04x03 - (S) Boy Meets...

Episode transcripts for the TV show "My Hero Academia". Aired: Apr 3, 2016 - present.*

Moderator: Heroman23

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Manga series that follows Izuku who has dreamt of becoming a hero but there's a catch -- he isn't a Quirk.
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04x03 - (S) Boy Meets...

Post by bunniefuu »

"Hero Work Study" Hero work studies They are experience-oriented off-campus activities that students in the hero course who have their provisional licenses participate in "Experience-oriented off-campus activities" by going to the agencies of pro heroes to work.

During the internship I did before, when I fought against Hero k*ller: Stain, I didn't have my provisional license, but this time, it's different.

The use of my Quirk under the guidance of pros is allowed, and I can be dispatched to disaster areas and join in the fights against villains.

"Provisional License Authorizing Hero Activities" And if I do well at my work study, then I could be invited by the pros I work with to be their sidekick--or partner-- "Sidekick" and famous pro heroes could also scout me directly.

"Scout" "Early Recruitment" "Headhunting" "Contract" I, Izuku Midoriya, chose for my hero work study the agency of All Might's former sidekick, Sir Nighteye.

But I had a challenge to overcome first-- If you don't want to be turned away, then before you finish talking to Sir today, you need to make him laugh at least once.

Humor? I can do that.

In order to become the number one hero! I'm Izuku Midoriya! Are you ridiculing All Might? It It wasn't funny! You little What's with that face? What are you trying to do? "Mirio Togata - Quirk: Permeation" "Izuku Midoriya - Quirk: One For All" Oh, well, um! You committed this outrage knowing that I was All Might's former sidekick? All Might's wrinkles are not like that.

In his normal face, the wrinkles around his eyes are 0.

6 cm long.

From Silver Age on, they were about 0.

8 cm long.

"All Might ~Silver Age~" These days, even unlicensed merchandise specifies which "age" it's from.

"Imitation of Official Merchandise" Do you not even know that? Every corner of the office is filled with All Might merchandise! That's the 10th anniversary tapestry that wasn't for sale! I want it! There's no doubt about it This man's definitely a serious All Might fan! This is very unpleasant.

Please leave.

The vinegar riverbank incident Are you not aware of that? H-Help! Help me! A middle schooler whose Quirk could change water quality was drowning in a river, and All Might saved him.

It's fine now.

Why? "Pro Hero - All Might - Quirk: One For All" Because I am here.

The drowning middle schooler changed the river into vinegar in his panic, and that got into All Might's eyes when he jumped in to save him.

This is the face he showed at the interview right after that It stings His smile with narrowed eyes I chose that face here! Of course I know about that.

It happened before I teamed up with him.

They also mentioned it on the Yomiuri TV program, A Look Back.

Yes, that one! There weren't any villains involved, and it's boring compared to his other work, so it's not really talked about on the fan sites, but I like it I especially liked the witty response he gave after being thanked by the boy Thank you very much! Thank you very much! The pleasure's mine! Thanks to you "my skin feels ten years younger.

" That's it! I loved the "my skin" part! You Were you testing me? Oh, no! It's just that because All Might is a teacher at our school, it's hard to speak much about him, so I got too excited and couldn't help myself The crux of that incident was the family life of that middle schooler.

That's right! Whether you know that or not makes a big difference in the weight of the words! Mirio what's with that kid? "Pro Hero - Bubble Girl" He's one of my underclassmen, right? Even though you couldn't make Sir laugh, this is a pretty good first impression, too, Midoriya! "Boy Meets" I see So you want to do a work study here in order to become stronger? Yes, sir! Please allow it! You have a contract from the school-- Of course I brought it with me! You will not interrupt me when I am speaking.

No, sir! "Contract" Once my stamp is on that paper, the work study contract will become official.

Yes, sir! A hero work study is not like the weeklong internships of normal workplaces that you can participate in casually.

You must work here for at least a month, and of course you will be paid.

As a first year who still has a lot of classes, you will also rack up a lot of absences, and you will not be able to continue on this path on the same level as your classmates.

I understand that! But if I match my pace with everyone else, then I can't be the top! "Bam!" Um, you missed Because I don't feel like stamping it.

What?! I understand the merits of working here for you.

But what merit is there in my employing you? With two sidekicks and one work study student, this agency runs smoothly, so to add you What benefit is there in that? How can you contribute to society? How can you be useful to others? In order to be acknowledged, you must make those things clear.

All Might showed it with his power and humor.

He gave hope to those who lived in fear of crime.

That's why the people acknowledged him.

How I can contribute to society? In order to show how you can benefit my company, you should show it with your actions, not your words.

Three minutes.

Try and take this seal from me in three minutes or less.

If you want to work as a hero under me, then stamp the seal yourself.

H Huh?! I'm saying that even though you don't possess a single funny bone, I'm giving you a chance.

Well? Don't you think I'm a nice guy? Mirio and Bubble Girl, you two go outside.

Oh, right.

That's not very energetic.

Yes, sir! Mirio, did you have a practical interview like that? Sir asked for me specifically, right? So I didn't He really likes you, huh? Man Aw, man! I'm jealous, you know! Aw, man! But man, this doesn't look good for Midoriya.

The future looks full of darkness Up against Sir's Quirk, accomplishing that task is almost impossible.

I will not attack you at all, and you may attack however you wish.

It doesn't matter what happens to this room.

Come and get it.

Nighteye's Quirk is No, I just need to get that seal.

In order to become number one, you need to clear that path, Izuku Midoriya! One For All Full Cowling! An approach from the front is a feint leading to an overhead attack and another attack.

I can see everything.

I knew it! But if I surpass the number of moves! Hurry up and show me the merit in my hiring you and your usefulness.

He's really being toyed with, huh? Yeah, right? I can tell just by listening, right? Sir is serious.

Don't tell me he has no intention of letting Midoriya in? After one minute has passed, you back off briefly and become uneasy, coming to terms with the reality that you can't overcome my Foresight.

Sir Nighteye! Quirk: Foresight! "Sir Nighteye" "Quirk: Foresight" After touching someone and locking eyes with them, for one hour, he can see the choices that person will make! The activation requirements are a company secret.

The number of moves isn't making any difference! He can see everything! Is there any way to slip through his Foresight?! I did have some high expectations for you, but You have enough power to become a symbol, but you're completely ordinary.

In this time when villains are getting excited, and gloom is creeping in In that case, he should have had let Mirio inherit One For All after all.

One For All Togata? I love and respect All Might even now.

But I don't understand his selection of successor.

"After all.

" That's what Nighteye said.

Which means Togata was a candidate for inheriting One For All?! Did Togata know about this? How did Nighteye and All Might choose him? And anyway, does All Might know about all of this? If he did, why didn't he tell me? Do you have time to think for so long? Or are you tired? Are you out of ideas? When Mirio said he wanted to introduce you to me, I was surprised.

Shall I give it to you straight? There is someone more worthy to inherit One For All.

I cannot acknowledge you.

The words I received on that day You can become a hero.

And next, it is your turn.

My all Surpass it! Surpass it! Until he can't react even if he can see it! I can't just let him reject everything All Might and I have been through until now! All Might chose me! I will stamp that seal! I will definitely make you acknowledge me! "Mirio Togata" "Quirk: Permeation" "His body can pass through anything.

When he uses it, even his breaths pass through him.

" "Affiliation: U.


High School Hero Class 3rd Year" "Birthday: 7/15" "Height: 181 cm" "Blood Type: AB" "Likes: Ramen, Comedy" "Izuku Midoriya" "Quirk: One For All" "Smashes villains with a super power passed down from one generation to the next.

" "Affiliation: U.


High School Hero Class 1-A" "Birthday: 7/15" "Height: 166 cm" "Blood Type: O" "Likes: Pork Cutlet Bowl" Nighteye's Quirk, Foresight! It lets him see the future.

But I don't know how far into the future.

If I don't know, then I'll need to use more moves and more speed so that I don't give him time to think between his Foresight and my moves! There is someone more worthy to inherit One For All.

I can't just go home after being told that! Those movements are like a degraded Gran Torino's.

If the conditions are met, then whether it's one second, one minute, or one hour in the future, I can see what you're doing wherever you're doing it.

By the way, in another two minutes, you'll be crouched on the floor without the seal or the contract.

You've looked worried this whole time.

I thought it would've been the first thing All Might would teach you Those who stand at the top should not show indecision or worry.

Those who know this always act with a vision in mind.

You must've been taught this countless times, but being tested now, you can't put it into practice, huh? You said you would have me acknowledge you, right? The more I watch you, the more I can't find a reason why it has to be you.

He said I could do it! Who? One of the riffraff? The greatest hero! Sorry! You said it doesn't matter what happens to this room, right? Nighteye's words earlier-- If the conditions are met, then whether it's one second, one minute, or one hour in the future, I can see what you're doing wherever you're doing it.

He can see what I'm doing wherever I'm doing it.

The way he worded it bugs me.

What is Nighteye seeing? All the events in the future? Or a specific target, in other words, my actions? I'll test that! If it's the latter, then his Foresight won't reach the objects I scatter at random.

Nighteye I can't yield, either! I am All Might's disciple! That doesn't change what I see.

I'm not done yet! N-Not It's over.

Not yet! It's been three minutes.

You're All Might's disciple? I'm flabbergasted.

You had one plan that didn't work out, and it made you that clumsy and exhausted.

It's not that I'm exhausted Then, was that a mistake? I was about to step on the tapestry that wasn't for sale celebrating All Might's tenth anniversary as a hero.

Don't tell me he avoided all the All Mights in the office as he jumped around like Gran Torino? Even as his emotions were upset by my provocations, he moved thinking about the situation around him and how to fight against me? Excuse us! Are you finished? There was a loud bang at the end I'll take him, Mirio.

All right! What?! Why? I couldn't do anything you asked me to! I told you to take the seal and stamp it yourself, but I didn't say that you'd be rejected if you couldn't do it.

But Midoriya, you did it! Sir, you laughed, right? I'd already decided to take you on when I heard you were coming.

I also knew that you weren't completely useless.

But I hadn't accepted it.

Right now, with the symbol gone, the people want not a dim light, but a dazzling one.

Even if it goes against his will, I'll make you realize who is the most worthy of that power right now by having you work alongside the pros.

One For All is transferred through the will of the user.

He took me on to make me give up.

Me, the one All Might chose, Sir Nighteye, who doesn't accept that, and Togata, chosen by Nighteye-- Even though I'm disoriented by our strange relationship, even so even so, I I look forward to working with you.

You found a place to do your work study at! That's great, Deku! Wow! Congrats, Midoriya.


"Tenya Iida - Quirk: Engine" I can't be idle, either.

But man, you're really amazing, Midoriya.

Yeah, I mean, you'll be at Sir Nighteye's agency! You were recommended by Togata? Good job! I can't tell them that he just took me to make me give up One For All "Shoto Todoroki - Quirk: Half-Cold, Half-Hot" "Katsuki Bakugo - Quirk: expl*si*n" The distance between us has widened again We need to catch up as soon as possible.

"Ochaco Uraraka - Quirk: Zero Gravity" The school said Gunhead hasn't had enough interns, so I can't go there.

"Tsuyu Asui - Quirk: Frog" Same here.

I wanted to go to Selkie's but "Eijiro Kirishima - Quirk: Hardening" Fourth Kind doesn't even take work studies I mean, the threshold's been set pretty high Yeah, we can only ask pros with good track records who'll take work study students It can't be helped.

Unlike the internships, we'll be directly involved, so if anything happens It becomes a problem of who's responsible on the pro side.

"Pro Hero - Shota Aizawa - Quirk: Erasure" Mr.

Aizawa! Pros who accept students even after knowing the risks are the real thing.

Tokoyami, "Fumikage Tokoyami - Quirk: Dark Shadow" you've got an invitation for a work study from one of those real pros.

It's from Hawks, who works in Kyushu.

"Hanta Sero - Quirk: Tape" "Rikido Sato - Quirk: Sugar Rush" "Denki Kaminari - Quirk: Electrification" Hawks?! Ranked third in the hero ranking?! Wow! Good job! What will you do, Tokoyami? I respectfully accept.

Very well.

I'll give you the work study paperwork later.

Let me know when you figure out when you'll be going to Kyushu.

I'll authorize your absences for those days.

Isn't that great, Tokoyami? I am most humbly pleased.

We need to catch up as soon as possible.

Stop saying that! Also, Kirishima, Amajiki from the Big Three wants to see you.

He wants to see me? Also, Hado wants to talk to Uraraka and Asui.

Go see them tomorrow or something and hear them out.

That's all.

Amajiki I wonder what he wants You think it's about the work studies? No way! If so, I'm getting my hopes up.

I can't wait until tomorrow.

I'm going to the third years' dorm right now! Ochaco, let's go, too.

Yeah! --We need to catch up as-- --Shut up! Uraraka and the others sure are lucky.

Let's do our best, too! "Minoru Mineta - Quirk: Pop Off" Who cares about work studies? Even if first years like us go, we'll just be made to run errands and stuff.

That was what happened at your internship, right? Don't remind me of my dark past! Starting tomorrow, I have my work study The next day, the first day of my work study-- Today, we will be doing patrols and surveillance.

We'll split up into two groups with me and Bubble Girl, and Mirio and Midoriya.

Surveillance? Nighteye Agency is currently working on a secret investigation.

Shie Hassaikai is a small designated villain group.

Its young head in other words, the number two, Chisaki, has started showing strange actions.

His plague mask is his trademark.

That mask's scary! But designated villain groups are under the surveillance of the police, so they usually seem pretty obedient.

It's because there was a big break up once in the past.

But this Chisaki guy is starting to gather them again for some reason.

Recently, he's even made contact with the League of Villains.

The details are unclear, though.

The League of Villains?! But we haven't been able to get any proof that he's planning anything criminal.

Because of that, the Hassaikai is a gray close to black, and we cannot treat them like villains.

What we're after is their tail.

Be careful not to let them suspect anything.

Yes, sir! Someone, anyone! Please, someone! No! Someone Anyone! Sorry, that must've hurt.

Can you stand? Are you okay? She's trembling? Why? Now, you know you can't go around causing trouble for the heroes.

My long work study Let's go home, Eri.

had begun.

"Preview" Here's the preview! The fact that I let go of Eri's hand The words from Sir Nighteye that there is someone more worthy to inherit One For All With these uncertain feelings pent-up within me, I learn of a shocking truth from All Might His future, as seen by Nighteye, is-- Next time, "Fighting Fate.

" You're kidding, right? That's Why? I don't want that, All Might! "Next time: Fighting Fate" Go beyond! Plus Ultra!
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