03x19 - Steven vs. Amethyst

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Steven Universe". Aired: May 21, 2013 - January 21, 2019.*
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Tells the coming-of-age story of a young boy, Steven Universe and his friends—in the fictional town of Beach City.
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03x19 - Steven vs. Amethyst

Post by bunniefuu »

- # We # # Are the Crystal #

- # Gems # # we'll always save the day #

♪ and if you think we can't ♪

♪ we'll always find a way ♪

- # that's why the people # # of this world #

- # believe in... # # Garnet #

- # Amethyst # # and Pearl #

♪ And Steven! ♪

We're never going to find Jasper. Pearl, Garnet!

We found Jasper! What?!

We beat her! Oh, my gosh!

Are you all right?! What happened?!

She showed up with those big snow monsters, so we fought those.

But then things got really scary, so Connie and I fused!

Stevonnie got to ride lion and we chased Jasper away!

All your training ... you did so well!

We're so proud of you.

Wait. Where's Amethyst?



You reformed.

I'm fine.

I hope you're ready for your weekly training, Steven!

I'm ready ... on the weekly!

You've had one victory, but there are more fights to come now that Jasper's ...

Now that Jasper's ...

Jasper's back! Let's work hard!

Hey, Amethyst.


You want to come watch me train?


I'm busy making egg salad.

Come on, it'll be fun!


You'll get to see me earn Pearl points.

What are Pearl points?

I'm glad you asked!

Pearl points are awarded for punctuality, perseverance, and positivity.

We may be smaller, weaker, and less gifted than our opponents, but with these "P"s, we have the

keys to success.

And ... to the Pearl prize pouch!

Ha! P-amazing Thank you.

There's some P-great stuff in that pouch.

Last week, I got these!

I don't even need glasses, so it's funny!

Really, Amethyst, the positive reinforcement has been doing wonders.

I want in.

On the glasses?

On the training.


You, Amethyst?

Yeah. You know, for fun.

All right!

Yeah, yeah. You're welcome.

Well, then, let the training begin!

Your first test will be speed.

To aid your training, I will be utilizing my holograms.

Welcome to Holo-Pearl version 2.000001.

I've modified them to accommodate less lethal training.

The sharpest w*apon is the mind.

Mm-hmm, mm-hmm.

Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm.

The Holo-Pearl will serve as a checkpoint at the edge of the arena.

Mark your lap with a Holo-Pearl high five.

High five accepted!

Two laps, two fives.

One pearl point to the winner!

Got it!


e p.

Okay then, on your marks.

Ready... steady... go!

High five accepted!


High five accepted!

Give me digits, Amethyst! High five accepted!

One point for Steven already!

Good thinking, Amethyst.

Going easy on him will build his confidence!

What can I say, I'm a natural at going easy.

Your next test is agility.

Dodge the spears the best you can.


Defeat accepted!


Victory, victory!

Don't go too easy on him. He still needs a challenge.

And now, for your final test, an all-out battle.

This is the ultimate determination of your skills!

Okay! Ready, go!

Come and get me, you holo-punks!


Stop moving so I can win!

Thanks. Wah!

a s. a !

Boomerang shield!

Defeat accepted! Defeat accepted!

Defeat accepted! Defeat accepted!

Victory accepted!

Congratulations, Steven!

You earn the final point!

It's time for you to pick a prize from the prize pouch!

Lonely Blade versus Outgoing Fist.

Round 1 ... fight!

Flying punch!

Boomerang, boomerang, boomerang blade!


Even my fists are dead!

Hey, Amethyst, do you want to play "Lonely Blade" with me?

I warmed up the controller for you.

Yeah, all right.


There's a new costume for Lonely Blade ...

Blue Lonely Blade!

You should play as him!


Lonely Blade versus Lonely Blade!

My blade is the best in all the land.

Round 1 ... fight!

ou d ... fig t!

Boomerang, blade!

Boomerang, blade!

Ugh, this is tough.

Were those bars always there?

The health bars? Yeah.

Right, right...

Ugh! You're doing so well!

I've been trying to master that combo for months!

You got it in, like, one try!



Oh, man! There's no way I could beat you!

1,000 mirror blade!



My blade is the loneliest after all.

That was crazy good, Amethyst.

Nice job!

Knock it off Steven, I know you let me win.

What, me? No!



You weren't even trying.

I'm sorry.

so y.

I just wanted you to feel better.

Great. And now you're even more mature than me.


You're supposed to be the rookie, but now you're better than me at everything.

Now I'm the worst crystal gem.


Ugh! You know what I mean, Steven.

Uh, not really!

I thought you guys wanted me to be strong.

And now I am, and you're mad at me?!

No! I get mad at myself!

That's, ugh, the thing I do.

I get mad at myself, and then it makes me suck at everything I do even more!

Amethyst, you don't suck.

You do so many cool things.

You have two whips ... two whips!

And the dash thing?!

Amethyst, you're so much better than me.

No way. You have Rose's shield.

And Bubble! And the floating thing!

And, ugh, I'd just be floating all day!

Floating? I forget to use that half the time!

And the rest of the time, my powers aren't even guaranteed to work!

I'm... I'm way worse than you.

... ay o se t a you.

Nuh-uh. I'm the worst!

No way! I am! I'll prove it!

I'll ... I'll fight you, and show you how bad I am!

Fine! Let's do it!

Let the worst gem lose!

Get ready, I'm about to lose big time!

No way!

I'm gonna get clobbered so bad I won't know what hit me!

No holding back?

No holding back!




I did not see that coming!

That was amazing!

No, it's not!

I don't do anything amazing!

You're the one who's amazing!


What?! Is that new?

Because it's awesome!

No, it was an accident!

Accidents are not awesome!

Sure. Right!

Su e. g t!


What?! Don't save ...

Whoa! That was great!

You think that was on purpose?

Guess who remembered to floa...




See?! I dropped you from the sky, but you almost just won using a rock!

Huh! If I can't beat you, I'm never going to beat Jasper!

You! You can totally beat me!

You're not even trying!

I am, too!


I think we're both too good at being bad fighters.

That's what you think!

What does that even mean?

I don't even know!


What's wrong with us?!

Well, I know what's wrong with me.

I'm not supposed to be small, and everyone's always acting like there's no problem.

"You can be anything you want to be."

No, I can't!

I can't even be the one thing I'm supposed to be, ya know?

Of course I do.

I'm not Rose Quartz.

Oh, no. Oh, Steven.

Why do you think I've been working so hard?

Well, it's paying off.

I sure hope so!

Thanks, Steven.

What did you two do?

You've ruined the ruins!

Whoops. I don't think we're gonna see that prize pouch for a while.

♪ If I could begin to do ♪

♪ Something that does right by you ♪

♪ I would do about anything ♪

♪ I would even learn how to love ♪
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