1x118 - Accelerated Tragedy - Vanishing Universes...

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Dragon Ball Super". Aired: July 5, 2015 — March 25, 2018.*
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Sequel that follows the adventures of Goku and friends during the ten-year timeskip after the defeat of Majin Buu.
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1x118 - Accelerated Tragedy - Vanishing Universes...

Post by bunniefuu »

♪ Time has come,
I'm ready to go ♪

♪ Venturing into the unknown ♪

♪ Fires inside me,
must be unleashed ♪

♪ People talkin' nonsense all day ♪

♪ Chin pun kan,
that's all they can say ♪

- ♪ I can't get no satisfaction ♪
- ♪ Oh! Whoa! ♪

- ♪ Challenges may come ♪
- ♪ Oh! Whoa! ♪

♪ Fighting's just begun ♪

♪ But there's no stopping me ♪

♪ From spreading out my wings ♪

- ♪ Let's fly high ♪
- ♪ Oh! Whoa! ♪

♪ Concentrate my power ♪
- ♪ Oh! Whoa! ♪

♪ In the final hour ♪

♪ In the end,
I am gonna w-i-i-i-i-n! ♪


♪ Don't you know
I'm unstoppable? ♪

♪ Don't even try,
'cause you will fall ♪

♪ I got a strength,
deep in my soul, ♪

♪ That gives me
courage and control ♪

♪ I'll go beyond the limit break ♪

♪ The Universeis mine
to take ♪

♪ I have no fear,
I think it's clear ♪

♪ let's kick it up into high gear ♪

♪ oh this is Dragon Ball Super ♪

♪ We've got the skills
to blow zeno away! ♪

[Narrator] Previously,
on Dragon Ball Super,

the maidens of
the Second Universe

battled the androids
of the seventh,

using their uniquely
love-powered att*cks.

But android 17 eliminated
the Maiden Roasie.

[Roasie screams]

And then, 18 defeated

the massively
super-charged Ribrianne.

[Ribrianne screams]


Elsewhere in the ring,

the two remaining combatants
from the Sixth

challenged Gohan and Piccolo,
while the last three fighters

from the Second
prepared to team up

on the energy-drained Goku.

The fate of the Universes
will be decided... Now!


"Accelerating Tragedy

vanishing Universes."

[Woman 118a] The Almighty
Ribrianne! She's out!

So does this mean
we'll all disappear?

Not yet. We still have
a reason to hope!

[Man 118b] Hey, look!

- [Man 118a] It's her!
- [Woman 118b] It's Ribrianne!

A broadcast? They've been
letting regular mortals

from their Universe watch
this whole thing go down?

Their commoners must
be most uncommon.

Such transparency would usually
cause riots in the streets.

Even though I've been eliminated
from the fight, fear not!

We still have to believe that
our love can light the way!

I'm begging all of you at home,
don't give up on us yet!

Cheer for our team
with all your heart!

Support our warriors of love!

[Rabanra yelling]

[Zarbuto yelling]

[Rabanra] We're the Second
Universe's only hope!

[Zarbuto] We may not have
beauty, but it doesn't matter!

We may stumble.
We may have our setbacks.

You can mock us all you want,

but we will keep fighting
until the end!


[Supreme Kai]
Goku's still exhausted

from his string of battles.

We've seen his obsession
with pushing his own limits.

Maybe that's why he's willing to
fight this long without a break.

But he's taking a huge risk...
One mistake and he's through.

And with it three against one,

this fight could easily
drag on forever.

[Champa] Heh, heh. The second
Universelost their best fighter

and is down to three...
they're in a real spot now.

And yes, Vados, I do have eyes,

and I know we're in
trouble, too, okay?

Right you are, my lord.

Especially since we only
have two fighters left,

even fewer than
the desperate second.

I'm afraid your cowardly
strategy of running down

the clock won't even work
with these low numbers.

It's hard not to worry about
our fate now, my lord.

Or your fate, I should say,
for accuracy's sake.

[Caulifla] come on!
Get fired up, and find a way!

Saonel! Pilina!

If you lose,
I'll kick your asses!

[Cabba, Kale]
Good luck, you guys!

Heh. I hear you, Caulifla.

But if we lose
then we'll all cease to exist,

so you won't be
kicking anything.

You don't need to worry, though,
we're fired up already.

And look,

it's paid off just in time.

Gohan and Piccolo's battle
is getting drawn out, too.

I know those fighters are
from a different Universe,

but they're still Namekians.

Must be pretty tough
to see them as enemies.

No. Don't worry about that,
they know what's at stake here.

My concern is the unusual
resilience of those Namekians.

Despite their battles,
they don't seem fazed at all.

You feel that, too?


[Piccolo] something inside
them just changed somehow.

[Piccolo gasping]

[Pilina, Saonel grunt]

They att*cked us head on,
but we could barely see 'em comin'!

They're faster
and stronger now!



[Zarbuto] No matter how many
times you knock us down,

we'll always get back up.

Hmph. Are you hearing that?

Oh, yeah. I can hear it,
all right.

The voices of
our people cheering,

yearning for our victory.

That's right, they're here!

Feel it! Feel the love

of the second Universe
behind you as you battle!

I do feel that love,

and the wishes of
every living person

now resting on our shoulders!

Yes. It's almost too much.

And yet there is strength
in that burden as well.

We must channel this
overwhelming love,

and turn it into power!

[Zirloin, Rabanra, Zarbuto]
Uhh! Love!

Love! Love!


That's good. Now do the chant,
and summon love's power!

Take formation!

Zir-Zirloin! Zir-zirloin!

Ran-ran! Ra-ban!

Zarbuto! Zarbuto!

Happiness to one and all!

I send you my love!

The thunder of the wild!

And the roar of love! Rabanra!

The strike of love,
with dreams and magic!


[Zirloin, Rabanra, Zarbuto]
Transformation complete!


Ah-ha! They've changed!
Just like the Maidens!

These are the kinds of miracles

only the heart can
make possible.

New beauties are born,
conceived by the power of love!

- [Zirloin, Rabanra, Zarbuto] Hm?
- [Goku] Huh?

Sorry to muscle in on
your fight again, Goku.

But with their power upgrades
they're forcing our hand.

It's like an unhealthy
relationship, brother.

We just don't know how
to quit Universetwo.

You villains are going to pay
for knocking out our Maidens!

At last, you'll get
the judgment you deserve!

We'll strike you all at once.

With the hammer of love!

Hm... I'll play the part.

Prepare for number 17,
vanquisher of the second!

He who smited fair
Kakunsa and Roasie

with his allegedly cold
and un-loving fists!

Wow, 17.

It sure sounds like their
melodrama is contagious.

It is I! Number 18,
the wicked co-vanquisher!

She who doomed
the Maiden Ribrianne!

You will know my Godly fury!

Ee! And is spreading fast.



And I'm Goku!

Here we come, Foul Seventh!

We shall win this contest!

Fueled by love!

[Zirloin, Rabanra, Zarbuto]
Second Universe... att*ck!

You want to put 'em down quick?

I do.

[laughs] I really have no idea
what's happening here,

but it's on, Second Universe!

[Gohan grunting]

[Piccolo grunting]

I know about your little secret.

What makes you so strong!

it's so clear to me,

neither of you entered this
tournament as solo Namekians,

not by a long sh*t!

[Piccolo grunts]

What you say is true.

We have used our ability
to merge many into one

to share our energy,
wisdom, and power.

We have fused.

After we learned our Universe
could be annihilated,

many of our noble brethren
stepped forward

to give all they
had to the cause.

We became the hosts, absorbing
them within ourselves,

and arrived with our
bodies still in flux.

We avoided strenuous combat

until our fused powers
and minds could stabilize.

We planned to use our
strength to help our team

in the second half.

But now that we're finally ready
we're the only warriors left.

Though we're surprised,
we will not be dismayed.

All we can do is keep fighting

with the full might our
brethren entrusted to us.

Feel in my grip the resolve
of planet Namek...

By which we will live or die!


[Piccolo grunts]

I'll fight them both myself, and
do all I can to keep them busy.

That'll give you time to focus
your energy, Piccolo.

For my special beam cannon.

we've seen them regenerate.

If all those Namekian warriors
have fused with them,

their combined energy,
and their resilience,

must be through the roof.

So we don't need to
worry about using

lethal force and
getting disqualified.

And that means I can go at them
with everything I've got.

[Gohan grunts]

[Piccolo exhales]

You've been awfully quiet

during these latest
developments, Lord Beerus.

- [Beerus growls]
- If Gohan is victorious

it will mean your twin
brother will cease to exist.

I imagine you have mixed
feelings about this battle.

Ugh. Don't be ridiculous.

Go on, seventh, give 'em hell!

Knock the stuffing out
the second, and the sixth!


I'm impressed.
So you found a way

to harness all of Ribrianne's
power for yourself, huh?

Not hers!

This is the power of love
that makes me strong!

[Rabanra grunting]

[A18 yells]

[Zarbuto grunts]

[A18 growls]

[Zarbuto growls]

Oh, wow!
Goku is fighting!

He is! His son's fighting, too!
So exciting!

How's it gonna end?

[Grand Minister]
It's difficult to say, Sires.

The Seventh Universe
continues to win,

despite all the other teams
putting a target on their back,

and they clearly have momentum.


Pretty... Cannon!

[Goku grunts]

[Grand Minister]
because of all their battles,

they're also
the most exhausted.

Ai! Love!

Amour! Amore mia!

[Grand Mile, with
their teams so close to defeat,

the Second and Sixth Universes
are demonstrating

newfound sources of power,

seemingly spurred on
by their desperation.

All sides are being
severely tested.

There can be no
doubt about that.


Fire, Pilina!
Don't worry about me!

[Pilina yells]


[Pilina grunting]



[Pilina] Feel in my grip
the resolve of planet Namek...

By which we will live or die!

[Piccolo groaning]

[Piccolo grunts]


I'm sorry.

I was careless, Piccolo.

And that forced you to att*ck

before you'd finished
charging up your energy.

Let's try again.

I'm begging you.

This time,
we'll make sure we win.

You and me, as a team.

[Pilina] I'm sorry. You gave
me the chance to strike,

and I couldn't put him down.

Don't blame yourself.
The real fault is mine

for underestimating
that warrior's power.

[Gohan grunts]

[Pilina, Gohan grunting]

[Pilina, Gohan yelling]

[Piccolo groaning]

[laughing] I'm the one
who should apologize, Gohan.

I let myself get
totally outplayed

by their sheer
determination to survive.

I got on my high horse
and told you to be a warrior

and finish the fight,
and now look at me.

You're right.

No matter how strong the foe,

or how many there are,
we'll stand together.

And keep pushing, all the way!

[Piccolo yells]

[yelling] Charge! Charge!

Gentlemanly charge!

Nice try! Ha!

Your passion...

And mine.

[Zarbuto, Rabanra]
A true love symphony!

[Zarbuto, Rabanra yell]

[A18, A17 grunt]

Well fought, Seventh Universe!

Your strength has held up
well against our passion!

I can only conclude

that you must be warriors
of love, as well.

And since you're giving
everything you've got,

so will we! We will elevate
our amorous energy to maximum!

You have withstood a lot,
but try to handle this!

Are you ready?

[Zarbuto, Rabanra]
We're sending you our feelings!

Ah! Love!

[Heles gasping]
Is it possible...?

Well, it looks like
they're about

to send another special heart.

[A18 grunts]

It was absorbed!

What is that thing?

It is most likely
a gravitational singularity,

created by taking all
of what they call

the "weight of their love"

and concentrating it into
a single point in space.

That's the elusive technique
not even Ribrianne

and the Maidens were able to do.

Love can be all-consuming.

It can paralyze, and torment
us with its intensity.

Yet those who master love
can control its weight

and unleash this mysterious,
beautiful, cataclysmic att*ck!

[Rabanra, Zirloin, Zarbuto]
Pretty Black Hole!

This weight is something else!

It's way more intense
than Bulma's training rooms.

I can't use instant

Look at that!

Not even light can escape
our love prison!

[Rabanra] It's too heavy
for the ring to support.

It's going to keep sinking,
layer by layer,

until it crashes all the
way through the bottom!

[Zirloin] Our love has trapped
you, Seventh Universe.

It will pull you down to defeat!

[Goku chuckles]

Not bad, you guys.
I thought the second

would go down fast,
but you're full of surprises.

All that power of love
stuff seemed kinda silly,

but I'm starting to respect
what it can actually do.

So I hate to say it.

For me, there's a better
path to power.

It's not love. It's fury!

[Gohan yelling]





[Goku, Gohan]

No you don't!

[Pilina yells]

[Goku grunting]

[Rabanra, Zirloin, Zarbuto

[Pilina yelling]

It's over! Ha!

Sorry to make you wait.
Hope you're at peace.

Special beam cannon!

[Saonel gasping]

[Pilina groans]

So this is the true power

of the Seventh Universe's
Namekian Warrior?


[Gohan, Goku]

[Grand Minister] All contestants
of the Second and Sixth

have been knocked out.

Their teams are hereby defeated.

My, my,

we didn't even get to see
ultra instinct this time.

Oh, well. I shall not complain
as long as he wins.

By continually fighting under
such extreme conditions,

he runs the risk of
getting used to it.

And if he no longer minds
feeling trapped in a box,

it may become even harder
to crash through its walls.

Thus, by the rules,
our Universetwo,

as well as Universesix,

will now be obliterated.

'Kay! Ha, ha, ha!

[Pell] you three did well.
You should be proud.

You showed our people your love,
in all its brilliance.

If we cannot escape this fate,

then let us accept it together

with courage.

And most important
of all, with beauty!

[Sous Roas, Brianne, Sanka Koo]

Thank you!

Thanks to each and every one of
you out there who cheered us on!

The Second Universe
may cease to exist,

but true love never dies

and will live in your
hearts forever!

As we face this last moment,

we'll end with our
normal goodbye!

Ready, set...



[A18] They stuck to
their strange routine,

right up to their last breaths.

You got to admire
their dedication.

Yeah, you do.

Oh dear, how can this be?

This is no longer some
well-meaning joke

or light-hearted rebuke.

I really must say farewell
to Lord Champa.

Oh, I can barely take it!

Oh, come on! At least wait
till we're gone to move over!

- [Vados] Whoopsie.
- So what's wrong?

Weren't you gonna "kick
our asses," Caulifla?

Heh. After seeing
how hard you fought,

it feels wrong to cut ya down.

[Pilina, Saonel chuckle]

[Caulifla] But... A promise
is still a promise, right?

[Pilina, Saonel]

[Caulifla screams]

Hey! Ease off, we're injured!

[Saonel] We've got
huge holes in our bellies!

[Caulifla] Don't worry, I'll
just plug 'em up

- with my fists!
- [Fuwa] I guess this is our destiny.

[Caulifla] You're like
a planet full of warriors!

What's your excuse?


Hey, brother!



You taught me much, master.
Good luck to you, Vegeta.


Nothing else to say?

The Second and Sixth Universes

have both been removed from
the cosmos like they never

existed at all, offering
another sobering reminder

of the stakes as the
Tournament of Power

enters its home stretch.

Thirteen minutes remain
in the battle to survive.

[Vegeta] I think it's time
for you to say your prayers.

This isn't personal.

I'm just in one hell
of a bad mood.

End Theme Song plays... >>>
Corrections done by srjanapala

♪ Every moment was consumed
with my thoughts of you ♪

♪ Knowing in my heart those dreams
won't be coming true ♪

♪ I've always wanted nothing more
than to see your face ♪

♪ I move on knowing that your
mem'ry can't be erased ♪
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