02x06 - (S) The Boy Born with Everything

Episode transcripts for the TV show "My Hero Academia". Aired: Apr 3, 2016 - present.*

Moderator: Heroman23

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Manga series that follows Izuku who has dreamt of becoming a hero but there's a catch -- he isn't a Quirk.
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02x06 - (S) The Boy Born with Everything

Post by bunniefuu »

The world has become a superhuman society,

and about % of the world's population
now has some kind of special trait.

In this world swirling with chaos,

the profession that everyone
once dreamed about and admired

came into the limelight.

Heroes of justice fighting villains
and saving people from distress.

Yes, this is the story of
how I became the greatest hero.

That plane flew over our heads so close

I don't know why I remember that so brightly

The night I cried so helplessly

I longed for strength and

I was looking for the courage I needed

If this cruel fate is decided and

It confronts me someday

Right now, just right now I can only breathe

Nothing matters, my heart says

Once more go further and further

Someone in me singing

No matter what happens

It's for you, always shedding the tears

Never to be sad and smile

This is the song to be a HERO

Farewell and put up your peace sign 

Keep rollin' our never ending story

The feelings of the three...

...who trust in me...

I'm carrying all that right now!

I took the one on his head
where his guard was the weakest.

Midoriya, this was thanks to the
opening you created with your last spurt.

In fourth place, Team Midoriya!

They will advance...

...to the final round!

"The Boy Born with Everything"

Now, we'll break for lunch
before we start the afternoon festivities!

See ya!

"I'm hungry."

"I'm hungry."
I'm hungry!

"I'm hungry."

"I'm hungry."
Let's hurry up and go eat.

"Faculty and Student Entrance"

"Faculty and Student Entrance"
So... What did you want to talk about?

So... What did you want to talk about?

If we don't hurry, the cafeteria
will probably be really crowded...


He gives off a cold intimidation,
different from Kacchan...

I was overpowered.

So much so that I broke my pledge.

He didn't use it even if
it would be to his advantage...

His left side...

Iida, Kaminari, Yaoyorozu, Tokoyami, Uraraka...

None of them felt it.

At that last instant,

I was the only one who was overpowered.

Only me, who had experienced
All Might's full power up close.

What... does... that mean...?

It means I felt something
similar coming from you.

Midoriya, are you...

...All Might's secret love child or something?

Secret... love child...?!

All Might has his eye on you, doesn't he?

I-I see... So that's what he was thinking!

Well? Are you?

Th-That's not it!

I mean, even if I was, I would say I wasn't,
so I don't think you'd believe me,

but anyway, that's not how it is...

In the first place, let me ask you something...

Why do you think that about me...?

Since you said, "that's not how it is,"

that means there's a connection between
you two that you can't talk about, right?

Endeavor's my old man.

I'm sure you know that he's been stuck
as the number two hero for forever.

If you have something from
the number one hero, then I...

...have even more reason to beat you.


Long time no see!

Let's have tea, Endeavor!

All Might...

I haven't seen you since that talk
we had with the press ten years ago, huh?

I saw you, so I thought I'd say hi.

I see. Well, you've already done that. Leave me.

Tea? What a joke.
I'm going to the restroom. Begone!

Don't be so cold!

Your son, Young Shoto, did wonderfully
without even using half of his power.

Is it because he was taught well?

What are you trying to say?

Why, I seriously want to know

how to raise the next generation.

Do you think I'd tell you?

You look clueless as usual,
and it's getting on my nerves.


Just remember this--

I will make that into a hero
that will surpass you one day.

That was why I created him.

What are you...?

He's in his rebellious stage right now,

but he will definitely surpass you.

I will make sure of it!

My old man has a strong
desire to rise in the world.

As a hero, he won a name
for himself with crushing force.

Because of that, the living legend,
All Might, is a great eyesore to him.

Since he couldn't surpass All Might,
he moved onto his next plan.

What are you talking about, Todoroki...?

What are you trying to tell me?

You've heard of Quirk marriages, right?

That thing that became a problem

for the second and third generation
after superpowers appeared.

Choosing a spouse based only on strengthening
your own Quirk and passing it on to your children,

forcing people into marriage.

The old-fashioned way of thinking
brought about by a lack of ethics.

He is a man with both
accomplishments and money.

He won over my mother's relatives
and got a hold of my mother's Quirk.

He is trying to fulfill his own desire by
raising me to be a hero to surpass All Might.

It's so annoying...

I won't become the tool of scum like that.

In my memories, my mother is always crying.

"Your left side is unsightly,"

my mother said as she
poured boiling water on me.

Basically, I picked a fight
with you to show him what I can do,

without using my damn old man's Quirk...


I'll reject him completely by
winning first place without using it.

The world he talked about was
so different that honestly, I was scared.

I thought about how it
could be so different for us

even if we were aiming for the same thing.

I don't care if you can't tell me
how you're connected to All Might.

No matter what you are to All Might,

I will rise above you with just my right side.

Sorry for wasting your time.

If this were a comic,
he'd be the main character.

That was the kind of backstory he had.

Compared to that, what could I say...?


I have always been supported by others.

That was the case earlier, too.

I am here because of the people
who have supported me.

It's all right now, young man.

I am here!

--Is it possible for me to
give him some of my points?
--I'll support you openly with

--You can't be a hero with just one trick.
--everything I've got from now on!

--You can't be a hero with just one trick.
--I guess it's like we've
cleared the first hurdle.

--Move! You're in the way, Deku!
--I guess it's like we've
cleared the first hurdle.

--Team up with me, person in first place!
--I took the one on his head
where his guard was the weakest.

You can become a hero.

Saving people with a
fearless smile, the greatest hero--

All Might.

I want to be like him.

In order to do that, I have to be
strong enough to become number one.

My motivation might seem
trivial compared to yours,

but I can't lose, either.

I have to live up to the hopes
of those who supported me.

That declaration of w*r you gave earlier--

I'll return that.

I will beat you, too!

Now that lunch is over,
it's finally time to reveal the last game!

But before that,

there's good news for all of
you who didn't make it to the finals!

This is just a sports festival!

So we've prepared recreational games
that everyone can participate in, too!

--Oh! Yes! Oh! Yes! Oh!
--We've even brought real cheerleaders
from America to liven things up!


What are they doing?

What's the matter, Class A?
What kind of fan service is that?

Mineta! Kaminari! You tricked us, didn't you?!

"U.A. Sports Festival - Lunchtime"

Yaoyorozu, Jiro.

Hm? Did you need something?

Well, I'm sure you already know
since you're a class rep and all,

but they said everyone has to wear those
clothes to do a cheer battle in the afternoon.

I didn't hear anything about
an event like that, though...

You don't have to believe me,
but we heard from Mr. Aizawa.

I thought maybe you'd forgotten,
so I'd tell you just in case.

Why am I always caught up in Mineta's schemes?

I even used Creation to make the outfits...

Those guys are so dumb!

Well, there's still time before the finals,

and it'd be a pain if things got tense.

It's fine! Let's do it!


Toru, you like this, huh?

All right, everyone! Let's have fun
competing in the recreational games!

When that's over, the sixteen from the
four teams that made it to the final round

will duke it out tournament style, one-on-one!

The last round is a tournament
where we fight one-on-one, huh?

I'm gonna stand on the stage
that I watch every year on TV!

Was it a tournament last year?

It's different every year, but there's
a one-on-one competition every year.

Last year, it was a sports chanbara match.

Now, let's draw lots to determine the bracket.

Once the bracket is determined,
we'll have the recreational games and then start!

The sixteen finalists can choose whether
or not they want to participate in the recreation.

I'm sure some of you want
to rest or save your strength.

Now, from the first place team--

Um...! Excuse me.

I'm withdrawing.

Ojiro, why?

This is a rare chance for pros to see you!

I barely remember anything from
the cavalry battle until almost the end.

I think it was that guy's Quirk.

If I remember correctly, Ojiro was with...

I know that this is a great chance

and that it's foolish to waste it...



Everyone here competed by giving their all!

I can't... I can't be up there with everyone
without knowing what really happened.

You're worrying too much about it!

You should just make sure
you produce results in the finals!

If you're gonna say that,
I didn't do anything either.

That's not it...

I'm talking about my pride here... I can't...

Also, why are you guys
wearing cheerleader outfits?


I'm Nirengeki Shoda from Class B.

I also want to withdraw for the same reason.

Regardless of ability,

don't you think it goes against
the goal of this sports festival

for those who didn't do anything
to move onto the final round?

What's with these guys?!

They're so manly!

This is an unusual turn of events...

We'll have to see what the chief umpire,
Midnight, has to say about this...

Youthful talk like that is something...

...I like!

Shoda! Ojiro! I accept your withdrawals!

She decided based on her tastes...!

I'm going to do it, okay?

In that case, we'll have to move up two people
from the fifth place cavalry battle team...

If that's what's going to happen,

then rather than us, who barely
did anything during the cavalry battle,

it should be them, right?


The ones who fought to
the end and stayed in the top,

Team Tetsutetsu, right?


This isn't collusion or anything.
It just makes sense.

Y-You guys...!

And so, Tetsutetsu and Shiozaki
have moved up to make sixteen!

This is the bracket based
on the results of the drawing!

Again?! This is too redundant!

I'll give it my all.

Th-That's what I want!


Too bad you got me as your opponent.

You mean, too lucky!

The first match of the first round, huh?

If both Todoroki and I win, then...

Before that, if I remember
correctly, Shinso was...

It's you, isn't it? Izuku Midoriya.

This person...

Depending on the results of the sports festival,

they'll consider our transfer
into the hero course.

...is from general studies...

Looking forward to the first match.



Ojiro, what's the matter?

Don't answer him.

It'll be sooner than I expected...

Come, Midoriya.

I'll defeat you with this hand.

Huh? Uraraka?

Are you Iida?

Hm? Indeed, I am Iida.

Oh good! Actually...

All right! Let's leave the tournament
aside for a momentary interlude!

Let's have fun with the recreation!

All right!

First is the scavenger hunt!


Will anyone let me borrow a bag?



--A cat! Please give me a cat!
--Does anyone have a textbook?

"Back Fat"

This is impossible...

--Ugh, I can't believe they're getting
serious about recreational activities.
--Thank you very much!

Those Class A guys really need
to get a clue or something...


If you're unmotivated, then come with me!


"Perverse Person"

Kendo, don't you think you've got it wrong?

It's fine! It fits!

Even if we were told to have fun,

those of us in the tournament couldn't relax.

Some polished their strategy
against their opponent.

Some tried to keep their presence of mind.

Some prepared for the fight.

Some sharpened their senses.

And some tried to relax their nerves.

As we thought our respective thoughts,

it was time to start before we knew it.

Okay. It's pretty much done.

Thank you, Cementoss!

Hey guys, are you ready?!

A lot's happened, but it's now
come to this! A serious battle!

You can only depend on yourself!

Even if you're not a hero,
you'll face lots of situations like that!

You get it, right?

Heart, skill, body, wisdom, and knowledge!

Use all of that to rush up!


Sorry I'm late, but...

You figured out One For All, right?

All Might...

No, I'm still worried...

I can see it in my head by imagining
the microwave and how I hit the villain,

but it still feels unsteady
if I don't focus, like it'll fall apart...

Besides, as you saw,

with my current body, even if I succeed,
I just end up with a little more power...

Yes, if we talk in terms of
the zero or % from before,

what your body can release
right now is about a five.

Five percent of my power?!

Hearing that, I really feel like
I've been blessed with friends and luck.

You should just say, "I'll do my best,
damn it," you prince of nonsense!

Is the image of the hero
you're trying to be that flimsy?

Listen, it's the times
when you're scared or worried

that you should deal with smiling!

You've made it this far.

It's fine if it's a bluff.

Stand proud!

Don't forget that I've got high hopes for you!


The finals that you've all
been waiting for are finally starting!

Match number one--

"Hitoshi Shinso" "Izuku Midoriya"
Even though he's done well,
what's with that face?


Even though he's done well,
what's with that face?

From the hero course, it's Izuku Midoriya!


Sorry, he hasn't done anything to stand out yet!

From general studies, it's Hitoshi Shinso!

The rules are simple.

Force your opponent out
of bounds, or immobilize them!

You can also win by making
your opponent say, "I give up!"

Bring on the injuries!

Because we've got our very own
Recovery Girl waiting on standby!

Put your morals and ethics aside for a moment!

But of course, anything
life-threatening is crap!

It's not allowed!

Heroes should only use
their fists to catch villains!

I'll stop things if they go too far.

"I give up," huh?

This is a fight to test
the strength of your spirit.

If you know what you want for your future,
then you can't worry about appearances.


That monkey was going on about his pride...


...but don't you think he was dumb
for throwing away his chance?

What did you say?!

I win.

I went through the trouble of warning him, too!

Hey, hey, what's the matter?

It's the important first match! Liven things up!

Midoriya! The match just started...

...and he's completely frozen?!

Always fighting headwinds,
why am I the only one?

Never did like lip service

Everything connects right now in this instant

I have to keep running to get closer to my dream

I won't find the answer
just by looking up at the sky

Now is the time for us to prove that we are here

Another day of crying, more crying

We'll get through this, every time,
I'll hold your hand (it'll be fine)

You're not alone! Not alone!

Shout out for the heart you will never give up

I won't run anymore


It's the finals tournament, Midoriya.

Ojiro, why'd you want
to talk to me all of a sudden?

I want to tell you what I know
about the Quirk of Shinso from Class B,

your opponent in the first round.

Ojiro, you care about me that much?

That was part of it, but I also
wanted to be in the preview.

So honest! Wow!

Next time, "Victory or Defeat"!

Shouts of "Don't worry about it" will echo through
the stadium for the loser after the quick match.

"Next time: Victory or Defeat"
Go beyond!

"Next time: Victory or Defeat"
Plus Ultra!
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