04x09 - (S) Red Riot

Episode transcripts for the TV show "My Hero Academia". Aired: Apr 3, 2016 - present.*

Moderator: Heroman23

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Manga series that follows Izuku who has dreamt of becoming a hero but there's a catch -- he isn't a Quirk.
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04x09 - (S) Red Riot

Post by bunniefuu »

The octopus poison should be in your bodies now.

You won't die, but you probably won't be able to walk very well for a while.

Also, I took off your masks.

I don't know what's built into them.

"Tamaki Amajiki - Quirk: Manifest" That took too long.

Was everyone else able to keep moving forward? I need to go, too Huh? My face At this point Amajiki I wonder if he's all right "Izuku Midoriya - Quirk: One For All" "Eijiro Kirishima - Quirk: Hardening" I can't help but worry about him Yeah "Pro Hero - Fat Gum - Quirk: Fat Adsorption" His underclassmen don't believe in him at all Well, even if he says he's okay, he hasn't shown much to support that, so it can't be helped.

But! Once you've left him to guard your back, you'll trust him to do it if you're a man! I'm sure he'll be fine! That just makes you seem like someone who's easily swayed.

I'm worried, but all I can do is trust him! We can't waste a second of the time Suneater got for us! All right! "Pro Hero - Rock Lock" He's too into this.

"Pro Hero - Eraser Head - Quirk: Erasure" This is strange.

It's weird that the guy who was moving the basement hasn't shown any movement Now that you mention it, nothing's twisting or turning.

If he isn't putting any obstacles in our way while we're running then our opponent might not be able to observe and control the whole basement.

There's the police squad that remained above, too.

Maybe he's focusing his attention on them.

Are you saying that he's limited in the area he can keep tabs on? It's just a prediction.

He went into the basement to control it.

If it's not that he has been assimilated into it, but that he's moving around inside the walls to see and hear what's going on, then when he's manipulating the basement, it's possible that his body is also close.

"Villain - Joi Irinaka - Quirk: Mimicry" I can't believe they only stopped one of them! Even if they're trash, all three of them are strong.

If an eye or ear from his main body is peeking through to try and block us I see Then I can see him.

It's him! I can't believe you all came out to try and stop us.

It's hard to believe you're sane.

We're sane.

"Pro Hero - Bubble Girl" Everyone going out to fight right now is sane.

If we didn't do anything, then Overhaul would take our lives.

Over You're talking about Chisaki, right? Yeah, it's the name he started using after the boss took ill, and he started holding real power.

"Shie Hassaikai" The boss valued the old ways of chivalry and looked for a way for yakuza to survive in these times.

Unlike villains, the Hassaikai must act with chivalry.

He resented being called a designated villain group.

The one we all loved was the boss.

Calling himself by a villain-like name Bringing in villains Making decisions on his own that go against the will of the members That guy's been doing whatever he wants.

The boss becoming unable to say anything is also definitely-- Hey.

Even though you hate him, you don't seem to think he'll be caught.

Yeah Listen, the ones who don't think about the future are the ones who aren't sane.

People like that are incredibly strong.

Eraser! His target is me, after all, huh? He doesn't want to be seen If those three can't do it, then I'll take them out for sure one by one! Fat! If we let this guy do what he wants, then the time Tamaki got for us'll be wasted.

Eraser, Erase this guy! Sorry, thanks! Why are you here? I also jumped out to protect Mr.

Aizawa I thought that I wouldn't take any damage.

But then I sank into you I guess it can't be helped.

More importantly, brace yourself.

That fist Don't blame me if it's smashed to pieces! Red M My arm! You know what I think? It's boorish to use g*ns or blades in a fight.

Anyone who has those can win.

That's not a real fight.

It's better to k*ll each other using just the power living inside you.

I wonder if you understand.

"Red Riot" What do you think you're doin'?! Huh? A barrier? What is this? Fat Gum, and a boy who can harden his body.


They both have Quirks that are good at defense.

Too bad, Rappa.

For this much shock to get through even my fat It's like a b*llet "Good at defense"? They didn't get away unscathed.

Well, I guess it's good enough that they didn't turn into mincemeat.

These two weren't on the Quirk list we got Are they outside guys? A rush attack of b*ll*ts and a barrier? This'll be an annoying pair to fight.

We are a spear and a shield.

In contrast, you two are a shield and a shield.

Huh? Wait, what kind of fight is that? Oh, well Although, I do not know if that boy over there could even be called a shield.

My arm cracked Ouch! I couldn't take all of it.

If another barrage like that comes, I won't be able to take it I thought I'd gotten stronger! Damn it! Again, I'm Don't let go of your Unbreakable! If even your spirit breaks, then you really have lost! When fightin' villains, it's a matter of how fast you can make them lose their will to fight.

You can't lose your will before them! Let's blow these small fry away quickly and go back to the others! They're planning to beat us.

Isn't that great, Rappa? You understand? What a great fat guy! Tengai, I'm starting to have fun.

Get rid of this.

Don't use it.

It's not like I need a Barrier in the first place.

Don't wallow in your own desires.

Don't forget what Master Overhaul said.

This is an excellent matchup.

We will win for certain with our teamwork.

What are you planning to do, fighting maniac? Overjerk decided we were a team without asking.

It's not "Overjerk," it's "Master Overhaul.

" I don't care! As long as I can fight to the death, I don't care.

Then do what you want, if you think you can take care of them by yourself.

You understand? What a great recluse! If I close the distance between us, it'll be impossible to dodge.

On top of that, it's such a strong shock that even with my Adsorption, I get hurt.

At this rate, he'll just eat away at me slowly until I'm done.

They were fightin' earlier, but I'm sure that if he's in danger, the other guy'll put up a barrier.

When I punched that, it felt like an iron wall.

It's so strong that I won't be able to do anythin' about it with my power.

If I don't do anythin' about that guy, we can't win! And despite what I said, Kirishima took a lot of damage I guess I have no choice but to do it.

If I don't do it right, I'll die, but if I don't, I'll just die for sure! Fat He called you Rappa, right? It's been a while since any attack's had an effect on me.

I was a hardcore martial arts guy back in the day, too.

Let's see if you'll stop being able to raise your arm first, or if I'll stop being able to take your hits first-- Spear and shield-- Let's have a match to see which is stronger, Rappa! You really are a great fat guy! Tengai, what about your Barrier? I won't put it up.

Yeah! You guys are all great guys! Fat Protecting me Even though he isn't able to completely withstand the attack What am I doing? Feeling like I'd gotten stronger! Jumping out with my ultimate move and having it ripped through so easily! Ending up just getting in the way! Oh man, this hurts! He's getting faster and faster! Maybe I won't make it in time?! Don't disappoint me, fat guy! Don't pass out on me yet! My shoulder's finally warmed up! What can I do? What can I do right now?! Fat Gum's gonna die! Because of me! Don't you have anything, boring bastard?! Don't you have anything left after they break through your Hardening?! Can't you do anything? That boy is already done for.

His eyes are filled with fear.

Nothing's changed since back then Nothing "Mustafa Private Middle School" Hey, I heard that you have a Quirk that can change leaves into money.

That's a great Quirk.

Make these leaves into 10,000 yen bills.

We're short on cash this month.

Paper bills aren't allowed! Besides, they turn back to leaves right away! No one will know if we use them before they change back, right? No I told you I wouldn't do it! Hey, you trying to scare the underclassman to make some chump change? It's not manly, you know! Who's that? The third year, Kirishima.

Here he comes! Don't worry.

He's not that strong.

His Quirk just makes him a little harder.

Bastard! Let's go.

Hey, wait a minute! Forget it, Ei.

You were watching?! You're sticking your neck out for something annoying again.

It doesn't matter what your Quirk is if you've got a chivalrous heart! That's what the Chivalrous Hero: Crimson Riot would say! We keep telling you, that's too old.

Pros say that your body moves before you can think! In other words It's Mina Ashido, from Class 4.

What're they saying? Doesn't it look like they've become friends? They've started break dancing.

They left! Peacefully! What just happened? Mina, there you are! Hey, do you wanna go to that store today? Yeah! I heard Ashido's applying for U.


Huh?! "Mina Ashido - Quirk: Acid" She's got great reflexes and gets along well with people.

Her Quirk's strong, and she looks super flashy.

How heroes are supposed to be have changed these days.

They consider things like entertainment and approval ratings.

Ashido's really trendy.

That's why she's cut out to be a hero.

Compared to that My Quirk is Hardening.

And it's just a little.

Honestly, I'm boring.

If you have chivalry in your heart, it doesn't matter what your Quirk is.

You just need to train your body as hard as you can to cover for your Quirk with your spirit.

That's what I thought, but What should we do for high school? Maybe I'll apply to the famous U.


, too! Idiot.

Becoming a hero is impossible from the start for us normal people.

What about you, Ei? Wanna apply to Droid Tech together? Oh, right I haven't really decided yet "Future Course Survey Form" "1st Choice: U.


High School" Honestly, it's lame, but seeing someone like Ashido makes me think, if only I had a flashier Quirk Would I be able to say I'm applying for the hero course-- for U.


--with confidence? What is that? Where's the Springer Hero Agency? You're not going to tell me? Crap, why aren't there ever any heroes patrolling at times like these? Someone no You go! Why won't you tell me? Go! I said, go! Turn that corner and then make a left at the big street! The agency's about two kilometers down that street! Thanks.

Everything is for my master.

Ahhh, that was so scary! Mina, thank you! If you hadn't come, I'm sure he would've k*lled us! I lied and sent him to the police, so let's hurry up and run away! Why didn't I go? Why? "Eijiro Kirishima" "Quirk: Hardening" "He can harden his whole body, which can be used for offense or defense.

" "Affiliation: U.


High School Hero Class 1-A" "Birthday: 10/16" "Height: 170 cm" "Blood Type: O" "Likes: Meat" "Fat Gum" "Quirk: Fat Adsorption" "He can adsorb anything and sink it into his body.

" "Affiliation: Pro Hero" "Birthday: 8/8" "Height: 250 cm" "Blood Type: O" "Likes: Takoyaki" "Future Course Survey Form" "1st Choice: U.


High School" In the spring, a middle schooler the same age as me became famous for resisting a powerful villain.

That was the part everyone talked about, but according to witnesses, right before All Might appeared, a middle schooler who looked like his friend rushed out.

I'm not covering for anything with my spirit.

When you're really scared When your life is really on the line Your true colors show.

Facing a life or death situation and being able to take a step on top of that is what makes someone hero material.

I'm not even a man, let alone a hero According to my mom, the first time my Quirk appeared, I accidentally cut my eye.

Apparently, for a while after that, I sobbed that I hated my Quirk.

It's not that big of a deal, but thinking about it now, I probably admired him because I hated my own Quirk.

"As long as you have chivalry in your heart, anyone can be a hero!" He had a similar Quirk and proudly risked his life as a hero.

That's not it, is it? I-I'm sorry! Oh "Hero Compendium" "50 Great Heroes" It's the supplement of great heroes I asked for for my birthday a long time ago.

Is this my first time watching it? Well then, let's start the questions.

Right, hit me! Even compared to other heroes, you give the impression of rushing headlong into things.

Do you ever feel fear about throwing yourself into danger? Just what do you think I am?! Of course I do! Anyone who isn't afraid of almost certain death is just a huge idiot! I didn't really get it when I was in elementary school, and his words didn't sink in.

I just thought he was cool for charging full force into everything.

When I was a sidekick, there was a time I didn't save someone I could've.

I know.

It can't be helped.

The current rate of crime is also-- That's not what I'm talking about! I hesitated for a second.

Because my spirit was weak, I couldn't save someone.

I'm scared of villains and of dying! But I know something even scarier.

The last expression of someone dying, and the pain of being unable to save them.

I know of those things, so that's why I can jump in.

What does chivalry mean to you? It's the state of my heart! It's not about having confidence or not knowing fear.

I'm a hero, and that's why I protect people! Once I've decided that in my heart, then it's something I'd die for.

Just living a life with no regrets-- That's what chivalry means to me! "Future Course Survey Form" "1st Choice: U.


High School" "Class 1: Eijiro Kirishima" Ei, are you serious? Yeah, I'm serious.

I won't let the same thing happen again.

I Sorry! Back then, even though I saw you two, I was too scared to move! Who is he again? I think he's from Class 1 Don't worry about it.

Anyone would be scared.

Mina's just too amazing.

"Certain Victory" Huh?! What's with that hair?! Trying to look cool for high school?! You've got horns! Like me! Yeah! Don't tease me about it.

I won't regret anything anymore! I'm going to become a hero who can protect people! I'm saying goodbye to the pathetic me! For you, what happened that day was tough, huh? So what? Don't get too eager! Ow! I mean, it doesn't hurt! What the heck? Once you get over it completely within yourself, let me know, okay? I'll tell everyone you were trying to look cool for high school! Thanks.

I've been through a lot of scary things up until now.

But even more than that, I've always been scared You're kidding, right? You can still keep going, can't you?! I bet you thought I was a shield, but that'll be fatal for you.

All the att*cks you gave me have been adsorbed and sunken into my body! Because I'm usin' so much energy to sink and suppress them, I'm burnin' up so much fat from my shield! My defense is gettin' thinner and thinner, but the stored-up att*cks will become a spear that can punch through any shield! Rappa! He's up to something! Hurry up and finish him! That's how it is, but my shield's been cut down more than I expected I can't make something equal to what I've stored up! I wanna see it! If you're alive, then show it to me! Red! I won't I won't regret anything again! I will become a hero who can protect! He was blown away easily earlier! If it cracks, then harden it again! Bear it! Protect! Sacrifice yourself! You're pretty great, too! What about the Barrier? Of course I'm putting it up! Things done in vain should just fall in front of my defense.

It wasn't in vain! Thanks much! I've become a great spear! Tengai! Take down your Barrier! There's one reason for your defeat! You guys underestimated-- My greatest, hardest defense! It's no use! It's gonna break! You guys, and I, as well-- underestimated the hero named Red Riot and his chivalrous spirit! In this spear-and-shield battle, we're the winners.

"Preview" Here's the preview! We've been moving forward to save Eri, but the Hassai Group's Irinaka made an underground maze to block our way.

Uraraka and the others! Kirishima! And Amajiki! The path they've woven together for us-- I can't let it stop here! Next time, "Temp Squad.

" No Why are these guys here?! Go beyond! "Next time: Temp Squad" Plus Ultra!
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