03x04 - (S) My Hero

Episode transcripts for the TV show "My Hero Academia". Aired: Apr 3, 2016 - present.*

Moderator: Heroman23

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Manga series that follows Izuku who has dreamt of becoming a hero but there's a catch -- he isn't a Quirk.
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03x04 - (S) My Hero

Post by bunniefuu »

Kota's parents were k*lled in the line of duty two years ago protecting citizens from a villain For a hero, it was a respectable way to die an honorable death.

But P-Papa Mama But a child barely aware of what was around him couldn't understand that.

"My parents left me behind" But society kept praising them, saying it was a good thing for heroes a wonderful thing.

To Kota, heroes are a kind of human he can't understand and finds unpleasant.

But you know what, Kota? I'm sure there will be a day where you will meet someone, and then you'll understand.

Someone who will risk their life to save you "Kota Izumi" Someone who will be There's no way anyone like that exists Why? Why are there villains here?! Pixie-Bob! Oh, no! "Pro Hero - Mandalay - Quirk: Telepath" "Izuku Midoriya - Quirk: One For All" Kota! "5 Minutes Earlier" Aw, we wanted our courage tested, too Didn't she say there was a carrot and a stick? Where's the carrot? I'd even take salty licorice give us a treat, Mr.

Aizawa Salty licorice is delicious.

For tonight's lesson, I will drill into you how to behave during an emergency.

If you don't become more self-aware that you're falling behind the others, then the difference between you will grow larger.

"Pro Hero - Shota Aizawa - Quirk: Erasure" In a broad sense, this is also a kind of "treat.

" Like a mint-flavored one.

"Hanta Sero" "Rikido Sato" "Denki Kaminari" "Mina Ashido" "Eijiro Kirishima" But mint tastes good Oh, that's weird! Even though Class A is supposed to be better, there were five people who failed? "Neito Monoma" "Pro Hero - Vlad King" Even though there was only one person from Class B? --That's so weird! --Just how mentally strong are you?! He said the same thing trying to provoke us yesterday.

I'd like to know what his mental state is.

Vlad, I want to add some practice maneuvers this time.

I was thinking about that, too.

You don't have to tell me that-- Everyone! It's Mandalay's Telepath.

I like this.

It makes me jump.

It only works in one direction, though, so it's kind of annoying Quiet.

We're being att*cked by two villains! It's possible that there are more! Everyone who can move, get back to camp immediately! Even if you come across the enemy, retreat and do not engage! --Vlad, I'm leaving this place to you.

--Huh? Why are villains here? --I'll go protect the other students! --Wasn't this place supposed to be a secret? I don't want to think about what could happen This is bad Is your worry taking precedence, Eraser? Vla-- Don't get in my way, pro hero.

"Villain - Dabi" You guys aren't the ones we want.

How are you this evening, U.


High School? We are the Vanguard Action Squad of the League of Villains! The League of Villains?! Why are they here? Shall I crush this girl's head? What d'you think? Well, what do you think? Like I'd let you, you-- Wait up, Big Sis Mag! Don't be hasty.

You too, Tiger.

Calm down.

It all depends on whether having power over life and death follows Stain's tenets or not.

Stain! So you're the ones his ideology brought? "Koji Koda - Quirk: Anivoice" "Tenya Iida - Quirk: Engine" That's right! I'm-- Oh yeah, you, with the glasses! You were the one who brought about the end of Stain at Hosu City.

I apologize for the late introduction.

I'm Spinner, the one who will spin his dreams into reality! I don't care, but you bastards "Pro Hero - Tiger - Quirk: Pliabody" The woman lying there, Pixie-Bob, has started worrying about getting married recently.

"Pro Hero - Pixie-Bob - Quirk: Earthflow" She was doing her best to find happiness as a woman, despite her age.

You can't damage that woman's face and then just stand there laughing thoughtlessly about it! What's a hero doing trying to be happy like the average person?! Tiger! I've broadcast instructions.

Leave the safety of the other students to Ragdoll.

The two of us will hold them back here! Go, everyone! Listen carefully.

Do not fight.

Class rep, you're in charge! Understood! Let's go! Midoriya! Go on ahead! --Mandalay! --What are you saying? --Midoriya?! I know where he is! "Itsuka Kendo - Quirk: Big Fist" Kendo! "Tetsutetsu Tetsutetsu - Quirk: Steel" "Ibara Shiozaki - Quirk: Vines" Tetsutetsu! Ibara! What's with those masks? "Momo Yaoyorozu - Quirk: Creation" Yaoyorozu from Class A was nearby and made them for us! "Yosetsu Awase" Awase's showing her the locations of Class B students so they can go rescue them! Take one! We got a bunch! Thanks! We need to get back to camp.

It's dangerous out here since we don't know where the villains are.

No, I'm going to fight, too.

"Yui Kodai" Protect Shiozaki and Kodai.

What? She said not to fight! You're always rebuking Monoma, but didn't you feel it in your heart somewhere? The difference between our class and Class A? I've been feeling it! We got into U.


with the same exam, studying the same curriculum.

What's the difference? It's obvious! What they had that we didn't crisis! They turned their crises into chances! It's only natural! "Juzo Honenuki - Quirk: Softening" How can a hero turn his back on wrongdoers? Tetsutetsu! Don't try to stop me, Kendo.

Hero course Class 1-B! If we don't stand now, then when will we? I'll definitely find the villains and beat the living daylights out of them! Kota Kota! Can you hear my Telepath? Hurry up and come back to camp! I'm sorry! I don't know where you usually go off to I'm sorry, Kota! I can't go save you! Come back as soon as you can! I tried searching somewhere with a nice view, and I ended up finding a face not on our list.

Hey, by the way, you've got a nice hat there, kid.

Trade with me for this lame mask.

They made me wear this toy since I'm new, saying they couldn't get the shipment in time or something.

Oh, hey.

Let me get a shot in to cheer up! Come on.

Water Hose "Follow-Up Report: as*ault and m*rder of Hero Couple" They were wonderful heroes.

But the couple's bright lives were cut short by a single cruel criminal.

The suspect is still on the run, and police and heroes are on his trail.

You The suspect's Quirk is a simple power-up type, and he is very dangerous.

"Suspect on the Run" "Physical Features" "Height around 2 m" "Very muscular body" "Quirk is simple power-up type" "Cut on left eye from combat" If you see this face, contact the police or a hero immediately In addition, the suspect is thought to have sustained an injury on his left eye from his fight with Water Hose earlier Papa! Mama! Why? Hm? You were on the list.

I came to keep him from coming into contact with a villain I can't believe a villain ended up right here! Damn it, my cellphone broke from that just now.

I came here without telling anyone Which means, I can't hope for any reinforcements like last time There's just me just me I have to do something about this villain by myself Can I do it while protecting Kota at the same time? No, I can't think like that.

I just have to do it.

Right now, with the power I have! It's It's going to be okay, Kota.

I'll definitely save you! "Izuku Midoriya" "Quirk: One For All" "Smashes villains with a super power passed down from one generation to the next.

" "Affiliation: U.


High School Hero Class 1-A" "Birthday: 7/15" "Height: 166 cm" "Blood Type: O" "Likes: Pork Cutlet Bowl" "Shoto Todoroki" "Quirk: Half-Cold, Half-Hot" "He has two Quirks: "freezing" on his right half and "flames" on his left half.

" "Affiliation: U.


High School Hero Class 1-A" "Birthday: 1/11" "Height: 176 cm" "Blood Type: O" "Likes: Soba (the kind that's not hot)" Damn it! "Shoto Todoroki - Quirk: Half-Cold, Half-Hot" "Katsuki Bakugo - Quirk: expl*si*n" Is this gas a villain's doing? I'm worried about the others, but we have no choice.

We'll avoid the finish line and get back to camp.

Let's leave this to Ragdoll, who's at the halfway point.

Don't tell me what to d-- Someone there? That's Hey, who was in front of us? Tokoyami and Shoji.

So pretty so pretty No, I have to work I was captivated Oh, no what beautiful flesh Oh, don't tempt me I have a job to do Don't fight? You fake heroes who only care about yourselves are targets to be purged! Spinner, even though you're a villain, you're pretty cool.

You're face is my type.

Huh? What're you getting embarrassed about? How innocent! That was a dirty trick, you harlot! Come here, pet kitty.

I won't fall for the same thing twice! Kenji Hikiishi.

Villain name: Magne.

Nine counts of aggravated robbery, three murders, and 29 attempted murders! Oh my, am I famous? What did you come here for, criminal? Tiger, something's off! I still haven't gotten a response from Ragdoll! Normally, she would have replied right away.

Oh my I wonder why that is You'll definitely save him? That sounds just like what someone who wants to be a hero would say.

Your kind show up everywhere, talking about justice.

You're the one called Midoriya, right? This is perfect.

We were told to take the initiative and k*ll you.

I'll make sure to torment you thoroughly, so show me your blood! He's coming! Whoops.

I almost forgot.

If you know, tell me where's the kid called Bakugo? Kacchan?! I still have to do my job.

They're after Kacchan?! Why? Can I take that as an "I don't know"? I can, right? All right, then-- Let's play! Blood! This is great! It's what I wanted! This is so fun! What'd you say earlier? That you'd definitely save him? Why are you running away? You're so weird! That muscle-like Quirk is so fast so strong! I can't think about Kacchan right now! I have to focus! Focus on the enemy in front of me! Smash! What? That's your Quirk? You're pretty fast, but not nearly strong enough! My Quirk lets me power-up my muscles! I increase my speed and strength by increasing the amount of muscle fibers so much they can't be contained by my skin! What am I trying to say? I'm bragging! In other words, you are a completely inferior version of me! Do you understand how I feel? I can't help but laugh! You'll definitely save him? How'll you do that? Don't just spout lip service you can't actually pull off! Be honest with yourself! Water Hose Papa Mama Did you torment them like that, too, before you k*lled them? Huh? Seriously? Your parents were heroes? This must be fate! Water Hose It's thanks to them that my left eye is an artificial eye now.

It's your fault It's because of guys like you that it always, always turns out like this! Kids are always shifting the blame like that.

That's no good.

It's not like I have a grudge about this eye or anything, you know.

I just wanted to k*ll.

And those two wanted to stop me.

It was the result of all of us doing what we wanted.

What's wrong is wanting to do something you are unable to do.

Like your mommy and daddy! Which means, you're coming now aren't you, you piece of trash! You're the one who's wrong! I got him! Now it doesn't matter how fast he is! And then what? You gonna punch me with that weak arm of yours? It's not a matter of whether or not I can do it! A hero's job is to risk his life to make the lip service into reality! What? One For All 100%! He's different from earlier Smash! Sorry for blowing you away, too Th-Thank-- Why? Let's get back to camp It's not far from here No way It can't be I was at 100% It was the same as All Might's power That punch was too obvious.

But that wasn't bad, Midoriya! G-Get away! Naw, I feel like attacking now, all of a sudden.

It's no good! What should I do? Think.

I need time to think! Wh-What are you trying to do? What's the League of Villains after? How should I know? I just want to fight.

As long as I can stretch my wings and unleash my Quirk, I don't care.

Do you remember? Up until just now, we were just playing.

I said so, didn't I? "Let's play"? Right? I said! But I'm done.

Playtime's over.

'Cause you're pretty strong.

Now, I'm gonna look at you seriously.

Kota, grab on, quickly! It doesn't even compare to earlier! His speed and his power He was just playing! He was really just toying with me as he tried to k*ll me! Aw, damn it, I got too excited.

If we get back to camp, then Mr.

Aizawa should be there.

If Mr.

Aizawa can erase his Quirk Don't get scared.

Can you get him to follow as far as the camp without getting caught? Impossible.

You're still tired from the training.

Don't think! If you show your back to the enemy in this state, then you'll just become prey.

You have no choice but to fight and win right here, right now! This is the only path you can take, Izuku Midoriya! You're gonna save him, right?! Remember where you came from! Stay back, Kota.

And then, when it hits, you run as fast as you can back to camp.

"When it hits"? Don't tell me you're! It won't work! Let's run! Your attack didn't work earlier! Besides, both your arms are broken It's okay.

One For All, 100%! Midoriya! Detroit Smash! Ow What's wrong? That was weaker than before! fine It's fine! I will not let him past me! So run! Run! This kid Man, you're the best! Shut up! Why? Show me your blood! A hero can always break out of a tough spot! Sorry, Mom! Mom, I'm sorry! All Might! All Might! All Migh I'm gonna crush you! What, water? St Stop it! Kota! Later, 'kay? 'Kay? I'll k*ll you later, so just wait-- In the instant I was distracted As if Wait, are you getting stronger? I'd let you k*ll him! One For All, 1,000,000%! Delaware Detroit Smash! Why? Kota, about your mommy and daddy, Water Hose It's true that they ended up leaving you behind.

But there were definitely lives saved because of what happened to them.

Even though you don't know anything I'm sure someday you'll meet someone, and then you'll understand.

Even though you don't know anything, why did you do so much? Someone who'll risk their life to save you Someone who will be My My hero.

"My Hero" "Preview" Here's the preview! I was able to drive away Muscular's fierce attack and protect Kota.

But the villains' attack has also reached Kendo and the others from Class B Next time, "Drive It Home, Iron Fist!!!" "Next time: Drive It Home, Iron Fist!!!" Go beyond! Plus Ultra!
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