02x19 - Back to the Barn

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Steven Universe". Aired: May 21, 2013 - January 21, 2019.*
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Tells the coming-of-age story of a young boy, Steven Universe and his friends—in the fictional town of Beach City.
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02x19 - Back to the Barn

Post by bunniefuu »

- Garnet: # We #
- # are the Crystal #

- Steven: # Gems #
- # we'll always save the day #

Steven: # and if you think we can't #

All: # we'll always find a way #

- # that's why the people #
- # of this world #

- Garnet: # believe in... #
- # Garnet #

- # Amethyst #
- # and Pearl #

? And Steven! ?

"When It Rains"

[Knock on door]
Open the door, Peridot.

If this "Cluster" is
putting us in danger,

you need to tell us what
it is so we can stop it.

No! I hate you.

I'm not telling you
anything about the Cluster"

Oh, come on. Is it like a
big, uh, hunk of granola?

What's granola?

I'm sure it's not granola.
Now, Peridot,

I'm sure we can reach
some sort of agreement.

Perhaps a trade is in order?

Oh, sure.
Why don't you just give me back

my leg enhancements
and my arm attachments

with my screen and my log
and all my information.

Oh, wait, you destroyed them!

So, no, I don't think we can
reach some sort of agreement!

[All sigh]

[Toilet flushes]

Okay, Peridot, you can turn around now.


[Clears throat]

Sorry for interrupting
your interrogation.

Don't worry about it, Steven.

I swear, Peridot is gonna
crack any second now.

Peridot: I'll never crack
for the likes of you,

you... crystal clods.

Ooh, I got your clods
right here, you little ...

Hold on, Pearl.
If she's not gonna be of any help.

- Let's investigate this thing on our own.
- I'll come with you.

Sorry, Steven.
We're gonna need you to stay here

- and keep an eye on our... guest.
- Really?

Yeah. Make sure she
doesn't try anything.

Don't worry. She's harmless
without her limb enhancers.

Peridot: I'm not harmless!

- Oh, hush up!
- Oh, Steven!

There's one more thing
I have to mention.

What is it?

- I love you. Bye.
- See ya later.


[Thunder rumbles]

They left, you know.
You can come out now.

No. I-I like it in here.


Wow. It's really coming down.

[Thunder crashes]

- It's happening!
- What?

- The Cluster!
- Really?

What else could be
making that horrible ...

[Thunder crashes]

It's pounding on
the Earth from the inside.

This is it. This is
the end of the world.


- Oh, that's just thunder.
- What?

Yeah, everything is fine.

It's just thunder. It
happens when it rains.

- Eh... huh?
- You don't know about rain?

I don't know anything without my screen.

It's okay.
Here, pretend this soup is the ocean.

When the sun warms it up, the water

evaporates into clouds, like this steam.

And when the clouds get
really heavy, it rains.

So scalding liquid
pours down from the sky?

No, no, it's just water.
It can't hurt you.

Here, why don't I just show you.

- Whoo-hoo!
- Steven, wait!

- Uh... oh...
- Come on! [Laughs]

Look, I'm okay. It's just water.

This is just something that
happens on Earth. Isn't it cool?



Wah! [Laughs]



Yeah, you did it!

What do you think?
Isn't it cool?



That was fun.

It was... something.



- Steven?
- Hm?

I'm going to say something.

- Thank you.
- Uh... what for?

For explaining this
"rain" business to me.

Oh, no problem.

Yes. You're a much more
intelligent creature

than I initially thought.

- Uh, that's good.
- Yes.

Much more...
useful than those clods.

- Steven, I've made up my mind!
- About what, exactly?

I've decided to share
some information with you.

- Ah, I know you use my toothbrush.
- N-No.

Well, yes.
But it's about the Cluster.

- [Gasps] You cracked.
- I haven't cracked!

Wait, you have to tell the gems!
They need to know this!

No, I don't want to talk to them!
You're the only one I need.

I could show you now,
but I have nothing!

My arm attachments, my
fingers, my screen, my log ...

it's all gone.

But all of my logs up
to date 652 still exist.

Backed up in Facet 5
of the Prime Kindergarten.

You want me to take
you to the Kindergarten?

I don't know.

Steven, don't you want
to know about the Cluster?

Mm... okay.

- We can go to the Kindergarten.
- Oh, yes!

- But...
- No, a catch.

What are your demands?

You're gonna have to hold
my hand the whole time.


Well, here we are.

Okay, great. Let's go.

[Both scream]

This place just gets worse
every time I come here.

I know.
It's been so poorly managed.

It must have been in way better shape

- when you first emerged.
- Emerged?

Yeah, you're some kind of quartz, right?
You must have been made here.

Uh... I came from my mom and dad.

Are those some kind of rocks?

- Or another planet?
- [Chuckles] Nope.

My dad's from Earth,
but my mom's a Gem.

You're some sort of hybrid?
How is that possible?

The answer to that is
a story I like to call

"The ballad of Rose and Greg."

I don't care.
Let's just hurry to the control room.

You sure this is safe?
The last time I was here,

there were a bunch of fusion monsters.

Yes, I was checking their progress.

- What's the deal with those things?
- When it became clear

that the Earth was no
longer a viable colony,

Homeworld decided to use
it for something else ...

a series of experiments.
A gem geo-w*apon.

- Oh, did you help?
- Negative.

I wasn't lucky enough
to be around for that.

But I read over a few hundred
years of reports. [Chuckles]

This is where you need to be, right?

Yes. I'm going to have
to remove this panel

and do a bit of work to restore
power to this room, so...

can I have my hand back now?

Okay, but stay where I can see you.

[Panel beeps]


It's over.

I can't show you anything.
Let's go back.

- Mind if I try?
- Go ahead. Knock yourself out.


- Whoa!
- There you go.

All right.
This over here...

it's not perfect, but it'll do for now.

- [Groans] Come on.
- What's up, Dot?

I can't quite reach the ....

- It's okay to ask for help, you know.
- I had it.

[Clears throat]

These are the early attempts
at artificial fusion.

That's a lot of gem shards.

We were growing them
here at this very site.

But these were just prototypes
for the final product,

a singular giant artificial fusion

comprised of millions of gem shards ...

the Cluster.

Peridot, you're saying
there's a giant mutant gem

the size of the Earth
under us right now?

Oh, no.
When it forms it'll be much,

much bigger than the Earth.

Right now it lies dormant,
incubating in the Earth's core.

But when it emerges and
takes its physical form,

it will destroy the planet.

The prototypes are already emerging.
The Cluster is next.

If we can't get off this planet,
we've got to stop the Cluster.

I thought it'd be impossible,
but now we have a chance.

- What is it?
- It's you, Steven!

Now that you're filled
in, we can get to work.

Uh... how am I supposed to help?

Well, you have all
the information we need

about Earth and its erratic behavior.
Put that together

with my expansive
knowledge of the Cluster,

and we just might be able to stop it.

No, Peridot, I don't think
you get it. Just because I

know how clouds work, doesn't
mean I know how to stop

a giant mutant in the
center of the Earth. Besides,

the only reason I know
anything about clouds and rain

- is because my dad told me.
- What are you talking about?

I used to be really
scared of thunderstorms,

just like you.
Then dad explained how rain

and all that stuff works, then
I wasn't scared of rain anymore.

Well, I'm sure you have other knowledge
about how this planet works.

Sure, but none of it's gonna help us.

If we want to stop this Cluster thing,

- we'll need help from the Crystal Gems.
- I said I don't need them!

Let's just warp me back to the bathroom,

or whatever you call it,
and we'll take care of this.

If it looks really bad,

then we can just ask
this dad for help, right?

[Creature screeches]

- Yipe! What was that?
- Oh, no! Gem mutants!


Do something!

- I am doing something.
- Something useful!

Uh, let's run.

Over here.
No, the other way.

No, not there.

Both: Aah!

Let's run into this corner.

Oh, no!
We're cornered!

Both: Aah!

Aah! Can't you destroy it?

No, this is all I can do on my own.

That's it. We are finished.


Garnet: Hang on, Steven.

It's the gems!

Peridot, there's no way

we can stop this thing
in the Earth on our own.

We need the help of the Crystal Gems.

Steven, are you all right?!

- Move aside, Steven.
- Peridot?!

What are you two doing here?!

Steven, I thought I told
you to keep an eye on her.

- I know, but ...
- He did what he was told.

All right.
Listen up, you clo...

[Sighs] Crystal Gems.
I've made up my mind.

I have something to tell
you about the Cluster.
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