05x02 - (S) Vestiges

Episode transcripts for the TV show "My Hero Academia". Aired: Apr 3, 2016 - present.*

Moderator: Heroman23

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Manga series that follows Izuku who has dreamt of becoming a hero but there's a catch -- he isn't a Quirk.
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05x02 - (S) Vestiges

Post by bunniefuu »

No one told me you would be here.

League of Villains…


Was it you who k*lled Snatch?


Who was that?

Forget about him. Let's talk.

We don't get the chance very often now.


Take a rest. Leave him to me.

I'm almost out of feathers.

But I can still stall him.

Give me a break.

I'm only here to retrieve Nomu.

It's not like I could defeat…

two wounded heroes!

I jumped over here after seeing the news.

You must be from the League of Villains.

-I'll crush you!
-Come on, we were having a good time.

Mr. Daruma.

Until we meet again, No. Hero.

We will have a chance to talk.

But before that,

don't stop fighting.

Don't you die on me, Enji Todoroki!

Speak now if you want to talk!

Wasn't that…

Wasn't he the guy from Kamino?

Anyway, the battle is finally over.


This is only…

the beginning.

That wasn't our deal.

Is that so?

Can't we be friends, Dabi?

You barely have any feathers left.

I wouldn't dare negotiate
with a liar unarmed.

We should be executing our plan tomorrow
at the factory on the coast.

But it came into the city.

And there was the Nomu…

It was on a different level
compared to what we had seen.

You could have warned us beforehand.

I have a change of heart.

Didn't I tell you it was
to test Nomu's performance?

If things didn't turn out as we agreed,
I could say the same about you too.

You told me
you would get "someone decent."

But you got me the No. Hero instead.

He was too much for Nomu.

The No. Hero is covered in wounds.

That should put a smile on your face.

I held up to my end of the promise,
but you didn't.

You can't possibly ask me
to trust the No. Hero so easily.

Not to mention
Nomu didn't k*ll anyone today.

Your actions didn't seem like

someone who would help our cause
over aligned interests.

I still need my identity as a hero.

The better other heroes trust me,
the more intel I get.

Try to see the big picture.

I'm doing this
for the League of Villains, Dabi.


But it's too soon to let you meet my boss.

See you, Hawks.

We need you to infiltrate
the League of Villains.

Hold on. What do you mean?

I thought you were forming
an investigation team

with Grand Torino and the others.

Who told you that?

That's all we have to say, Hawks.

You're a smart one.

The hostages' safety was on the line
during the battle at Kamino.

So we made a rash decision.

But we underestimated our enemies
due to the lack of information.

To quell the evil forces,

we need more information,

particularly on the artificial human.

Did they make those things solely
with All For One's power?

Without sufficient intel
on the League of Villains,

we are bound to repeat the same mistake.

You want me to turn a blind eye

to the destruction
and casualties they caused?

We assigned you this mission
because we're aware of your resolve.

You don't care for image or fame.

You fix your eyes on
the greater good and strive for it.

There is no other hero
better suited for this mission.


Endeavor, I'm sorry.


I see. So that was Snatch.

What about the sorrow you've brought
to the victim's family?

You only lose your mind
because you let the thoughts get to you.

This is great.

You got discharged already.

I'm glad your left eye didn't go blind.

It was my fault. I apologize.

Don't be so full of yourself.

I'm responsible for my own injuries.

Can I use that line
when I get hurt next time?

That aside, I must ask,

that Nomu charged straight at us back then

on the day we arrived.

Was that really a coincidence?


Two heroes walking by the station
could draw a lot of attention.

That's why the enemies
got their eyes on us.

This is disheartening.

We walked on the street, drawing attention
so I could have a good excuse.

Anyway, the rumor about Nomu
was probably meant to bait us out.

We should contact the investigation team.

Be cautious.

If you plan
to continue your investigation,

as a precaution to deal with more Nomu
like the previous one,

you will need help.

Endeavor would never be so thoughtful!

Isn't that right?

I'll burn you to a crisp!

I'll continue my mission
when my feathers are fully grown.

It will take another day or so.

Endeavor, don't you need some rest?

I'll think about it.

See you!

Is this really necessary?

It's merely a proposition.

We must operate on both fronts

to cut off any escape route
for the League of Villains.

You call this a proposition?

You only said that because you knew
I wouldn't turn it down.

You're a cunning bunch.

I won't deny that claim, Hawks.

You should be glad you didn't make it
in time to Kamino that day.

A kid?

Are you saying a kid saved you?

Everyone survived that horrible accident.

It's hard to believe.

Find the kid now!

Move out!

The kid has gifts.

He should become a hero.

Please allow us to supply
all the necessities of your family.

By working as an undercover
in the League of Villains,

if I must become a sinner to ensure
to make the world a better place,

then I gladly accept this mission.

I'm Hawks.

I'm the man who's a little bit too fast.

A society where heroes
can enjoy a little boredom…

I'll make it happen.

I promise, at my trademark top speed.





Welcome home!

It's been a while.

Shoto even requested permission
to leave campus.

I invited his teacher to come in,
but he refused.

Anyway, you managed to pull through
that mission, isn't that right?


Your scar looks scary.


You two, we agreed to throw Dad
a welcoming party.

After all, he finally started
to care about his family!

You can hate him
but don't make it so obvious.

I can hear you from here.

Fuyumi, I'm sorry, but I can't do this.


Natsuo, you can tell me.

How dare you say my name!

I only found out that
Shoto likes soba noodles today.

That's because you forbade failure like us
to even talk to him.

Don't look, Shoto.

They don't belong
in the same world as you.

Fuyumi and Mom somehow forgave you,

but you've always been
the same madman to me.

You may look different,
but you never changed.

You never care about us.

You may be the No. Hero
and defeated powerful foes,

but I'll never forget the things
you had done to us.

Mom's screams, Shoto's cries,

and it was the same for Toya!

You're so selfishly trying
to turn over a new leaf

to make up for the terrible things
you had done, it's disgusting!

I've decided to make it up to you.

As if!

Sorry, Fuyumi. Thank you for the meal.


Come on!

It didn't work as I expected.

Shoto started to visit Mom again.

We've become closer with you.
Mom is smiling again too.

I thought we could have a chance
to be a family.

I was actually happy about all of this!



I've never seen Natsuo
so upset in the past.

It's been two days since the battle.

The public approval rating
for the No. Hero is still declining.

Is he really all right?

He was covered in blood when he fought.

He let the villain slip away again.

I thought they had already caught
a bunch of Nomu.

If one Nomu is enough
to put him in a pinch…

People are still questioning
his capability.

-Turn it off!

Who's the man standing up
and fighting for us right now?

Look carefully!

I used to be Edgeshot's fan.

How can I not be Endeavor's fan
after witnessing his epic battle?

I can use flame as well.

So I feel glad about his performance.

This is all thanks to that kid on the TV.

"Look carefully!"

The young man who made a wave
on the news has been dubbed

"Look carefully!"

His outcry has brought Endeavor
more popularity.

-It's the kid from the other day.
-Endeavor fought gallantly,

but Hawks played a huge role
in the battle too.

I heard

that something intangible
you single-handedly built

is slowly crumbling away.

Endeavor is the latest trend.

I'll admit Endeavor is a spectacular hero.

There is no doubt about it.


I don't think Natsuo is wrong.

Even now, I still can't forgive you
for what you did to Mom.

I want to see what steps

you'll take as a father.

From my experience,
it takes merely a single moment

to make people change.

I became the No. Hero
in an unexpected way.

The confusion and frustration in my heart
never stop haunting me.

What is the purpose of my power?

What is your reason to remain strong?

Endeavor, the answer to that question
is a simple one.

His words reminded me
of the simple and natural thought.

I must protect their future.

If that is my duty for being at the top,

what about the future I've ruined
with my own hands?

I don't expect forgiveness from them.

Dad, why are you leaving too?


I'm sorry for what I did in the past.

What I said to Natsuo was wrong.

I can only atone for my mistakes

and give them a future they deserve.

That day,

after the fitness exercise,

I continued with my training
to master One For All.

I was so tired I fell asleep
without taking a shower.

Then I had a dream.

Standing next to me was a beautiful lady
who looked like a veteran.

Next to her are people I didn't know.


I had seen this in the past.

No, the image is much clearer this time.

They are the predecessors of One For All.

I can't speak.

I can only move my right hand.

My legs are gone.

The last two people in the line…

One person gains power

and passes it to another,

who gains it and passes it again.

This power is the fruit
of the many voices seeking help

and heroic hearts.

There are seven of them.

There are eight, including me.

They are the predecessors of One For All.

I'm the ninth wielder.

The one remaining is…

Join us.

My silly yet lovable brother.

Why do you resist?

That voice…

I will never forget that voice!

All For One!

Your way is wrong.

It should be forbidden!

Everything you've done is wrong!

A younger brother?

His brother?

He is the first wielder!

That was a little too harsh.

I've come for you, after all.

Is tolerance not part
of your moral compass?

The world is in chaos.

You shouldn't abuse your power
for personal gain.

All you ever wanted
is satisfying your selfish desires!

They haven't noticed my presence.

Is this only a memory?

Come to me.

His jaw has mutated.

His tusks will only grow longer.

He is a gentle soul who takes great care
of his elderly parents.

But people shunned him,
saying he's a monster or ill.

They quarantined him
so he can't visit his parents.

This man has no special power.

He was att*cked by a group of ability
users on his way back home at dusk.

The stun g*n failed him.

Hair moving like tentacles kept him bound.

No! You're only making it worse--



If ever I require your assistance,
would you be willing to lend me a hand?


Father, Mother…


I will never forget your kindness.

What is this world you speak of,
my little brother?

People are using their power
for themselves.

Don't twist the meaning!

You merely made those two your g*ons.

People need something they can rely on.

Denying my act of kindness
would be denying their right to happiness.

Humans come in many forms nowadays.

I have the power
to bring balance to this world.

So who is the one trying
to prove his point?

You took advantage
of the weakness in their hearts!

I bet you wouldn't care
to remember the names

of those you abandoned like trash!

I won't allow you to disrespect him!

Hey, watch it.

My brother is very frail.

Poor thing.

You were born without any power.

But without power,
you can't convince anyone.

Even so, I still love you.

My poor brother…

My only family.

If you're willing to help my cause,

I'll give you what you desire.

A choice for those without power,

forgiveness for the sinners!

Did you refuse to eat?

You can barely stand up.

I won't let you do as you please.

A group of people is abusing their powers.

They ganged up and refused
to join my cause,

denying the balance of this world.

That brought them to their demise.

I never gave any order to k*ll them.

Those who admire me simply acted
on my thoughts.

It's a sight to behold!

I told them my vision,
and they took action!

One could only dream for this to happen!

It's like the world we read about
in a comic book.

You gave up after three chapters.

But the story goes on.

In a world reigned by a demon lord,

heroes of justice are battling evil.

They manage to save everyone's life.

Brother, don't you know?

Evil will always fall.

My dream is now the reality.

In reality, even the best-laid plans
sometimes go wrong.

Now I'll wipe away the reality
where you refuse to bow down to me.

You mean the world to me.


I found a power
even a weakling like you could use.

Join my cause.

Stop it!

You must be the ninth wielder.

I was hoping to show you more,

but % is the best I can do
at this moment.

Be cautious.

The singularity has passed.

Fear not.

You're not alone.

Next episode…

The changes of One For All
still confuses me,

but I still undergo
combat training as usual.

It's a clash between Class A and Class B.

I must master the power of One For All
and seize victory.

Next, "Clash! Class A vs. Class B!"

What? So you're the special guest?


Plus Ultra!
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