05x23 - (S) Tenko Shimura: Origin

Episode transcripts for the TV show "My Hero Academia". Aired: Apr 3, 2016 - present.*

Moderator: Heroman23

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Manga series that follows Izuku who has dreamt of becoming a hero but there's a catch -- he isn't a Quirk.
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05x23 - (S) Tenko Shimura: Origin

Post by bunniefuu »

Toga is an amazing teenager.

Your data from back at the Hassaikai
is nowhere near your performance now.

-I almost forgot how fast you grow.

-She lost too much blood.
-We don't know her blood type.

To clone you,
I must take your measurements again.

I will do a blood transfusion
after cloning you.

Let me do it.

No, I should do it.

No, I should do it.
I need you to check Toga's syringe.

You've each made two copies.

But I can still make clones.
So I should do it.

There is no time for chitchat!

Toga is dying. We should do it together!

I was hoping to clone
a healthy version of her,

but she was already badly wounded
when we took the measurements.

Her lovely face is almost ruined.
Can we still fix her?

Dabi can find a plastic surgeon for her.

I will save you!

I must take some burden off
Shigaraki's shoulder.

Let's go!

The guy in charge of buffing the rest
shouldn't be on the front line!

You'll get blocked from the match
if you don't know your character!

Is that some kind of teenager slang?

Meaning aside,
your judgment of the situation is astute.

But I doubt a weak Meta Ability User
can withstand this.

Shuichi Iguchi.

Detnerat custom, Sevens Loud.

My warriors!

Strike the enemy who threatens us
with divine punishments!

Koku Hanabata.

Code name: Trumpet. Meta Ability: Incite.

His voice is lined
with electromagnetic pulses

that enhance anyone
who considers him a leader.

Their mental and physical state
will be boosted.

What now?

-It's a walk in the park!
-Back down!


Meta Ability: Gecko.

The most you can do is climb the walls.

If I remember correctly,
you were a shut-in.

People bullied you.

Are you here because you harbor hatred
toward them?

How unfortunate.

I don't see
how you can amount to anything.

Has he reached that far?
Why didn't our men stop him?

I got you!


Everyone, go to our grand commander!

Our enemies are trying
to violate our souls!

I don't see
how you can amount to anything.

I know that better than anyone.

But don't you know?

Unlike Toga, I don't have anything I like.

I don't have anything I like to do.

But at that moment,
my heart was burning with passion!

I will lay waste to everything.

At that moment, I wanted to witness

the future he envisioned!

A freeloader who is good for nothing…

Yes, that's me!

What's wrong with that?

Do you have a problem with that?

You people are just like me!

Isn't that right, Mr. Politician?

Don't compare yourself to me.

I must do whatever I can to take
some burden off Shigaraki's shoulder.


I'm still alive.

I knew Shigaraki would do that.


You look massive.

How do you feel right now?

So you have , soldiers with you.

It's been your plan all along

to just watch while using them
for human wave att*cks.

You set up a field to toy with people
weaker than yourself.

You looked down on us,
saying we wouldn't make it here.

But we still got the better of you anyway.

So how do you feel now?

What do I feel now?

I am furious.

I'm the kind of person who allows anger
to pile up inside of me.

That's how I got this forehead.

I bet you've k*lled quite a lot
of my men to reach here.

Did you use your hands to destroy them?

Rikiya Yotsubashi.

Code name: Re-Destro.
Meta Ability: Stress.

He can convert the stress
he collected into power.

The more he gathers,
the larger he becomes.

"Never judge a person
based on their Quirks."

That is a sound adage.
I learned that same lesson myself.

But Meta Abilities are tied
to personalities.

What will it be for someone
who can destroy anything his hands touch?

I haven't gotten an answer
from you yet, Little Shigaraki.

What is the burden you carry?
What are you trying to create?

Or are you just a void
that creates nothing?

Are you a person who can only destroy?

Hana's hand…

Your mother's hands.

Your grandma's hands.

Your grandpa's hands.

Your father's hands.

The composition of your heart
is rather unique.

Rage and sorrow will heal over time.

Carry them with you wherever you go.

Do not let the bond fade away.

Did you get scolded again?

Hana was my elder sister.

Come on. You could have just kept quiet.

I always tell Dad I want to be his bride.

Okay, let's go.

Yes. That should be it.

Every time I cried,
she would hold my hands.

There was only Hana at that time.
Although it was just her innocent words…

My head is spinning.
Everything is turning around.

Memories are pouring in.
They are awakened.

You are nothing compared to me.

The unspeakable frustration
is deep within my heart.

The gaps are being filled
by the lost memories.

The emotions are coming back to me
along with the experience.

I was told he needed all five fingers
to make contact to use the Quirk.

Was the information about him mistaken?

Or could it be…

My head is splitting!

Meta Abilities could have
exponential growth with certain triggers.

Geden is able to control
the temperature of ice

because I was burned at one time.

And this young man is about to awaken his.

That's quick!

His start-up movement is minimal.

He's agile like a cat.

If his body was so strong,

he could have decayed a hero or two
back in Kamino.

Could it be that he has honed his Quirk?

And this movement…

Only someone who strives to survive
under harsh conditions is capable of this.

I've been honing my Stress.

So I know it very well.

I shouldn't jump to the conclusion
that you are beneath me.

You haven't died
after taking so much damage.

It seems to me you're the real deal.

% Liberation.

It's game over for you now.

Stress Output!

I'm going to end this party now.

Stress Output Burden!

Come now, Tenko.
Don't you want some

Stop crying.
Seeing you cry makes me feel sad.

My kind and gentle grandparents…

But that's not it.

I remember everything now.

What I wanted to say back then…

What's wrong, Skeptic?

Re-Destro, watch out!

He's headed your way!

There is a powerful foe lurking around.

Re-Destro, those people

have been hiding this giant!







Re-Destro! Can you hear me?

That's not possible.

I gathered stress to materialize it,

and released it as the large-scale attack
Stress Output Burden.

I've been honing this power
since childhood.

It's the very limit of my Meta Ability.

It's not something one can simply dodge.

The moment he touched me…

He suppressed his defense
just to decay my hand.

My senses have reached their pinnacle.

Everything is coming back to me
as if it happened yesterday.

What am I trying to create?

Isn't it obvious?

I only ever wanted

to destroy.

Then you shall perish.

A world without creation has no future!

I don't need a future.

Are you playing the hero games again?

-Kotaro, stop it.

-Don't be so violent!

-Then he should have behaved.
-No, Dad!


My family had a rule.

It's the only rule my dad had set.

We were never to talk about the heroes.


It's time for dinner.

But his allergic reaction
is only getting worse.

Rules are rules.

Do not let him in unless he apologizes.

Aren't you a little too strict?

He hasn't manifested any Quirk
at this age.

We must make him realize the situation
before he gets hurt.

His wish to become a hero
will only be his demise.

Father, Mother, are you against it?

My dad was a businessman.
He became rich despite his young age.

It was my dad who had this house built,

so the three generations
could live together.

All right, stop scratching.

But it's itchy.

It's difficult to treat it

since we don't know
what you're allergic to.

I feel itchy when I'm inside the house.

Tenko, do you still want to be a hero?


Mi was being rejected by everyone.
The same goes for Tomo.

So I told them we could play together.

We played as heroes and were having fun,

but then Mi told me
I should play as All Might.

They said I was very kind
to play with them

even though everyone rejected them.

Why won't Dad let me become a hero?

Is it because he hates me?
Would he agree if I could have a Quirk?

Your dad doesn't hate you.

But he knows how hard it is to be a hero.

The adults' decisions were absolute.

That was why I had hoped

you could come to my defense,
even just for once.

The house my dad built had rejected me
in a rather gentle way.

-This is a secret.

The kid was surprisingly sneaky
yet innocent.

I think this woman was our grandma.
They said she was a hero.

Hana, why are you showing me this?

I know what Dad said to you.
But it's all right.

I'll always root for you, Tenko.

Let's become heroes
but keep it a secret from Dad.


My grandma was a hero!

There was a hero in my family!

Mon, I feel like I can take on
any challenges.

The weather was so hot that day.


Did you sneak into my study?

The humidity after the rain

was piercing my dried skin like needles.

You saw it.

Gosh. Kids are unbelievable.

Tenko said he wanted to see it!

I could feel the itch
from the bottom of my stomach.


That woman wasn't your grandma.

She left her child behind.

She was a demon.

Save me.

Don't just stand there.

Please save me!


Listen up.

A hero is the kind of person
who would abandon her family

just to save others' lives!

This is the house my father had built.

I am sorry to have left you
without a word.

I have to battle this very bad guy
and settle the score.

That bad guy might hurt you
when he finds you.

That's why I had to leave you, Kotaro.

I'm sorry I couldn't be
a good mother for you.

I know you might hate me because of this.

But I love you so much, Kotaro.

I love you so much.

I hope you live a happy life with a smile.

I'll always watch over you
from above, Kotaro.

I wish you had just hated me instead.

I can't take it.

I overdid it this time. The kids…

If you want to use v*olence again,
then don't expect us to follow your rules.

You said you wanted
to have a happy family.

This isn't how it should be.


I've had enough of this.

Mon, I can't…

I can't take it anymore.

I hate…

I hate everyone!





Well, I'm sorry. It was my fault.

It was me who told you the secret
and showed you the picture.


What's wrong?


Wait! Don't go!

My voice won't come out! Hana!

Aren't you here to apologize?

Then keep me safe this time!

Help me!

I thought some kind of supervillain
had come after our family.

Whether it was Mon's decay

or Hana's…

It was all his doing.


Now that I think about it,

perhaps I had already realized the truth.

Why would you defend Dad
after what he did?

Why did you keep telling me not to cry?

I've had enough of this.

The tiny bits of pain piled up.

I hate everyone!


I hope you live a happy life

with a smile.


I'm sorry.



Stop it, Tenko!

At that very moment,
I clearly had the intention to k*ll.

When I touched my dad…


An unspeakable exhilaration filled
my limbs and ran in my veins.

Perhaps deep down, I had hoped for this

to happen.

Ever since then, the itch has stopped.

Next episode…

He had lost everything,
including the purpose to keep living.

It was at this time
a hand reached out to him.

Tenko Shimura's life took
a -degree turn.

An heir of the demon lord was born.

Next episode, "Tomura Shigaraki: Origin."

Do not suppress or fear
the impulse in your heart.

Go beyond.

Plus Ultra!
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