03x04 - Barn Mates

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Steven Universe". Aired: May 21, 2013 - January 21, 2019.*
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Tells the coming-of-age story of a young boy, Steven Universe and his friends—in the fictional town of Beach City.
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03x04 - Barn Mates

Post by bunniefuu »

- # We # # Are the Crystal #

- # Gems # # we'll always save the day #

♪ and if you think we can't ♪

♪ we'll always find a way ♪

- # that's why the people # # of this world #

- # believe in... # # Garnet #

- # Amethyst # # and Pearl #

♪ And Steven! ♪

And then I'll say, "hey, as one refugee to another, it isn't so bad that we can never go back to

Homeworld, am I right?

Why don't we watch the sun come up and figure out what we're going to do with all this time,

eh, Lazuli?"

And then she'll say, "yes, Peridot. as impressed as I was by you on the ship, I am even more

impressed with your new compact look and capacity for friendship.

I'm so glad we're going to be living together."

Peridot. Facet five.

Let's begin. This isn't gonna work.

Wait, what?

I really thought I would be living alone here.

Yeah, but this is even better. Oh, here, how about this?

I thi i d f t h

I saw this on an episode of a tv show.

I didn't see how it ended, but I'm sure it worked out great.

We'll divide this place in half. You'll both have your own space.

High ceilings, real wood floors, convenient location in the heart of the country.

So what do ya think, roomies?

I like the cut of your gem, Steven Quartz.

No. No way! What's the problem?

You're the one getting all the good stuff!

You've got the propeller and paint cans on your side!

You can do tons with those!

Ooh, actually, I kind of want the paint cans.

You want to trade something?

I don't care about paint cans.

That's not the problem. Bah.

What's wrong, Lapis? It's her.

Ugh? She's the problem!

I can't stand the thought of having to look at her every day.

She's the one who dragged me back to Earth.

Hey, it wasn't my idea.

I was headed to Earth, and I needed an informant.

It should have been a simple mission.

Things didn't exactly work out for either of us.

You used me like everyone else did!

But it's not like that anymore. It's different now.

I'm different. It's true, Lapis.

d e e t. t s t ue, ap s.

Peridot has really come into her own since she's been living on Earth.

I sabotaged my own mission! I helped save the Earth!

I even yelled at Yellow Diamond!

She's probably sending a whole fleet to find me and shatter me right now!

I'm kind of a big deal. A big, anti-Homeworld deal!

Steven, I don't think this is gonna work.

Uh, um, maybe we could put up a curtain?

Er, sorry. I thought this was gonna be okay.

I forgot that the last time you saw each other wasn't so okay.

That was in the past.

It's not like that now! Aggh!

I know. But obviously she doesn't.

She's the one that needs to know! I want her to understand.

Aw, Peridot, that's sweet.

That's the "you" you need to show her.

Show her my sweet? I got you.

Cards are a great way to tell someone something if you can't be face-to-face with them.

Or if they don't want to see your face.

You've got to give her a taste of the sweet version of Peridot.

Here, look.

It's you and Lapis holding hands!

Where are our noses?

Oh, that's kind of part of my style lately.

Is not having fingers also your style?

s ot a g ge s a so you sty e?

No, I'm ... I'm just bad at drawing hands.

Uh, so here's your part. Come here.

Write an apology inside to Lapis so she knows how sorry you were about before, and that

everything is okay now.

If you write it from your heart, your feelings will reach her.

Just try to be sincere. Hmm.

Hey, Lazuli!

Hey, Lazuli! Hey!

Ugh. Lazuli! Hey!

Why isn't she responding?

I'm not sure. I thought she was up there.

- Lapis? Huh?

Are you up there?

Yes, Steven? Go on.

Steven did the outside, and I did the inside.

"Sorry I interrogated you.

You were just full of such useful information.

That's a sincere compliment. Peridot."

The noses! One can only conclude that it was the lack of noses! It seems illogical to me that it

would be any of the writing elements.

It took me over an hour to compose it, and I was the most sincere, as per Steven's instructions.

It could be she's just not much of a reader?

How about a gift? Another approach.

Yes. But what? Hmm. Think of things she likes.

Things she likes

Things she likes...

Lapis Lazulis are typically partial to water and flying. Hmm.


No. No?

Nuh-uh. But if! Yeah?

Nah. Yeah, that'd probably be overdoing it.

Hmm. Water...

I think you have something with that.

You can't see through those, right?

Actually, yes. But it's very blurry.

Good to know. Well, here we are!

H-2 oh, my gosh! It's a smaller than average lake!

It's from the hole when we drilled.

Peridot and I sealed it and filled it with water.

It's a gift for you. You know, 'cause water's your thing.

Pretty good, right?

The barn's out here in the country, but now you can get your moisture fix whenever.

Do all that water stuff you do.

Water? Seriously?

Yeah! You do realize that I spent the last few months trapped under the ocean, right?

Sure! But I thought ...

It was an endless, crushing darkness.

Wet and bleak and suffocating.

Water was the tomb I lived in for those months.

Tomb, you say? Yeah.

o b, you say? ea .

I'm kind of taking a break from water right now.

But thanks... for the lake. Uhh.

Don't worry, Steven. It's not your fault.

A pool! What a cloddy idea.

Of course she wouldn't like that.

There's nothing! Nothing!

Nothing! There has to be something.

Something, something.

Maybe, uh, instead of something she likes, give her something you like. A piece of you!

Um... okay.

How about m "Camp pining hearts" DVD?

Which season? Five?

Trash. I know. Ugh!

Log date ... whatever. Facet ... whatever!


Clearly there is nothing important enough for me to give to Lazuli.

At least I have you, tape recorder.


See, the ribbon is even blue. I got your number.

Uh, here. I'll unwrap it for you.

When I was stuck here, Steven gave me this tape recorder as a gift, and I didn't really get it at first,

but it made me feel better.

Just to talk about all the weird stuff that was happening.

It'll help you, too.

You, uh, press the button to record, an-and th-then you talk into it.

I don't want your garbage.

Guh! What? Were you trapped in a tape recorder, too?!

Look. I get it, you know. You're confused.

You can never go back to Homeworld.

This place doesn't exactly feel like home yet!

You're alone! No one could possibly know what that feels like!

Oh, wait. I do! We're the same!

Except you don't have to be alone.

So, tell me, then, what you want from me.

And whatever that is... I'll do it.

I want you... to leave!


Lapis, why are you being so mean to her? She's really trying.

Why do you trust her, Steven? Because I know her!

Lapis, you're not even giving her a chance.

You should've at least gotten to know her before you decided you don't like her.

Now it's too late. And she's never coming back again.

Oh, she's coming back again.

They're here!


What is that thing?

It's a roaming eye, a Homeworld tracking vessel.

I told you ... I'm public enemy number one!

Ah! Oh.

This is it, Steven! They're going to wipe my precious grin off the face of this planet!

Stay behind me! I'll protect you!

Holy smokes. Steven!

Holy smokes! Are you all right?

We saw the ship and came as fast as we could.

Yeah, I'm okay. Lapis saved us.

But it looks like Homeworld really has it out for Peridot.


Are you okay?

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