11x45 - In the Cold, Cold Night: Part 2

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Degrassi Next Generation." Aired: October 2001 to July 2010.*
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About the kids at Degrassi Community School. Centralizing around the children of the original characters from Degrassi High (1987). The show aims to deal with serious and sometimes taboo issues that plague teenagers.
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11x45 - In the Cold, Cold Night: Part 2

Post by bunniefuu »

Well, here I am,
back at degrassi.

Do you miss it?

No. Yale already
feels like home.

I can't believe I'm gonna be
leaving this behind

In two days.

Your parents want you
back home in new york,

And that is pretty

but what is home?

Our finances are frozen,
my mom's under house arrest.

I don't even know
what kind of life

I'm gonna be going back to.

You'll be surrounded
by the people you love.

Yeah, well, after I cancel
the carnival I can't pay for,

I'm gonna need to be.



I've sold every last ticket.
We need more!

Hey, I know you.
Holly j!

I'm just back
for the holidays.

From yale,
I know!

Your hand prints
are right there!

It's like I'm in
the presence of royalty.


You must be imogen.

Fiona's told me
all about you.

And she was just leaving!

I will see you later.
Good luck.

Okay, so I drew up

Here is the ferris wheel,
carousel, carnival games,

Along with the generators
and electrical drops.

Looks great, imogen.
It's great.

Well, I mean, you put up
so much of your own money

To make this the most
mind-blowing frostival ever!


Next term, you and I will
rule the school together.

Is everything okay?

Of course.
The show must go on.



♪ Whatever it takes ♪

♪ I know I can make it through ♪

♪ And if I hold out ♪

♪ I know I can make it through ♪


♪ Be the best ♪

♪ The best that I can be ♪

♪ Whatever it takes ♪

♪ I know I can make it ♪

♪ I can make it ♪

♪ I can make it through ♪

♪ Oh-oh-oh... ♪

♪ I can make it through ♪

♪ I can make it through ♪
(I can make it!)

♪ Whatever it takes ♪

♪ I know I can make it through ♪

So what do you think?

Even though the grundies
didn't nominate my play,

I tried to remain objective.

I love it.

At no point did you call
the grundies stupid,

or moronic.

Yeah, you should've seen
my first draft.

Oh, so you haven't
completely given up

Taking out your frustrations
on paper?

Nope. Hi-yah!


You know, for people
who haven't talked much,

You two haven't missed a beat.

Well, maybe we should
talk more.

You wanna get lunch

I don't think so.

well, why not?
It's only lunch, clare.

It's just not
a good idea.

Fine. Whatever.

Harsh much?

eli's coping
with bipolar disorder

And I don't want to upset
the balance he's found

Since we broke up.

he seems balanced to me.

She did it for his own good,

You wouldn't understand.

I guess not.

But I hate when people
do things for my own good.

the degrassi frostival carnival
is on!

Don't miss out on the most epic
event of the school year!

is mr. Simpson available?

oh! Look who's meeting
with the principal.

What do you want,

You to deliver
what you promised.

(Cell rings)
I will.

There's a message
from metro event rentals

On the student council phone.

They got your deposit,

And are expecting
the other eleven grand

When they show up.

Thanks for the update.

Did you hear the part
about the eleven grand?

I know you're spoiled,

But do you even have
eleven grand?

Please get off my back.

I just need to talk
to simpson.

Because your cashflow's
dried up?

What if it has?

Then we have pee-o'd carnies
on our hands,

Your little show-marisol-up
project's a bust,

And the stink of failure

Follows you around
until graduation.

good luck!

oh, hey tori!

Can I ask you something?

Look who it is -
the band ditcher.

It's nothing personal,

I had to do it
for my sanity.

What do you need?

I'm trying to decide

What shirt I should wear
to my audition.

An audition?
For what?

An indie band.

It's at a club.
They have shows lined up!

They're totally real!

That's amazing!

You'll finally get
to show-off

Your cello chops!

Promise you'll sneak me
into your first show.

Cross my heart.

Um...wear this.

And maybe expose
a shoulder?

Are you sure?

You may have ditched
our band,

But that doesn't mean
I'd lead you astray.

thanks, tori.


I don't need this,
ms. Coyne.

Sir, I know.

I'm just having
a tiny little issue

With the carnival rentals.

Yeah! I had no idea
that you were gonna book

Actual carnival rides.

I thought it was
just a theme!

I thought...

I thought it was gonna be
cardboard cutouts!

Okay, I may have over-promised
just a tad,

But I know how
I can make it work.

Okay, we open it up,

Get the whole community

Advertise online,
hold a raffle,

Stay open later.

You promised me a safe, daytime,
degrassi-only event.

Okay, a) the sun goes down
at five,

And b) I was thinking-

Do you have any idea

How much security
I'd have to hire?

I'm not about
to take a chance

On another degrassi event
turning violent.

Okay, but you're not thinking
about how much fun

This could be!

No. I'm thinking about
the safety of my students.

All you care about are rules,
and dress codes,

And smothering dreams.

You're a cog in the machine,

I know, I'm another brick
in the wall.

Look, you said you could
pull this off.

Scale it down,
get it done. Deal?

Thank you, sir.

(Heavy sigh)

So I may have jumped
to conclusions about lunch.

When you asked,
I panicked.

I'm sorry.

Are you going
to sit down?

Soup, huh?


Gotta love cauliflower.

Look, I don't understand
why things have to be awkward.

All of our feelings
for each other -

That's all in the past.

Yeah! I mean,
it's not about our feelings,

Which are totally history.

then let's break the ice.

One question each,
anything you want.


You first.


Do you think we could ever
pick up where we left off?

I mean, before we went out,
and before my issues.

Um... Eli, i...

I mean,
you're doing so well,

I don't wanna be a trigger
for your issues.

Why would you be?
Oh! Hot!

Ohmygod! Ohmygod!

I'm so sorry!

Uh, it's okay.

It's just cauliflower.

(Pained grunt)

I ruined your pants.

Uh, school uniform pants?

I'll get over it.

So you gonna ask
your question?

Would you rewrite
jenna's music review?

Keeping it professional,


All right.

I need tissues.

Do you have any idea
how many times

I've packed these suitcases?


These are new.

But I've lived here
for two years.

That's longer
than anywhere else.

Are you having
second thoughts

About leaving this weekend?

Actually, I am.

Why wait for the weekend?

I mean, I've made a mess
of everything.

I might as well just go now,
fly standby.

What about imogen?

I'll save the straight girl
I have a crush on

A whole bunch of trouble.

She'll thank me someday.

Whatever you say.
I'm just here to help.

Then help.

(Buzzer rings)

I guess we've got
a visitor.

oh, holly j!

Who's up for a late-night
snowflake-cutout bash?

If we wanna get the frostival
decorated in time-

imogen! There are more
important things in life

Than a stupid carnival,

why are you yelling at me?

And why are you packing?

There's just a lot of things
going on with me

That you don't know about.

You can tell me anything.

My family's
in serious trouble.

For the first time
in my life,

I'm broke.


Well, you still have
your health.

It's not funny.

I'm just trying to look
on the bright side.

There is no bright side!

I came back to degrassi
to prove myself,

But I got bullied
out of student council,

My marks are mediocre,
the carnival's a bust-



I failed.

So tomorrow I'm moving back
to new york.

I think you should
just go.


Run away.
Be a quitter.


(Excited exhale)

Mr. Matlin:
where do you think
you're going?

And what are you wearing?

I thought you and mom
were sleeping.

Mr. Matlin:
well, even if we were,

That doesn't give you permission
to leave this house.

Dad, I have to.

I have an audition
at lee's palace!

Mr. Matlin:
that's a bar!

You're thirteen!

Well, it's not like
I'm gonna drink.

Maya, what's wrong?

I don't feel challenged,

I don't have a million
activities like katie.

Music is everything
to me

And I just feel like
I'm losing that.

We've been so focused on katie
and her rehab lately-

Squeaky wheel
gets the grease.

If you want it,
you'll always have music.

You just have to find a way
to challenge yourself.

All right?

All right. Bed.

Holly j:
(sighs) I hope you don't
expect me to fold all that.


Imogen's right;
I'm a quitter.

A spoiled brat who gives up
the minute things get hard.

You gave up drinking...

I have my health.

Maybe that's all I need.

I mean, look at all
this junk!

I don't need any of it.

Doesn't really seem
that important anymore, does it?

Compared to, say,
a stupid carnival.

I need to raise some cash.

First thing tomorrow,
let's have a fire sale.

We'll advertise online,
put stuff on ebay...

All this junk's gotta go!

You're gonna have a sale
on one night's notice?

Well, it's not
gonna be easy,

But I can't quit.

Not on imogen,
not on the carnival,

Not this time.

Sounds like frostival's
a go!

Yeah. And it better
be epic.

♪ Hey, I just met you ♪

♪ And this is crazy ♪

♪ But here's my number ♪

♪ So call me maybe ♪

♪ And all the other boys ♪

♪ Try to chase me ♪

hey, imogen, it's me again.
Third time!

Look, if you're not gonna
call me back,

I hope you'll at least come
to degrassi this afternoon.

I have something
I want you to see.

I'll give you fifty
for this.

Do you even hear

That kara ross is worth
$ dollars new.

A hundred.
But that's all I have.

You're a vulture.

I'll take that
as a compliment!

Holly j:
uh, we just got a $ dollar
bid on your louboutins!

Which ones?
The black booties?

Okay, good. Keep an eye
on the rest of them.

For the last time,
are you sure about this?

For the last time,

Well, in that case...
Price check?

Make an offer.

I take your side

When you tell your mom
what you're doing?

And twenty bucks.

I have carnies to pay!

Come on, guys!

you're here!

Please tell me I won't have
to deal with angry carnies.

it's all there,

Plus a generous tip
for the last minute setup.

No need to bankrupt
student council.

I guess I should have
trusted fiona coyne

To come through
with cash.

For the last time ever.

What? I was just
starting to see

How you could be useful
for next term.

Sorry, you'll have to rule
the school all alone.

I'm moving away.


Then I really hope katie's
not gone too long.

So where's your sidekick?

I don't know.
She's mad at me.

You two are drama!

Well, I'd better pay
the carnies,

And make sure mo
gets off the ferris wheel

Before he up-chucks
all four candy apples.


excuse me, which way
to the freak show?

Right here.

I was starting to think
you were avoiding me.

I tried,
but I suck at it.


This is better
than I imagined.

How did you do it?

I sold my things.


And now that I've downsized,
I feel liberated.

Like for the first time
in my life

I can do anything.

I always imagined
you could do anything.

Don't you dare ask me
to go on the carousel with you.

Oh. Okay.

Reverse psychology!
Come on...


I want this one!

Ms. Oh?

Maya, have you come to watch
the grade nine ensemble?


I was hoping you'd let me
back in the band.

One day of theory
was enough, huh?

I'd rather play.

And I found a new way
to challenge myself.

Have you played trumpet

Only when I could sneak it
away from my sister.

Well, then I'd better find you
some sheet music.

maya, what are you doing here?

She's here to save us
from embarrassment!

Thank god.

what happened
to your audition?

uh, it didn't happen.

I'd rather play
with you guys.

You play trumpet too?

Not exactly.
I'm a trumpet newbie.

So we're still gonna
be embarrassed

In front of
the entire school.

At least we'll be
embarrassed together?

Ms. Oh:
okay. One, two, three, four.

(Band plays "jingle bells,"
maya flubs a few notes)


It's okay.

(Band plays "jingle bells,"
maya plays poorly)

okay, the last one's proofed,
and...on its way.

okay, got it.
And we're done.

(Printer whirs)

My first issue as editor.

Interim editor.

uh, let her have this.

Now we just have to make
like a billion copies.

not yet.

Before you all scatter off
to the carnival...

I hope you're hungry!


let's make this a party!

Thank you again.
Your photos were perfect.

Oh, you know,

Just doing a solid
for an old friend

Who also remembered
to order bhandari-style pizza.

Pineapple, olives,
and barbecue chicken.


give me a second,
I'll be right back.


So, um, do you need help
with those copies?

I don't see why not.

All right!
I'll race you!


Wait up! No!

you gotta catch up!

I know! Stomach dropping now!

This is great.
It's just great.

Are you as scared
as I am?


I've never been a fan
of heights.

It's not the heights
I'm scared of.

Okay, imogen,

In case I die
on this thing,

There's something
I need to tell you.



♪ I want your name
next to mine ♪

Ever since the first week
of school,

I've had this silly
schoolgirl crush on you

And I can't seem
to make it go away,

Which is a big reason why
I thought moving to new york

Would be for-

I've wanted to do that
for so long.

I don't know
what it means.

I hope it means
that you like me.

Could I be more obvious?

But you're leaving forever,

Which really, really,
really sucks.

Well, what if I'm not?


That scared me.

Holly j:
look at you two,
all holding hands.


ooh! Cotton candy!
Be right back.

we had an interesting talk
at the top of the ferris wheel.

Holly j:
ah, interesting.

there may have been kissing.

Holly j:
fiona coyne,
you smooth-talking seductress!

all I had to do
is tell her how I felt,

And turns out
she feels the same.

So is she a lesbian?

She's questioning.

But we're gonna
figure it out together.

What, over skype?

No! You do realize your mom
wants me to send you back

To new york?

And you will.

But after the holidays
I want to come back here,

To my home.

What, you're not even gonna
try and talk me out of it?

Well, you will have a lot
of 'splaining to do,

But look, if this is
where you wanna be,

Then stay.

well, I'll be eighteen soon.

So I'll get a job,
a roommate.

It's not gonna be easy,
but it has to be possible -

Even without
a stupid trust fund.

I'll have your back,
and you're tough.

I learned from the best.


Well, new attitude,
new love life.

Next semester's
gonna be a hoot!

What more
would you expect?

eight hundred copies,

And we still have time
to crash the carnival.

you know, I never would've
taken you

For a cotton candy type.

oh, clare, there's still so much
you don't know about me!


No, you're right.
I hate it. Oh!

I do know you.

And I'm glad
there's no weirdness.

No weirdness.
I like the sound of that.

But one thing's
bugging me.

Were you really worried
us hanging out

Would set me off?

It wasn't you
I was worried about.

(Car honking)

Oh, there's my dad.

We got an early flight

Where are you going?

Away for the holidays,
but uh...

It's okay.
Go, have fun.


clare, I just...

I need to know if you mean
what I think you mean.

Whoa... Okay.

Hold those thoughts.

We'll talk
when you get back.


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