I've been keeping notes.

Breaks into school,
denies blame,

Passes responsibilities off
on idiot vp,

Causing events to fail.

Sounds like a good case
for impeachment, no?

Ta-ta for now!

Katie, she's overreacting.

This event is going
to be awesome!

because I'm taking over.

No, I promised!

I can do this!

I can handle it! Go.

Hey! I've been thinking
about my song,

And you were right.

There wasn't a part
for you.

So, I wrote one.

Tori and I will harmonize
the chorus,

And you could sing
the bridge.

It's short.

Okay, or um...

Maybe we could do
this instead?

That's a lot of words.


Is this a rap?

Well, yeah.
See, like I thought...

The song could be
a battle over tori.

You could sing,
and I'll rap.

You should read
the lyrics, tris,

They're really funny.

"Half-hearted" is not supposed
to be funny!

w-well, people are going
to laugh either way, right?

So I just thought,
you know, go for it!

And you support this?

"Half-hearted" was a hit
at summer camp,

But maybe it's not right
for a high school coffee house.

Maybe it's a little um...


You think I'm campy?!

Tris, t-that's not what
zig meant.

Yeah, sorry.

Don't be!
I appreciate the honesty.

(Sighs heavily)

♪ Too long you've been wrong ♪

♪ And I gotta let
the whole world know ♪

♪ Far gone
I'm comin' around ♪

♪ And I got a lot
left to go ♪

♪ Good god
I'm on fire ♪

♪ And I'm lookin'
for gasoline ♪

♪ Even hell ain't hot enough ♪

♪ For a rebel child like me ♪

great! Finally, I get some help!

Jake! Oh, I am so, so, so,
so glad you're here!

So, what's left to do,

The short list?

Well, the coffee bar
isn't set up,

The tables aren't dressed,

The curtain isn't hung.

Ah! Well, the coffee
and tables are easy-peasy,

I'll get the curtain!

It has to go up
over the rafters.

How do I do that?

Well, you wait for
the janitor to come,

He'll use the scissor-lift.

Ugh! I am so sick and tired
of relying on other people

To get things done!

I think you need training
for that.

How hard could it be?


♪ I've realized that
everything's got to change ♪

all right. Okay.

I'm fine!

whoa! Whoa! Whoa! Whoa!

G-g-go slow, okay?

Oh crap, um...
Um, it won't stop! Jake!

Watch out for the tables,

Katie! Katie! Watch out!

Katie: jake!
Jake: okay, okay!

(Tables and chairs crash)

Oh my god.

You okay up there?

oh my god!

Oh my god! Jake!

all right, all right,
press the, uh, press the lever!

Help me!

The button,
the emergency stop button

That's around the box!

Katie, watch out!

Which-which button?
Oh god!

(Stops with a thump)

I'm really high.

Um, can you get me
some help, please?

I'll be right back,

I'm just gonna get someone
to help, okay?

Be right back.

What happened here?

Long, strange story.

Anyway, I've got a lot
of work to do

If this is gonna be ready
in time.

So can you help?

Bigger fish to fry.

How's this sound?

We all have our baggage,

But mine's filled with lead,

I don't care anymore,
I wish kc was dead!

Is this about
his poem stunt?

You heard about that.

I am so done tiptoeing
around kc!

I need to play it... For me.

well, as long as
you're prepared

For mutually assured

You got stuck on top
of a scissor-lift?!

Oh, save it!

I already have two weeks
detention starting tomorrow

So I don't miss my tryout,
thank god!

Do I need to mention

Mom won't be finding out
about this?

I'm not gonna tell,

I'm just...
Kind of worried.

Okay, these tryouts,
they're making you crazy!

What part of "most important
part of my life"

Don't you understand?

I'm fine!

Can you run on that?

Will you be able
to kick in a game?

I'll be okay
once I get out there.

The adrenaline will
kick in.

And mom's codeine.

Why do you care so much,

Because I looked up
knee injuries!

Torn acl,
dislocated menisc-something,


None of these are good,
by the way!

And I don't have any
of them!

Is that what the doctor
told you?

What'd you do
if someone told you

Your dream of playing cello

For the new york philharmonic
was dead?

That all those hours
of practice,

And all those sacrifices
were for nothing!

I'd tell them
to eat my bow.

I have one last shot
at making this team,


And I'm not giving that up
for anything!

It's a good thing
our house

Is already wheelchair

(Sighs heavily)

I will b*mb over your head!

well, I'm the quarterback,
and I can't even do that!

Okay, well, we'll see, buddy!

All right, I'm gonna catch up
with you in a minute, okay?

all right, man.

(Clears his throat)

What's wrong this time?

Tori's stupid boyfriend
ruined everything!

The three of us were going
to do a musical number

For the coffee house,

And he wanted to ruin it
with some stupid rap.


So I had to call it off.

He said people would
laugh at me.

He made a mockery of my song,
of me!

And worst of all,

Tori took his side.

Dude, you remember when
you were like seven,

And you put on that play
for all the neighbourhood kids?

Magic, might,
and the brave knight?

Oh jeez, is that
what it was called?

Anyway, mom and dad said
we should come

And support
all your artsy stuff.

And if I recall,
I got a standing ovation.

What's your point?

(Clears throat)

Well, the reason you didn't
get laughed off the stage

Is because I threatened them.

Each kid, individually.

You did?

You really think
"no-neck" nunzio

Loved musical theatre?

S-so what should I do?

Play football
so people won't laugh at me?

The world is full
of sharks, tris,

And unless you adapt,

You're gonna get
eaten alive.

(Sighs heavily)

(Keys click)

♪ An overwhelming weight ♪

♪ Breaking out
from inside these walls ♪

♪ They're coming down ♪

(Cell phone beeps)

Oh! What now?

hey! Uh, have you seen marisol?

Uh, nope.

Yeah, I'm not sure
where marisol is,

So I guess we should start.


Welcome to the degrassi
coffee house.

First up we have...
Drum roll please?

(Someone coughs)

J-jenna middleton,

Who's gonna sing
a happy song about nobody!


hi, um, I wrote this song
about trying to move on,

Even when you can't
move away.


♪ There's reasons why
I don't remember you ♪

♪ There's a reason why
I don't see you anymore ♪

♪ I won't come knocking
on your door ♪

♪ Well it seems to me
something got in the way ♪

♪ And it seems to me
everything is not okay ♪

♪ But still we've got
nothing left to say ♪

♪ I'm over you,
all right? ♪

♪ So get over me
'cause you know it's right ♪

♪ So I'll forget everything
that happened ♪

♪ So get me out
of your head! ♪

Tristan, you can't go
up there!

People will laugh!

I don't care,
I'm not changing.

Not for you,
not for anyone.

Don't worry,
I don't expect you to join me.

I'm trying to be
a good friend!

I get it,
I don't come first anymore.

♪ it's clear ♪

♪ We're on a different path
it's a matter of fact... ♪

(Students chatter)

run! Kick! sh**t! Pass!

Let's go, katie,
kick some... Butt!

(Students laugh)

What's this?

Well, I saw how nervous
you were this morning,

So marisol and I decided to be
a little bit sneaky.

and we wanted to show you
how much we believe in you!

Aw, you guys!

Just uh,
don't forget about us

When you travel the world
with the national team.

I'd never.

Ready to go, champ?

Yeah! I've never been
more ready.

Okay, let's go
to your tryout.

Um, one more piggyback
to marisol's car?

Sure. Hop on.

♪ so get me out of your head! ♪

(Audience cheers and applauds)

Next up, we have...
Tristan milligan.

(Audience applauds)

(Music plays)

♪ my mug is half empty,
my cake is half baked ♪

♪ I'm hitting the gas ♪

♪ But my foot's on the brake ♪

♪ I'm torn into pieces,
my body's in two ♪

♪ I'm only half-hearted
'til I'm with you ♪

(Students murmur and boo)

♪ I walk, but I'm aimless
I sing, but off-key ♪

♪ I can't even stand,
unless you're next to me ♪

♪ There's nowhere to go
and nothing to do ♪

♪ I'm only half-hearted
'til I'm with you ♪

it looks like zig
has a rhyme to spit!

Zig: (rapping)
♪ are you sure that it's him,
I'm a nice dude! ♪

♪ Let's go to my place,
I'll cook you some food! ♪

♪ I'm tough and cute,
he's a pale little sap! ♪

♪ Dude's half your heart?
He can't even rap! ♪

♪ With you
my heart is full ♪

♪ It feels there's nothing
I can't be ♪

♪ And with you I'd walk
a hundred miles ♪

♪ Or spend a million days ♪

♪ 'Cause you've got half
a heart ♪

♪ And you've got half
a heart ♪

Tristan and tori:
♪ I'm only half-hearted
'til I'm with you! ♪

yeah! Woo!

(Cell phone beeps)

ooh! That still looks
pretty gnarly.

I'm okay.


It still hurts?

The painkillers
are wearing off.

But you'll make it through
the tryout though, right?

Well, what if the pain
isn't all in your head?

Ever since I was little,

I've missed out on summer camps
and sleepovers,

Birthdays and holidays,

All so I could focus
on this very moment!


I have to try.

I just need to stretch
it out.

Ow! (Hisses in pain)

(Breathing heavily)

It's okay.

See? No problem.

Katie: ow!
Drew: oh my god!

W-what happened?

ow! I heard something snap!
Ow! Ow! Ow!

Okay, what do we do?

Um, take me
to the hospital!

Okay, I'll call your mom.
Let's go!

(sobs) it's over, isn't it?

No, no,
we don't know that.

You sure you can
handle that?

After playing that song?

I feel like I can
handle anything.

That was ballsy,
I'll give you that.

Need backup?

I'll be okay.

Don't freak out,
I had to play this.

I'm glad you did.
Look, I deserved it.

We went through a lot
last year,

And I have to let you
deal with things

In your own way.


Maybe you'll find
a way, too.

Yeah, maybe.

I guess I should be flattered

That you wrote a song
about me though, right?

Hey, you were a pretty big
part of my life.

And not every girl gets a poem
written about her.

Yeah, well, that one's
going in the vault.


So uh...

I'll see you around?

Yeah. (Laughs)

that was awkward.

Yeah, right now,
I'll settle for awkward.

Yeah, me too.

Think you could write me
a song for clare?


Maya, maggie, and mr. Matlin:

Uh, you guys know I'm not
making the team, right?

I need surgery
to fix my knee.

We know.

We're just proud of you
for making it

As far as you did.

consider it congratulations
on the start of your recovery

And your eventual return
to the field!


What am I supposed to do
until then?

It's your senior year!

Don't you have lots
to keep you busy?

Student council,
friends, drew.

Yeah, I guess so.

Not to mention rehab.

For your knee,
I mean.

After the operation.

and in the meantime,

I'm sure you'll find something
really interesting

To fill the void.

I'll find something.
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