05x24 - (S) Tomura Shigaraki: Origin

Episode transcripts for the TV show "My Hero Academia". Aired: Apr 3, 2016 - present.*

Moderator: Heroman23

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Manga series that follows Izuku who has dreamt of becoming a hero but there's a catch -- he isn't a Quirk.
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05x24 - (S) Tomura Shigaraki: Origin

Post by bunniefuu »

I k*lled my family.

After that, I rushed out of my front gate
as if I was running for my life.

I had no idea what I should do.

I had no idea
what I should do from then on.

Anyone, please tell me the answer.

Please save me.

I couldn't speak
because the guilt was stuck in my throat.

Little boy.

Are you all right?

Why are you wearing that rag…

Police or heroes will be here soon.

I must go to work now. Be a good boy.

Places with higher population density
will always have more troubles.

There are plenty of troubles that are
more pressing than a missing child.

Even so,

no one was there to help me
despite the fact

that the street was crawling with heroes.

Is this the retribution I deserve
for taking the life of my family?

At that moment…

Had someone reached out to me…

that obnoxious itch might have stopped.

You possess a destructive impulse

that is too strong for you
to even control.

That impulse is overflowing and the itch
is a form of warning by your body.

You don't have to put up with anything.

That's not wrong.

Are you looking for trouble?
You should just walk behind us!

We're not going to let it slide
just because you're a kid!

Not a chance!

Oh, poor child.

What are you afraid of?

Follow your heart and do as it beckons.

Otherwise, you'll end up suffering alone.

Conscience, morality, and ethics
are the made-up values by humanity.

These came from people
who want society to run smoothly.

Do not be shackled and have no fear.

Your thoughts are more important
than anything.

Now, Tenko, what will you do from here on?

I want to k*ll the two jerks
that beat me up.

I don't know why,

but these off-putting emotions
keep pouring in, they just won't stop.

I can't control them.

Then I wish you all the best.

More hero agencies
are popping up in this place.

It's such a pain in the neck.

Carry them with you wherever you go.

Do not let the bond fade away.

What now, brat?

That is so gross! What do you want?

This is incredible.
He must have had amnesia.

The memories are merely sealed away.
It's still inside his heart.

It's as though he's clinging onto them

all while punishing himself for the sins
as he carries them around.

His emotions are unstable because
his memories have been sealed away.

He feels insecure.


He is subconsciously
keeping his Quirk in check.

I shall cultivate him
as he goes down the path.

The Symbol of Fear
that craves destruction,

you've taken
that first step of your journey.

It feels so disgusting.
I feel like puking.

But I don't know why.

My mind is so calm.

I have this feeling that I will be
forgiven no matter what I do.


You held back your tears
and endured the suffering.

You have been reborn.

This is my gift for you.

These are the hands of the two thugs
who helped you grow.

The two of them?
But there are five hands here.

It's a bonus. One of them was spoiled.

It's to make sure you remember
this memorable day of your life.

It's like holding a newborn child
in my arms.

It's like soothing an exhausted body.

Now let me witness your new form,

Tomura Shigaraki.

Tomura Shigaraki…

"Tomura" means to mourn for the dead
and bid them farewell.

Tenko Shimura has been reborn
into an existence that invites mourning.

What about "Shigaraki"?

That is my surname.

I remember everything now.

Back then, I k*lled my father
because I wanted to.

I felt a burden lifted from my chest

when I saw Mom
and the others disintegrate.

That was no tragedy.


All I want is to destroy.

I don't need a future.

I don't care what the League of Villains
will do from now on.

I don't need these things anymore either!

Stress: %!

This should have defeated him.




Your attack is nothing
if I can destroy it before it reaches me.

You're simply bulky.

I know how it feels.

Destroying everything in sight
must be very exhilarating.

My power is a means to my goal.

It's a means to liberate humans.

It's a means to finish
what Destro started.

What is this feeling?

I have this restless sensation
in my chest.

Is it fear? No.

Even fear can be a source of power for me!

So why…

You've been pushed
into a corner, Re-Destro.

Why is the stress receding?

Rikiya, we've been living in hiding
for generations.

You're the chosen one
who can fulfill Destro's legacy.

You must finish what Destro started.

Detnerat Patented…

Burden-Amplifying Steel
Pressure Mechanism: Claustro!

Stress at % output!

I see. This is good.

-We should stay away from them.
-That hurts.

-They haven't found us.
-My arm hurts.

It's good to have him distract
the enemies.

The enemies stand no chance against him.

We must use this window
to regroup with everyone.

He actually woke up sooner than expected.

We'll be completely wiped out
if we run into him now.

Damn that ice guy.

I was so close to burning him to a crisp.

Doctor, did you copy that?

Gigantomachia is too dangerous.
Get us out of here or we'll be at risk.

-Are you trying to k*ll Johnny?

Johnny gets tonsillitis
every time he is teleported.

Why should I care? Just do it.

Besides, you use it all the time.
So that must be a lie.

I don't want to be associated with people
who are now targets of others.

Come to me after you've broken free
from the Liberation Army's surveillance.

Don't you care about Shigaraki?

Isn't he All For One's heir?

That's all the more reason
to push him into desperation.

When we fight the League of Villains,

we must be wary
of Dabi's large-scale flame attack.

Geten, you are the core
of the Liberation Army.

Sorry, Re-Destro.

I shouldn't be worried about your safety.

We must protect Re-Destro.

Giran, hang in there!


So that was your % output.

Is this the so-called Plus Ultra?

The heir of my master…

It's not oppression but liberation.

As human beings, it's our right
to use our abilities freely.

After going through pain and reawakening,
it's as though he's…

broken free from all forms of shackles.

I see.

I know what that
flustering sensation really is now.

I'll just have to stay away
from his effective range.

Have no fear.

Think of it this way.

A person's life, progress, and endeavor
are all within his grasp.

You can decide whether you want
to crush it or toy with it as you please.

If your hatred aligns with your joy,

then you're free.

I'll destroy everything!





Your leg touched the ground just now.

But you severed it before the corruption
spread to your entire body.


Why are we even fighting each other?

Were you the one who started it first?


Our grand commander…

This can't be happening.

Everyone, we must rescue
our grand commander!

My Incite has been negated as well.
How can this be?


At this rate,

you'll die in vain.

The freedom to use our abilities

is liberation, not oppression.

Great Destro.

If the person
who leads the charge of liberation

is the reflection of freedom,

it would be this young man
who can laugh it off

as he sees the weight of history
and blood-stained destiny as a liability.

I see it now.

I can see the brilliance
of this young man.

They all agree with me. No.

They agree with Destro's legacy
and have the resolve to become martyrs.

You are right.
I started it first and lost the fight.

Do whatever you please with me.

But I always have the resolve
to give up my life for Destro's legacy.

The Meta Liberation Army
will follow your command.

The heir…

Had we joined hands with Hassaikai,
we would be enjoying sushi right now.

Since you're the President of Detnerat,
you must be loaded with money.


A tragic event laid waste
to the peaceful town.

The criminal group lured the heroes away

from the city for their attack.

In the face of the abrupt disaster,

the people of Deika united as one
against evil.

The heroes arrived
after learning more about the situation.

Many didn't make it in the end.

As all criminals were k*lled in action,
the tragedy came to an end.

The CEO and President of Detnerat,
Rikiya Yotsubashi, was also in Deika.

He lost his legs
and suffered heavy injuries,

but he managed to survive.

There are comments
about how untrained citizens

caused greater damage with their Quirks,

but the cheers for the heroic deeds
of Deika's citizens are everywhere.

But the incident left
many mysteries unsolved.

Oh, my goodness.

So this is what they mean
by "the calm after a storm."

You barely did anything.

Don't be silly. I did my best to escape.

Dabi, if you're not eating it, I am.

Go ahead. I hate fish anyway.

Sorry, Toga.

If you hadn't transfused your blood
to Toga, you would still be alive.

Please don't do that.

I'm still alive
so that is very off-putting.

Let's not get on anyone's nerves!

My leg moved on its own! Stupid leg!

I've been a bad kid. Please don't hit me.

What am I talking about?

I thought he overcame his trauma,
but it seems to have gotten worse.

Violent treatments
had done a number on him.

It's time.

Shut it! I'm still enjoying my sushi!

But we paid for the sushi you're eating.

We provided treatment, image alterations,
and Toga's coat as well.


The baldy should have been
in a hospital ward!

Don't forget who you owe your life to!

Stop arguing with them, Skeptic.

They are Grand Commander's…

I mean, they were chosen by Re-Destro.

Re-Destro's decree
is still Destro's decree.


Fellow warriors of liberation,

I am Re-Destro of Meta Liberation Army!

From now on,
the Meta Liberation Army shall be reborn!

I thought Tomura
had lost all of his little hands.

There is still one left.

It was a miracle it wasn't destroyed
during the chaos.

Is he going to use it
as his personal trademark?

Up until that very day,

I had been treating
the League of Villains as a threat.

I had no doubt about that belief.

But I was too narrow-minded.

I was shackled
by my bloodline and the creed!

At that moment,
I witnessed the true form of liberation!

This is not submission!

I believe Tomura Shigaraki
is the true liberator!

I'm stepping down for I've been baptized
by the sheer respect I have for him.

The Liberation Army will be reborn

with Tomura Shigaraki
as the grand commander!

We will walk the path
of a more profound liberation!

The Meta Liberation Army
and League of Villains will be united

-and be crowned a new name.
-Let's go.

I, Re-Destro, and Spinner
from the League of Villains

came up with the name.

Announce the name, Tomura Shigaraki!

Paranormal Liberation Front.

The word "villain" has been removed.

The word "Meta Ability" will have a wider
and more general definition.

Furthermore, I have appointed
the nine members on the stage

as my lieutenants.

They will each form their own platoon
based on their special characteristics.

Anyway, a name is just a decoration
such as this thing on my face.

Do as you wish with it.

That was remarkable work from you.
Do you care for a drink?

Get lost.

As you wish.

Let's scram, Trumpet.

I hate to see him in this state.

It's a miracle you're still alive
after suffering those damages.

"Paranormal Liberation Front."

Such a fancy name.

Well, at least it's not
as cheap-sounding as "League of Villains."

Gigantomachia now follows my command.

I think I've met
the minimum requirement you mentioned.


Your memories and Quirk returned
to their original state.

As promised,

I will grant you the power,
if you want it.

Next episode…

Tomura Shigaraki now commands
the Liberation Army.

After receiving this information,

the heroes are now mustering
their resources to face the threat.

The inevitable w*r is nigh.

Even the students of U.A. High
are caught up in this w*r.

Next episode, "The High, Deep Blue Sky."

The smoke signal marks
the prologue of an all-out w*r.

Go beyond.

Plus Ultra!
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