04x08 - (S) Suneater of the Big Three

Episode transcripts for the TV show "My Hero Academia". Aired: Apr 3, 2016 - present.*

Moderator: Heroman23

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Manga series that follows Izuku who has dreamt of becoming a hero but there's a catch -- he isn't a Quirk.
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04x08 - (S) Suneater of the Big Three

Post by bunniefuu »

The spring of third grade, I transferred here on the day of the opening ceremony.

"Tamaki" I'm Ama jiki um I-I h I couldn't really talk when I introduced myself.

In a room where everyone just changed classes, those who had been in the same class before gathered together and made new groups.

No one had the courage to be the only one to talk to the new transfer student who had an awkward start.

I hadn't been very good at making friends at that point, anyway.

I thought I was just a quiet and boring person.

Amajiki! The "h" you started during your introduction-- Were you trying to say "hero" there? Oh well I like heroes, too! Back then Who do you like, Amajiki? because you talked to me You were so bright shining Like the sun I wonder if I can do it, too Shine like you Shie Hassaikai, we have a warrant to search your premises on suspicion of the manufacture and sale of illegal dr*gs! Who the hell are you? Wait, what are you bastards?! We said we're here to investigate, didn't we? Please calm down! Clear a path! If you fight without thinking about the consequences, you'll regret it! They sent everyone out just to buy time?! That's so self-destructive Leave them to us and go on ahead! We're counting on you! "Pro Hero - Fat Gum - Quirk: Fat Adsorption" It's an emergency! Excuse us for not taking off our shoes! They haven't done anything suspicious yet! "Pro Hero - Rock Lock " I'm getting kind of worried, man.

We have no choice but to keep going now that we've started, though.

"Tamaki Amajiki - Quirk: Manifest" I wonder if someone leaked information to them.

I feel like they're all gathered in one place for some reason If someone had, I think they'd be avoiding us more smartly.

They should all be used to working together with one will already.

"Pro Hero - Eraser Head - Quirk: Erasure" They devote their all to their bond with their boss and brothers.

They might feel ashamed now, "Izuku Midoriya - Quirk: One For All" but that makes them put more importance on their old bonds.

"Eijiro Kirishima - Quirk: Hardening" This commotion And Chisaki and the top brass haven't shown themselves yet.

They're probably underground getting ready to hide or flee right now.

That's not loyalty! Forcing their henchmen to take responsibility and running away themselves isn't manly! Yeah! "Pro Hero - Sir Nighteye - Quirk: Foresight" It's here.

There's a device here to open a hidden passage.

By holding down these wooden floorboards in a specific order it'll open.

It's like a ninja residence! Right? If you hadn't seen it with your Foresight, we wouldn't have noticed it.

Be careful of Quirks we haven't seen yet.

What the hell, bastards?! Bubble Girl! Take one of them! Damn it! My eye! Right, sorry.

I'll make them stay here and not follow us.

Please go on ahead.

Let's go! I'll join you again soon! We're almost there.

Hurry! It's a dead end! You sure you're not mistaken? Explain yourself, Nighteye! I'll go take a look.

Lemillion, wait! Your clothes might-- It's all right.

Mirio's costume is made of a special fiber made from his own hair.

It's made so it becomes permeable when he activates his Quirk.

I knew it! The path continues, just like Nighteye said.

It's just been blocked off by a wall.

But it's a pretty thick wall.

With Chisaki's ability to break down and restore things, even this is possible? A cheap trick It's like he's telling us he'll be in trouble if we go this way.


Good luck to him if he thinks that'll stop us! One For All Full Cowling sh**t Style! Red Gauntlet! You guys aren't too bad They beat me to the punch.

"Mirio Togata - Quirk: Permeation" Let's keep going.

What? The path is rolling! It's changing! It's not Chisaki! It's different The only one it could be is the director, Irinaka! Irinaka's Quirk, Mimic, lets him go into objects and control them freely from within! "Mimic" He's gone into the concrete that makes up the underground, and it's turned into a living maze! But it's on too big of a scale! He shouldn't be able to enter and control objects bigger than a fridge! If he gets a big enough boost, it's not impossible, huh? I was bein' careful about what he'd turn into, but I didn't think he'd turn into the underground.

This has got to be hard on him physically.

Eraser, you can't get rid of it? Not if I can't see the main body If the path keeps getting changed and remade "Eri" then they can prepare as many escape routes as they want.

"Villain - Overhaul - Quirk: Overhaul" "Villain - Chronostasis" To have the judgment to be able to deal with this so quickly Oh, it's no use anymore Far from being able to save the girl, we're also Tamaki! That's not going to happen.

You're the Suneater! Besides, this is just a stopgap! No matter how much they try to warp the path, as long as we know the direction of our goal, I can get there! --Lemillion! --Lemillion! Time is of the essence! Those guys know this, too.

That's why they're stalling for time.

I'm going on ahead! No! What am I doing? Isn't Mirio doing his best? Then What I should be doing is! He's slipping through, huh? But even if he reaches them, he won't be able to do anything by himself.

A hall? We're getting further and further away from our goal! It looks like they've got us good! Hey, hey, hey, hey.

Some government authorities have fallen from the sky.

Strange things happen, huh? It looks like they're really ready for a fight.

It's about time we showed them the strength of pro-- Save the strength of pros for the goal.

It's not like that.

I can do my best because you're here, Tamaki.

For the ones stalling for time I'll be enough by myself.

"Suneater of the Big Three" "Tamaki Amajiki" "Quirk: Manifest" "He can manifest characteristics of things he eats in his body.

" "Affiliation: U.


High School Hero Course 3rd Year" "Birthday: 3/4" "Height: 177 cm" "Blood Type: B" "Likes: Butterflies" --Those in the front have been taken down.

--What should we do? --We have no choice but to move forward! There are more people than I expected.

Let's deal with these first.

I'll leave those to you, Eight b*ll*ts of the Hassai Group.

For the ones stalling for time I'll be enough by myself.

What are you saying? Let's work together! Yeah, work together.

I'll k*ll all of you.

It's Setsuno! We can't use our g*ns against him! Heroes, it's up to you! You figured it out, huh? Oh, well.

It just makes it easier to go wild! We won't let you.

Throw away your sword.

I can't use it.

He erased his Quirk? An inferior version of Eri's Quirk.

I've heard that a hero like that exists.

But it doesn't matter.

What we should be doing is blocking them.

That's all.

Swords and b*ll*ts will just sink into my body.

It'll be better for you if you give up now.

Threats like that just make you sound like you fear for your life.

Since Eraser's erasing your Quirk, we can use our weapons! Resign yourselves and surrender! Larceny, Toya Setsuno.

Crystallize, Yu Hojo.

Food, Soramitsu Tabe.

I've looked over the documents with their info! I'll take these guys on.

At Fat Agency, we eat tons of takoyaki, so I'm really good at using octopus.

Since I was shot before, I'm more alert to things like this.

But Suneater! It won't do any good for us to all fight against them.

With so many pro heroes stopped here, we're playing right into their hands.

We should save the pros' Quirks, including Eraser's, for later! We should save the power to get through the wriggling underground, too! And the police officers and their g*ns! Fat Gum! If it's me, I can completely shut down all three of them.

Let's go! Fat! To that door! Hey, hey, hey! Wait, wait! Again! Amajiki, I used my Quirk on the three of them.

Bind them up before the effect wears off.

Everyone! Please take care of Mirio! He's definitely going to try too hard, so please help him.

Fat! You're going to leave him alone like that? What are you thinking? He's from your agency, so I left that decision to you, but frankly, isn't he in trouble? He's stronger than anyone here.

But he was weak emotionally.

He crushed himself with pressure to do things perfectly.

He climbed up to become part of U.


's Big Three under those conditions.

Someone like that declared that he could completely shut them down! So all I can do is leave it to him! These guys are here to eliminate those heading to the target.

Nothing significant is happening with the one called Irinaka's mimicry, either.

Did he prioritize the police officers left at the top? Either way, I'll stop these guys.

I still can't use my Quirk! It feels gross.

I talked big, but if I can make them all unconscious before Eraser's Erasure goes away Three at once.

Sorry, but I'm going to have you all go to sleep.

You were surprised and pulled back without thinking, huh? I know you're in a hurry, but you can't shrink back.

Since you're fighting people who're like trash.

You don't know what we have under our masks.

The Quirk of that scruffy man from earlier's stopped working, too.

It's a handicap for you guys to not be able to k*ll us, isn't it? Lucky you.

Larceny It lets him move anything his opponent is wearing to his own hand instantly.

Does my shell also count as something I'm wearing? We've thrown away our possessions and our lives! When I was caught by a hero when I tried to jump to my death, I felt so hopeless! We're people who couldn't see the point of living! You can't understand that! The young head picked up that trash and found a new use for it.

Even trash has its pride.

If someone has expectations for us then we need to meet them! What's wrong, Amajiki? With your Quirk, you should be able to do better.

Are you still nervous? Oh well, don't force yourself.

Go back.

Quirks can be used in various ways, not just by heroes.

How we use our Quirks in the future was the point of the our Quirk training class.

What're you doing, Togata? Your face didn't go through! I told you, it's really hard! You guys should try it! It's probably five times harder than you expect! Togata, you're not very good at controlling your Quirk, huh? But next time, I'll get it right! Mirio, you're amazing Hm? Even if you can't do something, you're still cheerful and positive, so those around you become cheerful, too I'm no good If I think about messing up my mind goes blank, and I can't move.

You'll become an amazing hero one like the sun What are you saying? You're making me sound so great, but it's not like that.

Huh? I can do my best because you're here, Tamaki.

It's not like I'm that mentally strong.

It's just that, seeing you do your best without running away even though you get super nervous makes me feel like I don't want to lose to you.

Lose? I think you're overvaluing me and undervaluing yourself too much.

That's why you call me things like "the sun.

" I know that you really have amazing power.

I know that you're actually a really cheerful and fun guy.

That's why, if I use your own words, then you're someone even more amazing than the sun.

I'm Have confidence in yourself, Tamaki.

You're I'm someone who eats even the sun, Suneater! He uses the octopus arms that are pure muscle to absorb the shock and then makes multiple layers of shells to protect from the crystal damage.

But that's it! All of it! The training I did with my Quirk at U.


over the last two years I'll put as much of it together as I can Variable sizes manifesting several at once picking and choosing characteristics Vast Hybrid "Vast Hybrid" Chimera Kraken! "Chimera Kraken" Hey, hey Hey, hey, hey! I'm enough by myself.

Is this how it is? Tabe, wake up! It's time to eat! Octopus, yum.

With those teeth and jaws, he can eat anything in an instant! And he's got a stomach that digests everything he eats in a second! Tabe's stomach will never get full.

You two are a great match! Eraser took this into consideration and took him out before he left.

But it's fine.

I can move well right now.

I can surpass his movements! Yum! It went in perfectly! Did he just barely react in time? However! You can't stop my Crystallize with just that! You're the one that wanted to fight three-on-one, right, Suneater? Did you think you'd get a "complete shutdown" --just by waving around your giant octopus arms? --Yum, yum, yum! I'll Manifest the neurotoxin present in an octopus's saliva in my arm! If you eat it, you won't be able to move anymore! It was too big for me to steal before, but if it's this small, it's no problem.

Their teamwork flows together We're trash, but we have strong bonds as trash.

Y-You all will be arrested soon Even if you beat me, you have no future! What about it? We haven't had a future for a while.

One was unable to fit into society and was thrown away.

One was betrayed by his lover and made to bear various debts.

It's all food.

So is it like you can turn the things you eat into power? One was used as a tool by someone obsessed with money, but when it was discovered that the gems he produced were worthless fakes, he was called useless and beaten half to death.

To us, that man said Come join us.

You aren't someone who should rot away in a place like this.

Who cares about what happens after this? For the man who gave us worth I'll k*ll anyone who gets in his way.

They're not following him out of fear.

It's almost like they're brainwashed Do you really want to be used and thrown away? A hero can't understand! Can you take this with your back against the wall?! My att*cks are eaten My defense gets peeled off We're trash, but we have strong bonds as trash.

Then Ow! I'll throw off their teamwork from the start! Larceny only works on things he can see.

That's why the police couldn't point their g*ns at him.

Die! Crystallize? Don't tell me he ate my crystals? That's exactly it! Eat! Eat! Eat! Eat! You had good teamwork where you trusted each other.

I can't understand your circumstances or anger or sadness But I do understand your strong bonds You're not just using each other Right? You can't eat your friends.

"Preview" Here's the preview! Kirishima and Fat Gum were split off from us and are att*cked by the Hassai Group's Rappa and Tengai.

The Hassai Group's overwhelming offensive and defensive powers almost break Kirishima's spirit, But I believe in Kirishima, who wants to be a hero, and in his strength.

Next time, "Red Riot.

" Kirishima won't break.

"Next time: Red Riot" Go beyond! Plus Ultra!
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