01x06 - (S) Rage, You Damn Nerd

Episode transcripts for the TV show "My Hero Academia". Aired: Apr 3, 2016 - present.*

Moderator: Heroman23

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Manga series that follows Izuku who has dreamt of becoming a hero but there's a catch -- he isn't a Quirk.
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01x06 - (S) Rage, You Damn Nerd

Post by bunniefuu »

With all my strength...

I'll do what I can right now!


It doesn't hurt... as much as before...!

It wasn't a throw that relied on power.

He just concentrated all the power into his fingertip?

{Mr. Aizawa...}Teacher...

I still...{I can still move!}

...can move!

This kid...

He got over meters?!

Finally, a hero-like record!

His finger's swollen!

There was the entrance exam, too.

He has a strange Quirk...

It's not very stylish.

Wh-What's with that power?!

Everyone's Quirks manifest by the age of four.

This is unthinkable!

But in reality...

S-Someone told me...

"You can become a hero"...

That it was because of my own effort...

What is the meaning of this?


Tell me what's going on, Deku, you bastard!

What the—?

These cloths are hard...!

They're weapons for capture made of carbon fiber woven together with metal wire made of a special alloy.


Don't keep making me use my Quirk over and over.

I have dry eye.

It's such a waste, since his Quirk is so amazing!

It's such a waste, since his Quirk is so amazing!

U.A. High's home room teacher for Class -A, Aizawa Shouta.

He can erase the Quirks of those he looks at.

The effect goes away when he blinks!

We're wasting time.

Whoever's next, get ready.

Is your finger all right?

Oh, yeah.

Until a little while ago...

...he was just a pebble on the side of the road.

You're so lucky, Kacchan.

Your Quirk's so cool!

I hope I get mine soon, too.

No matter what Quirk you get, you'll never beat me.

A pebble...

...on the side of the road!

After that, I fought against the pain

as we finished the rest of the fitness tests.

Okay, I'll quickly tell you the results.

The total is simply themarks you, got from each test.

It's a waste of time to explain verbally, so I'll show you the results all at once.

The person with the lowest total score will be expelled.

The only result I had that was any good was in the ball throw.

For the rest of the tests, I did terribly because of the pain.

Last place will be...


By the way, I was lying about the expulsion.

It was a rational deception to draw out the upper limits of your Quirks.


Of course that was a lie.

It should have been obvious if you just thought it through.

I didn't notice...

I didn't notice...

That was a little nerve-wracking, huh?

I'll take up the challenge anytime!

With that, we're done here.

There are handouts with the curriculum and such in the classroom so when you get back, look over them.


Have the old lady fix you in the nurse's office.

Tomorrow will be packed with even more rigorous tests.

Prepare yourself.

I got through this for now...

...but there was too much that I couldn't do.

I'm starting from last place.

I have a lot to learn from here on out...

...in order to get closer to what I dream of becoming!

Aizawa, you liar!

All Might.

So you were watching?

Too much time on your hands?

"A rational deception" you said?

April Fools was last week.

You punished a whole class of last year's first-years with expulsion.

You cut those you judge to be without potential without hesitation.

For a man like that to take back his words—

That must be because you also felt the potential of that kid, right?


You seem to be supporting him quite a bit.

Is that how a teacher should be acting?

His potential was not zero.

That's all it was.

I will always cut those without potential.

There's nothing crueler than letting a dream end midway.

So you're being kind in your own way, huh, Aizawa?


...we don't really get along after all...

I'm so tired...


Is your finger healed?

Yeah, thanks to Recovery Girl.

Wow, it's healed!

But I suddenly feel very tired...

My Quirk can only stimulate a person's healing ability.

Healing requires stamina.

If you keep getting major injuries, you'll use too much stamina

and end up dying instead, so be careful.

I'll end up dying instead?!

I can't just keep getting help from others.

I have to hurry up and learn to control my power.

I was really taken in by Mr. Aizawa.

I even thought, "This is the best of the best" and such.

I didn't think a teacher would encourage us with a lie.

I thought Iida was scary, but he's just earnest.

Hey! You two!

Going to the station?

Wait for me!


You're the infinity girl.

I'm Uraraka Ochako.

Um, you're Iida Tenya,

and you're Midoriya Deku, right?



But during the fitness test, the boy named Bakugou said—

Deku, you bastard!


Uh... my real name is Izuku, but D-Deku is what Kacchan calls me to make fun of me...

An insult?

Oh, is that right?


But "Deku" sounds like the Japanese word for "You can do it!"

so I kinda like it.

I'm Deku!


You're accepting it too easily!

Wasn't that an insult?

It's like a Copernican Revolution...


There are so many things I can't do.

I have to work hard and do my best.

But, All Might...

...I can at least be happy that I have friends, right?

You don't have time to relax, young man.

The real thing starts tomorrow.

The curriculum of U.A. High's hero course.

Regular required classes, like English, in the morning.

Which of these English sentences is wrong?

So normal...

So normal...

So damn boring.

Everybody, heads up!

Let's get this party started!

Okay, Yaoyorozu, come on!

The relative pronoun is in the wrong place in number !

Lunch is at the main cafeteria, where we can buy gourmet food for reasonable prices.

White rice is great comfort food, isn't it?


And then, in the afternoon, we finally have...

...Hero Basic Training.

I am...

...coming through the door like a normal person.

It's All Might!

Wow, he really is a teacher!

That's a costume from the Silver Age, isn't it?

Its style is so different, it's giving me goose bumps.

I teach Hero Basic Training.

It is a subject where you train in different ways to learn the basics of being a hero.

You'll take the most units of this subject!

Let's get right into it!

This is what we'll do today—

Combat training!



And to go with that are these!

Costumes made based on your Quirk registrations and requests you sent in before school started.


After you change, gather in Ground Beta!

Yes, sir!

They say the clothes make the man, young men and ladies.

Be fully aware...

From now on...

...you are heroes!

That's great, everyone.

You all look cool!

Now, shall we begin, you zygotes?

The clothing allowance.

Before we enrolled in U.A. High, we submitted our Quirk registration,

physical measurements, and desired designs

so a support company under exclusive contract with the school

could prepare state-of-the-art costumes for us.

It's a wonderful system.

I need to go to city hall to get my Quirk registration for the clothing allowance.

But I'm already registered as "none"...

Oh, what should I do...?

Quirk registration?

Oh, you can update that.


Everyone is examined and registered all at once when they enter elementary school and junior high, right?

But there are cases where people discover their Quirks aren't what they thought they were.

So you're allowed to update it once or twice.

They won't accept outrageous changes, but if you had "none" before, it's probably fine.

I'm home!

And by "probably," I mean I'm sure—

Oh, I hung up by accident!

I'll have to apologize later.

Welcome back!

Izuku, you know—

Congrats on getting into U.A.!

I might have jumped to conclusions, though.

A jumpsuit?

It's not much as it is now, though.

When you'd dozed off while studying,

I happened to see your notebook.


The terrible thing I said kept bothering me.

I gave up back then.

But you didn't give up.

You kept chasing your dream, didn't you?

I'm sorry, Izuku.

I'll support you openly with everything I've got from now on!

These are my mother's feelings.

What'll I wear if not this!

Even if it's not the most convenient or state-of-the-art, it's fine.

This is my costume!

Oh, Deku?


That looks cool!

Really down to earth.

I should have written what I wanted...

Mine ended up being a skintight bodysuit.

It's embarrassing...

The hero course is the best.


So obvious.

Now, it's time for combat training!


Oh, that was Iida.

He looks cool.

This is a battle center from the entrance exam, so will we be conducting urban battles again?

No, we're going to move ahead two steps!

Most of the time, fighting villains takes place outside,

but if you look at the total numbers, atrocious villains appear indoors at a higher rate.

Imprisonment, house arrest, backroom deals—

In this society filled with heroes...

...truly intelligent villains hide in the shadows!

For this class, you'll be split into villains and heroes and fight -on- indoor battles.

Without basic training?

This is a real battle to understand those basics!

However, the key this time is that there's no robot you can just beat up.

How will wins and losses be determined?

Can we beat them up anyway?

Will the punishment be expulsion like with Mr. Aizawa?

How shall we be split up?

Isn't this cape crazy?

I'll answer all your questions!

Now listen here.

A script?

The situation is that the villains have hidden a nuclear w*apon somewhere in their hideout.

The heroes are trying to dispose of that.

The heroes need to catch the villains or get the nuclear w*apon back in the allotted time.

The villains need to protect the nuclear w*apon for the whole time or catch the heroes.

The situation feels very American!

Teams and opponents will be determined by drawing lots!

They're being decided so haphazardly?

Pros often have to create makeshift teams with heroes from other agencies,

so maybe that's why?

I see.

The discernment to look ahead...

Please excuse my rudeness!

It's fine. Let's do this quickly!

Wow, it must be fate!

I'm counting on you!


I have to speak properly, or else—

The first teams to fight will be...

...these guys!

Team A will be the heroes, and Team D will be the villains.

Everyone else, head toward the monitor room.

Yes, sir!

Villain team, go in first and set up!

In five minutes, the hero team will break in, and the battle will start!

Yes, sir!

Young Iida, young Bakugou...

...learn to think from the perspective of the villains.

This is pretty close to a real battle.

Don't be afraid to get hurt and go all out.

Yes, sir!

If things go too far, I will stop it.

Yes, sir!

Even if this is training, it pains me to become a villain.

So our job is to protect this?

It's papier-mache.


Deku has a Quirk, right?

You saw that extraordinary strength, didn't you?

It appears to carry a lot of risk, though...

However, you seem to be especially angry when it comes to Midoriya...

Did he dare trick me?!

That damn nerd!

It's a lot of work to memorize the building's floor plan.

But All Might is just the same as when he's on TV.

Unlike Mr. Aizawa, it looks like there's no punishment, so we can relax and—

You're not relaxed at all!

Well, it's because...

...we're up against Kacchan...

And there's Iida, too, so I feel like I need to be on guard...

I see.

Bakugou's the one who makes fun of you, right?

He's amazing.

I'll definitely surpass All Might and become the top hero!

He's a piece of work...

...but his goal, his confidence, his physical strength, and his Quirk...

...are way more amazing than mine.


...that's why right now...

I don't want... to lose...

A fated battle between men, huh?

Oh, sorry, this isn't your problem, Uraraka.

It is! We're a team, aren't we?

Let's do our best!

Now, let's start the indoor person-to-person combat training with Team A and Team D!

Okay, everyone, you all should think as well.

Young Midoriya...

...here, you are no more than a single student.

I'll grade you strictly, without playing favorites.

We've infiltrated successfully!

There are a lot of blind spots, so let's be careful.

I still can't control One For All...

...so I can't use it against anyone...

If I use that on someone, it'll k*ll them.

We just have to do it with the power I have now and Uraraka's Zero Gravity.

I've got to use my head...

Indoor battle...

Those notes on battles in tight spaces...


Uraraka, are you all right?

Yeah, thanks.


It's just a scratch.

Come Deku...

...don't dodge.

I figured you'd come for me first.

A surprise attack from the start?

Bakugou, that's cheating!

A surprise attack isn't manly at all!

A surprise attack is a strategy, too.

They're in the middle of a real battle right now.

Midori avoided it!

There goes Bakugou!

I won't do so much damage that this fight gets stopped, but I'm gonna get close!

Wow, he's like a martial arts master!

What's with this guy?

Did he read my moves?


You usually start with a big right swing.

How much do you think I've been watching you?

I wrote an analysis for all the heroes I thought were amazing in my notebook.

In the notebook you blew up and threw away.

My "Deku" isn't always going to mean "useless"!


...my "Deku" means "You can do it!"

But "Deku" sounds like the Japanese word for "You can do it!"

so I kinda like it.


If you keep going, I'll never forgive you!

Even though you're scared...

That's what I...

...hate about you!

Midoriya, even if this is combat training,

I will give it my all,

so as not to embarrass the name of the hero family, Iida!

Iida, you're going to play a villain, huh?

I am extremely evil, you know.

H-He's completely in character!

Next time, "Deku vs. Kacchan"!

I didn't know Uraraka was a baseball player!

Go beyond!

Plus Ultra!

Plus Ultra!

Aizawa Shouta

Episode : Rage, You Damn Nerd

Episode :


Seated toe-touch

Long-distance run

Yaoyorozu Momo Todoroki Shouto Bakugou Katsuki Iida Tenya Tokoyami Fumikage

Kouda Kouji Satou Rikidou Asui Tsuyu Aoyama Yuuga Sero Hanta

Shouji Mezou Ojiro Mashirao Kirishima Eijirou Ashido Mina Uraraka Ochako

Kaminari Denki Jirou Kyouka Hagakure Tooru Mineta Minoru Midoriya Izuku

Midoriya Izuku

Teacher Directory

Nurse's Office

Clothing Allowance

I want a streamline and versatile suit of full armor.

Something intimidating!!

Style for a man who can't stop sparkling.

Three weeks ago

Sends out the water from her body

Turns moisture in the air into water

Cool like All Might







Team {A}

Team {B}

Team {C}

Team {D}

Team {E}

Team {F}

Team {G}

Team {H}

Team {I}

Team {J}

Hero Analysis for the Future

Next time

Next time: Deku vs. Kacchan
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