05x20 - (S) My Villain Academia

Episode transcripts for the TV show "My Hero Academia". Aired: Apr 3, 2016 - present.*

Moderator: Heroman23

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Manga series that follows Izuku who has dreamt of becoming a hero but there's a catch -- he isn't a Quirk.
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05x20 - (S) My Villain Academia

Post by bunniefuu »

Well done, Tomura Shigaraki.

Everything is going so well!
It's better than we expected!

Tomura Shigaraki.

Our organization is weak
after losing All For One.

For our greater goal,

we must take our power to the next level.

He left us with power.

Please give me your order.

I will help you acquire that power.


After a long search,

I've finally found you.

Are you All For One's heir?

So this is it.

Is this the power All For One
left for me, Kurogiri?

Why, All For One? This is unacceptable!

Master! Why?

He is so puny!

I think you ran
into some trouble, Shigaraki.


How are you holding up?

I'm fine for now.

But he might crush me
into a pulp at any second.


This is unacceptable to me!

That big fellow is Gigantomachia.

He is the man who served
as All For One's bodyguard.

His stamina is beyond extraordinary.

The body can already hold multiple Quirks
without any modifications.

When All Might slowly weakened
the organization,

All For One realized his demise was nigh,
so he hid this man.

That was very prudent of him.

It happened years after he took you in.

This is a precaution against
the total annihilation of his legacy

after he's gone.

Is it just me

or is this a long shot from being
a thoughtful present for his heir?

You have sharp eyes, Dabi.

Gigantomachia is so desperate
because he is too loyal to All For One.

Shigaraki shares almost nothing in common
with his former master.

Are we supposed to earn
his loyalty or something?


Your attack is not working, Dabi!



That was All For One's audio recording.

This should calm him down a little.

I don't need this junk.

Are you sure?

Do you still think you can get
whatever you want at this point?

You spent too much time being pampered
by Kurogiri, it's time to wake up.

What's wrong with you, Doctor?
That was a little harsh.

Excuse me for a moment.

What is he doing?

This old man
is really not good with words.

It's disgusting when you burp.
Can you please…

What is this?

This is the Quirk
All For One used in Kamino.


What is going on right now?

All right, let's sit down and talk.

That stinks!

What is this place?

What are these things?

They are Nomus, but somewhat different.

Can you tell the difference?

You really are very observant.

You are right. They are different.

These children are different.

They are High-Ends, the closest
to being masterpieces, Super Nomus.

We need your help

with cloning something.

Your hair has grown longer, Shigaraki.

How are your dad and the others?


Not bad.

I used the portal to transport you here
so my location wouldn't be compromised.

Except for Shigaraki,
I've never met the rest of you.

Just like Gigantomachia,
I am All For One's right-hand man.

I am Daruma Ujiko.
It's the name I just made up.

All right, Shigaraki.

I brought you here
because of All For One's grace.

My life, skills, and these children

will all be presented
to the Great All For One.

For the longest time ever,

you were nothing
but a stain that attached to him.

I don't hate you.
I simply want to protect my own interests.

I want to know if you are worth my time.

So far, you are nothing.

What can a loser in his s
have to show for me?

Tomura Shigaraki…

Stop it, Tenko!

I don't remember anything
from before I met you and Master.

Yes, I'm aware of that.

But why?

Ever since the others were placed on me,
the rage kept pouring in.

Ever since that day…

I've been pondering on
what the cause could be.

It seems like no one is willing
to give you a hand.

You must be in a lot of pain.

Little Tenko Shimura,

you must be scared and in a lot of pain.

You've been longing
for someone to help you.

Such a cruel world.

"The hero will come.
They always come to our rescue."

That's what everyone says,
yet they choose to ignore you.

Who turned our world
into this sorry state?

But fear not,

I'm here for you.

I only started to have my own memories
after Master hugged me.

Before that,
I was nothing but a mindless husk.

I'm sorry this wasn't more spacious.

From now on, this is your room.

Starting now, I am your master.

Master, what are you going to teach me?


I'm coming.

These are the remains of your family.

You are a mutant.

You took the lives of your family
after manifesting an unknown Quirk.

Can't you remember?

I had nothing but fragmented flashbacks

and the unknown frustrations
that made me sick.

Should we start now?


He may not remember it,

but the feelings
are embedded in his heart.

What I'm going to show you

is how to release
those feelings and frustrations.

The moment I placed them on me,

the retching sensation receded
and my heart felt calm.

It was unbelievable.

I could only remember some flashbacks,

but the weight in my heart
was suffocating.

The only thing that came out of it
was endless rage.

I hate that feeling.

If the hero society crumbled,

if I became the underground conqueror,

that weight in my heart would not perish.

Yes. I hate everything in this world.

All living creatures
make me feel flustered.

What I should do
is lay waste to everything.

Then you will have a perfectly clear
and magnificent horizon in your view.

So, Doctor, give me your talent.

I will show you
what hell and heaven truly look like!

You're speaking like a child in his dream!

I was hoping
for something more substantial.

Very well.

I will assist you, Tomura Shigaraki.
Give it a shot if you can.

Villains are supposed to make
wild ideas into reality.

I never knew Tomura's plan
would be so sinister.


Are you going to destroy
the things I like too?

My comrades' wishes
are a different matter.

Live however you want.


You are more unhinged
than I expected, Shigaraki.

Old man, are you mocking me?

I have already planned to assist you.

For you, I've refined the power.


But you can't have it just yet.

You are too weak.

I want you to hit
the minimum requirements.

He's simple, unlike me.

He sincerely disapproves of you.

Try to convince Gigantomachia
to follow you.

When you succeed,
I will give you all I have.

If you want something,
grab it with your own hands.

Fine. Your lecturing is long and boring.

I'm staying out of this.

The flame guy never beats around the bush.

Shut it, you crazy woman.

I have a potential ally waiting.
I'll work on that instead.

Is that fine with you?

Sure. I look forward
to seeing your results.

In that case, I hope Dabi could help me
run some tests with my High-Ends.

Our interests
and sense of aesthetic align.

We should get along well.

You weren't listening to me.

You're sending us back already?
I suddenly feel excited.

Contact me with these devices from now on.

All right, Johnny.
Send them back to Gigantomachia.



Your future king is here.




You are too weak!

He is vulnerable while airborne!

You are too weak!

Our future king is in a tight spot.

This isn't the first time.

To get the full support of Doctor Ujiko,

he must tame that giant, Gigantomachia.

But it's been half a month.

Gigantomachia is not showing

the slightest intention
of following Shigaraki,

That guy will not stop attacking
for the next hours and minutes.

After taking a three-hour nap,
he will start attacking again.

His body size increases when he fights.

He can find Shigaraki
no matter where he hides.

During that time,
Shigaraki barely had any sleep.

His very life can be crushed
by that giant's hands,

but somehow he is still smiling.

We are not within the fighting zone now,

but since his target
is his master's heir, Shigaraki,

he's not going to come after us.

So everyone is taking turns
to rest except Shigaraki

in order to tame this giant.

As for monetary support,
we got minimal help from the Doctor.

Toga used the meager money
for her new fur coat.

This is warm.

My movements become slowed
when it's too cold.

I see.

I like the design of this coat.

You only came because you like Stain.

But he is no longer
in the League of Villains,

so why are you still around?

I like Stain. I like Izuku.
I also like Ochaco.

I can feel content as long as I like them.

That's a lot of freedom.

He's finally asleep.
But what does that thing eat anyway?

Tomura, are you still alive?

Of course. That giant is slow.

I already managed
to close in a little on him.

That giant will certainly bow down
before me.

The fire in his eyes looks like that
of a young man pursuing his dream.

Giran is calling.

He didn't pick up my calls.

Ask him whether
we can get insurance or not.

He still cares about me
even after he signed me up for the league.

He's such a nice person.

Hey, you! Why didn't you pick up
Mr. Compress' calls?

You are the worst!

That's our fault. Please don't blame him.

You must be Twice, aka Jin Bubaigawara.

A voice changer?

Who are you? Where is Giran?

Is there a way for you
to watch the news now?

Breaking news.

Continuing yesterday's pattern,
another finger has been found.

A finger?

Several fingers have been found
at locations such as the doorstep

of the Shie Hassaikai's Chief, between
Hosu City Terminal and Central Highway,

and the Ground Zero of Kamino Ward.

A little finger was found today
in the central area of Fukuoka.

-We've been to all of these places.
-The fingers appear to belong to the same…

Who are you?

I am the Grand Commander
of Meta Liberation Army, Re-Destro.

The Yakuza is gone,
but the Liberation Army came in.

Are you people trying to make retro
the new trend?

A book has been selling like hotcakes.

Don't get caught up in the trend.

No, I am the person who created the trend.

What did you do to Giran?
What do you want?

He's a nice person!

He's right here, alive and well.

Our goal is to liberate the Meta-Humans,

so everyone in this world can use
their powers to the fullest.

We'll break down the existing system
and rebuild upon its ruin.

Does that mean he's not our enemy?

Should we help them
as we helped the Yakuza?

Let the broker go. I'm busy right now.

I'll hear you out when my work here
is done, revolution fanatic.

Then take a break and hear me out.

First of all, I'm not letting him go.

He is my hostage now.

I was told that unity
was your strong point.

He's an impressive guy.

He's professional
when it comes to working.

I bet he's made it this far

because he has always avoided
the police's attention.

Perhaps that was why he fell short
when people like us went after him.

I applaud his professionalism.

He deleted the client list
without any traces.

He even refused
to disclose any information

while we chopped off his fingers.

But it was all for nothing
because we recovered the data.

I applaud his futile resistance.

My warriors are ready for the day
that will soon be upon us.

It took generations of effort
to spread our roots wide and far!

Liberation fanatics?

I'm not fond of that name.

I have , sleeper warriors
waiting to strike.

They are prepared
for an all-out revolution.

He's just bluffing.

I see.

You are deep
within the mountainside of Niigata.

It's too late.

Our satellite camera
has already locked onto you.

We can find you in the blink of an eye,
no matter where you hide,

the loathsome League of Villains.

Endeavor, Hawks, Edgeshot,
and Mirko, and Crust,

as soon as I call the police,

the whole team will show up
to take you down.

I appreciate your kind warning.

What is it that you want?

The pioneer of our liberation
needs to be Destro.

You and your people
are stealing the spotlight.

I must annihilate you with my own hands

and use the victory as the harbinger
of the Liberation Army's second coming.

Those fingers are our declaration of w*r.

Scheming is pointless.

Let's have a real battle instead.

You have one hour
to reach Deika City in Aichi.

Be there, and I will release Giran.

Now, you must decide.

You can either be defeated by us,

or you could be arrested by the heroes.

Well, Tomura Shigaraki?

Reaching Aichi in an hour?

If he's really using
his private satellite camera to track us,

then there is nowhere to hide.

Do we even have a choice here?

Not really.

The scarf that looks like a giant noodle
and his round sunglasses,

only he has that kind
of lousy sense of fashion.

Giran took me in.

We must rescue him now!

He might already be dead.

The other guy might be tricking us.

He was just bluffing.

If there is a chance he's alive,
we must save him!

We can't just charge into the building.
Calm down a little.

Since when were you so loyal
to your friends?

That's because I was always sidelined!

I have a plan.

Doctor, can you read me?


I never thought the Meta Liberation Army
was still around.

I was surprised too.

You people have raised
the villains' popularity.

My head is splitting!

That giant won't wake up
for several hours.

If no one disturbs him up,
he'll wake up in hours and minutes.

Doctor, where is Dabi now?

He's somewhere around
the border of Mie and Shiga prefectures.

I couldn't have asked
for a better location.

Very well. Transport us there.

-Are you going to attack?
-Oh, no…

If he really has , soldiers,
do we even stand a chance?

That man isn't invincible.

After fighting him for over a month,

I realized he's strong
because he has too much HP to spare.

That giant will hunt me down
no matter where I go.

I'll send Gigantomachia to his army
and let them fight.

That giant may be incredibly strong,
but he still gets tired.

That is too sneaky!

If it turns out everything he said
was a bluff, what then?

Then the world will lose some idiots.

Are we really going in?

I've told you my plan.

I am complete when I have the mask.

I will vanquish them.

Next episode…

Their goal is to crumble
the existing societal system

and liberate the meta-humans.

They are the Meta Liberation Army.

Their Grand Commander Re-Destro plans

to exterminate the League of Villains
to build a new society.

He and his , soldiers marked
the beginning of this horrendous conflict.

Next episode, "Revival Party."

It's a showdown between the villains.

Go beyond!

Plus Ultra!
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