11x37 - Not Ready to Make Nice: Part 2

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Degrassi Next Generation." Aired: October 2001 to July 2010.*
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About the kids at Degrassi Community School. Centralizing around the children of the original characters from Degrassi High (1987). The show aims to deal with serious and sometimes taboo issues that plague teenagers.
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11x37 - Not Ready to Make Nice: Part 2

Post by bunniefuu »

so this is your school.

yep. Back to reality.

Thanks for the coffee,

well, you gotta caffeine up
before school, right?

Summer, thanks for letting me
crash at your house last night.

Escaping my family angst,
talking to new people,

It's exactly what I needed.

I feel energized.

Great! But...?

I don't know
how realistic it is

To keep staying with you
and cash.

When my mom finds out
I'm not at my dad's,

She'll freak.

What she doesn't know
won't hurt her.

I can't lie to her.

It's just keeping up
a charade.

Yeah, which is french
for lying.

Someone's gonna
figure it out.

My mom and dad will
eventually compare notes.

And when that happens,

They'll probably be
cool with it.

My mom wants me at home.

Maybe I just have to
try harder to fit in.


Try and try
and try again.

Keep the negative energy
around you.

It's up to you,

But I'm gonna feel
so sad

If that's what you choose
for your life.

(Bell rings)

We'll keep a place for you.


♪ Whatever it takes ♪

♪ I know I can make it through ♪

♪ And if I hold out ♪

♪ I know I can make it through ♪


♪ Be the best ♪

♪ The best that I can be ♪

♪ Whatever it takes ♪

♪ I know I can make it ♪

♪ I can make it ♪

♪ I can make it through ♪

♪ Oh-oh-oh... ♪

♪ I can make it through ♪

♪ I can make it through ♪
(I can make it!)

♪ Whatever it takes ♪

♪ I know I can make it through ♪

Mom, you don't need
to keep reminding me

To send grandma
birthday flowers!

she'll blame me
if you don't!

So are you going
to talk to imogen?

About my crush?
As if!

I'm putting
my feelings aside

For the service
of greater good -

My two best friends
falling in love.

They just need
a little nudge.

Bye, mom!
Love you!


Make a lady wait,
why don't you?

So what's the plan
for finishing up

Our mini-house project?
(Phone rings)

Forty percent of our
life skills class mark -

Ring any bells?

Yeah. Of course!
Let's meet up tonight.

Okay, good.
Let's go in.

Uh, now, eli.

He told me that he's ready
to take your relationship

To the next level.

Why were you talking
to him about me?

Uh, your name
just casually came up.

So I asked him
and he's very into you!


I thought we were
just friends.

I'm so excited!

Why are you excited?

Let's go.

hey, did you get my text?

missed it, sorry.

How was dinner last night
at your dad's?



I'm not starting fights
at the dinner table.

You and jenna can hang out
all you want.

This is the best solution
for everyone.

Not for your mom.

She spent
all last night crying.

She did?

I'll go home at lunch
and I'll talk to her, okay?


(Keyboard keys clack,
students chatter nearby)

connor, you're okay?

Better than okay.

I have the perfect way
to prank mo.

Is that why you're logged
into facerange as "teresa"

And your profile pic
is a sultry brunette?

I set up this fake account

And posted a flirty message
on mo's wall.

It took him less than
minutes to respond.

Mo and "teresa"
are chatting as we speak.

Mo is not gonna fall
for a fake online girl.

Never mind.

He's spewing rainbows
over there.

And now for the kicker.

After school, tomorrow,
the dot?

Smiley face,
smiley face,

Smiley winky face.


We have the season opener
tomorrow after school.

Exactly. A game mo's
not gonna be at.

And what happens when mo
finds out "teresa" isn't real?

It's a prank.

Well, after he made
fun of you

In front of
the whole team,

Seems more like revenge.

Football guys
love pranks.

Clare, why aren't you
at school?

Jake said you were upset
after I left last night.

Of course I was.

You've spent practically
every night of your life

In this house,

And to have you leave
like that,

So angry at me...

I'm sorry,
I didn't mean to hurt you.

I just needed
some space.

Living here is
really hard for me.

I see that now.

I am so sorry

That I was insensitive
to you last night.

I'm sorry, too.

in time, we'll get used
to the idea.

Used to the idea?

This kills me

Maybe it is best
if you stay with your dad

For a while.

I-i thought you
wanted me home.

I can see that
you're not happy.

Being away from here

Might help you
get some clarity,

And in time

You'll start to see jake
as your stepbrother.

What do you think?

I guess we'll try it.


(Buzzer buzzes)

I had a brainwave.
Solar panels on the roof.

uh, hi! Come in!

Oh! A carpet picnic,
how fun!


Um, hey...

Eli. Are you helping us
on the mini-house?

you didn't tell her?

Um, sorry,

This didn't exactly start out
the way I had planned,


So just sit right down

And enjoy the picnic
and each other.

I'll leave you alone.

Um, is this a date?

Eli, I'm so sorry-

It's okay,
it's not your fault.


eli, wait.

I'm sorry!

What's your deal?

Eli and I are not
your project!

But you like him
and he likes you.

Why are you being
so pushy about this?

I'm just trying to help!

It's not my fault
that you're too stupid

To see you have a great guy
who likes you

Right under your nose!

since I'm so stupid,

You can finish the mini-house
by yourself.

♪ Things ain't going down ♪

♪ Just how you're planning ♪

♪ Although, you make your
gold mine in the rain ♪

To clare!

♪ But I'm trying
to live this life ♪

♪ With understanding ♪

♪ And so I'm gonna love you
just the same ♪

clare, you should know
we have a dinner tradition.

It's like a share circle

Where everybody
takes turns sharing.

And it's my turn,
isn't it?

Uh, yeah.
Sorry, newb.

Summer likes to put people
on the spot.

It's kind of her thing.

Well, I don't know
what you want me to say.

Just talk about you.


When my parents first told me
they were separating,

Everything I've ever known -

My family, the church -

It all feels...

I feel lost.

And there are no answers,
just questions.

And now I'm completely alone.

No, you're not.
You have us.

yeah. And unfortunately,
we have work to do.

work? Now?

but if we all chip in
we'll be done in no time.

Uh, well,
what can I do to help?

you want to?

Come with me.

Is that marijuana?

hey, where are the baggies?



Oh my god!

Are-are you drug

We're herbalists.

Well, in that case.

this is how we pay bills
and put food on the table

So that cash and I can help out
troubled teens like you.

Come on.

We're good people.

Nobody's getting hurt.

This is your home now.

Please tell me
you'll stay.

It's not that big
of a deal, right?

oh, it's really not.

okay. I'll stay.



finally, and most importantly,

Termite protection
has been applied

All around the excavation
near the structure.

don't want any nasty little bugs
getting in!



Mr. Khanna:
impressive, girls.

Most solid foundation
I've seen so far.

(Bell rings)

A-plus, here we come.

I'm so sorry
I was mean to you last night.

I shouldn't have pushed
you and eli together.

It's fine.
I get it.

You don't want to hang out
with me anymore.

What? No!
That's not it at all!

I'm not trying
to get rid of you.

It's just...

We have so much
in common

And we've been through
so much

In such a short period
of time,

It's overwhelming.

And whatever happens
with eli,

It's not gonna change us.


I love your hugs!

And I like intense

That's why
we get a-pluses.

I need to get in there,

This seems to be
the only way

To get your attention.

I mean, you don't respond
to voicemails

Or texts anymore?

My phone isn't working.

What happened to it?

I threw it in
a fish t*nk.

It's just plastic and wires,

I don't want to be
tied to it.

And by the way,

Your negativity
is stressing me out.

Well, your dad called
this morning

Because you weren't answering
your plastic and wires.

He also said
he hasn't spoken to you

Since your dinner
the other night.

Which is odd
since you're living with him.

Don't worry,
I didn't blow it for you.

But it's a good thing
I answered the call

And not your mom.

Where are you staying?

With a friend.

You don't know her.

I met her downtown
a few days ago.

She and her boyfriend

Have been incredibly
kind to me.

They're my saviors.

Now I'd appreciate it
if you'd keep it to yourself.

Uh, no!

Clare, I'm not gonna
keep this to myself.

This is so dangerous!

You barely know
these people.

It's better this way.
Just let it go.

look, I'll stop hanging out
with jenna.

I'll move out.

Whatever you need me to do,
I'll do it.

(Bell rings)

I don't need you
to do anything.

Nobody has any idea
where you are!


That's the address.

For emergencies only.

They don't like visitors.

I can't keep this
a secret.

If you ever loved me,
you will.

offence! Watch for those
short passes.

And I want clean rutes all game!

and defense - hard hitting
and persue that ball!

I want you to get it
and bring it down!

You understand me?!


Hey, guys,
I gotta miss the game. Sorry.

And what's so important
that you're bailing on us, mo?

It's this thing.

oh, and this "thing" is
more important than the game,

That's gonna set the tone
for the entire season?!

No, no. No excuses.
You have to be there.

guys, if he can't come,
then he can't come.

Besides, mo's a backup.

I can handle a nose tackle

Don't show up,

You're riding the bench
all year.

Panthers, let's go!

let's go!

Let's go, boys!

Are you sure you want
to miss this game?

Some things are
more important

Than football, connor.

I'm meeting this
super fine lady

At the dot.


What now, conehead?

Good luck.

thank you.



should I tell her?

hmm... I want to tell her.

Hey, somebody tell me.

Well, me and eli
had a talk -

The talk -

And it turns out

We really needed that
kick in the pants

You gave us.

We're going on
a date!


Wow! I am so happy for you,

Isn't this
what you wanted?

My two best friends.


Eli and imogen:

Come on, come on,
come on, come on, come on...

what's going on?

we're moving tonight.
Gotta go.

I thought this was your home.

home is wherever the people
that care about you are.

So that no cell phone policy
was just for me, wasn't it?

You know what?
You better just get outta here.

I'll let you know
where we end up.

(Students cheer,
whistle blows)


We're down by three,
running out of time.

Nunzio bunged up
his knee.

You know, whatever mo's doing
better be worth it.

he's meeting a girl.


I thought his grandma died
or something.

He's ditching the game
for a chick?

What an idiot!

Isn't mo your friend?

Every team needs
a punching bag, connor.

A few days ago,
that was me.

Oh! And there he is now,
fresh off his date.

Sorry, I'm late, guys.
I'll warm up the bench.

No. No. No.
When the d takes the field,

You're going in
at dt.

Try not to screw it up,

♪ All these years ♪

♪ I believe now ♪

I know she's here!

clare, you know this guy?

I found him skulking around
out back.

Yes, I know him.

no wonder the cops have been
circling the neighbourhood.

That's why you're moving?

what did you tell them?

I didn't tell them anything!

I'm just here for clare.
Let's go.

you're not going anywhere!

banging on the door)

Police officer:
police! We have a warrant!

(Summer gasps)

Nobody move!

(Door crashes,
clare screams)

Hands up!
Hands up!

Get down! On the ground!
Now! Now!

On the floor!

Don't move!

At least you
get to play.

Who cares?
That girl stood me up.

Of course!
I'm pathetic...

And an idiot.

I'm like a pathidiot.
It's not even funny.


I set up the "teresa"
facerange profile

To prank you.

What the hell, man?

Because I just wanted
to be accepted,

But you kept on
making fun of me.

But I see now that you just
wanted to be accepted, too.

I guess it's good
for us

Because we're both
huge losers.

And if we become friends,

At least we can be
losers together.


That makes me feel
so much better.

(Police chatter over radio)

Officer, I just came here
for my sister.

Neither of us have anything
to do with this...

This operation.

Police officer:
we know. We've had surveillance
on this house

For about a month now.

These guys recruit
runaway teens

And turn them into accomplices.

Here's your id.

Hold tight here.

I'll get something
to cut those ties for you.

mind if I check out
your next living arrangements

Before you decide
to move out?

I'm definitely coming home.

I don't want to hurt mom
more than I already have.

Hopefully she'll let me.


Hey, we're okay now,


(Laughs harder)

Are you laughing?



My nerves are totally shot.

I-i think I'm hysterical.

Well, this is kind of serious.

(Laughing) sorry.

Right. Not funny.


You know,
I'd slap you out of it

But unfortunately,
my hands are zip-tied so...


Police officer:
you guys are free to go.

Try to be more careful
about who you associate with,

Miss edwards.

Thank you, officer.
I will.

Hey, are you gonna be okay
associating with us at home?

Owen: ready?
Team: break!

last play of the game.

You guys gonna take a knee
or what?

Run up the score.

we should try something, mo.

The only way to change
how the team sees us

Is to win the game.

And how are we gonna
do that?

You have skills.
You're funny.

Can we use that?

you know, for a conehead,
you're a genuis.

Forty-five fire!

Follow my lead.

(Whistle blows)

You're ridiculous, connor!

I can't believe you hazed me,

Guys like us are supposed
to have each other's backs!

You just made fun of me

And hurt my feelings!

guys, hello?

you jerked my heart around,

drop the lover's quarrel!

Did you forget
all the good times?

Did you flip a switch

And erase me
from your memory?

did you ever love me at all?

Hut, hut, hut!

Hey! Hey! Hey!

Go! Go! Go! Go!


Go! Go! Go! Go!





(Whistle blows)



Yeah! Yeah!

what's going on?

I want to come home.

Is that okay?

You really want to?

Of course.
You don't have to ask.


Clare-bear, did something
bad happen at your dad's?

No, mom-

pullout couches are the worst.
Right, clare?

It just wasn't where
I belonged.

I missed you.

I'm gonna make tacos
tonight, okay?

Mom and dad don't need
to know everything.

You know, I was so upset
about losing a boyfriend,

I never really
thought about

How awesome it would be
to have a brother.

Is that what we are now?

I guess so.

So lame.

you're lame.


♪ Oooooh... Woo-hoo-hoooo! ♪
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