03x22 - (S) A Talk about Your Quirk

Episode transcripts for the TV show "My Hero Academia". Aired: Apr 3, 2016 - present.*

Moderator: Heroman23

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Manga series that follows Izuku who has dreamt of becoming a hero but there's a catch -- he isn't a Quirk.
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03x22 - (S) A Talk about Your Quirk

Post by bunniefuu »

The provisional hero licensing exam ended, and it was finally time for the results to be revealed The names of those who passed are listed in syllabary order.

Please check the list.

"List of Passing Candidates for the Provisional Hero Licensing Exam" A lot of people passed, huh? --Mi-Mi-Mi-Mi-Mi-Mi --Mi Mi Mi Ba--! It's there! My name's there, All Might! It's there! "Minoru Mineta"! "Minoru Mineta - Quirk: Pop Off" "Kyoka Jiro - Quirk: Earphone Jack" It's there "Tenya Iida - Quirk: Engine" I see it! "Mezo Shoji - Quirk: Dupli-Arms" All right.

"Ochaco Uraraka - Quirk: Zero Gravity" "Uraraka"! "Hanta Sero - Quirk: Tape" Whew "Fumikage Tokoyami - Quirk: Dark Shadow" "Mashirao Ojiro - Quirk: Tail" I'm so glad "Yuga Aoyama - Quirk: Navel Laser" Merci! "Rikido Sato - Quirk: Sugar Rush" It's there! "Mina Ashido - Quirk: Acid" Yay! "Koji Koda - Quirk: Anivoice" "Momo Yaoyorozu - Quirk: Creation" Little strokes fell great oaks.

"Tsuyu Asui - Quirk: Frog" Ribbit "Toru Hagakure - Quirk: Invisibility" I did it! "Denki Kaminari - Quirk: Electrification" Aw, yes! "Eijiro Kirishima - Quirk: Hardening" I'm there! But "Katsuki Bakugo - Quirk: expl*si*n" It's not there! "Inasa Yoarashi - Quirk: Whirlwind" Yo Yoarashi! Yo! There's nothing after "Yu" It's not there after all, huh? "Shoto Todoroki - Quirk: Half-Cold, Half-Hot" "A Talk about Your Quirk" --Todoroki --Todoroki! Sorry! It's my fault that you didn't pass! It's because I was too narrow-minded! I'm sorry! The path I was on until now as that man's son It's something I must bear as I aim to become a hero I started it in the first place.

Don't worry about it.

But--! There were things I realized thanks to you confronting me directly, too.

Todoroki didn't pass? Both of our top two failed? You should rethink your abusive language.

Words are important, you know.

Shut up.

I'll k*ll you.

Because they are both highly skilled, they end up fighting against their own egotism.

The hierarchy's collapsing! Todoroki Todoroki Um, next we will pass out your results.

They will have the breakdown of your scores, so please look over them carefully.


Thanks so much! Hand it over That's not how this works.

Kaminari, lemme see! Wait a sec, I haven't looked at it yet.

The cutoff score was 50 points.

We scored based on a demerit system.

You can see how many points were taken off for which actions all listed out on the printouts.

61 points I barely passed I got 84! Look, isn't it amazing? I'm kind of good at this, huh? Wait, Yao-momo, you got 94 points?! Iida, how'd you do? I got 80 points.

Overall, I think I had trouble with practical application.

What about you, Midoriya? I got 71 points.

I didn't lose points for my actions, but mostly for my conduct before I acted and for standing around and stuff.

I'm thankful that they tell us what we need to improve on! Yeah.

But, I wonder If it was a demerit system with no chance to add points, and no hope of passing after falling below 50 points Then why didn't they remove those who dropped below 50 points-- why allow them to stay until the end? Um, for those of you who passed, from now on, during emergency situations only, you may exercise authority the same as that of pro heroes.

In other words, fighting villains, saving people from criminal acts or accidents-- You may act on your own judgment in these cases without the direction of a hero.

However, this means that each and every one of your actions "Heroes Public Safety Commission - Yokumiru Mera" carries with it a responsibility toward society.

I'm sure you all know that the great hero, All Might, has used up all of his power.

His existence played a large part in suppressing crime.

With that deterrent gone, impudent people will definitely appear.

The balance will be destroyed, and as the world changes greatly, you young people will someday become the center of society.

Next, you all must become exemplar heroes and become great enough to suppress crime yourselves.

This time, all you have received is your provisional license to perform hero activities.

I would like you to think of yourselves as fledglings and be even more diligent in your studies at your respective schools.

And for those of you who did not pass-- There is no time for you to feel dejected that you didn't have enough points.

There is still a chance left for you all.

After you attend a 3-month-long special course and pass an individual test, we plan to issue a provisional license to you all, as well.

In order to deal with this "future" that I just spoke of, we need as many good heroes as we can get.

The first test was one to weed people out, but we would like to grow the hundred selected in that test as much as possible.

That is why we watched all of you until the end.

As a result, we saw that it wasn't that you didn't have promise.

Rather, once your inadequacies are corrected, all of you have the potential to be even greater than those who passed.

I think it will keep you pretty busy doing this concurrently with your studies, and you may also choose to retake the exam in April instead, but-- Of course! Please! Isn't this great, Todoroki? Stop that.

You don't have to take it.

Just take it easy.

The hierarch-- We're waiting for you.


I'll catch up soon.

And so, the provisional licensing exam ended.

And we are one step closer to becoming heroes! "Provisional License Authorizing Hero Activities" "Izuku Midoriya" Deku, are you crying? Well, it's you know I was helped by so many and caused trouble for so many So how do I put it? It's like proof that I've matured, and it makes me so happy.

I want to show it to Mom and All Might as soon as possible! Yeah, that makes sense.

Eraser! "Pro Hero - Ms.

Joke - Quirk: Outburst" "Pro Hero - Shota Aizawa - Quirk: Erasure" Since we've got this chance, do you want to do a joint practice sometime? Yeah, that might be good.

Hey! Hey! Oh my, even Shiketsu's here.

Todoroki, I'll see you at the special course! But you know, honestly, I still don't like you! I'll apologize in advance! Sorry! That's all! Was that supposed to be considerate? I'll make the best of it, too.

Merci He's someone who's both bold and sensitive, isn't he? Excuse me! U-Um! What kind of training do you do to erase your presence? We don't have any training like that But, um, the girl with big lips said And she seemed like she wanted to talk more, so I was hoping to talk to her, but Big lips? Oh, Camie? She said she wasn't feeling well and took a taxi to the station first.

Oh, uh, I see I feel bad for not finishing our conversation Now that you mention it, she's been weird for the past three days or so.

A little different from usual, I think You finally picked up! Where are you, and what are you doing? Toga! I had the most wonderful fun.

Don't slack off on your regular check-ins.

If they catch one of us, we're all in danger.

Don't worry.

I've never been caught in my life.

And I've got something to show for it.

Tomura's gonna be happy.

I got some of Izuku's blood! "Himiko Toga - Quirk: Transform" Himiko Toga.

Quirk: Transform.

By ingesting someone else's blood, she can transform to look like that person.

"A few hours earlier" "Special Prison For Villain Criminals - Tartarus" The second semester is starting soon, right? Or has it already started? I thought you were going to devote yourself to teaching What do you want from me? I just want to make things clear All For One.

"Villain - All For One - Quirk: All For One" "All For One" "Quirk: All For One" "He can steal the Quirks of others for himself or give them to others.

" "Affiliation: Unknown" "Birthday: Unknown" "Height: Unknown" "Blood Type: B" "Likes: Unknown" "Affiliation: U.


High School Hero Class Teacher" "Birthday: 6/10" "Height: 220 cm" "Blood Type: A" "Likes: Yakushima Cedar" "All Might (True Form)" "Quirk: One For All" "Smashes villains with a super power passed down from one generation to the next.

" This place is stifling, All Might.

For example, if my back starts to itch, and I scratch it with the back of the chair, all the g*n muzzles instantly point at me.

In addition to my vital signs, even my brain waves are constantly being monitored.

One thought about activating my Quirk and my life is in danger.

I'm imprisoned deep underground, covered by layers of security, with the thorough removal of anything irregular.

The world likens this place to Greek mythology, calling it "Tartarus.

" It is the name of the god that represents the underworld.

Even I would have some trouble rebelling against a god.

No, you can't get out.

I'll let you think that.

So, what do you want? Where's Gran Torino? You acting alone? What's with that costume that looks like you don't know when to give up? Don't tell me you're still working as a hero? You've got a lot to say.

Try to understand! It's the first decent conversation I've had in a while.

Shigaraki Where is Tomura Shigaraki right now? I don't know.

Unlike yours, he's already left the nest.

What are you trying to achieve? What did you want to do? Preserving that body beyond human reason to live on for a long time, devoting all of that time to exploiting, controlling, and toying with people What did you hope to accomplish? That's not a very productive topic.

You wouldn't be satisfied with my answer even if I told you.

There will always be people who can't understand each other.

I'm the same, you know.

The same as you.

Just like you longed to become a hero of justice, I longed to be like an evil devil king.

Isn't it simple? I had an ideal and the power to give it form.

If I could live forever in my ideal, then I wouldn't begrudge the effort to make that happen.

Then why do you need a successor? You're one to ask! That's funny! It's because you took everything from me! Look at my body.

I am just barely able to remain alive with the help of this tube.

After you appeared, my seemingly infinite ideal became finite.

When a person realizes the end is coming, he passes his work on to someone else.

That's true for anything-- the houses and buildings you see everywhere, the food you casually put in your mouth All of it developed as it was passed from person to person.

I'm just trying to do what everyone else is doing.

All Might, you have about three minutes left.

Wait, don't say that.

I want to talk more I know, the world's probably pretty shaken up by your retirement, but how are things looking? He must be isolated from outside news.

Please refrain from saying anything carelessly.

You heard him.

That's too bad I'm sure it's like this Right about now, the media's unease by you being gone coupled with their worry about Endeavor as the new leader is causing them to complain about the unity of hero society as a whole.

Meanwhile, sensing the growing instability, those who do not listen to heroes, in other words, the people of the shadows, have started to act.

They think they might have a chance to change society and have started to move in an organized way.

I think Tomura and his group will continue to hide for a while in order to be sure of which organization will rise to the top.

"Villain - Tomura Shigaraki - Quirk: Decay" Everyone will want to increase their influence, so there will likely be quite a bit of fighting among the villains themselves.

If the scenario I wrote functions properly, then that's probably how it'll turn out.

Supposing that does happen, then it would have all been because of your fake form and your retirement.

From now on, you will not be able to save people as you wish to.

All you can do is look on at the villains you yourself caused to increase and be stricken by your powerlessness as you pass the rest of your days.

But won't you tell me how you feel? All Might, please stand back.

When their feelings are guessed correctly, people often get angry.

Too bad, you can't punch me in here.

Don't think that you alone know everything.

I kept thinking about what you would hate the most.

I understand very well what you were thinking.

To have my master's blood relation, Shigaraki, k*ll me, or k*ll me and Young Midoriya That was what you plotted, right? And? You're not looking at him as a villain anymore.

You will definitely hesitate.

No matter who he's related to, he is a criminal.

I will not die.

I will not let Shigaraki k*ll me.

I can't be k*lled! I won't let the future you imagine come to pass! You said you came to make things clear Did you come to say that? All Might, it's time.

Please exit.

I will smash your future to pieces.

As many times as it takes.

You're the one who will look on as you pass the rest of your days here.

The rest of my days, huh? Excuse me.

"Young Midoriya" "I was able to take another step forward thanks to you!!!!!" Young Midoriya! We've got regular classes starting tomorrow, huh? There is no rest for heroes.

But man, a lot sure has happened! I will never forget this summer for the rest of my life.

--Oh, what a cutie.

--I wonder if All Might got my message! --So cute! --I wonder if All Might got my message! Hey, go out front later.

Let's have a talk about your Quirk.

Kac chan Kacchan How far are we going? We shouldn't be walking around in the middle of the night like this.

Hey You're so lucky, Kacchan.

Your Quirk's so cool! I hope I get mine soon, too.

No matter what Quirk you get, you'll never beat me.

This is Ground Beta This is the place where we had our first combat training, where I fought and lost to you.

You've always made me sick.

I could tell, somehow You were Quirkless and useless, so how'd you get into U.


, and how'd you get a Quirk? My Quirk is something I received from someone else.

One day, I will make this Quirk my own and beat you with my own power! I didn't understand this guy that said some stuff that made no sense and then looked satisfied with himself and just kept on climbing up, higher and higher Ever since the sludge villain No, since All Might came to town Higher and higher until finally for the provisional license, you passed, but I failed.

What the hell? Huh? That's not a matter of ability, but-- Shut up and listen, damn scum! Sorry You've always made me sick and pissed me off.

But that thing in Kamino helped me understand, kind of.

You've made what you borrowed your own, huh? Here it comes.

I've been thinking about it this whole time.

You got it from All Might, didn't you? Your power.

The boss villain, apparently he could steal people's Quirks and give them to other people.

It's hard to believe, but one of those old cat ladies lost her Quirk and can't work anymore.

After you met All Might, you changed, and then All Might lost his power.

What All Might said after he beat the boss villain Next, it's your turn.

Back then, you were the only one who took it differently.

Thinking about how those Nomu scum had multiple Quirks, it seems pretty credible.

Besides You've gotten weaker, All Might.

This time, I will throw you in prison for sure! All Might and that boss bastard knew each other.

Quirks could move from one person to another, and All Might knew the guy who could do it, so it all connected to what you said about receiving your Quirk from someone.

I asked All Might about it.

But he wouldn't answer me.

That's why I'm asking you.

Fortunately, Young Bakugo did not seem to take it seriously, so I'll let it go this time.

But please don't do it again.

Since you're not denying it, it must be true.

Damn it When he said he wanted to talk about my Quirk, I knew.

It was the price I paid for not following All Might's instructions.

What're you going to do with the answer? You and I both wanted to be like All Might.

Right That's how it was Someone I'd always thought was just a pebble was acknowledged by the person I admired without me realizing it That's why Let's fight.

Right here, right now.

"Preview" Here's the preview! The number one hero, All Might.

The person Kacchan and I have admired since we were young.

We both admired him the same.

That's why there might not be any meaning in this fight.

There might not be any meaning in winning or losing.

Even so, I thought that I had to go through with it.

Next time, "Deku vs.

Kacchan, Part 2.

" Right now, I'm the only one who can accept Kacchan's feelings! "Next time: Deku vs.

Kacchan, Part 2" Go beyond! Plus Ultra!
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