02x13 - (S) Time to Pick Some Names

Episode transcripts for the TV show "My Hero Academia". Aired: Apr 3, 2016 - present.*

Moderators: Heroman23, Heroman23

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Manga series that follows Izuku who has dreamt of becoming a hero but there's a catch -- he isn't a Quirk.
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02x13 - (S) Time to Pick Some Names

Post by bunniefuu »

"Tatooin Station" In the days off we had after the sports festival, we were to let our injuries recover, and then we would start regular classes again today.

That's what I thought, but Excuse me excuse me! Midoriya from the hero class! Good job at the sports festival! You were so close! Huh? You were in the top eight, right? You were so cool! He's smaller than I expected.

He reminds me of when I was young.

Yeah, it's like he's trying really hard.



High School Sports Festival" "Katsuki Bakugo Wins First-Year Competition" "Final Results" "1st - Katsuki Bakugo" "2nd - Shoto Todoroki" "3rd - Fumikage Tokoyami, Tenya Iida" Do your best, hero! I-I will! It's only morning, but I'm already tired.

Good morning, Midoriya! Iida? Wearing a p-poncho and rain boots? Why are you walking so slowly? You're going to be late! Late? There are still five minutes until the first bell.



students should always arrive ten minutes early! Iida, um-- If it's about my brother, there is no need to worry.

I apologize for worrying you needlessly.

"Time to Pick Some Names" It's different when they broadcast the matches on TV after all, huh? So many people talked to me on my way here! Yeah, me too! People were staring at me, too.

It was kind of embarrassing! Isn't that normal for you, Hagakure? I had some elementary schoolers suddenly tell me "Don't worry about it.

" Don't worry about it! After just one day, we've suddenly been thrust into the spotlight, huh? U.


really is amazing, huh? Morning.

Good morning! Ribbit? Mr.

Aizawa, your bandages are gone.

I'm glad.

The old lady went overboard with her treatment.

More importantly, we're having a special hero informatics class today.

Here it is! "Special"? Is it a quiz? I hope not I'm bad at laws relating to heroes and stuff like that Code names.

You'll be coming up with hero names.

We're gonna do something exciting! This is related to the pro hero draft picks I mentioned the other day.

The drafts begin in earnest in the second and third years, after students have gained experience and can become immediate assets to the pros.

In other words, for them to extend offers to first years like you shows that they are interested in your future potential.

These offers are often cancelled if that interest dies down by graduation.

Adults are so selfish! So we'll have to prove ourselves once we get picked, huh? That's right.

And here are the totals for those with offers.

"Class A No.

of Offers" "Todoroki" "Bakugo" "Tokoyami" "Iida" "Kaminari" "Yaoyorozu" "Kirishima" "Uraraka" "Sero" In other years, it's been more spread out, but all eyes were on these two this year.

Gah, there's such a big difference! Those pros don't know a good thing when they see one! Todoroki's first, and Bakugo's second? It's the opposite of their placement in the sports festival.

Some people are too scared to ask for a guy who had to be restrained on the podium.

What're the pros scared of?! You're amazing, Todoroki.

They're probably all because of my dad.

--Wow, we got offers! --Yes, yes.

Midoriya, you didn't get any! They're scared of you 'cause of the crazy way you were fighting.

Yeah Keeping these results in mind, whether or not anyone asked for you, you will all be participating in internships with pros.

Internships? Yeah.

At USJ, you already got to experience combat with real villains, but it will still be meaningful training for you to see pros at work firsthand.

So that explains the hero names! Things are suddenly getting a lot more fun! Well, those hero names are still temporary, but if you're not serious about it you'll have hell to pay later! Because a lot of hero names used by students become recognized by society, and they end up becoming professional hero names! Midnight! Well, that's how it is.

So Midnight will be making sure your names are okay.

I can't do stuff like that.

"In Shota Aizawa's case" "Hizashi Yamada (Present Mic)" What? You haven't decided on a hero name yet? I don't want to be on the news, so I don't care what name I have.

All right! Then You'll be Eraser Head! I'll go with that, then.

When you give yourself a name, you get a more concrete image of what you want to be like in the future, and you can get closer to it.

This is what it means when they say, "Names and natures do often agree.

" Like "All Might," for example.

All Might.

My hero name A name for what I want to be like in the future, huh? Okay, let's start presenting names starting with those who are ready.

We're presenting these?! Man, that'll take some nerve Here I go "Shining Hero: 'I can not stop twinkling'"! Which means, you can't stop my sparkles! It's a sentence! It'll be easier to use if you take out the "I" and shorten the "can not" to "can't.

" You're right, mademoiselle.

It's okay? Anyway, choose one--English, or French! Then, I'll go next! "Alien Queen" Hero name, "Alien Queen"! --Two! Are you trying for the thing with acidic blood? I wouldn't if I were you! Dang it.

Idiot! Since the first ones were weird, it feels like we're supposed to make them funny now! Ribbit!t Then, may I go next? Go ahead, Tsu.

I've had this in mind ever since I was in elementary school.

"Rainy Season Hero: Froppy" "Rainy Season Hero: Froppy.

" That's so cute! It seems friendly.

I like it! It's a great example of a name that everyone will love! Froppy! Froppy! Froppy! Froppy! Thanks, Froppy! You've brought things back to normal! "Sturdy Hero: Red Riot" Then, I'll go too! "Sturdy Hero: Red Riot"! "Red Riot"? You're paying homage to the Chivalrous Hero: Crimson Riot, right? Yes.

It's pretty old-fashioned, but the hero image I'm going for is Crimson himself.

If you're bearing a name you admire, it'll come with that much more pressure.

I'm prepared for that! Kirishima's so cool.

Before I met All Might Hm? Your name after you become a hero? Yeah! I can't decide which one to pick! Let's see "Mighty All Man," "Mighty Boy," "All Might, Jr.

" Junior! "Mighty Man," "Captain All Might," "Super All Might"! --Super! --Super! I grinned as I thought of names that sounded like his.

But Now that I've been given his power and am under his care, I see just how big a difference there is between us.

There's no way I can take on a name like that.

Man, I haven't thought of a name yet Why don't I give you one? How about "Jamming-yay"? "Jamming-yay" "Heming-way" It's like Hemingway, who wrote A Farewell to Arms! Sounds smart! It's cool! No It's because even though you're strong Yay you always end up like that.

Hey, Jiro! Stop messing with me! "Hearing Hero: Earphone Jack" "Hearing Hero: Earphone Jack.

" That's good! Next! "Tentacle Hero: Tentacole" "Tentacle Hero: Tentacole.

" It's like tentacle with some octopus thrown in! "Tentacle + Octopus (tako)" "Taping Hero: Cellophane.

" "Taping Hero: Cellophane" Nice and simple! That's important! "Martial Arts Hero: Tailman" "Martial Arts Hero: Tailman.

" Your name reflects your body! "Sweets Hero: Sugarman" "Sweets Hero: Sugarman"! So sweet! Pinky! Peachy pink complexion! "Charge + Lightning Bolt = Stun g*n Hero: Chargebolt" "Stun g*n Hero: Chargebolt," combining "charge" with "lightning bolt"! Oh, I feel tingly! "Stealth Hero: Invisible Girl"! "Stealth Hero: Invisible Girl" That's great! Come on, let's keep right on going! "Everything Hero: Creati" I hope I will not bring shame to this name.

"Everything Hero: Creati.

" Creative! "Shoto" "Shoto.

" Your name? Is that okay? Yeah.

"Jet-Black Hero: Tsukuyomi" "Jet-Black Hero: Tsukuyomi.

" God of the night! "Fresh-Picked Hero: Grape Juice" "Fresh-Picked Hero: Grape Juice"! Pop and kitschy! "Petting Hero: Anima" Okay, got it! "King expl*si*n m*rder" "King expl*si*n m*rder.

" You probably shouldn't use something like that.

Why not?! You should be "expl*si*n Boy"! Shut up, Weird Hair! Okay, my turn "Uravity" This is what I thought of: "Uravity.

" Sounds stylish! Choosing hero names is going more smoothly than I thought it would! All that's left is Bakugo, who needs to rethink his, and Iida.

And Midoriya, right? Tenya.

I wasn't sure if I wanted to say anything yesterday, but actually, I don't have any feeling in my legs.

What? No way! The hero, Ingenium, will probably end here.

No! You still have so many more people to lead! I don't like this! I don't like this either That's why If you're up for it Will you take this name for me? "Ing" I am still "Tenya" You're using your first name, too? Midoriya, are you ready? Y-Yes! It's gotta be this.

Midoriya? Are you really okay with that? You might be called that forever, you know.


I didn't like this name until now.

But someone changed the meaning of it, and that had a huge impact on me.

It made me really happy.

My "Deku" isn't always going to mean "useless"! My "Deku" means "You can do it!" This is my hero name! "Deku" "Staff Room" Oh? Offers for the first years are still coming.

There's one more.

Who's it for? Midoriya.

Really? Who is it? This person is! "Lord expl*si*n m*rder"! "Lord expl*si*n m*rder" No, that's still no good.

Now that everyone's decided on their hero names, we'll go back to talking about the internships.

They will last for a week.

As for where you'll have them, those who had offers from pros will be given your own lists, so you can choose from those yourself.

Those who didn't have offers will choose from among forty agencies around the country that will be accepting our interns.

They all work in different places and have different specialties.

For example, Thirteen would be focused on rescues from accidents and disasters more than fighting villains.

Think carefully before you choose.

Yes, sir! I want to fight crime in urban areas! I hope I can intern at a place with floods.

I wonder if there are any? Turn in your choices before the weekend.

We've only got two days?! Make your decision efficiently.


"Endeavor Hero Agency" "Lunchtime" Hey guys, have you decided what pro agency you're going to yet? I'm going to Mt.

Lady! Mineta, you're thinking about something perverted, aren't you? Of course not! Ashido, you made it pretty far in the tournament, too.

It's weird that you didn't get any offers.

You said it.

Deku, have you decided already? There are only forty heroes who'll take us, "mutter mutter mutter mutter mutter" so after looking up their specialties and splitting them into groups It's practically an art! Oh, sorry! I was lost in thought You're really thinking carefully about this, huh? Actually, I've already decided! Really? Where? Battle Hero: Gunhead's agency.

Huh? Gunhead's a huge battle type! You're going there, Uraraka? Yup! I got an offer from them! Really? I totally thought you were trying to be a hero like Thirteen.

Ultimately, yes.

But fighting Bakugo at the sports festival made me think-- The stronger I get, the more possibilities I'll have! If I only do what I want, I'll have a narrower perspective! I see.

More importantly, this has been bothering me for a while, but You're trembling, aren't you? Oh, this? It's the air chair exercise.

Air chair?! Don't tell me you do that all through class? There's no way! That's such an old-fashioned exercise.

What are you saying? The isometric muscle contraction of the air chair means it's an easy way to train without moving! Shut up I can't stay the way I am.

I need to be able to control my Quirk more.

He who follows two hares catches neither.

Deku, let's go home together.


Iida, you too-- Huh? He probably decided on where he wants to do his internship and went to turn it into the staff room.

I am here! In a bizarre position! Wh-What's the matter? Why are you in such a hurry? Come with me for a moment.

R-Right Getting straight to the point, you've got an offer from a hero! Huh? What? Really?! Yes.

The hero's name is Gran Torino.

He was a teacher at U.


for only one year.

The man who was my homeroom teacher.

He knows about One For All, too.

In fact, he probably asked for you because of that.

Someone that amazing is?! Wait, there was someone else who knew about the Quirk? Gran Torino was the sworn friend of my predecessor.

He retired a long time ago, so I forgot to count him Was it because I wrote of you when I sent him the letter? Or because he couldn't just stand by and watch my inadequate teaching? If he went so far as to use his old name to make an offer It's scary Too scary Stop trembling, legs! All Might's seriously shaking! A-Anyway, it is my duty to train you, "shake shake shake shake shake" but since you got an offer, you should go work to your heart's c-content-t-t-t Just how scary is this guy?! Internships, huh? Yeah.

A few already decided.

It's an important event.

Make sure they think about it properly.

There are some third years that still have regrets about it.

Yeah "Class 1-A -- Tenya Iida" "Desired Internship Agency" "First Choice: Hosu City, Tokyo - Normal Hero: Manual Agency" The agency Iida wants to go to I'm sure he had offers from better places.

"Hosu City, Tokyo" A hero agency in Hosu Don't tell me What? You got an offer? That's great, Deku! Y-Yeah.

"Iida" Did Iida go home before us? Yeah.

After the sports festival, I heard about what happened to Iida's big brother on the news.

"Is Ingenium beyond recovery? " The incident involving Ingenium in Hosu City, Tokyo.

The escaping culprit had already k*lled 17 heroes in the past and hurt 23 heroes beyond recovery-- The elusive hero k*ller.

Villain name: Stain.

If it's about my brother, there is no need to worry.

I apologize for worrying you needlessly.

Iida didn't say anything to me.

Later, I was surprised to find out that Iida's internship would be in Hosu City, where Ingenium had been att*cked.

But I couldn't say anything to Iida, since he hadn't said anything to me.

And so things remained as we approached the first day of our internships.

You all have your costumes, right? Remember, you aren't allowed to wear them in public.

Don't drop them or anything.

Yessir! Speak clearly! It's "yes, sir," Ashido.

Yes, sir Make sure you mind your manners with the heroes at your internships! Off with you, now.

Yes, sir! I can't wait! Tokoyami, you're going to Kyushu? That's in the opposite direction.

Iida! If you ever feel hopeless, make sure you let us know.

We're friends, right? Yeah.

At that time, I should have been more emphatic.

Because I would eventually regret what happened on that day.

"Gran Torino" A hero that even All Might is afraid of, huh? Gran Torino I've never heard of him, but I'm sure he's an amazing person! I'm sure he's an amazing person! The address matches the one on the map I'm here from U.



My name is Izuku Midoriya Nice to meet yo-- He's dead! I'm alive! He's alive! "Preview" Here's the preview! In order to do my internship, I've gone to the man who was once All Might's teacher, Gran Torino, but-- Who are you? I'm Izuku Midoriya from U.


! I look forward to working with you this week! Who are you? I-I said Toshinori! No, that's not it! Who are you? This conversation's going nowhere! There's no time, so I'm going to keep going.

Next time, "Bizarre! Gran Torino Appears"! "Next time: Bizarre! Gran Torino Appears" Go beyond! Plus Ultra!
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