05x08 - Back to the Kindergarten

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Steven Universe". Aired: May 21, 2013 - January 21, 2019.*
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Tells the coming-of-age story of a young boy, Steven Universe and his friends—in the fictional town of Beach City.
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05x08 - Back to the Kindergarten

Post by bunniefuu »

[Alarm beeping]


[Barking] Ooh. Hey there, girl.

Yo, Steven! This a bad time?

Of the three things I have to do in the sink now, this is the one I least mind you seeing.

Ugh, Peridot is still depressed all up in your B-room?

Yeah. She still hasn't gotten over Lapis leaving and taking the barn with her into space.

I think she just needs a little more time to herself.

Nope, that's it, we're getting her out.

Wait, Amethyst!

Uh, Peridot? [Country music playing]

You... feeling any better?


[Music stops]

So, what have you been up to?


I, uh, couldn't really hear you there.



You've been in this bathroom kind of a long time.

Maybe you should get some fresh air.

What's the point?

To feel better? Come on, Peridot!

I can't stand seeing you like this.

Like what? Dude, let's just get out of the house.

We could go check out my old kindergarten!

We met all those other Amethysts up in space, and they all came out of the same rock as me.

I've been meaning to get a look at the old neighborhood now that I've met the neighbors.

That sounds fun. What do you say, Peridot? you can make us feel dumb by telling us all the stuff

we don't know!

I miss that.

Great, it's settled! Let's get out of the bathroom.

Can I bring my music? [Whimpers] No.


Ugh. Why exactly are we taking this outdated, clackity ship there?

The prime kindergarten has a very convenient warp pad.

Eh, we're taking the scenic route!

Come on, Peridot! Take a look at the beautiful countryside.


Your efforts to entrance me with Earth's beauty are pointless.

My sector of countryside was perfect.

Now it's somewhere in space.

Just let me know when we get there.

Good ol' kindergarten! Just the way I left it!

Aw, some things never change!

Gah, actually, everything's different now!

Man, I-I used to think this place was full of empty holes, but now it's like it's empty with holes

which were once full!

All those Amethysts I met in space ... they were all here!

While I was right there in the ground.

But now I can finally start putting some faces to holes!

Hohohoh, let's see...


This must've been 8XJ!




Peridot: Actually, the order goes from top to bottom.

That's 8XJ. Really?

Yes. Curly hair, right?

Yeah! How'd you know?

You can tell from the iron deposits in the formation there.

And that's 8XL down below.

Whoa, that's pretty amazing, Dot.

This used to make sense to me.

I thought life was generated in a kindergarten.

Formless, aimless energy channeled into new, useful gems.

But life doesn't start in a kindergarten. It ends here.

I've gotten used to plants everywhere.

Bugs and breeze and sunshine... all of that has been sucked out of this place.

It's with the Amethysts that were produced here, and now this place is nothing but a miserable


All of the Amethysts are gone.


Oh, all the well-made Amethysts are gone.

Yo, not better.

And nothing will ever grow here again, not even this flower.



I've never seen anything growing here, and I've been hanging around this joint for 5,000 years.

Man, it looks healthy, too.

Wow! That's Earth for you ... always bouncing back. I don't know.

I'd have to run some tests to see if this is not an anomaly.

You want to try planting stuff here? You know how to farm!

Yeah, that could be fun!

It could be an interesting experiment.

Yeah! Let's re-garden the kindergarten!

[Zing!] [Music]

[Gulls crying]

[Alarm beeping]


Peridot: They don't need any more water after yesterday, but according to... Ahh.

...several tutorials I read, the roots should be starting to take hold.

Oh, yeah?

Oh, yeah?

So that's something we can check for today, as soon as ... Steven!

What are you doing in that bathing gown?!

Get dressed already!

Oh, uh, right.

[Train whistle blows]

Do you think they grew much overnight?

Yeah, I bet the place looks even better!

We should plant even more stuff.

What do you think we should do next?

What about hydrangeas? Uh, which one's that?

I don't know, but it sounds good, right?

What do you think, Peridot?

Hey, thanks for doing this with me.

What? [Chuckles] Come on. It was fun.

I'm just glad I was able to fix something.

Yeah, the kindergarten looks better than ever!

[Wind whistling]

Well, I don't know why I'm surprised.

I should've known not to have hope.

But maybe if we try again...

It's not going to work!

It's never going to work, okay?!

Hey, don't be a jerk!

We were just trying to cheer you up.

e e e just t y g to c ee you up.

And good job with that!

I feel just great now that I know that nothing's ever going to get better!

Everything is just ruined forever!

We can't get any of it back!

Not my home! Not Lapis!

And not this crummy planet, either!

We might as well just throw it all in the garbage and toss ourselves in after, because it's all just

hopeless trash!

Peridot, maybe the sunflowers didn't work, but we know something can grow here.

This clod's just like us!

Too dumb to get with the program!



[Rumbling] Uhhh.

Uh? Waaaa!



Oh, of course!






Want to get this together? Let's do it!

[Music] [Roaring]

I need to go to the bathroom.

Man, you were right.

The kindergarten really is dead forever.

I was a fool to think we could reinstitute life there.

[Sighs] Tell me about it.

All right. I will.

I was pretty much using this as a distraction from losing Lapis, losing the barn, and just a general

sense of complete hopelessness I tend to deal with on a day-to-day basis.

But it really only confirmed for me that once you mess something up, it's ruined for good and

nothing will ever be able to grow again.

Yeah, we got the subtext.

Oh, wow.

What about all this?

Now that's some plants.


Guess the countryside out here is pretty beautiful.

But who cares? I wanted to have this for the kindergarten!

Even if there was nothing we can do for that one patch of land, there's still a whole Earth

blooming all around us.


Why don't we try gardening in literally any other place?

It'll be easier than trying to plant in the kindergarten.

That dirt doesn't care how green your thumb is.

Green thumb! 'Cause you're green. [Laughs]

I know that! So, are ya in?

Um... Do it, do it, do it, say yes!

Ugh. Fine. I've got literally nothing else to do.

Oh, yeah! Yay!

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