02x22 - (S) Yaoyorozu: Rising

Episode transcripts for the TV show "My Hero Academia". Aired: Apr 3, 2016 - present.*

Moderator: Heroman23

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Manga series that follows Izuku who has dreamt of becoming a hero but there's a catch -- he isn't a Quirk.
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02x22 - (S) Yaoyorozu: Rising

Post by bunniefuu »

Team Asui and Tokoyami, practical exam.

Ready, go!

I forgot to tell you...

We teachers are also trying to

crush you with everything we have.

Breaking through deception

See the blue sky

Eternity has flown away

If I sing to the sky

I have no chance to deny regrets

Inevitable Inevitable

The future is determined

So rebel against it


I've paddled through the river of tears

For a long time


I have to go

No matter what I will lose

Never forget my chagrin and humiliation

I'll decorate my heart with them

Breaking through deception

See the blue sky

Eternity has flown away

If I sing to the sky

I have no chance to deny regrets

Inevitable Inevitable

The future is too bright to be abandoned

So rebel against it

"Yaoyorozu: Rising"


...your determination and resolve!

Go, Dark Shadow!

Asui, I'm throwing you!


Good thing we figured this out beforehand.


They're good!

An escape only those two could pull off!

Communication skills.

"Recovery Girl's Temporary Nurse's Office"

In this society, it's a simple but

important skill for heroes to have.

More than being able to pull off

the perfect team play with a specific sidekick,

it's better to be able to achieve

a certain standard with anyone.

Um, even though this is an exam,

each student is being made to deal

with their weakness on purpose, right?

That's right.

I wonder what Tokoyami

and Asui have to work on.

I can't imagine Mr. Ectoplasm's Quirk

being a bad match-up for theirs...

No, it is bad... for Fumikage Tokoyami.

Why is that?

You'll see.

You're avoiding a fight after all, huh?


"Do your best!!"


Ectoplasm. Quirk: Clones!

He produces ectoplasm from his mouth,

which he turns into clones of himself

that he can put anywhere.

He can produce about at once.

But apparently, after singing

two or three songs at karaoke,

he can produce about !




Dark Shadow!

They just keep coming.


Fumikage Tokoyami's strength is his quick attack

and range that lets him keep his distance.

But looking at it another way, he won't

hold up if something does get in close.

Tokoyami had a weakness like that...?

So that's why he's up against Ectoplasm with

his many clones that can appear unexpectedly...

On the other hand, Tsuyu Asui...

An excellent student

with no clear weaknesses.

Therefore, she must provide support

to her ally, who, as you said,

is powerful and has few weaknesses.

Her ability to keep calm can provide

emotional support to others in a crisis.

Emotional support...

Now that I think about it, having Asui

there at USJ really helped a lot.

Do your best, Asui, Tokoyami.

That was the th one.

Tokoyami, I can see the goal...

...and what is probably his real body.

Good job getting past all the others.

But what'll you do against this?!

Giant Bite Detention!


I can't put out clones now, but as long as

I can see you, this one will be enough.

Dodge, Asui!

Only I can release my clones.

Now, what will you do?

What an all-powerful Quirk.

I'm the same!

Dark Shadow, you at least need

to get through the gate!

Got it!


He can't get through against

a pro head on, huh?

But if he can reach, then we have a chance.

Have Dark Shadow take this, Tokoyami.

"This"? What?

Don't... look too closely...

The teacher will notice...

Besides... it's... really... gross...

Can you keep this up until time runs out?

What I want is the shine of heroes

who can do away with adversity.

Dark Shadow!

Calm down. It's fine.

Because Tokoyami and Dark Shadow...

...are strong!

If we became unable to move,

then this would be the only way to win,

so I swallowed them right away.

I can take things in and out of my stomach.

I see.

They got the cuffs on him!

They passed!

Dark Shadow and Frog! They were able

to use both Quirks well together!

Yeah, as expected!

"Do your best!!"

"Good job!!"

Team Asui and Tokoyami have passed!

That was wonderfully clever.

You deserve to be commended.

I am delighted.

Ribbit, ribbit.

It was all thanks to me, right?

Tokoyami and Asui have passed...

Of course.

"Third Match

Team Iida and Ojiro vs. Power Loader"

We're running out of places to stand...

Did Mr. Power Loader do this?!

What should we do, Class Rep?

The current topography gives

our opponent an advantage.

In order to keep damage down

to a minimum and defeat him,

I think going to find a hero with a Quirk

advantageous against the opponent

is the best choice.

In other words, we should run, right?


...there are pitfalls all the way to the gate.

And we don't know where

Mr. Power Loader will attack us from.

Even so, we can do it.

As long as we work together...

All right!


This is really embarrassing...

Here we go, Ojiro!


We're going faster than the holes are forming.

If we keep going like this--

I wonder.

Oh, no!

We're gonna fall!

Find the best solution, Tenya!

Wrap your tail around my leg!

Recipro Extend!

What the...?

"Good job!!"

Team Iida and Ojiro have passed!

Class Rep!

It was kind of forceful,

but it didn't take long,

and you were quick-witted enough to get your

friend out without getting injured yourself...

Not bad. You pass.

Thank you very much!

They're both amazing!

I will once again walk on

the path to becoming a hero!

You're so cool, Iida!

Also, I can't get out!

That's kind of uncool, though.

"Fourth Match" "Practical Exam Area"

"Fourth Match" "Practical Exam Area"

It's our turn.

Let's go.


Are you nervous?


Well, considering who we're up against...

But I have an idea.

Team Todoroki and Yaoyorozu, practical exam.

Ready, go!


It doesn't matter what you make.

Just keep creating some small objects.

When you can't make them anymore,

that means Mr. Aizawa is close.

Here I go again!

U.A. High Class -A

homeroom teacher, Shota Aizawa!

He can erase the Quirks of those he sees.

That effect is removed when he blinks!

This exam will depend

on who finds the other first.

Once we can see him, I'll draw him to me.

Then, you should run to the escape gate.

Stay with me until then.

What's wrong? Hurry up

and make something.

Right... Okay.

Yaoyorozu, I said to make

something, but what're those?

Russian matryoshka dolls.

I see.

Well, let me know if you notice

anything strange with your Quirk.

I expect nothing less from you, Todoroki.

About what?

You were able to come up with a plan

to use against Mr. Aizawa so quickly,

and you were able to determine

what would be best at once.

It's nothing special.

Nothing special...?

As students who got into

U.A. through recommendations,

we started from the same place,

but in terms of the practical skills a hero needs,

I haven't done anything that stands out.

During the cavalry battle,

I just did what you said.

In my own fight, I lost before

I could do anything against Tokoyami.

Yaoyorozu, your matryoshkas...

--He's coming!


If you realize that, then you

should immediately start acting!

In this case, you should prioritize evasion

since I stole a march on you.

Yaoyorozu, go!

Is that what your plan was?

Then, this is perfect.

Either way, I'd been planning to catch

you first since you're the offense.

You think you've caught me...?

I can burn or freeze these

restraints in an instant...

I don't care which you do.

Just be careful of where you fall.


What are you, a ninja?

Coming up with such an

unpleasant countermeasure...

It's different from the

time with the hero k*ller.

I know the Quirks and

numbers of the heroes.

I'm perfectly prepared to intercept you.

Your plan places the burden

pretty heavily on yourself.

It's nice to try and be

considerate to the girl,

but maybe you should've

talked it over more.

Talked it over...?

How much farther until the escape gate?

Is there a shorter route?

Is Todoroki all right?

Is this okay?

Should I make something to help me

go faster at the expense of time?

Is this okay?

Will I be able to get out like this?

Where am I running?

No... Why?

Is this plan... really okay?

Ever since the sports festival,

she'd obviously lost confidence.

Mr. Aizawa!

Then, does that mean Todoroki's...?


--I'm gonna hit you where it hurts.

Let's see who can get in more hits.

Against a teacher, I don't have a chance...

What? My Quirk's not erased?


I'm sorry, Todoroki!

Going in the opposite direction?

She's left all the decision-making to him.

Comparing herself to Todoroki,

she's decided that he's better than her.

Watching Todoroki, who for better

or for worse doesn't hesitate much,

she's become unable to have

confidence in her own thinking, huh?

Emotionally, she's still a child of .

I'd like to help her regain her confidence,

but that's not my job right now.

...maybe you should've talked it over more.

Now that I think about it, it looked

like she wanted to say something.

Todoroki! Todoroki!


I'm sorry, I couldn't--

Hey, Mr. Aizawa's coming!

Should I save Todoroki?

Or run?

What should I do?

What should I...?


You've got a plan, right?

Sorry, I should've asked earlier

if my plan was okay.

You have an idea, right?

But your plan didn't work,

so how could my idea...?

It's fine, just spit it out!

I'm saying that you're the one

more suited to this stuff!

When we were voting for class rep,

you had two votes, right?

"Momo Yaoyorozu - "

One of those votes was mine!

Because I thought you'd be good at it!

Disgraceful... So disgraceful!

Are you done?


Todoroki, close your eyes!

What are these?

Flash grenades?

I do have an idea, Todoroki!

I have a plan!

A special operation just to beat Mr. Aizawa!

A special operation?

Yes. I was actually thinking

about this from the beginning!

Just tell me already.

The aftereffects of USJ...

A decrease in time I can use my Quirk,

and an increased interval between uses.

Well, if she's attacking because she

noticed that, then she's pretty good.



It's been erased, huh?

Todoroki, let's hide! Together!

Mr. Aizawa's eyes have

become a bit unstable.

Because of his injuries at USJ?

So, we're going to exploit that?

No, for now, we must get

out of his field of vision.

It's just a matter of time... We can win!


Get out of his field of vision...?

Can we do it?

We can't use our Quirks, you know.

Do as I tell you!

Keep checking if you can use your ice!

I'm gonna catch you!

Thinking that we can't use our Quirks

is a bad assumption to make.

There will definitely be a single moment...

...an interval of time when Mr. Aizawa

blinks before he can look at us again!

Here it is!

You can pull it off in that moment, right?

That giant ice wall you showed

us at the sports festival!

Todoroki's biggest move!

They were waiting for this.

Yeah, you've got to get your

opponent where it hurts!

I blocked him with the wall

the moment my Quirk came back.

Now we can use our Quirks.

Tell me the rest of the plan while we...

Mr. Aizawa's w*apon?


I don't know what it's made of

or the details of how it's made,

so it's not exactly the same,

but I made my own version with

a certain material woven into it.

Since this is a residential area,

we must keep the damage to a minimum.

And he moves quickly with those

restraining bonds, making him hard to catch...

This is my plan.

Why isn't Mr. Aizawa going after them?

He might've overused his eyes.

What do you think, Todoroki?

I believe this has a higher chance of succeeding

than trying to escape from Mr. Aizawa.

It will be decided in an instant.

Is this all right?

Yeah. No complaints here.

The escape gate is behind me.

So it'll be better to watch their approach

carefully than to try and chase them.

I have a plan!

A special operation...!


Cloth, huh?

It's true that if I can't see them,

I can't erase their Quirks.

But there are a lot of

disadvantages to that, too!

Their upper bodies were mannequins?

There's just one thing to do!

A catapult!

A diversion?


Blast your flames low!

He's not aiming for me?

What are they...?

I don't know if we can beat

Mr. Aizawa in a battle of Quirks...

That's why...

Have you heard of nitinol alloy?

When heated, it returns to

its original shape in an instant.

It's a shape memory alloy!

That's impressive.

It went exactly according to your plan,

but didn't it go a little too smoothly?

Honestly, it is inexplicable.

When I was about to launch the catapult,

I made a mistake...

Mr. Aizawa noticed but still jumped away,

even though he could have

stopped it in that opening.

It looked like he was allowing himself

to be taken in by my plan on purpose.

I was just being careful

of Todoroki next to you.

I could see you, but Todoroki

had a cloth over him.

I thought he'd freeze me.

So I backed off, thinking that

was the best course of action,

and then played right into your hands.

It really was only a matter

of time, like you said...


What's wrong? Do you feel sick?

I-It's nothing!

--If you feel nauseous, there's a pressure

point on the instep of your foot...

--I said, it's nothing!

Oh my...

When all's said and done,

that man's a softie.

Team Todoroki and Yaoyorozu have passed!

I can't imagine you ever giving up

But I'm sure you've had days

that were empty and miserable

If you think you'll have

many once-in-a-lifetime endeavors

Then I want to see those moments

Even if there's only one lifetime,

there are many chances to be together

You're the strongest, giving me,

with absolutely nothing, meaning in life

"Hooray! Hooray!" What's this ability

you have to make me say this over and over?

Keep standing your ground

and giving me courage

"Hooray! Hooray!" Even all the

insignificant things are calling out

When I look at your eyes, I can run, too

I want to try carving out the best finale

'Cause you're my hero.

The fifth match,

the exam with Team Uraraka

and Aoyama against Thirteen,

is in its final stages...

We were so close!

Oh, no, I won't let you get away!

Thirteen's getting closer

while sucking us up!

I'm not good at combat, but I have

distinct views about captures!

Escaping from Thirteen's

Black Hole is next to impossible.


They need a plan to break out...

This Quirk just never stops sucking, huh?

Are you trying to be funny?

We're in trouble here!

You know, my costume...


It transmits from my navel...

Which means...

...we're not in trouble or anything!

I'll suck up light, too!

I'll break it down at a molecular level!

This isn't a joke!

What is up with you, Aoyama?!

I'm just me.

This isn't good. We'll get caught!


Think about how to get out of this!


What would Deku do in a time like this...?


Hold on! Right now, I'm--

You were thinking about what

Izuku Midoriya would do, weren't you?

Do you...

...like him?

Here's the preview!

The second half of the practical exams:

Uraraka and Aoyama against Thirteen,

Kaminari and Ashido against the principal,

Koda and Jiro against Present Mic,

and Shoji and Hagakure against Snipe!

Everyone's fighting with everything

they've got to become heroes!

I'm really moved right now!


What's up, Uraraka?

It's hard to say when you're so moved,

but Mineta's running away!

Next time, "Stripping the Varnish"!

Sero's sleeping peacefully

on someone's lap!

"Next time: Stripping the Varnish"

Go beyond!

"Next time: Stripping the Varnish"

Plus Ultra!
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