01x02 - (S) What It Takes to Be a Hero

Episode transcripts for the TV show "My Hero Academia". Aired: Apr 3, 2016 - present.*

Moderator: Heroman23

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Manga series that follows Izuku who has dreamt of becoming a hero but there's a catch -- he isn't a Quirk.
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01x02 - (S) What It Takes to Be a Hero

Post by bunniefuu »

It's fine now.


Because I am here.

He's so cool!

Once I get my Quirk, I wanna be like him, too!

You should probably give it up.

Even if that was true...

You're below the rejects!

You're Quirkless!

How can you even stand in the same ring as me?

What the hell can you do?

Even if that's what everyone thinks...

I'm sorry, Izuku!

I'm sorry. I'm sorry!

No, that's not it.

That's not it, Mom.


Even so... I...

Even if I don't have a Quirk, can I become a hero?

Can even someone without a Quirk be like you?

Without a Quirk...?

Oh no.

Holy shit, goddammit...

It might've been because I don't have a Quirk,

but I'm always made fun of...

Maybe that's why... I don't know...

But I think saving people is super cool.

Saving people with a fearless smile.

I want to be the greatest hero, like you...!

Wh-Where am I...?

What happened...?

Texas Smash!

Oh yeah...

That bastard...

If it weren't for that bastard...

Hey, Katsuki, aren't you and Midoriya childhood friends?

You went a little overboard today.

It's his fault for getting in my way.

Don't let it get to you.

It's just that it's been my goal ever since I was little.

And well...

I won't know unless I try...

He's an idiot dreaming like a kid!

Just watching him pisses me off!

Then, why don't we go to the arcade for a change of pace?

You'll come, too, right, Katsuki?


Then let's go to the one in front of the station.

There's lots of prey there.

You're terrible.


If we get caught, it'll end up on my record!

Hey, look!

An invisible cloak with a great Quirk!

Y-Y-You're deflating...!

Wait, up until now...


A fa— A fake?!

You're so skinny!

I am All Might...

No way!

You know how the guys at the pool are constantly flexing and posturing?

It's like that.

No way...!

I-It can't be...

All Might is fearless...

He saves everyone with a smile...

He's the greatest...

A fearless smile, huh?

Now that you've seen me like this, young man...

...make sure you don't write about it online, even accidentally.

It's an injury I got from an enemy's attack five years ago.

Half of my respiratory organs were destroyed...

...and I lost my whole stomach.

I've become emaciated from repeated surgeries and the aftereffects.

Right now, I can only work as a hero...

...for about three hours a day.

That can't be...

Five years ago...

Was that when you fought Toxic Chainsaw?

You're well-informed.

But a punk like that couldn't defeat me.

This fight was not made public to the world.

I asked that it not be made public.

I will save people with a smile!

The Symbol of Peace cannot be daunted by evil.

I smile to show the pressure of heroes...

...and to trick the fear inside of me.

Pros are always risking their lives.

I cannot simply say, "You can become a hero even without power."

I see...

If you want to help others,

then you could also become a police officer.

They're often teased because they get villains delivered to their doorstep,

but that is also a fine occupation.

It's not bad to dream.

But you also have to consider what's realistic, young man.

Now, I need to quickly get this guy...

Don't tell me...

A villain!

What hero will go to the scene?

I cannot simply say, "You can become a hero even without power."

It's a villain!

A child was taken hostage?!

You coward!

What is this?

I can't grab hold!

Death Arms!


Don't come near me!

I won't let sewage like this swallow me!

You little—

What power!

I've hit the jackpot!

With this Quirk and power, I can get revenge on that guy!

Woah, what's that?!

Could he be a big-shot villain?

She's here!

The rookie hero, Mt. Lady!

W-Wait... I need there to be at least two lanes!

I'm not good with explosions!

I'll leave it to someone else for today!

Thanks for that.

I have my hands full fighting the fire.

The fire truck's not here yet?

How are things over there?

He's sticky and hard to grab,

and a child with a strong Quirk is struggling against him.

Thanks to that, it's a minefield.

It's hard to do anything against this triple play!


It's no use!

There's no one who can take care of this at the scene right now!

All we can do is wait for someone with a more suitable Quirk!

Let's hold back the damage until then!

Don't worry, I'm sure someone will be here soon!

I feel bad for that child, but he'll just have to bear it a little longer.

Damn it!

If only I had enough power to blow that guy away!

Hey, doesn't it look kinda bad?

You can do it, heroes!

It was back then!

I was too distracted by my time limit!

I can't believe I made a mistake like this after admonishing that fan.



He still can't face reality, even though he's already a third year in junior high.

It's time for you to think seriously about your future.

You also have to consider what's realistic.

Even a top pro said it.

Don't cry!

You knew, didn't you?

The reality.

You knew.

That's why you were trying so desperately.

You were averting your eyes, not looking at reality.

Is this where the expl*si*n earlier was...?

Hang on, does that mean I came out of habit without noticing?

Stop it.

It'll just feel meaningless right now.

Why's that guy here?!

Did it get away from All Might?!

Did he drop it?

If he did...

...then it's my fault...

Why aren't the heroes doing anything?

They can't.

Apparently the villain caught a junior high schooler.

It's been like that for a while.


It's been like that for a while?

How can they bear that suffocation?

I thought I'd die after a few seconds.


Anyway, wasn't that villain the one All Might was chasing earlier?

All Might? No way! He's here?

I think I saw him earlier.


Then what's All Might doing?!

It's my fault...!

He can't do anything!


He can't catch that guy.

All we can do is wait for a hero with a more suitable Quirk!


Do your best!

I'm sorry!

I'm so sorry!


Help will arrive soon...



A hero... will soon...




That brat...


Why did I run out?

What am I doing?


Die in an expl*si*n!

What do I do? What do I do at a time like this?

Page !

Take that!


Why are you here?!

My legs moved on their own!

I don't know why, though!

I think there were various reasons.

You should probably give it up.

It's my fault...

How can you even stand in the same ring as me?

He's so cool!

Unless I try...


It's been my goal...

I'll do my best!

He saves everyone with a smile...

But at that moment...

You looked like you were asking for help...

Stop it...!



Just a little longer.

Don't get in my way!

He'll die in vain!

Is he suicidal?!

I really am pathetic.

All Might...

Even though I admonished you, I wasn't putting what I said into practice!

Pros are always risking their lives!

All Might!

Detroit Smash!


Don't tell me it's from the wind pressure just now?

An updraft developed and...

He made... clouds...?

Hey, hey, hey, hey!

With just his right fist, he changed the weather!

That's amazing!

That's All Might for ya!

After this...

...heroes collected the scattered sludge,

and safely delivered it to the police.

Jeez, there's a limit to how rash you can be!

There was absolutely no reason for you to put yourself in danger!

I got majorly scolded by the heroes...

...but Kacchan was praised.

That was amazing toughness!

And that Quirk!

Once you're a pro, please come to my agency!

You'll definitely be an excellent sidekick!

I wanted to apologize to All Might...

...but he was still getting interviewed...

I'll try sending him a message on his website when I get home.



I never asked you for help!

And you didn't help me!

Got it?!

I was fine by myself.

You're a Quirkless failure playing without a full deck!

Don't think you can look down on me!

Are you trying to make me owe you?!

Don't look down on me!

You damn nerd!


It's just as Kacchan said.

It's not like I accomplished anything, or changed anything.

But, I'm glad.

Now I can think of a realistic future...

I am here!

A-All Might?!

Why are you here?

You were surrounded by reporters until just now...

Getting away from them was a piece of cake.


Because I am All Migh—

Young man.

I come with thanks, a correction, and a suggestion.

If you hadn't been there...

If you hadn't told me about your life...

I would've turned into a guy in a bodysuit who was all talk.

Thank you.

That can't be...

It was my fault in the first place.

I got in the way of your work...

...and I said all those impertinent things even though I'm Quirkless...

That's right.

It was because it was none other than the timid, Quirkless you at the scene...

...that I was able to act.

Top heroes have stories about them from their school days.

Most of their stories have one thing in common.

Their bodies moved before they had a chance to think.

For some reason...

...I remembered my mother's words.

I'm sorry, Izuku!

I'm sorry. I'm sorry!

That was true for you, too, wasn't it?


That's not it, Mom.

Back then, what I wanted you to say...

The words I wanted to hear were...


...can become a hero.

Dreams can become reality.

By the way, I forgot to mention that this is the story of how I became the greatest hero.

Young man, you are worthy to inherit my power.

Inherit your power?

Take my Quirk, One For All!

With this, I can become a hero, too, right?

Of course not. Your body can't take it.


Next time, "Roaring Muscles"!

Young Midoriya will get buff!

Go beyond!

Plus Ultra!

Tatooin Shopping District


Episode . What It Takes to Be a Hero

What It Takes to Be a Hero

Tatooin Shopping District


So cool!

Kamui Wood

Best at holding back damage




Mt. Lady

Gigantification! m?!

Canyon Cannon

Hero Analysis for the Future

Pre-emptive Binding Lacquered Chain Prison. Quickly stretch out arms (vines) to make the opponent flinch back, and then use that opening to restrain them

Pre-emptive Binding Lacquered Chain Prison. Quickly stretch out arms (vines) to make the opponent flinch back, and then use that opening to restrain them

Next time

Next time

Next time: Roaring Muscles

Roaring Muscles
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