02x25 - (S) Encounter

Episode transcripts for the TV show "My Hero Academia". Aired: Apr 3, 2016 - present.*

Moderator: Heroman23

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Manga series that follows Izuku who has dreamt of becoming a hero but there's a catch -- he isn't a Quirk.
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02x25 - (S) Encounter

Post by bunniefuu »

Kurogiri, get rid of these guys.

Everything I hate came together in one set.

A brat, and a rude guy.

Now, now.

They came all this way to visit, so let's
at least hear them out, Tomura Shigaraki.

Besides, that big shot broker brought them.

They're bound to be valuable assets.

I don't care what you do with them,
but make sure I get my commission, Kurogiri.

At least let me introduce them.

First, this cute high school girl.

Her name and face were kept
tightly under wraps by the media,

but she's on the run as the suspect
in a series of deaths by blood loss.

I'm Toga! Himiko Toga!

It's hard to live!

I want the world to
become an easier place to live!

I want to become Mr. Stainy!

I want to k*ll Mr. Stainy!

So let me join the League of Villains, Tomura!

I don't get her. Is she crazy?

She can hold a conversation for the most part.

I'm sure she'll be of use.

Next, this guy over here.

He hasn't committed any flashy crimes,

but he holds fast to the hero k*ller's ideology.

I'm uneasy about this.

Does this organization really have a just cause?

Don't tell me you're going
to let this crazy woman in?

Hey, you. You didn't even do what
that crazy high school girl was able to do.

Give your name first. You're an adult, right?

I currently go by Dabi.

That's not what I want to know.
What's your real name?

I'll tell you when it's time.

Anyway, I will carry out
the will of the hero k*ller.

You don't have to say
what you haven't been asked.

Jeez, everyone's so
hung up about Stain, Stain...

--I don't like it.
--You mustn't, Shigaraki...!

I don't feel good.

You're all no good!

Please calm down, Tomura Shigaraki.

If what you wish is to come to pass,

then we must increase
the organization's numbers.

Strangely enough, we're in the spotlight
right now, so now is our chance.

We should not be rejecting them,
we should be receiving them.

You must use it, all of it...

And all the ideology he left behind...

Shut up.

Where are you going?

Shut up!

I don't want to complain about
a client, but... he's young. Too young.

I thought he was going to k*ll us.

He makes me sick...

Would it be all right to give
you an answer at a later date?

I believe he knows what he should do.

It's because he knows that
he left without saying anything.

All Might... Hero k*ller...

He's been humbled twice already.

I'm sure he will reach an answer...

...that both you and
he himself will be satisfied with.

Breaking through deception

See the blue sky

Eternity has flown away

If I sing to the sky

I have no chance to deny regrets

Inevitable Inevitable

The future is determined

So rebel against it


I've paddled through the river of tears

For a long time


I have to go

No matter what I will lose

Never forget my chagrin and humiliation

I'll decorate my heart with them

Breaking through deception

See the blue sky

Eternity has flown away

If I sing to the sky

I have no chance to deny regrets

Inevitable Inevitable

The future is too bright to be abandoned

So rebel against it

Everyone... I'm looking forward...
to hearing your stories... about training camp...

W-We don't know for sure yet!
There might be a last minute twist!

Stop, Midoriya. If you say it out loud,
it'll probably jinx it.

If we failed the exams,

then we'd have to skip training camp
and be in summer school hell.

And since we didn't pass the practical exam...

If you guys still don't get it,
then you're dumber than monkeys!

Calm down. You're talking too much.

I don't know, either.

Our team passed thanks to Mineta,
but I was just sleeping the whole time.

Anyway, since we don't
know how they're scoring it...

If you feel bad for us, then I dunno,
just bring me back lots of stuff!

Once the bell rings, get in your seats.



Unfortunately, there are those
who did not pass the final exams.

Accordingly, for the
training camp in the woods...

...everyone's going!

A last minute twist!

We can go, too?!



Some failed, but no one failed the written exam.

In the practical, Kirishima,
Kaminari, Ashido, Sato, and Sero failed.

I knew it...

Just because my team passed didn't
mean I scored high enough not to fail...

For this time's exam, we on the villain side
made sure to leave a way for the students to win

while watching to see how you
all would take on the task at hand.

If we hadn't, most of you would've
gotten stuck before you started.

So when you said you
were really out to crush us...

That was to make you feel cornered.

In the first place, the training camp
in the woods is one to increase strength.

So those who failed need it the most.
They have to get stronger.

It was a rational falsehood.

"A rational falsehood"?!

I was tricked again!

As expected of U.A.

However, since you lied to us twice,
our faith in you will waver!

Wow, you're being a wet blanket, Iida.

That's true. I'll consider that.

But I wasn't lying about everything.

Failure is failure.

We have prepared a separate
time for extra lessons for you all.

Frankly, it'll be tougher than the extra
lessons you'd get if you stayed at school.

Well, in any case,
I'm glad we can all go together.

"Training Camp Guide"
Well, in any case,
I'm glad we can all go together.

A week of training camp, huh?

We'll have to bring a lot with us.

I don't have a bathing suit or anything.

I'll have to buy a bunch of stuff.

Night vision goggles--

Oh, then since we're off tomorrow,
and we just finished our exams,

why doesn't Class A all go shopping together?!

Oh, good idea!

Wouldn't that be the first time
we all hung out together?

Hey, Bakugo, you're coming, too!

Like I'd do something so irritating.

Will you come, too, Todoroki?

I go visit my mom on our days off.

You guys are such party poopers!

Get a clue, you clueless guys!

And so, here we are!

With the most stores in the prefecture,
the newest and coolest, most advanced--

Kiyashi Ward Shopping Mall!

"mutter mutter mutter"
They don't just try to cover the various
body types due to Quirks by numbers,

"mutter mutter mutter"
but they actually have designs that fit a
wide range of ages, from teens to seniors, so...

You're scaring the children. Stop that.

Oh, aren't those U.A. students?!

First years?!

I saw them on TV!

Sports festival, yay!

Oh, there are still people who remember that...

Anyway, I need to buy a big carry-on bag.

Oh my, then why don't we go around together?

Where can I get lock-picking
tools and small drills?

I don't have any outdoorsy shoes,
so I want to go buy some.

Oh, me too, me too!

The guide said to bring shoes
that are already broken in--

Oh, but I see, perhaps we
should choose based on utility?

Everyone has different things they want to do,

so why don't we decide
on a time to meet back up?

I agree!

Then let's meet back here at o'clock!


Everyone's really fast.


Wh-What about you, Uraraka?

I want to get some heavier wrist weights.

I need bug spray...

Do you...


Bug spray...!

I'm a bug?!

Dang it, Aoyama!

He's wrong, anyway!

I think.

Even though we all
came together, I'm by myself...

Oh, it's someone from U.A. Cool!

Let me have your autograph!

You were the one who got all
beat up at the sports festival, right?


Wow, U.A.'s amazing.

So many people watched and remembered us...

And weren't you also one of the guys who
ran into the hero k*ller in the Hosu incident?

That's so cool!

You sure know a lot...

Man, I seriously can't believe it.

I can't believe I'd see
you again in a place like this.

It makes me feel like there's something to it...

...something like fate, or destiny.

But well, from your perspective, I guess
we haven't met since the attack on U.A., huh?

Why don't we have tea
or something, Izuku Midoriya?

Tomura... Shigaraki!


What meaning is there
in k*lling without conviction?

Just you watch, Hero k*ller.

Almost everyone is thinking,
"It's no skin off my back."

No, they're not even thinking that.

No matter where someone tries
to k*ll someone else for whatever reason,

these guys will just keep smiling
thoughtlessly and going on living.

It's the hero k*ller!

"Super popular!! Hero k*ller Mask yen"
Is this really okay?

You'll definitely get in trouble!

It's such a bad idea!

That's cool!

But on the other hand,

you've got some sympathizers
who are far from your ideals.

What's up with that?

Aren't we doing the same thing, you and me?

In the end, you just destroyed
the things you didn't like, right?

What's up with that?

What's the difference?

Act natural, like I'm an old friend.

Don't make a fuss, okay?

Calm down and catch your breath.

I want to talk to you.

That's all.

Just try and do something funny.

It's simple.

The instant all five of
my fingers touch your neck,

you'll start crumbling
from the skin of your throat.

You'll turn to dust in less than a minute.

I-If you do that in a place
with this many people,

a hero will come and catch you in no time...

I'm sure.

But look at these guys.

Even though anyone could
wield their Quirk at any time,

how can they smile and gather like that?

When it comes down to it, laws and rules
assume that individuals have morals.

They're convinced that there's
no way anyone would do it.

Before I'm caught I could
crumble twenty--no, thirty people...

What... do you want to talk about?

This is nice.

Since we've got this chance,
why don't we sit down and have a chat?

Anyway, I hate everything,

but what pisses me off the
most right now is the hero k*ller.

He's not with you?

I didn't acknowledge it, but that's
how it ended up in the news.

That's the problem.

Almost everyone is looking at the hero k*ller.

The attack on U.A. and the
Nomus I released on Hosu City...

Everything was upstaged by him.

No one's looking at me.

Why is that?

No matter how much he boasts,

in the end, he just destroyed
what he didn't like, right?

What do you think the difference
is between me and him, Midoriya?

I got flustered and
ended up running at full speed.

I bet Deku was really confused...

I feel bad leaving him like that.

Yeah, so I need to go back and apologize.

Yeah, I need to go back...

No, that's not it. I'm just gonna
apologize when I go back...

Yeah. That's right. It's not like I want
to go shopping with him or anything.

In the first place,

I just thought he was amazing for
someone who wanted to be a hero, like me.

Yeah, I'll go back.
No, it's not like that at all.

What Aoyama said was really ridiculous.

What is the difference...?

I can't understand or agree with who you are.

For the hero k*ller, I don't agree with him,

but I can understand him.

Because for me and
the hero k*ller, it all started...

...with All Might.

This is all...

...to create a more just society.

At that time, I was saved...

At the very least, he wasn't
destroying just because he wanted to.

It's game over now.

Shall we go home?

He didn't just abandon it in vain, like you did.

Even if the way he did it was wrong,

he was trying to live up to his ideals, I think.

It's like a weight off my chest.

I feel like I've connected the dots.

Why the hero k*ller pisses me off,

and why you irritate me...

I feel like I understand now.

Everything's because of All Might.

Yeah, that's it...

When all's said and done,
that's where I ended up.

What was I worrying so much about?

These guys are able to smile thoughtlessly
because All Might is smiling thoughtlessly.

It's because that trash
is smiling thoughtlessly,

as if there was no one he couldn't save!

Oh, I'm so glad we could talk.

It's great. Thanks, Midoriya!

I don't have to do anything different.

Whoops, don't struggle.

Do you want to die?

You think it's okay for the masses to die?

It's so ironic, Hero k*ller.

I'm your opposite, but you let me live,
and now your ideals and convictions

will all become a stepping stone for me.


A friend...? No...

Get your hands off him...

It's nothing! I'm fine! So don't come close!

Oh, you had a friend with you? Sorry 'bout that.

I'm off, then.

If you try following me, I'll get angry.


Wait, Tomura Shigaraki!


What is All For One after?

Who knows?

More importantly, you should be careful.

The next time we meet will likely be
when I have decided to k*ll you.

What meaning is there
in k*lling without conviction?

I had convictions and ideals
from the beginning, Hero k*ller.

Nothing's changed.

But everything I do from now
on will connect to that...

To make a world without All Might,

and expose just how fragile
that justice stuff is.

And from today, I'll call that my "conviction."

The only one I'll let
k*ll me is the true hero...

...All Might!

Everything is because of All Might...

Uraraka reported the incident,
and the shopping mall was temporarily closed.

The heroes and police in the ward
undertook an emergency investigation,

but in the end, they could
not find Tomura Shigaraki.

I was taken to the police station that day

"Kiyashi Police Station"
and told Mr. Tsukauchi, who is
investigating the League of Villains,

about the principal offender, Tomura Shigaraki's
appearance and our conversation.

From what I'm hearing, it sounds
like they aren't a monolithic organization.

But the part where he wants
to defeat All Might hasn't changed...

Anyway, thank you, Midoriya.

Oh, welcome...

I wish I could've detained him, though.

Don't worry about it.

In fact, you did well holding up when
your life and the lives of others were at stake.

Most people would get scared and panic.

The fact that there were no
victims is thanks to you staying calm.

Young Midoriya! Tsukauchi!

All Might! Why...?

I had some personal business
to talk with him about.

Oh good, I'm glad you're okay.

I'm sorry I couldn't save you.

It's okay.

Um, All Might...

What is it?

Do you also have times
when you can't save everyone?

I do. A lot.

Someone could be injured and passing
out somewhere in this world right now.

It's frustrating, but I'm human, too.

I can't save the people I can't reach.

That's all the more reason to stand and smile.

So that the "Symbol of Justice"
can always be lit inside the hearts

of the people, the heroes, and the villains.

He's worried about what Shigaraki said.

It's probably unjustified
resentment or something.

He's never failed to save someone
after he arrived at the scene.

Now, it's getting late.

Someone's here for you.




Izuku, I can't take this anymore.

My heart can't take it...

Sorry. It's fine. I'm fine. Don't cry.

The heroes and the police
were taking good care of me.

Sansa, make arrangements to take them home.

Yes, sir.

This time it appears to have
been a coincidental meeting...

But the possibility that he, or another student,
will be targeted is pretty high.

Of course, we will continue to be on alert,

but the school should also be
ready to take some drastic measures.

The stronger the light,
the greater the darkness.

You should also consider leaving U.A.

I've only been teaching for
a little more than three months.

That's why I told you before
that you weren't cut out for it.

Let's capture All For One properly this time.


This time...

I'm counting on you again, Tsukauchi.


"U.A. High School st Semester Closing Ceremony"
From the entrance exam to
the fitness test, combat training,

the League of Villains' attack,
the sports festival,

internships, the Hosu incident,
and the final exams...

A lot happened, but my
first semester at U.A. is over,

and summer vacation is about to begin.

But that doesn't mean we can
just think about having fun.

We need to be prepared

"Hosu General Hospital"
We need to be prepared

"Hosu General Hospital"
for the impending evil

in order to become true heroes.

We do not have time to just stand around.

You seem strangely happy, Master.

Is it because the League
of Villains is growing steadily?

That's not it, Doctor.

It's because Tomura Shigaraki
has conviction now.

The League of Villains needs people
who approve of his convictions.

I will have him decide everything.

If he asks for help,
then I will save him, of course.

I have even been preparing for that time.

In order for him to become the next me...
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