01x14 - Luffy Back in Action! Miss Kaya's Desperate Resistance!

Episode transcripts for the TV show "One Piece". Aired: July 22, 1997 – present.*
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Japanese animated television series based on the successful manga of the same name.
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01x14 - Luffy Back in Action! Miss Kaya's Desperate Resistance!

Post by bunniefuu »

''North Block''
''West Block'' ''South Block'' ''East Block''

''North Block''
''West Block'' ''South Block'' ''East Block''
The feelings of those who are in anguish

''North Block''
''West Block'' ''South Block'' ''East Block''
are crushed by a dry cloud of sand.

''North Block''
''West Block'' ''South Block'' ''East Block''
There are those who seek hope,
and those who cling to hope.

''North Block''
''West Block'' ''South Block'' ''East Block''
Their feelings cross each other,
uncertain what to do,

''North Block''
''West Block'' ''South Block'' ''East Block''
marking an era of history ending in sadness.

marking an era of history ending in sadness.

Though injured head-to-toe,
Karoo picks up Vivi,

and they escape from an attacking Mr. 2,

and run off between the battling
rebel army and royal army,

toward Alubarna Palace.

However, Karoo falls after
being hit by a stray b*llet.

Mr. 2 closes in. Just then,
the supersonic duck squadron

and Sanji appear, to rescue
them from their predicament.

Meanwhile, at the southeast gate,

the battle between Chopper and Usopp,

and Miss Merry Christmas
and Mr. 4, had begun.

''Sworn on a Friend's Dream!
The Battle of Molehill, Block 4''

They're over there?!

When did you have time to move?!

That form...! I get it,
you're a Zoan type, are you?

I thought you weren't just a normal person.

Are you okay, Usopp?

Thanks... you saved me...

So what if he did? Our advantage
over you hasn't changed a bit!

Let's go, Mr. 4!

Here we go! Off we go! Now we go!
You lunkhead! You l'ead!

She went underground again!

Usopp, you'd best consider yourself
done for if you stop moving.

I get you. You mean, if we stop,
they'll fire dozens more at us, huh?

Here they come!

If I can just knock you flying...!

Wait up. If we don't have a batter,
the game won't be any fun, will it?


Whew, I can do that.

Why, you dirty mole!

You bastard!

Damn. If they keep running
away through these mole holes,

then even if I use a Rumble Ball,
time will run out on it right away.



Eh? Just where did that guy
with the long nose disappear to?

They're right. Usopp is gone!

I should warn you guys...!

My goodness, I'm impressed
you could create all of these

underground tunnels without it
becoming tiresome. Good work!

Then again, there can
be some literal ''pitfalls''

when it comes to fighting
like this, you know?

Where are you?! Where did you go?!

--He wouldn't...!

You took the trouble to make
these underground tunnels.

You're not the only ones...

...who can move around in them.


You bastard! You were in one of the holes?!


Mr. 4!

A f-five ton hammer?!

Where does that kid keep
that kind of power?!

Five tons...!

Who are you?

Traveler of the world's oceans,

crusher of notorious foes as I go,

and sinker of countless ships.

Out of fear, people call me
the ''Dynast of Destruction.''

Remember my name well.

Captain Usopp!

Awesome! Awesome! Awesome!

--That was awesome, Usopp!
--Yeah, thank you, thank you, baby!

--Awesome! Awesome!
--Thank you. I'll be signing autographs later.

I've underestimated
your ability up until now!


Mr. 4 is...

He's not moving.
C-Could I have hit him that hard?

No, hold on. Either way,
this is my chance, huh?

You, too, penguin!

Take this five-ton hammer!

Usopp Pound!!

Tch, she got away! Where are you, penguin?!

I told you, I'm a mole, you ''ba''!

There you are!

Pound!! Pound!! Pound!! Pound!! Pound!!

Pound!! Pound!! Pound!! Pound!!

Pound!! Pound!! Pound!! Pound!! Pound!!

Pound!! Pound!! Pound!! Pound!!

Rubber band!

Pound!! Pound!! Pound!!
Pound!! Pound!! Pound!!

Damn, you're all over the place...!

Ha! ''Ba''! You ''ba''! What's the point...

...if you can't hit me?!

Let me inform you of something...

You must have heard that a good number

of Baroque Works staff have
been eliminated by us, right?

The truth is, that was all my doing!

--And what's more...

I have 8,000 men under me!


--Five tons! Five tons!
--Wow, awesome! Wow, awesome!

--Five tons! Five tons!
--Wow! Awesome!

--Five tons! Five tons!
--Wow! Awesome--!


What, just now?!

Whoa! He took a five-ton hammer,
too! He's a monster!

He doesn't have the
slightest bump, does he?

He took a direct blow to the
head by a five-ton hammer,

and he's uninjured?

Papier-mâché?! Hey, that was fake?!

Of course it was! You think
I can carry five tons?!

I have to give up after 5 kg!

This is a light, folding model I made
out of frying pans and a stick!

Why, you... You tricked me, didn't you?

No more mercy!

Mole art of escaping!


She's gone into the molehill again!

Watch out for the holes!

W-What's she planning to do this time?

Where are you, you bastard?!
Where did you go?!

Watch out for the holes, you say?

That won't do any good.

Under the ground is like
a swimming pool to me!

A pool?

You mean...?



Mr. 4! Lassoo! You guys take
care of the reindeer man!

Show off your 400-swing punk knocks!

It's no use! I can't take
an attack like this anymore!

It's all or nothing!
I'll have to use these three minutes

to think up a way to beat this guy!


Brain Point!!


Koza, where are you now?

Remember, the people are the country.


You still have a rebellion
to stop, right, Vivi-chan?

You want it so nobody dies in this fight.

Don't you think that's too soft-hearted?

People die.

Stop talking like that!

If you are the one and only hope
for preventing the rebellion,

then you have to survive, no matter what.

No matter what might
happen to any of us here.

You guys go on ahead!

We'll be waiting for you in Alubarna, okay?!


It will be...

...this pathetic little kingdom that dies.

I'll stop this! No matter what I have to do!



Is this the time for you to be
concerned about someone else?

I told you, no more mercy, you ''ba''!

I'll torment you as much as I like,
and turn you into desert dried fish!

Mole Banana!! Here goes!

You can't go after that spot on a guy!

Quit your griping, you ''ba''!

Mole Banana!! Mole Banana!!
Banana!! Banana!! Banana!!


There are ruins of a wall over there!

If I keep dashing at this speed toward it,

she'll hit the part of the
wall buried under the sand

with a major crash!

Banana!! Banana!!

Come on, come on, come on,

come on!

Now bash your head open!




I don't have time for that.

The Rumble Ball will only
last for two more minutes.

Usopp will be fine. It will take
more than that to beat him.

Right now, finding their weakness comes first.

Otherwise, we're going to get beaten here.

Yeah, it's just like Usopp
said, isn't it? Right now,

I'll just do whatever I can!

Got crushed, did you?!
You old penguin hag! Serves you right!

I told you, I'm a mole!

Molehill Highway!!

What are you doing?! Let me go!

Stop it! This is dangerous to do out here!
If you go too fast, you'll--

Wah! In front of you! Look!
A wall! A wall in front of you!

Can't you see that?! Stop it!

Mole-Mole Impact!!

I see it! I know your weakness!



Usopp, can you get up?! Usopp!

Get away from the mole, and her holes!

You don't have to tell me!


What are those guys doing now?


The molehill's weakness...

...is that all of the tunnels are connected.



They're alive!

This is bad. My Rumble Ball's
effectiveness is already half gone.

No more...

No more! No more!
We're gonna get k*lled!


You've gotta be kidding me!
There's no way we can beat them!

Not those monsters!
They're still alive, after that!

No, we can't run away!
Not from these guys!


He's right!

That was an insolent stunt for you to pull!

After going that far,
you can't just run away, you know!


Ha! I guess if the captain is that feeble,
his crew must be wimps, too!


What about Luffy?

If you mean Straw Hat Luffy, he got
k*lled a while ago, at the boss's hand.

The rebellion has begun, and all...

You guys picked the
wrong people to mess with.

Luffy... is dead...?

Don't you lie to us!
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