03x20 - (S) Special Episode: Save the World with Love!

Episode transcripts for the TV show "My Hero Academia". Aired: Apr 3, 2016 - present.*

Moderator: Heroman23

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Manga series that follows Izuku who has dreamt of becoming a hero but there's a catch -- he isn't a Quirk.
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03x20 - (S) Special Episode: Save the World with Love!

Post by bunniefuu »

"Pro Hero - All Might - Quirk: One For All" I am here wearing yellow clothes to match Young Midoriya's! "Izuku Midoriya - Quirk: One For All" All Might, what's going on? Those of us in Class 1-A of U.A.

High are supposed to be in the middle of our provisional licensing exam.

That's right! Can't wait to find out what's going to happen next, right? But why don't we forget about that for now? Why? You know, we have to save people, right? With love! Yeah, but why? You're no good at this.

You've gotta have fun while you can! Go beyond existing procedure! Plus Ultra! This episode of My Hero Academia is a special story! We will bring you "Save the World with Love!" And now, let's start the opening! "End of July Before Training Camp" Morning.

"Pro Hero - Cementoss - Quirk: Cement" "Pro Hero - Midnight - Quirk: Somnambulist" Good morning.

They're airing a special on you on TV right now.

On me? How did the Symbol of Peace, All Might, become the number one hero? "Special: What is the yet unknown past of the invincible All Might?" To find out, we look back on his time studying abroad in America I am here! That takes me back.

How many years ago was that? Hiding your age with coughing? What are you, a maiden? That costume's from your Young Age period, isn't it? Y-Yes You sure know a lot.

Of course.

I've been a fan of All Might's since I was little.

As expected of the Symbol of Peace Oh, not at all! He says with a really smug look! While he was abroad, the sidekick who supported him was the young David Shield.

--Is he talking about the super famous Professor Shield? --The genius scientist who would later win the Nobel Quirk Prize --The genius scientist who would later win the Nobel Quirk Prize --Birds of a feather flock together, --and those at the top draw others of the same level, huh? --The genius scientist who would later win the Nobel Quirk Prize Dave Oh, it really takes me back An email is here! An email is here! It's about time to start the special class.

Oh, already? The preparations are ready.

Then, let's go train those zygotes.

"Special Episode: Save the World with Love!" U.


High holds a special class for those who want to train even during summer vacation.

Today is the first day of that class.

We're running this course with a small number of students, holding it multiple times.

This time, it's you six.

Just so you know, this will be harder than a regular class.

Prepare yourselves.

"Tsuyu Asui - Quirk: Frog" I wonder what we'll do? If we fail, will he thr*aten to expel us again? "Shoto Todoroki - Quirk: Half-Cold, Half-Hot" In this class, you will fight and capture a hypothetical villain.

"Tenya Iida - Quirk: Engine" "Katsuki Bakugo - Quirk: expl*si*n" "Ochaco Uraraka - Quirk: Zero Gravity" It's a really hero-like class! This should be obvious, "Pro Hero - Shota Aizawa - Quirk: Erasure" but villains commit many different types of crimes.

You all will go to the scene of the crime and determine what happened there, whether or not it was caused by a villain, whether or not you should fight, and train your ability to assess the situation and your ability to deal with the situation.

Your special instructors will be I am here coming through the back door! All Might! You're really muscular today, too! Muscle! It's not just All Might.

Cementoss, Midnight, and Present Mic will also participate as special instructors.

Now, let us begin the training.

Everyone, meet at Ground Beta.

I see cardboard cutouts of the police.

This must be where the crime scene is.

I will tell you the situation at the crime scene.

There has been a villain attack at a jewelry store.

The employees and customers have been taken hostage and everyone is barricaded inside.

The number of villains and hostages is unknown.

You all have been asked by the police as pro heroes to come and resolve the incident.


Aizawa! The teachers inside the store playing the roles of hostages and villai-- I will not be answering any questions.

Verify the situation yourselves and resolve the case.

Yes, sir! Then, let the capture training begin! Now, what should we do? First, we need to see how many villains and hostages there are.

Uraraka, you go.

By myself? If we all stream in, the villains'll notice.

You can just look inside through that window.

O-Okay, got it.

Isn't it dangerous? Then, we should distract the villains.

Who's this? The police? All Might's playing a villain.

I'm a pro hero.

You're the culprit, aren't you? I wonder about that.

--Tell us how many villains on your right hand, and how many hostages on your left.

--Are the hostages okay? --I wonder.

--Tell us how many villains on your right hand, and how many hostages on your left.

--Okay! --I wonder.

Release the hostages.

You can tell me your demands.

I have only one demand.

I want all the police and pro heroes to leave the scene.

If you don't follow my demands, then the hostages will get hurt.

Very well.

But first, tell me about the hostages.

Is anyone injured? Someone will be if you all keep taking your sweet time! Hurry up and disappear! One villain, three hostages.

Uraraka, stand by there! Hide! Ribbit! It's All Migh-- I mean, the villain.

He's checking to see if we've left.

Everyone, make sure you hide well.

If he sees us, the hostages will be in danger.

What should we do? Should we go around to the back of the store? Here's the first decision they have to make.

Should they attempt to contact the villain again? Or This is stupid! Kacchan?! Bakugo, don't tell me--?! You're planning on charging straight in? Of course! While I'm firing off explosions at that damn villain, you guys go save the hostages or something! You're being too impetuous, Bakugo.

What are you saying? This is our chance, while he's by the window! I knew it would turn out this way We have no choice but to go, too! R-Right! Sorry, but this training isn't so you can fight.

The villain's gone! Damn it, I won't let you have the hostages! Oh, no! Hurry! Why? You see, you guys here's where the special class really begins.

This is where the special class really begins.

It'll be interesting to see how you deal with this.

The villain is dead Oh He's not actually dead, but it looks like he's supposed to be.

Did he die from Bakugo's expl*si*n? It wasn't that strong! Anyway, weren't you watching from up there?! I couldn't see anything because of the smoke from the expl*si*n.

The m*rder w*apon is this knife covered in blood.

The scene of the crime was surrounded by police, so if we assume that no one went in or out Then whoever k*lled the villain is among the hostages! Wait, Iida.

It's too soon to decide that.

Let's listen to what the hostages have to say first.

He's right.

We need to know what happened at the scene.



Jewelry Employee" I am an employee of this jewelry store.

I was threatened by the villain who suddenly appeared and after I gave him the jewels, he tied me up with a rope.

"Big Advertising Agency Employee" I came to buy some accessories, but when I came in, the villain was here and he caught me when I was still too surprised to do anything.

"Musician" Yo, I came to find an engagement ring, yo, for my girl, and then the villain appeared! He hit me with a lariat, and I was knocked out, yo! When the villain came, was he inside the store? Yes, he was.

He was knocked unconscious and didn't wake up for a while.

When you came into the store, were the two of them here? I didn't look right when I came in, but when he was tying me up, I saw the two of them had been made to sit in different parts of the store.

There aren't any discrepancies in what they're saying.

Excuse me, but may we see inside your wallets? How's it look inside Midnight's? There are a bunch of credit cards.

Present Mic's is full, too.

They both had enough funds to buy jewelry.


The damn villain was k*lled.

The culprit is one of them! And the motive? Huh? The stolen jewelry, of course! Even if that were the case, wasn't it a little too reckless to k*ll the villain right here? They'd be obvious suspects.

Besides, the villain was holding the jewelry.

No one took them.

If the motive wasn't theft, then Maybe some kind of internal conflict? If there were two villains And during the attack, they argued over how to split the loot or something So in retaliation-- If that were the case, then the hostages should've heard their conversation.

I didn't hear anything like that, yo! I didn't either.

Me, neither.

Was the villain alone? Yes.

I looked in every corner of the store, but there's no back exit, and all the windows were closed.

There's no doubt that he was acting alone.

Then, the culprit must be here-- I didn't do it! I didn't, either! It wasn't me, yo! I swear, yo! They haven't been able to find definitive evidence of who the k*ller is.

Here is their second choice Wouldn't it be best to tell the police the situation and leave it to them? You do have a point.

But it's frustrating, since we know the culprit is here Then We should just make them confess! Bakugo! Stop that! If you do that, then the police will arrest you.

I know that! Hey, damn Deku.

You've thought of something, haven't you? Yeah, something's been bothering me.

What? Why did the villain barricade himself in the jewelry store? Right? Because if he was after the jewelry, then he should've just escaped right after he stole them.

So then, why? That's because while I was putting the jewelry into the bag like he ordered me to, the police arrived.

Did you call them? It wasn't me.

Someone from outside the store saw it and called the police If that's the case, then the one who called was Midnight, it was you, wasn't it? M-Me?! Because you were the only one to come in after the villain entered.

Wait a minute, Midoriya.

Idiot, don't make it worse.

Why would the person who called the police come inside to get caught on purpose?! That's because That's because I think that was the reason why the villain barricaded himself.

Midnight, you knew the villain before this, didn't you? On top of that, you knew that he committed crimes.

Knowing ahead of time that he was going to rob a jewelry store, you called the police right after he att*cked.

And then, before the police arrived you entered the jewelry store yourself.

The villain was shaken to see an acquaintance appear, but he also understood your real intention.

Even so, the villain continued the robbery, tying you up While he was doing that, the police arrived, and he was forced to barricade himself.

Wh-Why would I need to do a thing like that--? Isn't it because you wanted to stop him? The villain.

No matter how many times you tried to convince him to stop, he wouldn't.

That's why you acted in a way to get the villain caught by the police.

Wait, Deku.

Even if things happened the way you said, why was the villain k*lled? She just wanted to stop the villain, right? Yeah, that's right.

She doesn't have a motive to k*ll him.

Yeah, she has no motive.

That's why the villain isn't among them.

What did you say? What do you mean, Deku? Could it have been su1c1de? Probably.

After figuring out Midnight's intention, he still thought to escape.

But because we, pro heroes, came to the scene He resigned himself to his fate and committed su1c1de? That's not it.

This is what the villain was thinking: If I get caught, then my relationship with Midnight might be exposed.

If that happened, then a dark shadow would fall over her life.

That's why the villain sealed his mouth with his own hands.

Midnight didn't tell us the truth because she realized what he was thinking as he gave up his life for her.

That's why she couldn't say anything.

Deku were Midnight and the villain? That's so sad.

Midnight was trying to save the villain because she loved him And the villain was trying to save Midnight because he loved her.

For that to end like this How ironic.

This is the truth behind the villain jewelry store attack.

Ribbit What the hell is this joke? Okay, that's it.

Oh, that was so fun! She's back to herself already?! Thanks, you three.

You can go back now.

How was my acting? It was a little over-the-top Midoriya.

Yes, sir.

Your deductions were exactly the same as the scenario we prepared for this.

The villain cut himself with his own knife.

Good job getting all the way here from wondering why the villain barricaded himself.

Oh, Mr.

Aizawa's praising you! Good job, Midoriya! Thanks But, you guys overlooked one major thing.

Huh? Therefore, your score for this capture training is Zero points.

What?! What's the meaning of this?! Look.

What? The villain's corpse is gone! He's alive! I'm fleeing toward freedom! You were all under the assumption that the villain was a corpse and didn't tie him up, so you lose.

You didn't follow through at the end.

No way That's allowed? Didn't you notice when All Might gave you a hint while he was playing the villain? When Asui tickled him Ribbit! Oh he reacted, didn't he? Corpses do not move.

He was alive.

That's it for this time's special class.

Dismissed! No That's dirty! Wait a minute.

If the villain is alive, then he pretended to k*ll himself but was looking for a chance to escape, right? Midnight misunderstood and thought he did it for her, huh? Then, what about their love?! What about their love? Their love? There was no love! The wall! Keeping muscle form for so long is exhausting Oh yeah, I had an email It's from Melissa? "Dear Uncle Might" It's been such a long time.

It's Melissa Shield.

Are you surprised to see my email? I am writing to you because I-Expo will be held on I-Island, where Papa and I live.

Schools in Japan are on summer vacation right now, right? I will be sending you an invitation to I-Expo later.

Please come and see Papa.

A Japanese hero who fought with villains while studying abroad, and his reunion with an American scientist for the first time in so many years Don't you think it'll be dramatic? P.


Papa will be so shocked if you visit us.

I'm looking forward to seeing his surprised face! The Symbol of Peace? What I'm aiming for is a world where everyone can live and laugh.

I want to become the Symbol of Peace that shines a light on that world.

Dave I am here waiting to ambush Young Midoriya on his way home! A-All Might?! Young Midoriya, you know about I-Island, right? I-Island? Of course I do! "mutter mutter mutter" All the companies in the world in the hero business invested to create a city for the research and development of Quirks and hero items! It's an artificial island that was made mobile and it's total land area is Do you want to go there with me? Me and you? You wouldn't be going for fun.

Now that you're my successor, I was thinking of having you develop more discernment.

He's doing all this for me Definitely! Then go back to your room and get ready for the trip.

We're leaving immediately.

Right now?! Hurry, Young Midoriya! Ahh, I'll pack right away! Young Midoriya! Was the special episode of My Hero Academia fun?! We saved the world with love, didn't we? Well, there didn't seem to be any love Oh, more importantly, we're going to I-Island, aren't we? What's over there? You'll see if you watch the movie! I see, the movie! Those who haven't seen it yet need to go watch it in theaters right away, huh? Oh yeah, that was a great response, Young Midoriya! Now, next time will continue from the last episode! Can Young Midoriya and his classmates defeat g*ng Orca, who has barged into the middle of the second test of the provisional licensing exam?! Will they, or will they not be able to get their provisional hero licenses?! Or not?! You said "not" twice! So, please keep supporting My Hero Academia! Ready, set Go beyond! Plus Ultra! "Preview" Here's the preview! In the program for the final screening of the exam, they included a villain attack.

Fight, or run? We all have to work together to get out of this situation! Next time, "What's the Big Idea?" "Next time: What's the Big Idea?" Go beyond! Plus Ultra!
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