03x17 - (S) Class 1-A

Episode transcripts for the TV show "My Hero Academia". Aired: Apr 3, 2016 - present.*

Moderator: Heroman23

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Manga series that follows Izuku who has dreamt of becoming a hero but there's a catch -- he isn't a Quirk.
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03x17 - (S) Class 1-A

Post by bunniefuu »

The prestigious school that turned out many heroes, U.A.

High School.

Enrolled in their hero course, I continue to run toward my dream, standing up to any difficulties and saving people with a smile in order to become the greatest hero! Of course we watched it! A Quirk that makes things bigger, huh? That's not all! "Shoto Todoroki - Quirk: Half-Cold, Half-Hot" Even if I couldn't melt all of it It didn't affect it at all?! That's because they're not made of ordinary metal.

They're made of tungsten, which can take super high temperatures! Didn't I tell you, Todoroki? Even if you're a U.A.

student, acting alone shows you're overconfident.

Then-- Do it! Right! Keep after him! Got it! Water for the flames and physical att*cks for the ice They've worked out a counterattack for everything.

It's useless! Where'd he go? The Heroes Public Safety Commission must've made a factory like this for the test on purpose.

Telling us to fight using the idiosyncrasies of the buildings and terrain.

There he is! Surround him! In that case, there must be the real thing, in the t*nk.

He got us! That bastard He's crazy It looks like the commission kept the force of the expl*si*n down.

B-Bastard! Sorry.

I can't afford to fail.

"Class 1-A" Simultaneous activation of left and right I need to practice more.

It slows me down.

Those who have passed should go to the waiting room.


The targets send information about who passes and who fails! They recognize the balls and the wearers and can tell who hit whom based on distance, movement, and various other factors! Also, once mounted, they can only be removed with a special magnetic key! It's super high-tech! Miss Sai, I have confirmed that four U.


students have entered the building.

Can you show me the video? Yes, ma'am.

Arm duplication, the sound wave user, frog and a Quirk that makes things.

Our prey has been decided.

Will you gather everyone? Yes, Miss Sai.

The formula for my success is already complete.

There are a lot of people here.

Seriously?! "Inasa Yoarashi - Quirk: Whirlwind" I love Stampman, too! He's a super passionate hero! Why's he talking to me out of the blue? If he applied through recommendations, then I should've seen him at the entrance exam.

But I think-- Wait, what were we talking about? How should I know? You're the one who started talking to me.

Currently, 56 people have passed.

Don't panic, but please hurry and do your best.

Shoji, how's it look? It's no use.

I don't see anyone from our class.

Maybe they're in a different area.

Most likely.

Yaoyorozu, you heard the broadcast, right? The number who've passed is already past the halfway mark.

We should probably give up on finding everyone else and start fighting ourselves, don't you think? "Momo Yaoyorozu - Quirk: Creation" Yes, you're right Shh! "Kyoka Jiro - Quirk: Earphone Jack" I hear footsteps from four people on the stairs, about ten floors below.

They're coming up! Are they after us? It bothers me that there are only four coming.

All the schools should be moving in bigger teams than that.

"Tsuyu Asui - Quirk: Frog" "Mezo Shoji - Quirk: Dupli-Arms" Maybe their companions were defeated, and they're running away to hide here.

No, that's not what it sounds like.

They're still climbing up.

There must be more of them.

A distraction? Or Jiro! There's music! I'm fine, but hearing this suddenly would've been hard on Jiro.

So they know Kyoka's Quirk and are interfering with it on purpose.

They must be after us, then.

This is bad.

Now we can't tell where our opponents are Phase one, complete.

Next, begin phase two.

What's that?! Hide! att*cks from outside? This is Are they trying to keep me from using my eyes, too? The first thing they did was seal off Jiro and Shoji's Quirks, which are good for finding the enemy.

Whoever we're up against knows exactly what our Quirks are Yaoyorozu, what is our opponent after? They're probably trying to keep us rooted here.

And then they'll surround us, huh? Yes, we should probably assume that they're already close by.

Then we need to fight! We can't move carelessly! Heartbeat Dist--! Phase two, complete.

Jiro! Are you hurt? They got my amp! And my left ear They predicted her actions? They were able to predict our actions so accurately after only seeing that one attack And this careful plan There must be someone extremely intelligent among our opponents.

Does it feel a little colder to you? Now that you mention it, yes There's cold air coming from the vents! Begin phase three.

They've shut us in?! The temperature's also decreasing steadily.

I-It's too cold! R Ribbit, ribbit Asui, what's wrong? Could it be that since the temperature dropped all at once, she's started getting ready for hibernation? Ribbit Fire! Make a lighter.

I can't.

The sprinklers will turn on, making her body even colder.

Then what about an electric heater? Our opponents have control over the air conditioner.

They probably turned off the electricity, as well.

Here's a blanket for now! All right.

What now?! They're welding the door shut! So they're trying to keep us from escaping? The door over there's the only one left.

Should we force our way through? Our opponents are definitely waiting for us there.

It's dangerous.

They keep being one step ahead of us.

What should we do? If we holed up here, we'd have to do something about the temperature, or else we'd also be done in by the cold.

Yao-momo, what if you made a b*mb and blew up the door to the emergency exit? That might cause a phreatic expl*si*n.

They probably knew we'd think of it.

That's why they sealed off the observation room and lowered the temperature.

No way Think, Momo.

Think of a way to get out of this situation.

With one ear injured, Jiro can't use her sound att*cks to the fullest.

In that case, should we break the wall to escape? No, our opponents probably already have something prepared for such a simple move.

For now, we need to do something about the air conditioning.

Can I make clay to seal off the vents? From what I can see, there are eight vents I would end up using a lot of my Quirk, but right now, that's all I can do! Miss Sai, phase three is complete.

Then, let us wait for a while.

Yes, ma'am.

The current problem facing U.


High is the air conditioning in the observation room.

In order to solve that, they must use the Quirk of that student called Yaoyorozu.

Her Quirk uses the lipids from inside her body.

In other words, there is a limit to how much she can make.

We'll make her use up her Quirk and render all four of their Quirks useless.

That is my plan my formula for success.

"Saiko Intelli - Quirk: IQ" Seiai Academy, second year, Saiko Intelli! Quirk: IQ! After she drinks tea, when she closes her eyes, her IQ multiplies.

Her IQ is already 150 to start with, so she becomes a super genius! By the way, there's a difference in effect based on the brand of tea she drinks! Now, use your Quirk.

That will be the end of you all.

Now, use your Quirk.

That will be What's wrong, Yao-momo? Why did you stop your Creation? No matter how many times I think about it, I get the same answer.

Our opponents are trying to get me to use up my Quirk.

They're trying to make you use up your Quirk? Yes.

In their plan, the most uncertain factor is my Creation.

At first, I thought their manipulation of the air conditioning was for Asui's Quirk.

But their true goal was to make me use my Quirk.

I see.

They were planning to march in calmly after making your Quirk useless, huh? Yes.

That's why I cannot use my Quirk right now.

I must save it for when the need truly arises.

But if we stay holed up here, then we'll fail the provisional licensing exam! We should force our way through! I'm sure our opponents have predicted that that's what we will do.

Then what are you suggesting? At times like this, what would Todoroki do? Or Iida? Or Midoriya.


? I don't know myself, either, but after hearing that I could still reach, I couldn't just sit still I can't help thinking that I want to save him.

That's right.

I have to save them Shoji, Jiro, and Asui Forget about the provisional exam.

Just focus on saving them for now.

Just that! In order to do that In order to do that, I need Everyone, please bear with the current conditions for a few minutes.

--Yao-momo! --Please! What, headphones? Please put them on.

It's the first time I'm making this device, but its structure is not that complicated.

I'll save just enough lipids to move and make it as big as big as possible This is It's been ten minutes since they holed up in the observation room.

It is probably about time.

Ready yourselves to storm in.

Yes, ma'am! Now, I wonder what the situation is inside? I'm looking forward to it.

Wh-What?! Th-This is a high-frequency sound attack? Even with headphones on, I can feel it throughout my body R Ribbit Are you all right, Asui? E-Everyone, please bear with it for seven more seconds Six five four three two one All right! It worked! Put your balls in the targets.

Got it.

Can you move? R-Ribbit I'm fine I'm glad.

Wait--! You used your Quirk for attacking rather than defending I can't believe someone from the elite U.


would choose a method with such high risk.

But because of that, you can't move now.

Even if I can only get you, I'll have you fail.

You can't give up! Show the results of the intensive training at the training camp, Momo! You're struggling in vain! Ribbit! Wha--?! E-Everyone! Why did you come back? Didn't you think she failed already? Right now, we're in the middle of the licensing exam.

You should be thinking of yourselves, not your friends.

That might be true for you, but we're different.

We won't leave our friend behind.

And we don't give up.

If I have to choose one or the other I want to save both of them! That's right.

Like Midoriya That's how we, Class 1-A, are! As expected of U.


You've defeated me completely.

Kaminari, why'd you follow us? 'Cause you guys started running! I was lonely, so I ended up following you! Shut up! What's with that tone of voice? I told you to stop that, Bakugo.

It looks like there are a bunch of people up there, so the three of us should work together-- No way! I told you to stop saying that Look out! Kirishima! Damn it, let go! Wh-What the heck is that?! What happened?! Basically, that bastard did it, right? "Seiji Shishikura" "Katsuki Bakugo - Quirk: expl*si*n" I'll k*ll you.

More people have passed.

We are now at 60 people.

It'll be over once another 40 have passed.

People are passing in groups.

This is bad.

What should we do? Yeah I could tell after we were att*cked, "Hanta Sero - Quirk: Tape" "Izuku Midoriya - Quirk: One For All" but at least we can probably do something about the group that's near by.

Huh? That's amazing! What do you mean? There was someone who was trying to get a head start on the others.

I'll take her out! Hey, wait! He was probably panicking.

Since if a large group is going after a small number, they would end up fighting over the prey.

"Ochaco Uraraka - Quirk: Zero Gravity" Oh, so if they keep leaving, then their numbers will slowly dwindle, and they'll be at a disadvantage.

Then why were you saying we should all stay together, Midoriya? In the first place, we were told to hit targets with balls, so it's easy to think of this as target practice, but without knowing what our opponents' Quirks are, it's not easy or efficient to go after moving targets that are being protected.

That's why I wanted to first restrain enough people for everyone to pass and then use the balls only after they couldn't move anymore.

Class A has a lot of people who excel at zone control, so I thought we could do it, but I see It's true that if we were just doing target practice, they'd only be able to tell whether or not we were good at hitting targets, so this might be what they're really trying to test.

Shh! Wait a sec! Don't they sound like they're getting closer? What should we do? I'll go out.

What? I'll be the decoy, so you two should find openings to restrain as many enemies as you can.

Your Quirks are better for keeping people restrained.

Decoy We've got three people, so we'd need There's no way Roger.

What? Let's do it, Sero! Fine! I trust him.

Deku's pulled through enough times that I know I can.

All right, let's go! We Shiketsu students are obliged to wear our uniform hats when working.

Why? That is because each and every one of our movements "Denki Kaminari - Quirk: Electrification" is crowned with the traditions of the name of Shiketsu High School.

This is a demonstration of power.

We have placed great importance on obligation and dignity since the start of our education, creating a great difference in level between us and you vulgar and ordinary folk aspiring to become heroes the way you are.

I hate your type.

What'd he say? I can't process what he's saying! He said that his eyes are too small, so he can't see the true strength of his opponents.

My eyes are handsome and long in length! Hey, it looks like that's a sore spot for him! Stop saying stuff like that! U.


High School.

I respect the school.

I take pride that we are counted as equals.

However, you lot continuously act in ways that cause its dignity to decline.

He's gonna do that thing again! That gross thing! Shut up! "Obligation"? "Dignity"? You just won't stop talking Show us with your actions, not your mouth, sir.

Especially you, Bakugo! Draw our opponents in as much as possible and make them gather in one place-- Want some gum? It's the kind that traps your finger, right? No thanks.

"Pro Hero - Shota Aizawa - Quirk: Erasure" "Pro Hero - Ms.

Joke - Quirk: Outburst" It's frustrating not being able to see who failed and who passed, though.

Our Shindo made it even harder to see by splitting open the ground, too.

Hm? What? What? Are you worried? There's something I realized after watching Class A for a while.

They might not have realized it, but in Class A, there are two people whose presence has a big effect.

They're not leaders, or the most popular, and the two of them don't get along at all.

But before I knew it, their passion spread to the rest of the class.

It's strange, but one of them is always at the center of any major event.

Joke, I'm not worried.

I can't wait to see what they'll do.

Even if they're not physically with everyone, their presence raises the standard for the whole class.

You've fallen for them hard, huh? Gross.

That is my class Class 1-A! "Preview" Here's the preview! The first test of the provisional licensing exam is in its second half! Everyone taking the test is fighting desperately.

I can't lose! Next time, "RUSH!" "Next time" Go beyond! Plus Ultra!
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