06x09 - Mighty Pups, Super Paws: When Super Kitties Attack

Episode transcripts for the TV show "PAW Patrol". Aired: August 12, 2013 - present.*
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A group of six rescue dogs, led by a tech-savvy boy named Ryder, has adventures in "PAW Patrol."
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06x09 - Mighty Pups, Super Paws: When Super Kitties Attack

Post by bunniefuu »

♪ PAW Patrol, PAW Patrol?

♪ We'll be there
on the double? ♪

♪ Whenever there's a problem? ♪

♪ Round Adventure Bay? ♪

♪ Ryder and his team of pups? ♪

♪ Will come and save
the day? ♪

♪ Marshall, Rubble, Chase,
Rocky, Zuma, Skye? ♪

♪ Yeah,
they're on the way? ♪

♪ PAW Patrol, PAW Patrol? ♪

♪ Whenever
you're in trouble? ♪

♪ PAW Patrol, PAW Patrol? ♪

♪ We'll be there
on the double? ♪

♪ No job is too big,
no pup is too small? ♪

♪ PAW Patrol,
we're on a roll? ♪

♪ So here we go, PAW Patrol,
whoa-oh-oh? ♪

♪ PAW Patrol,
whoa-oh-oh-oh, PAW Patrol? ♪

Season 06 Episode 08

When Super Kitties Attack"

Thanks for helping
with the meteor, pups.

No problem, Ryder.

Is it glowing again?

Yep. That's why we're putting it
in the tower,

so you pups can get your mighty
powers whenever you need them.

Sweet. How about right now?

I could just hold up my paws

and my water power would totally

push the meteor right in place.


I could use my mighty whirlwind
to lift it way up.


Not if I run it up there first
with my super speed. Vroom!

Your powers were
pretty awesome.

Ah, look at me.
I'm super strong.

Hey. That's my
mighty power.

The meteor is
in place, Ryder.

Thanks, Rubble.
We're all set.

I miss being a Mighty Pup.

I hope we get to use
our powers again soon.

Find anything yet, nephew?

Not yet, Uncle Mayor,

but I know that meteor crashed
right around here.

If a piece of it broke off,

my SpaceRockFinder 3000
is sure to find it.

Wow! I can't believe it worked.

I mean, I can believe it worked,
'cause I made it.

I'm a genius.

Ooh, good work, genius.

Now, step aside
so your beloved uncle

can get super mayor powers
from this...

..lousy bottle cap?

Harold, I thought
you were a genius.

I'd probably be more genius-y

if I had the mighty building
powers the meteor gave me.

Can I at least
get some help digging?

Kitties, help your cousin dig.

I'm going back to Foggy Bottom
to take a nap.

Call me if you find
anything super.

Follow me,

Let's search
over here.

If I could just get
my superpowers back,

I'll be the one in charge.

Then I'll be the one
who gets to take naps.

Except I don't like naps,
so I won't take them.


I did it!
I found a piece of the meteor.

All right. I'm super again.

Now, kitties, watch my awesome
machine-making powers.

Check it out.

It's a rocket-powered

Impressive, huh?


That was impressive, too.

How did you do that?

Oh. You have superpowers, too?

Ah. That means you could be
my super-powered hench-kitties.

Now, to put together
my foolproof plan.

Follow me to Foggy Bottom,



Hi there, Kitty. No, no.
This tuna is not for you.


What kind of cat food
have you been eating?

Hey, my melons!


Come back with that tuna.

I'll be right back, Garbie.
I just need to milk the cows.


Instead of waiting for the milk,

that itty-bitty kitty
just took my whole herd.

Yep. The Flounder y
is full of fresh fish, Wally.

Once I unload it,
I'll treat you to a taste.



A flying furry feline?

I'd better call
the PAW Patrol.

Hi, Mr. Porter.
What's going on?

Mayor Humdinger's kitty
was moving super fast

and took all my tuna.

Oh. Hi, Farmer Al.
What's up?

Oh, my cows.

A teeny, tiny kitty lifted them
all up and carried them away.

Cap'n Turbot?

Let me guess.
Kitty trouble?

Trouble is too timid a term.

I've been fish-jacked
by a flying feline

who beached my boat to boot.

It looked like it had...

- Superpowers. - Superpowers.
- Superpowers.

Whoa. Superpowers?

No super problem is too big.
No mighty pup is too small.

Mighty pups,
to the Lookout.

Ryder needs us.

Whoa, whoa, whoa!


Oh, Marshall.
Look out!


I guess Mighty Marshall made
a mighty big mess.

Mighty Pups ready for
mighty action, Ryder, sir.

And these new uniforms
are super cool.

Thanks for getting here
so quickly, Mighty Pups.

Somehow, Mayor Humdinger's
kitties got superpowers.


Kitties with superpowers?

That makes me super sneezy
just thinking about it.

They're causing problems
all over Adventure Bay.

It'll take you Mighty Pups

and your super paws
to stop them.

All over town?
Chase can go super fast,

but how are the rest of us going
to get there in time?

In your new
mighty vehicles

that are powered by
your superpowers.

- Whoa.
- Cool.


Mighty Chase,
I need your super speed

hand super fast ride
to catch up to that kitty,

hand to get back
Mr. Porter's tuna

using your energy net.

These mighty paws
uphold the laws.

And Mighty Rubble,

I need you to use
your super strength

hand mighty rig
to push the Flounder

back into the water.

And when we find them,
carry back Farmer Al's cows.

Mighty Rubble
is ready for trouble.

Last, I'll need
Mighty Skye.

I need you to use
your whirlwind jet

to return
Cap'n Turbot's fish.

This Mighty Puppy
is going for a spin.

All right.
Mighty Pups are on a roll.

♪ Go, go, go, go, go, go
go, go, go, go ♪



♪ Go, go, go, go, go, go
go, go, go, go ♪


♪ Go, go, go, go, go, go
go, go, go, go ♪

♪ Chase ♪

♪ Go, go, go ♪

♪ Rubble ♪

♪ Go, go, go, go, go, go
go, go, go, go ♪

Hey, kitty. Drop that tuna.

You're as fast as me,
but you don't have one of these.


This beached boat

is too big to budge, buddy.

Hold on, Captain Turbot.

I'll bump you back in the water.


That was a mighty nice nudge,
Mighty Rubble.


My super ride is back.
So, hench-kitties,

is it awesome
or super awesome?


Where did they go?

You got
your superpowers back?

You were supposed
to call me.

Hey. My Uncle Mayor-mobile
looks ready to roll again.

Actually, it's now
the Nephew Mayor-mobile.

What? That's a terrible name.

Works for me,
'cause it is for me.

Now, to head back to
Adventure Bay,

gather my hench-kitties
and take over the town.

What about me?
I want to take over towns, too.

Any sign of Cap'n
Turbot's fish, Skye?

Not yet, Ryder,

but I did find Farmer Al's cows.

They're at the crossroads.

Rubble, head to
the crossroads

and stop
that super kitty.

On it.


Put those cows
down on the ground.

Then I'll just put

my mighty paws on the ground.

Ryder, I have a visual
on Cap'n Turbot's fish.

I'm going in.


- Got them.
- Great.

Return Cap'n Turbot's fish
to the Flounder

and we'll return the cows
and the tuna.

Great job, Mighty Pups.

Hey. What happened
to all my clothes?

And my clothesline?


That's not a ball of yarn.
That's my laundry!

Ooh-ooh, you naughty kitties.

your leader is here.

Time to do whatever I say.

But first, to be
true super hench-kitties,

you'll need
new super uniforms.

Behold Nephew Mayor Humdinger's
super hench-kitties!

Nothing can stop us now.

What? Huh?


All those kitties want to do
is play.

That gives me an idea.


No cat can resist
a laser pointer.

Oh, kitties?
Want to play?

That's it.
Follow the bouncing red dot.

Thanks, Chase.

I hope you can find
those kitties

before they cause
any more trouble.

Ryder, super kitties.
My clothes.

I think we know
where to start looking.

Let's go.

Now that I have
my hench-kitties,

I'll show Adventure Bay
who their new mighty mayor is.

Hey! Don't play with that.

If you turn up the laser,
it could be...


And the perfect way
to make everyone listen to me.

Yes! I'm going to cut
Adventure Bay right off the map

and into the ocean.

Then I'll be mayor
of my own island.

There you are.
Kitties, time to come home.

Who wants a fishy treat?



Uncle Mayor!

Stop, kitties.


There they are.

Skye, get Mayor Humdinger
before that laser does.

This puppy has got to fly.

Oh, no. The Mighty Pups.

They're not going to stop me

from being mayor
of my own island.

Paws off my laser!

Who knew super kitties would act
like regular, annoying kitties?


You should be safe here,
Mayor Humdinger.

I have to go help catch
your naughty nephew.

Can your mighty powers fix
my kitty carrier, too?


No kitty carrier.

No Uncle Mayor-mobile.

Well, at least I still have
my hat.



I command you to behave.


Pull over, Harold.

You and your super kitties
are slicing up the town.

That's the genius idea.

Once I cut the whole town off
and it floats out to sea,

it'll become
Harold Humdinger Island,

with its own super mayor, me.

Hang on, kitties.

Ryder, Harold and the kitties
have an out-of-control laser

and they're headed back
your way.

Rubble, can you make
a roadblock?

Rubble on the double.

This ought to slow them down.

Hey, look!
Stop playing with that laser.





Oh, no.

Time to take matters into
my own hands.

Heh-heh. Now nobody
can use the laser but me.

Ryder, Harold blasted
right through my roadblock,

and now he's headed into town.

We're on our way.



But we also have a soggy mayor
to re-rescue. Zuma?

My mighty wave
will get the save.

Oh. My itty-bitty island
is getting ittier and bittier.

Time to do the wave.




Witness my genius,

When I laser my way to
the other side of Adventure Bay,

my new foolproof plan
will be complete.

Mighty Pups, any sign of Harold?

No sign of him
at the train station.

He's not at the beach, either.

I've got a visual.

I found Harold.

He's heading towards Town Hall.

Great. Chase, speed up there
and try to stop him.

Almost there.

We just need to cut
a little bit more,

and then Adventure Bay
will be floating away.

Oh, look at our beautiful
tulip garden, Chickaletta.

We just need to make
a small trench for the water.

Oh, you're such
a helpful chicken.

Where did I put my shovel?

Too deep, Chickaletta.
Too deep!

Your laser line ends
here, Harold.

Whoa! Whoopsie.

Well, at least I still have
one beautiful tulip.

Oh, this is a disaster.

I'd better call
the PAW Patr... Ooh.

Don't worry,
Mayor Goodway.

The Mighty Pups are here.

Keep them busy, hench-kitties.

Not so close, kitty.

I'm super allergic.


What a cutie-wudie, itty-bitty,
naughty kitty.


Hey! Paws off my rig.

Okay. No more Mr. Nice Pup.
That laser is going down.


For those keeping score,

Harold's Hench-Kitties, 2.
Ryder's Puny Pups, zilch.

We have to find a way
to stop Harold, pups.

But those super kitties

keep throwing a wrench
into our plans.

Wrench. That's it!

Rocky, we need you
and your energy tools, fast.

Green means go.

What do you need, Ryder?

The biggest, best kitty toy
you can come up with.

While they're busy playing
with it,

we can shut down Harold's laser.

One super kitty toy, coming up.

And done.

Nice. The kitties
are going to love it.

Hey, where are you going?

Now's our chance.

Chase, think
you could beat them

to the edge
of the cliff?

Watch me if you can.

Kitties, forget
that silly toy mouse.

Now, stop that pup.

This town is about to get
really wet.

I have an idea.

If we use the satellite dish
from the Mighty Tower

and hold it
in front of the beam,

it'll deflect right back at
the laser and destroy it.


Time to go laser-beam-bouncing.

One last step,
and my island will be...



You lasered my laser?

How dare you ruin
my second foolproof plan?

No problem.
I'll just rebuild it.

Huh? Where'd my powers go?

fetch the laser pointer.

Yours are gone, too?
I don't get it.

I have the meteor piece
right here in my...

Hey. Where'd it go?

Harold and the kitties

lost their superpowers.

The ground is giving way.

We've got to keep it together
or the town will float away.

It's just too big.

Sorry, Ryder.

I heard the town could use
a ruff-ruff rescue.

Ready, Marshall.

Bring the heat.

♪ Mighty Pups?

It's working.

♪ Go, go, go, go, go, go
go, go, go, go?

♪ Go, go, go?

It's got to be
right around here.


Nephew, use your magic hands
to fix my kitty carrier.

I can't.
I lost my superpowers.

My meteor piece!

No, kitty!

Well, at least I still have
my Nephew Mayor-mobile.

My Nephew Mayor-mobile!


Well, at least I still have
my hat.


Thank you, Mighty Pups.

At last, Adventure Bay
is back to normal.

You're welcome.

Whenever super kitties
get control of a giant laser,

just yelp for help.

And we'll
seal the deal.
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