05x25 - (S) The High, Deep Blue Sky

Episode transcripts for the TV show "My Hero Academia". Aired: Apr 3, 2016 - present.*

Moderator: Heroman23

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Manga series that follows Izuku who has dreamt of becoming a hero but there's a catch -- he isn't a Quirk.
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05x25 - (S) The High, Deep Blue Sky

Post by bunniefuu »


The Liberation Army will be reborn

with Tomura Shigaraki
as the grand commander!

Anyway, do as you wish with it.

I was too late.

That's why I failed…

Was the incident at Deika your doing?

If you had taken down
the League of Villains sooner,

perhaps no civilian would have died.

Whether this is the real deal or not,

at least I know you've k*lled someone.

An army under the command of one man

and the control over Feel Good Inc.,
which basically owns the internet,

not to mention Detnerat,
which has ties with almost every industry.

They might even have several
High-End Nomus ready to deploy.

As long as he wills it,
he can do as he pleases.

In this society saturated with heroes,

Shigaraki possesses the power on par
with the heroes or even surpasses theirs.

Let's liberate the world.

I can't believe Hawks is here.

Hey. What are you doing, No. Hero?

You seem happy.

Yes. Introduce me to your people.

There's more.

Someone else is supporting their cause.

I must get to the bottom of it
and inform Endeavor and the heroes.

All right, Hawks.

If you get even one step behind,

the entire Japan will be doomed.

The previous battle has unleashed
the full potential of your Quirk.

It's not just the object that you touch,

but anything in contact with it
will decay.

You have become
the embodiment of destruction.

Tell me.
Why do you seek this greater power?

Well, since you're offering it,
I see no reason to turn it down.

I have no use for petty tricks anymore.

But look at my arms.

One single maximum output
almost ruined it.

Do you know
how many enemies are out there?

I will never underestimate
the heroes again.

I will use everything I have
to crush the remnants of All Might.

The next time will also be their last.

You want to give it your best
to do what your enemies hate the most.

I can see your master in you.

This experiment was originally meant
for All For One.

The Quirks have been mixed up
over the generations.

They became more complex, ambiguous,
powerful, and ever-expanding.

When the body's evolution fails
to catch up to the rate of expansion,

the user will lose control.

I dubbed this concept
the "Quirk Singularity."

But no one took my word for it
except for All For One.

Humanity will be doomed

if we don't find a way
to increase adaptivity.

There have been symptoms

since the fourth generation
of Quirk users.

The capacity was always an issue

for someone
who can control multiple Quirks.

How long is this topic going to drag on?

You're just as eager as a kid
who loves Christmas.

Yes. I'm full of dreams and hopes.

Starting today, for four months,

you will feel hellish pain
throughout your body.

But after you've pulled through,
you will have control over everything,

even One For All.

One For All?

It's what All For One desires the most.

It's the one power he can never master.


Perish, humans!

We are the Skynet of this era!

Navel Saber!

It's a new move!

It's a sword! Awesome!

All right. Are you ready, Aoyama?

The beam turned!

This is exhilarating to watch.

I can now alter the trajectory of light.

Curse it! Get them!
Today is judgment day for all of you!

Max viscosity!


Humans are scary.

Oh, well, that feels about right.


Excellent performance.

Young Ashido, you interned
under Equipped Hero: Yoroi Musha, right?

He has plenty of combo moves.

We came up with our own combos
so we can catch up to him.


My Acidman was inspired
by your Unbreakable!



Follow their examples

and show me
the fruition of your internship.


Consecutive punches…

…and the skill of prediction!

Ojiro and Sato,

interned under Lion Hero: Shishido,

currently the No. Hero.

Enhanced enemy detection!

Jiro and Shoji,

interned under
k*ller Whale Hero: g*ng Orca,

currently the No. Hero.

Grape Rush!

High-efficiency team play!

Kaminari, Sero, and Mineta,

interned under Mineyama Hero: Mt. Lady,

a member of Team Lurker

and is currently the No. Hero.

Recipro Extend!

It's my pleasure.


interned under Normal Hero: Manual,

currently the No. Hero.

A persuasive communication.


interned under Laundry Hero: Wash,

currently the No. Hero.

Improved integration.

Black Ankh: Sabbath!


interned under Wing Hero: Hawks,

currently the No. Hero.

He's not available at his agency
at the moment.

I must make my opponent
lose the will to fight!


interned under BMI Hero: Fat Gum,

currently the No. Hero.

-…and decision making!

Uraraka and Asui,

interned under Dragoon Hero: Ryukyu,

currently the No. Hero.

Prediction and efficiency!


interned under Magic Hero: Majestic.

Improved basic abilities!


Improved speed!

…and Todoroki,

interned under Flame Hero: Endeavor,

currently the No. Hero.

One For All: Full Cowl!

If you want to become one of the best,
do not miss this opportunity.

This is the power
that you yourself have earned.

That felt like ages ago.

I doubt you'll come to me
for guidance again.

I need more experience.

But that's fine by me.

Go, Young Midoriya!

Bakugo, you finally overcame
your weakness for winter.

No way, you fool.
That was a compressed shot.

Todoroki, you've become so fast
and astonishing.

No, I still haven't reached
Endeavor's level.

Midoriya, you can finally
control your tentacles at will.

Yes. Sorry for the trouble last time.

That's great.

Your Quirk looks so much cooler than mine.



-I can control my Quirk now.

Thank you for what you did that day.

You don't have to bring that up again.

Well, I decided to install wires
on my gauntlets because of that incident.

But I still can't control them
like Sero can.

I've turned my experience into strength,
which means we've both grown stronger.

I charged out without thinking too much.
I should have reacted with more caution.

Thank you.

What now?

Something that's not heavy
for the stomach.


Listen to me.

Since they restarted
the internship program,

the Commission
must know something we don't.

I figured as much.

Once we learn
where Nomus are being created,

what will you do?

Charge in and start a karaoke party.

My rage is at its boiling point.

What about you?



Sorry for the intrusion.

Eraser Head, Eri is…

What happened?



Mr. Aizawa.

My horn is itching.

Don't worry.

You are in U.A. High.


Congratulations. You can control them now.

Thank you.

You too, Young Bakugo.

You've grown so much,
I can't imagine what you can become.

What did you say?

In the end,
we couldn't get all the answers.

But it's time to start moving forward.


Proceed to the next step.



One For All…

I used all the resources I had

to gather information
about the Quirks of our predecessors.

But sadly, I couldn't find anything
about the second and third wielder.

Because of the era they lived in
and One For All's property,

there is no way
to find anything from the archive.

But we know their Quirks
are living in there,

which means they will manifest
in some forms.

Whatever. Just get on with it.

Stop wasting my precious time.

Regarding the whips,
I can only maintain them for one second.

I can't control them
the way Sero and Mr. Aizawa do.

But as a support skill,
I think it's fairly powerful.

Have you met the other predecessors
after that day?

Not at all.

The fifth user, Lariat.

Real name: Daigoro Banjo.
Quirk: Blackwhip.

He can create tendrils of black energy
to capture enemies or to boost mobility.

It's the same for this guy.
Their Quirks aren't very powerful.

These are just some nobodies.

What? But I think
their Quirks are amazing.

Any Quirks can be amazing in your eyes.
That's the scrub mentality!

That sounds mean
no matter how you view it.

Young Bakugo has a point.

All For One was obsessed with One For All.

It's hard to imagine the dark time
where evil was left unchecked.

All For One defeated powerful foes.

His unstoppable might and desire
for domination made him invincible.

While they were struggling in hell,
during their dying moments,

the wielders entrusted their power
to the future

and paved the path to this moment.

They weren't chosen by destiny.

They were simply entrusted with this power
and passed it on to others

during the countless battles.

It's no wonder all of them died young.


Well? What is it you want
this stinking nerd to learn next?

The next step is to learn Float.

It was my master's Quirk.

All Might's master.

Nana Shimura's Quirk. A new power…

I won!

I can already do that with my expl*si*n!

But I knew you would have
to waste your time just to learn that!

While you're at it,

I will make use of this internship
to become even stronger!

That means I got ahead of you!


That doesn't sound good.
I'll give it my best and catch up to you.

You'll just land on your face
because you always get nervous!

No! Now that I can control the Blackwhip--

Go to hell!

You're not listening.

What are you doing?
Took you long enough, Reflecting Boys.

Hurry up and give us a hand
if you want to have meat later.

Right away!

You're stopping me from having meat?
Are you out of your mind?


He's a scary one.

Then come and help us out.

This cuisine is amazing.
We can use anything we like in it.

Let's not put any tea leaves in it.

Who cut the garlic chives?

-I did.
-Your sister would be disappointed!

Damn it.

Great knife skills.

You're just too lame! Go to hell!

Does anyone want some orange juice?

Class B is coming here, right?

Kodai is bringing a sofa.

Now the Hero Internship Sharing Session

and our New Semester
Motivational Hot Pot Party



The food is not ready yet.

Did you do it on purpose?

Hot pot is perfect for cold days.

We'll be entering the second year
when the weather becomes warmer.

Time flies.

It's been an eventful year.

We'll have juniors soon.

Hero Course students can't join any clubs,
so we won't see them very often.

There must be someone
with great potential.

That won't be good.

Listen up.
We still have three months left.

On top of that, we have the finals!

Stop it, Iida.
You're spoiling the hot pot.

I don't taste any differences.

You can't seriously be that dense.

He's making fun of you.
He's not afraid of the finals.

Well played!

We're in the same boat, Mineta.

Sometimes, I'm surprised
that I made it this far.

I never thought All Might
would be my teacher.

I never thought I could have
a normal conversation with Kacchan.

The truth is…

Midoriya, could you pass me
the ponzu sauce?

How fortunate of me.


I need the ponzu.

Sorry, here you go.

Thank you.

I found you.

It's freezing outside.
What are you doing here?

No, I was just thinking about something.

What is it?

Tsukauchi has a message for you.

He was hoping you could postpone
your visit with Stain.

Thank you.

By the way, how is Young Eri?

She's sleeping soundly.

I'm planning
to start training her this week.

You can count me in.

I appreciate it.

Is something wrong?

I've decided to keep living.


Well, how should I put it?

I feel this constant helplessness.

Every time I witness the students' growth,

I feel frustrated
because I can't do more for them.

You are still a workaholic.

"Work" what?

You've been supporting
this country for decades.

You became addicted to the life you had.

That was a little harsh.

-You can do more for them.

Live on and stay here.

By doing so, you will motivate countless
to strive for their future.

Please raise your head
and stand tall like you used to.


Paranormal Liberation Front.


Someone has Tomura Shigaraki's back.

The keyword is…



What a surprise.

Good morning, Doctor.

Good morning.

How is your research going?

It's going well.

All I need to do now is wait.

I can't miss my timing to strike.

Before the heroes are ready,
I must gather more intel on them

and make sure
the Liberation Front has nowhere to hide.

The X-Day is nigh.

But it's spring break right now.

I can't even take a day off
because of the internship program.

Spring is about to end soon.

I was told this internship
was an expedition.

You're right.

You too, Tsuyu?

You can't be serious.
It's the same for us too.

We're going on an expedition that day too.

What? I wonder what it's for.

Wait. Me too.

Same here.

Dai, you're a first-year student now.
Will you be all right?


The heroes are under that mountain.

We'll be in charge
of the civilian evacuation.

The League of Villains…


The battle with
the Paranormal Liberation Front…

The event that will shake
the whole hero society…

is upon us.
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