02x11 - (S) Fight on, Iida

Episode transcripts for the TV show "My Hero Academia". Aired: Apr 3, 2016 - present.*

Moderators: Heroman23, Heroman23

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Manga series that follows Izuku who has dreamt of becoming a hero but there's a catch -- he isn't a Quirk.
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02x11 - (S) Fight on, Iida

Post by bunniefuu »

Without using my damn old man's Quirk No I'll reject him completely by winning first place without using it.

You want to win with just half your strength?! You haven't put a single scratch on me yet, you know! Come at with me with everything you've got! Why are you going so far? Because I want to live up to everyone's expectations I want to be able to smile and respond to them To be a cool hero That's what I want to be! I will reject my old man's power It's your power, isn't it?! I want to be a hero, too! Try to get close and give him everything I've got! Midoriya Thanks.

Midoriya is out of bounds Todoroki advances to the third round! Midoriya was eliminated in the quarterfinals, huh? He egged the other guy on only to be defeated You mean he didn't have a plan? He was just provoking him? Did he want to beat Todoroki, or lose to him? Either way, that was some crazy power But he can't be a pro hero if he's injured every time he att*cks.

He att*cked despite that, though.

He's got spirit.

I thought he was an interesting kid until the cavalry battle, though "You're in my way.

" You're not going to say that? You need to control your left side You're just letting it all out, and it's dangerous.

But you have abandoned your childish tantrum and finally become a perfect upgrade of me.

After you graduate, come work for me.

I'll lead you down the path of the mighty.

There's no way I can abandon anything.

It's not something that can be so easily reversed.

It's just back then For that one moment I forgot about you.

Whether that is a good thing or a bad thing Whether it is correct or not I need to think about it.

"Fight on, Iida" "Recovery Girl's Temporary Nurse's Office" The bones in your right arm were shattered It'll never be the same as it was before.

I need to remove the pieces of bone to make sure they don't stay in your joints.

I'll heal you after that.

To push and light a fire under a child who would destroy his body this much for what he yearns for I don't like it.

You're going too far.

You, and this boy.

You can't praise him for this.

--Midoriya! --Deku! --You scared me --Are you okay?! Oh, nice to meet you Yeah You're all so noisy.

Everyone what about the next match? Since there was a lot of damage to the stage, they're taking a break to repair it.

That match earlier was scary, Midoriya What pro's gonna want that? I don't like your style of rubbing salt into his wound.

But it's true! Be quiet, now! I know you're worried, but I've got to do surgery now.

Surgery?! Go on now, get out of here.

--B-But-- --Surgery's a big deal, isn't it? --Will his injuries be completely healed? --Don't worry about that.

Just leave it to me! Ribbit I'm sorry I couldn't do what you asked I want you to tell the world "I am here!" If only I hadn't said anything It's because I said that to Todoroki that I You were trying to get him to realize something It's true Todoroki looked so sad that I meddled when I didn't need to But that's not it.

More importantly, back then, I was just frustrated.

I couldn't see in front or around me I'm sorry It's true that it is a regrettable result.

Saying what you did was foolish won't change that.

But you know, meddling when you don't need to is the essence of being a hero.

Recipro burst! Shiozaki, out of bounds! Iida wins! Dark Shadow! Got it! Ashido is out of bounds! Tokoyami wins! He won in an instant, too? Tokoyami's Dark Shadow is amazing.

Ribbit? Are you worried about Midoriya? She said she had to do surgery Recovery Girl's taking care of it, so you've got nothing to worry about! He's right.


"Recovery Girl's Temporary Nurse's Office" "Surgery in Progress" Kiss! I've healed you enough to allow you to walk for now.

Thank you very much That's what you get for overusing it so much in a short period of time.

You should think of that crooked right hand as a warning.

In addition, I will not heal injuries like this anymore.

You must find a way for him to use his power in a way that is not so self-destructive.

A different way, huh? All Might.

You originally became a teacher at U.


to find a successor, right? Yeah.

Putting everything I had into the U.


sports festival, I could physically feel everyone's strong emotions of not wanting to give in.

So I think that someone else should be my successor? Yes.

It's true that this place is filled with wonderful potential heroes.

One For All is the crystallization of power.

For those who have Quirks For example, if Young Todoroki were to inherit it, then with the super strength on top of his Half-Cold, Half-Hot, he would probably become a superhero.

--Then-- --But you know, I was Quirkless, too.

Quirkless? You were? It wasn't as rare as for your generation, but it was still uncommon.

My master had a Quirk, but even so, my master believed in me and gave One For All to me, and raised me to become a hero.

You never told me tha-- Because you never asked.

Even though I thought you would.

All Might you were Quirkless, too? Yeah! At first, I saw the old me in you.

But you have gone beyond what I imagined, time and time again.

There is something that only you can draw out.

I believe that.

I'm sorry Anyway, the sports festival isn't over yet, kid! Make sure you watch until the end! Okay! "Player Waiting Room 1" Hello, Tensei? It's me, Tenya I am currently on a mission and cannot answer the phone.

Tensei Do your best.

Squad A, go north! Squad B, check the west side! Squad A, roger! Squad B, roger! What's that? There's no doubt about it.

It's him! I've found him! The Hero k*ller! Take this! A counter! That won't work on me, expl*si*n Boy! He's not budging There's more to him than Hardening.

Kirishima, get his chin! His chin! --Yesterday's enemy is today's friend.

--His chin! Kirishima and Kacchan Which means Iida and Tokoyami have advanced to the next round.

Aw, I knew it I wish I could've seen it.

Bakugo's having a hard time fighting back against Kirishima's fierce attack! Kacchan's on the defensive? Kirishima's Quirk is simple, but that's what makes it strong.

"mutter mutter mutter" Midoriya! I see your surgery went well.

I'm glad! Yeah, thanks.

And congrats, Iida.

I made it to the semifinals.

I'm going to use your fight against Todoroki and learn from it.


Is your big brother, Ingenium, watching your progress, too? I called him earlier, but he was working.

Oh, so you called him.

But I think that was for the best.

Now that I've made it this far, I need to be able to tell him I'm number one.

He is a likable hero who honors the rules and leads people.

I set my sights on being a hero because I want to be like my brother.

Bakugo counters again! What's this? Unlike before, it's working?! You've been straining to keep your whole body rock-hard this whole time, right? If you attack quickly in that state, sooner or later, it'll start coming apart! You little-- The finishing blow! Die! Well, I understand why you wouldn't want a drawn-out match with me, though.

Kirishima is immobilized! Bakugo wins! You idiot! You didn't have enough guts, Kirishima! With that vicious carpet-bombing, Bakugo advances to the third round! And that completes the final four! All right.

I'm off! Deku! Midoriya, your surgery went well? Yeah.

She healed me enough to walk.

Shouldn't you be resting? I want to properly watch-- the efforts of everyone who wants to become a hero.

The first match of the semifinals! With both of them from hero families, it's a battle of the elites! From the hero course, it's Tenya Iida! Versus-- Also from the hero course, Shoto Todoroki! I can't negate the att*cks like Midoriya did! If he can use his flames now, then he has more options.

In that case "Shoto Todoroki" "Tenya Iida" Start! He's not planning on giving me any time, huh? Oh, Iida's been surrounded! Todoroki's going in for the win right away! Wow, a standing long jump! Recipro burst! I have about ten seconds before my engines stall! I have to win it in that time! A direct hit! He got a pretty heavy hit in! That kick was way too fast! Eight seconds left! I can do it! I'll throw him out of bounds like thi-- My muffler's plugged?! When did that happen? During the kick Since I was only showing att*cks with range, you forgot that I could do little tricks like this, too, didn't you? I was trying to be careful of your Recipro, though.

But I still couldn't dodge it.

Iida is immobilized! Todoroki wins! Todoroki advances to the final without showing his flames! I need to think about it.

Are you hesitating? Fool.

Iida Tensei Fame Money They're all calling themselves heroes "Tenya" "Missed Call" But you bastards aren't heroes Just him The only one I'll let k*ll me is All Might.

Match two of the semifinals! Bakugo versus Tokoyami! Bakugo's rush is unstoppable! That thing is so annoying! That viciousness Tokoyami has advanced this far with his almost invincible Quirk, but this time he's completely focused on defense! Tokoyami, what's going on? You att*cked so much when you were up against us! There must be a reason Dark Shadow can't switch to the offensive with the light from the explosions It's the worst match-up The weakness he shared with us If Kacchan doesn't know about it yet, then he still has a chance.

I underestimated him.

I don't have any time to recharge Dark Shadow's darkness.

If I run out of darkness, it'll be over! Is he trying to wear me down? He's getting faster and faster! Grab him, Dark Shadow! Wow, Bakugo gets behind Tokoyami! Stun Grenade! Hey, everything's covered in smoke! What happened? Did you know Dark Shadow's weakness? I figured it out after attacking over and over, moron.

Well, it was a bad match-up.

I feel bad for you.


I give up.

Tokoyami gives up! Bakugo wins! With this, the final match will be between Todoroki and Bakugo! It's too bad about Tokoyami I thought Tokoyami would win.

I guess this means he isn't invincible.

So light is his weakness, huh? I see Bakugo likes to go after stuff like that You picked a fight with someone outrageous, huh? Naw, he was just lucky his Quirk was so good against his opponent.

It ended up being a Class A paradise, huh? Damn it.

It doesn't matter who won or lost.

This year's first years are all amazing! "Final" "Shoto Todoroki" "Katsuki Bakugo" Looks like the draft will be exciting this year! I wonder what'll happen in a match between those two We'll have to watch carefully and get our revenge next time.

Iida! Whoa, what is it?! My phone.

His phone, huh? Mother? Hello? Regretfully, I lost, Mother.

I was weak No, it's not about that.

Oh, sorry.

Tenya, please listen calmly.

Tensei your brother A villain got him! You guys haven't even noticed this warped society covered with hypocrisy and vanity.

To all who are called heroes I will make you notice.

Please stay calm.

We are of the same mind.

I have been looking for you, Hero k*ller Stain.

I have heard of your notoriety and wanted to meet you.

May I have a moment of your time? Hero k*ller Stain.

"Preview" The preview is here! The U.


sports festival is finally at its climax! The final will be a match between Young Todoroki and Young Bakugo, huh? Who do you think will win, Young Midoriya? Well, Kacchan has an all-purpose Quirk that can be used for attacking and moving, and he's clever enough to come up with tactics and strategy --However --Sorry! It's my fault for asking! Okay, tell us the title! Oh, next time, it's "Todoroki vs.

Bakugo"! Young Bakugo is seduced by female charms and goes beddy-bye! "Next time: Todoroki vs.

Bakugo" Go beyond! Plus Ultra!
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