02x04 - Arthur Makes a Movie/Go to Your Room, D.W.

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Arthur". Aired: October 7, 1996 - February 2022.*
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Arthur demonstrates to kids how to deal with challenges as homework, teachers and bullies.
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02x04 - Arthur Makes a Movie/Go to Your Room, D.W.

Post by bunniefuu »

♪ Every day when you're
walking down the street ♪

♪ Everybody that you meet
has an original point of view. ♪

( laughs )

♪ And I say hey! ♪


♪ What a wonderful kind of day ♪

♪ If we could learn
to work and play ♪

♪ And get along
with each other ♪

♪ You got to listen
to your heart ♪

♪ Listen to the beat ♪

♪ Listen to the rhythm,
the rhythm of the street ♪

♪ Open up your eyes,
open up your ears ♪

♪ Get together and make things
better by working together ♪

♪ It's a simple message
and it comes from the heart ♪

♪ Believe in yourself ♪

♪ For that's the place
to start ♪

♪ And I say hey! ♪


♪ What a wonderful kind of day ♪

♪ If we could learn
to work and play ♪

♪ And get along
with each other. ♪


♪ What a wonderful kind of day ♪

♪ Hey! What a wonderful
kind of day. ♪


Hey, D.W.



( crashing )

Now our coming attractions.

Movies like this I like best--
ones with great chases.

He's back, and his bite
is worse than his bark.

And lots of action and suspense.

( gasps )

May I suggest the
catch of the day?

Sorry about
the mess.

Put it
on my tab.

What's the name?

The name is Hound--
James Hound.

And cool gadgets.

And evil geniuses
planning to take over the world.

and when I control
all the salt mines

everyone will bow down to me.

These fries are tasteless.

We've got to do something!

Some scenes are really boring.

Oh, James, James.

But they don't last too long.

Yep, that's just the type
of film I'd like to see...

Children under must be
accompanied by an adult.

And can't.

Sorry, Arthur, only
five more years.

Shh. It's starting.

Now our feature presentation--
Kitty, Come Home.

( cat meows
on screen )

( sighs )

( roars like a lion )

( chuckles )

A little girl loses her cat

and finds
its way home.

Big whoop!

In his movie

James Hound's cat
turns into a boat.

The special effects
are excellent.

He e-mails himself
to the bad guy.

You saw it?!

Uh, just the

We'll have to wait
until we're older.

But James Hound
will get older, too.

By the time we can see
a James Hound movie

he'll be ancient!

You'll never escape, Hound.

No fortress can hold me.

( both panting )

You'll never escape, Hound.

No fortress can hold me.

( coughing )

They'll probably
get a new actor

to play James Hound.

Yeah, but he
won't be as good.

( all sigh )

Hello, little ants,
smile for the camera.

Hi, Muffy.

Finally, some friends to film.




I see Buster's eating
a ranchero sundae.

It's probably
his sixth.

Are those crushed
taco chips sprinkled on top?

( splat )


Wow, what a cool
video camera!

It has over buttons
and switches.

What do
they all do?

I'm not sure...
but my real problem is

I don't know what
to make a movie about.

I have
an idea.

ARTHUR ( as actor ):
this should give them the slip.

( coughing )

Next time you won't be
so lucky...

mister... mister...

The name's Hound-- James Hound!

( air escaping )

Great idea.

It'll be just like
the real movie.

Here's a bowtie from
home you can use.

But I'd look
like a clown.

Besides, James Hound's
bowtie is black.

Well, it's the best
I could do.

For the smoke screen

squeeze this
baby powder bottle

as you ride.


The big chase scene, take one.

( coughing )


This should give them the slip.

( coughing )

I can't see!



That's it--

I want to see sorrow,
passion, rage.


Let's do the part

where Hound saves
a pretty woman

then they gaze into
each other's eyes.

Um... I don't think
that's in the movie.

I know what we'll do.

The evil genius is
in his space station

which is shaped
like a giant crab.

( controls beeping )

With my fish hypnotic ray

I'll have the entire planet
in the palm of my... claw!

( clanks
metallically )

FISH ( chanting ):
We must eat the land people

We must eat the land people.

( all screaming )

We must eat the land people.

( laughing wickedly )

Not so fast, Captain Crustacean!


How good to see you.

Let me give you a hug.

( claws snapping )

But then
the evil genius escapes

to his other space station

which is shaped like
a giant clam and...

Buster, snap out of it!

There's no way we
could do something
that complicated.

huh? oh,
you're right.

why even bother?

Well, we could do
a supersonic jet.


Paper... marker...
spray paint...

( paint spraying )


Wow, it's
just like
I imagined...


( imitating jet engine )

( dejectedly ):
Woof, woof.

( growling )

We could make
another jet.

Yeah, but we
can't make it

We can do something that doesn't
need gadgets or special effects.

When he rescues
the woman and gazes
into her eyes?

No, where Hound's
genius sidekick

cracks the secret code
and saves the world.

I.Q., the m*ssile will
hit earth in ten seconds.

According to my calculations

the final digit
of the code

must be
a one or a two...

But which is it?

One or a two?

One or a two?

( m*ssile screeches )

( crowd cheering )

Thank you, thank you.

It was the least I could do.

Hurry, I.Q.

The m*ssile
will hit in
ten seconds!

The computer
won't let me

check out these books.

Then we'll have to
do it by hand.

according to
my calculations

the last digit is
a one or a two...

But which is it,
one or a two?

I guess it was a two.

Good thing
you got those
lights working.

We might have been banned
from the library forever.

I didn't know I
was breaking into
the electrical system.

Let's do a scene
that won't get us in trouble

like where you rescue me.

Is everybody ready?




Arthur... I mean,
James Hound

saves the pretty lady,
take one.

( claps
flippers )

I hope you enjoy
seafood, Miss...

pretty young lady

or rather, I hope
it enjoys you.


( forced laugh )

( melodramatically ):
Oh, no, I'm doomed.

Who will save me?

Never fear, Hound is here.

James, watch out!

( air pumping )

( grunting )

( air escaping )

( dreamily ):
Oh, James, how can
I ever repay you?

One look into
those eyes
is worth

all the money
in the world.


I can't believe
I did that.

Are you

that was just like
a Hound movie.

Yeah, you two are
going to be famous.

Gee, I don't
know, Buster.

If they show it
in theaters

Sharky gets
some of the money.

Did you get it
on tape?

Of course...
at least, I think so.

I was pushing
the button...

Uh, maybe it was this one.

( motor whirring )

Muffy, did you
record anything?

I think I got

But this was the only scene
that's like a James Hound movie.

Wait a minute--
this is the record button.


Well, here goes.

Who's that
supposed to be?

James Hound.

The real
James Hound movie

was nothing
like that.

I told you I needed
a black bowtie.

That's supposed to be
a motorcycle, but The Brain

didn't put
special things on it...

You filmed it wrong.

Hey, did you get me in?
I was the best part.

It's all
your fault.

You filmed all
the wrong parts.

Why couldn't you make me
a real-looking claw?

I can't do everything.

Well, that's
for sure.

You're all fired!

You can't
fire us!

Shh! The movie.

( laughing )

( all laughing )

Pal, come back.

Pal, give that back.

There, did that make
the lights go on?

I don't know.

It's too dark to tell.

Get it?

( laughing )

It's... it's too dark to...

No-- still off,
keep trying.

( all laughing )

The end.

My favorite part

was when Sharky came off the
bicycle pump and flew around.

I hate to say this

but it was nothing like
the James Hound movie...

Uh, yeah, well, we tried, but...

It was much better.


The next one will be better.

( tape ejects )


( all sigh )

And now...

We were looking at fairy tales
from a certain point of view

and we decided to make
the fairy tales into movies.

First you design the script.

You need a beginning,
a middle and an end.

And the director
gets the cast to film it...

if the director
likes the script.

I like it.


( boy imitating
scary soundtrack )

"The Three Billy Goats Gruff."

Three billy goats
were eating grass...

but they ran out, so they
had to cross the street

which was the troll's property.

( playing simple tune )

I guess I have to cross
the street to get my grass.

Off my street or I'll
bite your head off.

I'm scared and I can't move.

( growling )


( screams )

You bit my sister's
head off.

Now I'll get you.

( growls )

( all gasp )

( screams )

I'm going to bite
your head off.

Oh, no!

( growls )

As the troll celebrated, a car
came and took off his head.

( tires screech )

( laughter )

But billy goats could
still eat grass

by shoving it down
their esophaguses.

And now...

This is Tiffany
and this is her servant.

This is their lifeboat
and these are sharks.

( gasps )

No, I'll do
the playing.

You just watch me.

( Kate whines )

( gasps )

( D.W. screams )

Look what you did!

Play nicely, D.W.

But she k*lled Tiffany.

( Kate giggles )

Here, give that to me.

This looks easy to fix.

Ah, there we go.

Good as new--
don't get excited.

You're always on her side.

I'm not on anyone's side.

Kate's a baby,
and you're a big girl.

I am not a big girl!

I'm a little girl!

( giggles )

Be quiet, you...

MOM ( sternly ):

You sweet little baby-waby.

This is mine.

You can only touch it
when I say so.

MOM ( sternly ):

Give that back or
I'll... pinch you!

( D.W. screams )

Dora Winifred Read,
go to your room.

But what did I do?

( croaking and barking )

Come back.

( croaking )

( barks )

This is so unfair.

I'm a prisoner in my own room.

It's only for
a little while, D.W.

It's all because of that...
that... baby.

( door opening )

Is it time yet?

Am I free?

You just got here.

Ten minutes more and
you can come downstairs.

( stomach growls )

What about my supper?

How will I survive?

Supper's not till : .

You'll be out
before then.

What if you forget
about me?

I could starve
to death.

Mommy! Mommy!

It's : now.

When the clock says : ,
you can come downstairs.

I'll set the alarm for you.

You don't love me.

You only love Kate
and Arthur

and Daddy and Pal and...

and Grandpa and Aunt lucy and...

how long did she say?

Ten minutes.

When it says :

that means one minute
has gone by.

I know that.

I do go to preschool,
you know.

( ticking )



It's not moving.

( gasps )

Mom! Dad!

Something's wrong
with the clock.

I think time has...


What's going on?

Time's stopped

and we're the only
ones who are awake.


( humming merrily )


( continues humming )


You live with
the Tibbles now.

You booby-faced
baloney heads!

What are
you doing?

the clock broke

and time stopped

and I was coming
to warn you.

Nice try, D.W.

Back to your room now.

Sheesh! You don't have to
treat me like a criminal.

That only took
two minutes?

I'll never be free.

Yes, you will.

It's not so bad.

A lot you know.

I have the meanest parents
in the whole world.

All they do is punish me

and make me work
like a sl*ve girl.

Like when?

Remember when
Arthur got that cold?

I had to stay up all night
and take care of him.

( sneezes )

I'm ready for some cake now.

Arthur, can't I
go to sleep now?

I'm so tired.

No way.

You have
to entertain me.

Remember? I'm sick.

I'll call mom.

( gasps )

♪ If you're happy and you
know it, clap your hands ♪

( sighing ):
♪ If you're happy and you
know it, clap your hands... ♪

You call that entertainment?

Tell me a joke.

Why did the chicken...

Heard it.

If there's an elephant...

Heard it.

What's black and white...

( sighs )

Heard it.

Stand on your head
while I count to .

Now, that'll be funny.

( weeping )

What about when
Cousin Lucy got married?

I had to stay at home
and cook and clean

while everyone else went
to the wedding.

( sneezes )

Aren't you
done yet?

You have to make the beds
and do the dishes.

Can't I go to
the wedding, please?

Weddings are not
for little girls.

But what about Kate?

She's going.

Kate is a baby; besides,
we like her better than you.

Ready, everyone?

Remember to
brush the dog.

( weeping )

It's so sad being me.

But you went
to the wedding, D.W.

Whose side are you on

: ?
Will this never end?


What is it now?

Is my clock working?

Maybe I've been here for hours.

It's working perfectly.

Go back to your room.

That's it,
I'm going to Grandma's.

At least
she likes me.

( ringing )


Son, this is your mother.

What do you mean by punishing
poor little D.W.?

Eat up, Lovey.

You can have all
the cookies you want.

How could you?

Look at this little angel.

This child is perfect.

Punish Arthur.

He's the real


Yes, of course, Mom.

Arthur, go to your room
and never come out.

( gulps nervously )

I love Grandma Thora.

How will we get
to Grandma's

when you can't
leave your room?

I'll just slide
down the drainpipe.

But you aren't

to cross the street.

Who invented cars

What should
we do?

A quarter.

( ringing )

Acme Cab.

This is D.W.,
and I'm a little girl,
alone and forgotten.

I'm running away
because they're punishing me

and it's all Kate's fault

( all sobbing )

...And I have
to get to Grandma's.

She's the only one
who really, truly loves me.

But I can't get to her house

because I'm not allowed
to cross the street.

Stop right there, little girl.

We'll be right over.

So that's what I'll do.

Are you ready?

Your punishment's almost up.

Let's just stay here.

Too late--
they had their chance.

Look out below!

You first, Nadine.

The drainpipe's
way over there.

Oh, darn, I guess
we can't go.

( distant laughter )

What's that?

That a girl, Kate.

Come on.

Oh, what a girl.

Why, it's the leader
of the free world.

What a big girl.

Hey! Bionic Bunny
is meeting

the leader of
the free world.

...And there's nothing
we can do about it.

They've forgotten all about me.

What's the matter now?

They don't miss me.

They're glad
I'm not there.

Even Pal doesn't
miss me.

( barks )

Get away from me,
you goofy dog.

( barking )

What is it, Pal?

Do you smell
something weird?

Arthur's even trained
that dog to attack me.

I think he was just
happy to see you.

It's no good, Nadine.

I'll never see the light of day

or go to

or get braces
on my teeth

or see Arthur's
first pimple.

( footsteps )

Where did you come from?

Hi, sweetie.

Would you watch Kate for a sec?

First they punish me;

now they make me
baby-sit the enemy.

( coos )

Don't smile
at me.

This is all
your fault.

What did she do
that was so bad?

What did she do?

She's been ruining
my life all day.

Remember when we
were at the store?


( coos )

No, I mean,

( coos )

Put that doll back, D.W.

She didn't mean
to get you in trouble.

She thought
you were playing.

Well... but she's
always ruining stuff

like later when
we were leaving.

Cow, I'm going to lasso you

and take you home
to your mother.

Time to go.

I'm busy-- I'm rescuing a cow.

Honey, Kate needs
her nap.

Put her in the car.

She can sleep
while I'm playing.

D.W., now.

( cooing )

Don't get cute.

And then all afternoon

she kept trying
to steal my toys.

That's mine
and this is mine.

This and this one, too.

No, and this one's mine.

Oh, yes,
and this one, too.

I'm the meanest sister
in the whole world.

Can you ever forgive me?

( door opens )

See, all you have
to do is

be your nice,
sweet self

and you'll
get along fine.

You don't love Kate
more than me?

I love you both
very much.

( clock beeping )

What the...?

Punishment's over.

Ready to go downstairs?

( both giggling )

Actually, we're going to
finish playing lifeboat.

suit yourself.

Dive! Dive!

It's the only thing
that can save you.

Hey, everyone,
supper time.

Come down.

In a minute.


getting cold.

Mom, five more
minutes, please.

♪ What a wonderful
kind of day ♪

♪ If we could learn
to work and play ♪

♪ And get along
with each other ♪

♪ You got to listen
to your heart ♪

♪ Listen to the beat ♪

♪ Listen to the rhythm,
the rhythm of the street ♪

♪ It's a simple message
and it comes from the heart ♪

♪ Believe in yourself ♪

♪ For that's the place
to start ♪

♪ And I say hey! ♪

♪ Hey! What a wonderful
kind of day ♪

♪ If we could learn
to work and play ♪

♪ And get along
with each other ♪

♪ Hey! What a wonderful
kind of day! ♪

♪ Hey! ♪
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