05x22 - (S) Sad Man's Parade

Episode transcripts for the TV show "My Hero Academia". Aired: Apr 3, 2016 - present.*

Moderator: Heroman23

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Manga series that follows Izuku who has dreamt of becoming a hero but there's a catch -- he isn't a Quirk.
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05x22 - (S) Sad Man's Parade

Post by bunniefuu »

Stop it! It's so cold!

Why is my hand so cold?

Who are you? Damn it! Are you my clones?

You have my face. Who are you people?

Yes, press his head down.

C, press him down. E, Bubaigawara…

Bubaigawara? What are they doing?

Do not interrupt him.
He's dealing with Toga and Bubaigawara.

He has the power to create puppets.

He's controlling puppets
that share Bubaigawara's face.

Via the microdevices we developed
and the comm links he set up,

he can control the puppets
with high precision.

I only learned about Bubaigawara's trauma
from your clientele data.

It must be frustrating
to hear that, Broker.

I will eliminate Toga and recruit Twice.

That's double the pain for Bubaigawara.

I need to cover my face
before it's too late!

Damn it! Stop! Toga!

I am k*lling her right now!

I'm k*lling the very girl
who covered me with her handkerchief!

Am I really doing this? Is that me?

What about me? Which is the real me?

Did I get it wrong? My head is splitting!

Am I different from the clones?
Am I the real me?


Even as a child,
my scary face had terrified many.

I was alone and without a family.

I see. Life must be very tough for you.

The turning point of my life took place
when I was years old.

The man hit by your bike got a broken arm.

That's only because
he charged onto the road.

I was following the speed limit.

Either way,
this might stay on your record.

Don't dwell on it. Such is life.

You can always start over after falling.

But sometimes, you fall so hard
you never stand back up again.


The man you hit was an employee
of our regular client!

They just called!

They are considering terminating
all business partnerships with us.

I gave you shelter and food,
but this is how you repay me?

This is absurd! Don't show up again!
You've brought me nothing but bad luck!

My parents passed away
during a villain attack

when I was still in middle school.

I was never close with my relatives,
so I ended up all alone.

I wish I could have someone to talk to.

What did I do wrong?

Maybe you did make a mistake.

Perhaps you were born
without any good luck.

I needed someone to rely on.

I was so happy.

A man who has forfeited his life
has only one thing on his mind.

"To make life easier."


When the thought filled my mind, I kept
making one wrong decision after another.

I only realized the error of my way
when I hit rock bottom.

In the end, I couldn't even trust myself.

I see.

You saw your clones k*ll each other
and lost your mind because of the horror.

What's the deal with your head?

Are you hyperventilating?

I will start splitting again
unless my head is covered.

You're not going to split!


I get it now.

My clones will disintegrate
when they receive enough damage.

Let's see.

The damage is about the same
as breaking an adult's bone.

I feel insecure.

I feel relieved.

You've been robbing with your clones

and managed to make yourself
a wanted criminal.

When utilized properly,

you can take down an entire nation
with your Quirk.

I can't imagine anyone being so powerful
yet also so down and out.

What do I do when my life is in ruin?

You must earn people's trust.


From your comrades.

A group of people
has been quite active lately.

I believe you will be
of great use to them.

Don't worry.

There are plenty of people
that share your experience.



F, G, beat him up.

That hurts!

I'm fine. It hurts!

Grab his arms.

Break it.

You would have been fine
had you stayed still.

Stop struggling.

That freaking hurt, you jerk.

Damn it. Toga regained consciousness.

I need to turn up the output.

That hurts.

That hurts.

It hurts so much
but I'm not disintegrating!

I've been cautious not to get myself hurt.

I was so scared that I might disappear.

It's always been that way.

I kept making mistakes.

I could have found out
just by hurting myself.

But I chose to run away.
So I fell hard and threw my life away.

I only found my place
after hitting rock bottom.

Toga, I will save your life!

Get out of my way, impostors.

I will never hurt my friends.

Quirk: Double.

Liberation Army, witness its terror.

Using my Quirk, Double,
I can clone any object.

I can only make two clones at a time.

The clones are also much weaker.

The second clone is weaker than the first.

Before the first clone disintegrates,
I can't make more clones.

It didn't work. I'm sorry, Shigaraki.

It can be done, certainly.

My Quirk, Double,
requires data and imagination.

I don't have the data to imagine this.

I can't clone the mafia's a*mo.

I'm sorry I couldn't be more useful.
I'm sorry for being a liability.

But I really want to repay
your acceptance for me.

I've always wanted that.

Let's go, Twice!

-It's slaughtering time!
-It's slaughtering time!

We must help Skeptic!

We can't k*ll Bubaigawara…


Damn it!

The march of sorrow!

Sad Man's Parade!

I must protect my friend.

This is a surprise.
He overcame his traumatic past.

Mr. Skeptic, your plan failed.

This is probably one
of your very few mistakes.

I failed?

I have no idea
what you're talking about, Re-Destro.

I have only failed once in my entire life.

I've only made one single mistake.

So make sure you get it right.
This is not a failure.

I merely have to proceed to the next step.

Yes. You are correct, Skeptic.

He overcame his trauma.

Well done, Doctor.
This must be embarrassing.

Twice has endless potential
once he is freed from the shackles.

At least now we are equal in numbers.

Then quality shall outshine the quantity.

Isn't that right, Geten?

You don't seem to be doing very well,
given your spirit.

Your ice is almost gone.

Give me a hand if it's so easy for you.

Why should I save your skin?

Don't be so mean!

Just ask the other guys.

Dabi, Mr. Compress!
The cavalry of Twice has arrived!

-Dabi, Mr. Compress!
-Damn it, that hurts! Get lost!

-Toga is dying!
-Are you breathing? I'm here to help!

-Stop stepping on my foot!
-Shut it!

What about your trauma?

I conquered it with love and courage.

Who cares what's going on?

It's like the first chapter
of a heroic deed.

But we are villains.

How is it wrong for villains
to help their friends?

-He's right!
-You are precious to me.

That sounds awesome.

There are only a handful of us,
so you are even more precious to me!

Hey, am I an idiot?

I don't deny that.

-The fighting skill is even…
-I see. You must be a smarty-pants.

A punch over here!
No! I'll give him , punches!

I should help you multiply!

Forget about forming a league!
We can have a whole prefecture!

Let's go! Prefecture of Villains!

Hold on, Twice!

If you wiped them out,

there would be nothing left
to stop Gigantomachia.

-We're pulling punches?
-Let's not clone Dabi for now.

-His fire burns everywhere.
-k*ll them all!

That big guy will be awake soon.

Another minutes.

Leave it to me! But Toga is in danger.

Get the location from me and head for her.


Is ice the specialty product of this town?

This is almost ridiculous.

I told you I could manipulate ice.

I see.

I can also control
the temperature of my ice.

I can send my ice into the pipelines

to freeze the water
and use the ice as my extension.

You could have started with that.
This is getting on my nerves.

We envision a future

where social status is decided
by the strength of Meta Abilities.

Strengthening one's power
is the means of survival!


Without powerful Meta Abilities,

one is not worth living.

Wouldn't that be pathetic?

Just die already.

Blueflame, I could say the same to you.

Your body reeks of burning stink.

Evaluating an opponent's power
is the most basic skill.

Your skin is decaying
and slowly falling apart.

I bet you can't fight
for a prolonged period

because you will be consumed
by your own flame.

Wouldn't his wide-range attack
put his allies in harm's way as well?

Whatever the case is,
this ice-man is beyond our league.

It's best for Gigantomachia
to take care of him, but…

Serves you right for trying
to pull off a sneaky trick.

But if they all died now,
I would feel sorry for All For One.



The heir of your master is fighting
while being deprived of sleep.

The heir of my master…





Shigaraki, are you all right?

What about you?
You could have just stood by.

Even if I didn't come here,

they would just report it to the heroes
and have me hunted down.

I was going to die either way.

You have a point. They set us up.

Look, Spinner.

We're almost at the tower.

More of them are coming this way.

There are even more of them now!

Eat this!

Twice? There are so many of you!

Hey, Spinner.

The ice took out many of us.

My knee hurts!


For real? You made this many clones?


I can somehow

be useful to you, Leader!

Awesome, Twice.

Can you clear a path to the tower for me?

Their boss and Giran are there.

But, of course, it could just be a bluff.

There are more of them around the tower,
as if they are guarding someone.

Forget about Gigantomachia,
I am going to take down their boss.

I got it, Leader.
Sleep soundly in my embrace.

Maybe we might wipe out
the Liberation Army

before we even know it!

I'll leave it to you!

Just wait, Giran!
I'll be there to save you!

Seriously? Twice alone can handle
the whole battle for us.

No. He is too obsessed with Giran.

How dare you toy with his feelings?

I will make you pay, Liberation Army.

The League of Villains and its mastermind,

I feel sorry to have let you
wreak havoc in this town.

That politician.
I almost forgot about him.

Human beings are not powerless.
Everyone is capable of greatness.

What you've displayed
in this revival party

is the victory you secure
with Meta Abilities

and the bodies that have earned
the right of survival.

We must dismantle the League of Villains!

Now liberate yourselves!
Gather your strength!

Let's pave the way to a new era!

Show them that anyone can be a hero!

Show them that no one can be a real hero!

I'll leave the rest to you.

He's Hanabata.

As soon as his speech started,
the enemy's morale rose tremendously.

What do I do now?
I can't let Shigaraki exhaust himself.

What should I do now?

So it's you!

You're the scoundrel
who destroyed our home!

You actually made it here.

I didn't expect you to be bald!
You're a bald leader!

Pardon my manners!


I knew it.

I can clone myself faster
than I clone anything!

That's because I know myself inside out!

You can start begging for mercy
while wetting yourself, baldy!

There are plenty of soldiers down there.

Skeptic was right about your power.
It's astounding.

Listen up! You people are my copies!

Your existence remains even after you die!

Don't worry. I'll dig you guys a grave!

Don't clone your leader after jinxing him.

I'll say it again! We are clones!
So fight to death without any concern!

That should give you some relief.

No, it doesn't. Who are these people?

The baldy before you
is the boss of the Liberation Army!

Hold on! How did you manage
to make so many clones?


I didn't talk to you and Dabi
on the way here.

I overcame my trauma.

So you're a clone too?

Don't be silly. I am the real deal.

I'm the real one.

Forget that!

What matters now
is to risk your lives for our friends.

That's how we all feel.


See? I knew he was a fake.

How feeble.

By the way, do you even know
the meaning of the word "hostage"?

Did you see what he did?

Don't ask me.

Bubaigawara, stop cloning yourself
if you want Giran to live.

After all, I have no reason

to k*ll an unofficial member
of the League of Villains.

Don't worry, Twice.

As of now, we outnumber him.

We have the upper hand!

We'll just need to get him back.


You people are obnoxious.

It was silly to even think about
fighting you on a level playing field.



That hurts.

You lost your fingers. Damn it.

You lost the fingers on your right hand!

You used to smoke American Spirit with it.

I'm so sorry.
They got the information from me.

I can't be a businessman anymore.

Don't apologize!
You've done nothing wrong!

So don't you dare apologize!

You haven't been taking this seriously.

When an organization has an objective,
unnecessary emotions are but shackles.

Now crumble before our resolve.

You must have a very grand ambition!

He survived?

A grand ambition?

Very well. I'll assess qualities.


A woman once gave birth to a girl
who possessed Meta Abilities.

But it was a time of discrimination
against all forms of Meta Abilities.

Endless bickering
and overflowing prejudices.

The girl she loved was loathed
by everyone around her.

The woman responded to the world
with her whispering voice,

"This is my daughter's Quirk!"

"I want society to be a world
where she can live with freedom."

But her words were faced with mocking.

She never responded afterward.


She was m*rder*d by the anti-Meta mobs.

Isn't that the Mother of Quirks?
Do you take me as a fool?

Sorry. I thought you never received
any formal education.

But the heroes and self-proclaimed
enforcers of justice were prospering.

The government and the heroes
were correcting that notion.

They revived the woman's words
for their political campaigning,

so the Quirks were accepted.

The Quirks came in many forms,
and awareness correction must take place!

However, they began to establish laws
that restrain the use of Meta Abilities.

Changing the title won't change a thing.

They wanted the use
of Meta Abilities to be in check.

True freedom will never be a reality
unless people can use their powers freely.

Destro believed that.

"That is not the future
our Mother wanted."

"Let's make the world a place
where we can use our Quirks freely!"


That was working against their interest.

Do you know why Destro's note
was selling like hotcakes?

Rise up against the government
for the sake of true freedom.

That's the legacy I must take on
to finish what Destro started.

The descendant of Destro,
his bloodline, I am Re-Destro.

Do you think a brat with no background
whose sole purpose is destruction

is more important than our cause?


If you want to keep Giran safe,
start making a cushion.

A cushion?

When I was hanging by the window
after his first attack,

I met the eyes of the guy from down below.

He's here.

He will crumble this tower.

That's what I would do.

Any human being would have died
after falling from that height.

Are you the boss?

I doubt I would have the chance
to get your answer.

Next episode…

The League of Villains is retaliating.

The battle between
Re-Destro of the Liberation Army

and Shigaraki is still ongoing.

The lost memories are coming back to him.

The tragic past of Tenko Shimura
set him on the path of destruction.

Next episode, "Tenko Shimura: Origin."

Remember how that thought
started blooming in your heart.

Search for its root.

Go beyond.

Plus Ultra!
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