02x01 - (S) That's the Idea, Ochako

Episode transcripts for the TV show "My Hero Academia". Aired: Apr 3, 2016 - present.*

Moderator: Heroman23

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Manga series that follows Izuku who has dreamt of becoming a hero but there's a catch -- he isn't a Quirk.
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02x01 - (S) That's the Idea, Ochako

Post by bunniefuu »

It all began in China, in Qingqing City.

There was news that a baby that gave off light was born.

Ever since then, superpowers were discovered in various places, and time passed without the cause being identified.

The world has become a superhuman society, and about 80% of the world's population now has some kind of special trait.

In this world swirling with chaos, the profession that everyone once dreamed about and admired came into the limelight.

That profession is It's fine now.

Why? Because I am here.

He's so cool! Once I get my Quirk, I wanna be like him, too! "But" I'm sorry, Izuku! I'm sorry.

I'm sorry! I was born without a Quirk.

I was Quirkless.

Even if I wanted to be like him, I couldn't.

That's right.

I had to give up on my dream.

But my arm kept reaching out desperately for that dream, and thanks to the people who guided me and keep supporting me, I am here now.

My dream is becoming reality.

Even the setbacks in the process are real.

I'll say it again.

This is the story of how I became the greatest hero.

This is a follow-up report on yesterday's incident at the U.


rescue training facility where hero course students were att*cked by villains.

"Follow-Up Report: U.


High School Attack" According to police investigation, the criminals call themselves "The League of Villains" "At the scene - Unforeseen Simulation Joint (USJ)" and have been plotting to k*ll All Might, who has been a teacher at U.


since spring of this year.

Police have arrested 72 villains, but they still do not know the whereabouts of their ringleader.


It feels like summer is just around the corner.

As for you, sir, I hope that this letter finds you well.

Since spring, I have been a teacher at U.


High School and have taken on the task of guiding the next generation.

I thought to find someone worthy to inherit my power among the most promising students aiming to become heroes.

However, before I took up my post at U.


, I met a young man.

Even though this young man had no Quirk, he rushed toward the scene in a situation where pro heroes, including myself, hesitated, using what power he had to try to find a way out of the situation.

He may not have had a plan in mind at the time.

Even so, he ran.

I feel like I relearned from that young man the essence of what a hero must have in order to be worthy to be a hero.

That is why I told him, 'You can become a hero.

' I proposed to transfer my own Quirk to him.

The power cultivated by one person, who passes it on to another person, who also cultivates it and passes it on.

The crystallization of power that spins together the voices of those who need help with a courageous heart-- One For All.

The young man inherited my power without hesitation and underwent training to be accepted into the hero course at U.


High School.

Even as he struggled with his new Quirk, he kept giving his all to make it his own.

I'm proud of him.

I don't like to toot my own horn, but I do not regret passing on One For All to him at all.

However, I am still inexperienced as a teacher.

The day may come when I must trouble you, my old teacher.

I am counting on you when that time comes.

"Sincerely yours, --Toshinori Yagi" Please take care of yourself as the seasons change.

I will continue to keep you updated on my circumstances.

Sincerely yours.

" The boy acknowledged by Toshinori, huh? "Episode 14: That's the Idea, Ochaco" The police have investigated the group calling themselves "The League of Villains," and there does not appear to be anyone registered with the name Shigaraki in his 20s or 30s with a Quirk that lets him disintegrate whatever he touches.

It's the same with the villain called Kurogiri with the Warp Gate.

They are probably not citizens and are using false names.

In other words, they are people with unregistered Quirks who are part of society's underbelly.

You mean, we don't know anything We must hurry.

Once their ringleader, Shigaraki's g*n wounds heal, they'll definitely try again.

It'll be a pain.

Their ringleader, huh? What is it, All Might? It was a bold attack that normal people wouldn't carry out even if they thought of it.

To suddenly go on and on with his wild statements like that Although he didn't reveal his own Quirk, he bragged about that Nomu's Quirk And when things didn't go the way he wanted, he was visibly upset.

Well, the incident with the Quirk was to also force my hand, but Even so, it was foolish to throw away the advantage of having unknown Quirks when fighting against heroes.

He made immature, wild statements with a straight face.

He bragged about his possessions.

He thought everything would simply go his way.

Adding that to what I saw of him when he carried out the attack, the picture I get of Shigaraki is someone who hasn't gotten rid of his childish sense of omnipotence-- A man-child.

A child with power? Could it be that he never received the Quirk counseling every child gets in elementary school? Well, what does that have to do with anything? There were 72 villains arrested the other day at USJ.

They were all small-timers that lurked in back alleys.

But the problem is how they all agreed with that man-child and followed him.

In the current environment saturated with heroes, villainous people who have been oppressed may be drawn to that kind of simple-minded evil.

That's true.

There are plenty of people who don't know what to do with their Quirks.

This is alarming, though Well, it's thanks to you heroes that we are able to devote ourselves to our investigation.

We'll expand our search network and continue to assist in arresting the perpetrators.

A man-child In some sense, he's like our students.

He still has room to grow.

If there was someone capable backing him, trying to cultivate his malice I don't want to think about what could happen The day after the League of Villains att*cked USJ, school was closed temporarily, but it was hard to take it easy.

Can you see that? He's already saved a hundred people! That's crazy! It hasn't even been ten minutes! That's crazy! He's laughing! It's fine now.

Why? Because I am here.

What I aspire to be seems so out of reach During the USJ incident, the villains just toyed with us with their malice and strength.

We just slowed down Mr.

Aizawa and Thirteen.

In order to oppose that evil, I must make this power that I inherited from All Might, One For All, more and more my own.

Because time is of the essence Because I'm the one who inherited it Izuku? Yes? The food's ready.

Thanks, I'll be right there.

Today, we're having pork cutlet bowls! Hey, did you watch the news last night? Yeah.

Did you see how everyone in class was on-screen for a second? I didn't stand out at all That's true.

It's hard to stand out looking like that, huh? But man, all the channels made a big deal out of it.

I was surprised.

Can you blame them? The hero course that keeps pumping out pro heroes was att*cked.

Who knows what would've happened if the teachers hadn't come when they did.

Stop that, Sero! Just thinking about it's making me wet myself-- Shut up! Be quiet, scum! But man, All Might was great.

He pushed back those crazy strong villains.

Yes, his strength is worth wondering at.

Everyone! Morning homeroom is about to start! Stop talking and take your seats! We're already in our seats.

You're the only one who's not.

sh**t! Don't worry about it.

Tsu, who's gonna teach homeroom today? Well, Mr.

Aizawa is supposed to be in the hospital recovering from his injuries Ribbit? Morning.


Aizawa, you're back too soon! You're too much of a pro! So you're all right, Mr.

Aizawa? Can you really call that "all right"? My well-being doesn't matter.

More importantly, the fight is not yet over.

Fight? Don't tell me The villains again?! The U.


sports festival is drawing near.

That's a super normal school event! The sports festival! That's a super normal school event-- Wait a minute.

Is it okay to have a sports festival so soon after the villains snuck inside? What if they attack us again or something? Apparently, they think of it as U.


showing that our crisis management system is solid as a rock by holding the event.

Security will also be strengthened to five times that of previous years.

Above all, our sports festival is a huge chance.

It's not an event to be cancelled because of a few villains.

But that's a good reason, isn't it? It's just a festival of sports.

Mineta, you've never seen the U.


sports festival? Of course I have.

That's not what I meant! Our sports festival is one of Japan's biggest events.

In the past, the Olympics were called a festival of sports, and the whole country was crazy about them.

As you know, with reductions in scale and population, they're now a shell of their former glory.

And now, for Japan, what has taken the place of those Olympics is the U.


sports festival! Of course, all the top heroes around the country will be watching.

For scouting purposes! I know that.

"Receive Certification" After we graduate, it's typical to join a pro agency as a sidekick.

"Pro Agency" "Pro Agency" "Sidekick (Partner)" A lot of people miss their chance to become independent after that and become eternal sidekicks, though.

Kaminari, I feel like you'd be one of them.

Since you're dumb.

Of course, joining a famous hero agency will get you more experience and popularity.

Time is limited.

If you expect to go pro, then the path to your future will open up at this event.

One chance a year-- a total of just three chances.

No aspiring heroes can afford to miss this event.

If you understand that, then don't slack off on your preparations! Yes, sir! Homeroom is dismissed.

"Lunchtime" Even though all that stuff happened, I'm getting really excited! If we put on a good show and stand out, we'll have taken the first step to becoming a pro! It was worth coming to U.


! We will only receive a few chances.

We cannot afford to miss this.

Ojiro, I'm getting kind of nervous now.

I need to stand out at the sports festival! --Hip, hip, hooray! --Y-Yeah But the pros might not notice you unless you try really hard Oh dear, what'll I do? I stand out just by standing still, so the scouts won't be able to stop looking at me, right? Right? You're lucky, Shoji.

Your brawn stands out on its own.

There's no point if I cannot show them my usefulness.

I think you'll stand out, too.

"*Used his Quirk too much.

" Everyone's so into it.

You're not? We have enrolled here to become heroes, so of course we would get fired up! Iida, you have a unique way of getting fired up.

It's weird.

Midoriya, you don't feel the same? Of course I do.

But something's Deku, Iida Let's do our best at the sports festival.

U-Uraraka, your face! It's What's the matter? You don't look carefree at all, even though that's what your name means.

PM-- Everyone, I'm gonna do my best! Yeah! I'm gonna do my best! Y-Yeah What's wrong? Your personality's all over the place.

Now that I think about it --Everyone, I'm gonna do my best! --I never asked Uraraka "Lunch Rush's Eatery" "Cafeteria" Uraraka.

Yes? Why did you decide to come to U.


and become a pro hero? Huh? Um because For money?! You want to become a hero for money? To boil it down simply, yes Sorry it's such an unwholesome reason.

You two have such admirable motivations, it's embarrassing Why? How is having a goal to support your livelihood not admirable? Right.

But it's unexpected.

My family owns a construction company, but we haven't gotten any work at all, so we're flat broke.

This isn't really something to tell other people, though Construction With her Quirk, if she gets licensed, then it'd bring costs way down, right? She could make any raw material float.

They wouldn't need any heavy equipment.

Right? That's what I told Dad when I was little! But You want to work for us? Yeah! When I get big, I'll help you and Mommy! I appreciate the thought, Ochaco.

But as your dad, I'd be even happier if you could achieve your dream.

When that happens, you can take us to Hawaii! Daddy I'll definitely become a hero and make money and let my parents take it easy.

Bravo! Uraraka, Bravo! Bravo! --She's not just aspiring to be a hero.

She's also taken reality into consideration.

--Bravo! Uraraka Young Midoriya is here! All Might? What's the matter? Lunch! Wanna eat together? He's like a maiden! How about it? I'd love to.

I wonder what's going on "Lunch Rush's Eatery" I wonder what he wanted with Deku.

I heard that when All Might was att*cked by villains during the USJ incident, he rushed out alone to help.

Perhaps it's about that? "I see!" Oh, yeah! Remember what Asui said on the bus? Your Quirk is like All Might's.

The boundless power they both have are similar, too, so maybe All Might has taken a liking to him.

He's amazing.

All Might and Izuku Midoriya "Lounge" "In use" Only about fifty minutes?! Yeah That's the limit to how long I can use my power now.

I overdid it too many times.

That Nomu was also a tough opponent.

And it hurt I can just barely maintain muscle form for 1.

5 hours now.

About that Sorr-- You don't have to apologize! Man, we really are alike, you and me.

Have some tea.

Thanks More importantly, about the sports festival.

You still can't regulate One For All, can you? What'll you do? But there was one time! When I aimed a smash at that brain villain, there was no backlash.

Oh yeah, you mentioned that! What was different? Different The biggest difference between that and the One For All that I'd been using was my Quirk, Black Hole.

I can suck up anything and turn it to dust.

But it is a power that can k*ll easily.

It was the first time I tried to use this power on a person Hmm Looks like you succeeded in putting on the brakes unconsciously.

Anyway, that's progress.

I'm glad.

Now, drink up.

Oh, thank you.

Frankly, I don't have much time left as the Symbol of Peace.

No way⦠And some of those with built-up villainous intent are starting to realize.

I granted you my power because I want you to succeed me.

I want to be like you.

I want to become the greatest hero, like you! Saving people with a fearless smile.

You still feel the same as you did back then, don't you? Yes.

Then, the time has come for you to show that.

The U.


sports festival is something pro heroes-- no, the whole country--is watching closely.

A big event! That is what I brought you here to talk about! The next All Might the fledgling Symbol of Peace Izuku Midoriya.

I want you to tell the world "I am here!" "Preview" The preview is here! The U.


sports festival is finally starting! The first event is the obstacle course race that everyone will participate in! There's no limit to Quirk use! Isn't that very dangerous? Even so, aim for the top! Show off to the world the fledgling hero, Izuku Midoriya! Next time, "Roaring Sports Festival"! Young Todoroki picks a fight with Young Midoriya! Go beyond! "Next time: Roaring Sports Festival" Plus Ultra!
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