05x18 - A Single Pale Rose

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Steven Universe". Aired: May 21, 2013 - January 21, 2019.*
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Tells the coming-of-age story of a young boy, Steven Universe and his friends—in the fictional town of Beach City.
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05x18 - A Single Pale Rose

Post by bunniefuu »

I watched the leader
of the Crystal Gems,

Rose Quartz, shatter
Pink Diamond!

So how did a rose quartz,

with no business
being anywhere near

Pink Diamond, get so close
in the first place?


I can't believe you've had
your phone for a month

and you haven't
used it at all!

That's not true!

I use it to tell the time!

Sigh. Come here, P.

Ugh. Let's change
your wallpaper.

[ Shutter clicks ]
Looks great!

Okay, now texting
is in the messages.

Just click on this green icon.

- Pearl, can I ask you someth...
- Hold on, Steve-o,

I'm in
the middle of a demonstration!

Okay, anyway, and you can type,

I mean, pretty much
anything you want.

[ Message chime ]

You really should
have a case for this.

I do!

Okay. I have a bunch of actual
phone cases in my room. Hup!

Don't throw that thing against a
rock or anything until I'm back.

What is it, Steven?

You remember how Mom
shattered Pink Diamond?

Well, I was just wondering

if maybe you shattered
Pink Diamond?


I-It's okay!
You can tell me!

[ Grunting ]

Why can't you just
talk to me about this?!

I got the...

phone case.

Oh, yes! The phone case!
Thank you, Amethyst!

Ha ha... whoops! So clumsy.

It's probably safer
if I just keep it in here.

Wait, come on!

Just put it in this,
then put it in your head!

What was that?

[ Sighs ]

[ Waves crashing,
gulls crying ]

[ Message chime ]

"I want to tell you,
but I can't"?!

[ Vacuum running ]
Pearl, I'm ready to talk!

Uh, what?!

I-I got your text.

"I want to tell you but I
can't," with a monkey emoji?

Steven, I didn't send that.

I haven't used my phone since
I put it away this morning.

Maybe you butt dialed me...
with your gem?

No, that's impossible.

Hang on, I'll pull it out, and
we'll get to the bottom of this.

See, here.

See, I...

Maybe this? No.

Maybe this?

No. Maybe... may-may this?

Pearl, are you okay?

Ugh. Where could I have put it?

I know it's in there somewhere.

[ Gasps ]
You just sent another one!


Steven... I need you to go
inside my gem and find my phone.

What? I-is it stuck
in there or something!?

There are certain things
I can't tell you,

but I can tell you
that I need my phone.

I can bring you back out

once you find what
you're looking for.

Your phone...

I'll keep your phone, text me
with mine when you find it.


[ Humming ]

There's a Pearl
inside Pearl's pearl?

Oh, Steven!
Where should I put you?

Certainly not with the spears.

Human paraphernalia?
Personal items?

Let's just go alphabetical.
S... S-T...

Wait, no! Don't file me!

You sent me in here
for your cell phone!

My phone?

Well, all right, let's see.


Ah, hmm. Nothing.

Oh, it's a cellular phone!

I must have put it under "C"!

It should be right... here.

It should be right here!

Unless... some other me took it.

There's more of you in here?

Oh, no, not here.
I made sure of that.

I'm very good at
compartmentalizing everything.

That's why I get to be surface,
and they have to be put away.

Well, if one of those
Pearls has the phone,

can you tell me
where to find her?

Oh, you don't want
to go where they are.

It's a mess.
Let's just stay here,

where everything
is alphabetized!

Come on, I can handle it!

All right. Don't say
I didn't warn you.

[ Waves lapping shore ]

This doesn't look like a mess.

It looks like... the past.

[ Sobbing ]

Oh, that kind of mess.

[ Sobbing ]

Hey, Pearl inside Pearl
inside Pearl's pearl.

You upset about the whole
missing phone situation, too?

No, it's Rose!

What was she thinking?!

She can't have a baby!

Well, this is awkward.

What am I going to do
when she disappears?

I'm going to lose her,
just like I lost my...

What was it you said?

Your cell phone?

[ Wailing ]
My cell phone!

Look, it's going to be okay!

That's why you sent me in here,
I'm going to help you find it.

I think I know where it is.

It's probably where I
lost everything else.



It better not turn out that
her phone was in her pocket...

or she left it on the dresser
or dropped it in the toilet.

Seems about as likely
as putting it away

in your repressed w*r memories.


I mean, Pearl inside Pearl
inside Pearl

inside Pearl's pearl!

Is this really about
your phone or what!

We're the only ones left.

they were all leaving.

We thought we'd won.

There was a bright light
and everyone was...

Why did I do it?
What do you mean?

Just tell me!


[ Grunting ]


I thought this was Pearl's...

What are you doing here?


[ Shouting ]

I... I knew it!

It was you
who shattered her.

Pink Diamond?

But... I don't understand.

The palanquin?

[ Indistinct whispering ]

And then you'll be done!
It's going to be easy!

There's got to be another way!

I mean, maybe...

Blue and yellow don't care!

They never have!

This is "Pink Diamond's" colony.

We can end it all
right here, right now.

You know this is crazy, right?

Your status, my purpose...
None of it will matter anymore.

This will change everything.

I know. Isn't it exciting?

[ Sighs ]
It is!

We can leave
our old lives behind.

If this is really my world,

I want to give it
to the Crystal Gems.

I want to live here
with human beings.

I want to live here with you!
We'll both finally be free!

Okay, I'm ready!


I can't believe
I'm going to do this.

I can't exactly
shatter myself.





[ Blows, grunts ]

[ Gasps ]


Very much so, my diamond.

Soon it will be just "Rose."

Wait. There's one last
thing I need to do.


No one can ever
find out we did this.

I never want to look back.

So, for my last order
to you as a diamond, please,

let's never speak of this again.

No one can know.


[ Gasps ]

Sorry to make you
come all this way.




I know.

I wanted to tell you
for so long.

Mom was Pink Diamond.



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