02x11 - D.W.'s Deer Friend/Buster Hits the Books

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Arthur". Aired: October 7, 1996 - February 2022.*
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Arthur demonstrates to kids how to deal with challenges as homework, teachers and bullies.
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02x11 - D.W.'s Deer Friend/Buster Hits the Books

Post by bunniefuu »

♪ Every day when you're
walking down the street ♪

♪ Everybody that you meet
has an original point of view. ♪

( laughs )

♪ And I say hey! ♪


♪ What a wonderful kind of day ♪

♪ If we could learn
to work and play ♪

♪ And get along
with each other ♪

♪ You got to listen
to your heart ♪

♪ Listen to the beat ♪

♪ Listen to the rhythm,
the rhythm of the street ♪

♪ Open up your eyes,
open up your ears ♪

♪ Get together and make things
better by working together ♪

♪ It's a simple message
and it comes from the heart ♪

♪ Believe in yourself ♪

♪ For that's the place
to start ♪

♪ And I say hey! ♪


♪ What a wonderful kind of day ♪

♪ If we could learn
to work and play ♪

♪ And get along
with each other. ♪


♪ What a wonderful kind of day ♪

♪ Hey! What a wonderful
kind of day. ♪


Hey, D.W.



( crash )

Wow, a doubledecker carrot cake!

My favorite.

It's time for
another weekend trip.

Oh, no.

I thought you'd be
excited about a trip.

It's D.W.'s turn
to choose.

That probably means...


How bad could
Ponyland be?






( gasps )

( screaming )

My brain is melting!

Suddenly I'm not hungry.

We'll all have fun, I promise.

It's your choice, D.W.

Hmm... where do I want
us all to go?

I'll think
about it.

( Arthur
clangs plate )

Come on, D.W.

We know where
you want to go.

Whatever place I name is where
we're all going to go--

Mommy, Daddy, Kate and Arthur.

Say it!

Go ahead

and say it!

I choose
that we all go...

( croaks )

( barks )

Wait! Come back!

Say it! Go ahead and say it!

I choose that
we all go... camping!

I knew it!

I... what did you say?


Camping in the great outdoors.

Really? Why?

I don't know.

I just want to go camping.

Good choice.

I haven't been camping in years.

I'm so proud
that even though
she sees Ponyland

on TV all the time,
D.W. chose camping.

Limiting her to educational
TV channels has taught her

to think for herself

and not just
parrot the TV.

It's time
we experienced

the wonders of nature
in the great outdoors.

It's time to experience

the wonders of nature
in the great outdoors.


Get out to one of
our great national parks

and see the wild things
in their habitat.

I want to go.

Let's go now!

Camping is still
a good thing.

I've got to buy
her more books.

Kate, we'll see bears
scratching on trees

and goats
that smack heads...

doors are locked.

We're ready to go.

What's wrong,


You make it sound
like D.W.'s difficult.

D.W.( honking horn ):
Let's go!

Nature's not getting
any younger.

Don't worry,
we'll do lots
of fun stuff.

♪ A hundred bunches
of bears in the woods ♪

♪ A hundred bunches of bears ♪

♪ If one bunch of bears
comes to live at our house ♪

♪ Then bunches of bears
in the woods. ♪

There's a doe and a deer.

Aren't those eagles beautiful?

And look at that penguin go.

D.W., there are
no penguins in the woods.

Uh-oh, it's a lost penguin.

We'd better give it
a sandwich and some juice.

I'll see if there's
a spare map for it.

I don't see
any wild things yet.

Well, I'm ready.

When's something
going to happen?

Look! I see a bald eagle!

That's an airplane.

That's an airplane.

Are you ready

For some fishing?

Am I ever!

Don't forget

The bait.

When am I going to see
something wild?

( loons calling,
birds chirping )


This is fishing, huh?


Don't get too close

to strange animals.

I know, I'm not a baby.

Look! Something wild!

It's just like the old
spiders we have at home.

Maybe we have
the wrong bait, dad.


Huh? What?

( reel squeaking )

I got one! Get the net!

We caught a fish!

Dad caught it
but I netted him.


How was your hike?

We didn't see one wild thing.

The forest is
a big, dirty rip-off.

Look at
that fish, mom!

( D.W. gasps )


Poor little fish!


We gather here
to honor the fish...


Bucky has gone
to a better place

Than that tiny lake where
he can swim and... swim.

happy bucky.

You're the only
wild thing I met.

You were dead,
so you never met me.

You would've liked me.

What are we going
to eat now?

Don't worry.
I brought food.

What if I never meet
any wild animals

that you haven't already k*lled?

D.W., please go to sleep.

Something wild!


Why did it run away?

I was extremely

Deer are easily frightened.

You have to keep very still

or you
scare them.


Want to come canoeing?

No fishing.

No, I'm going to sit very still

until my deer comes back
and sees I'm friendly.

( Kate giggling )

( groans )

( laughing )
( laughing )

Boy, if I knew it would
make D.W. be quiet

I would've told her

there were deer
at our house.

Arthur, be nice.

What is she
thinking about

sitting there
all day?

My brother, Arthur,
isn't fun like you, Walter.

( D.W. gasps )



( giggles )


( snoring )

Hold it!

Where are you
taking the cereal?

Walter is hungry.

Slam on your brakes.

Walter who?

Walter deer.

Walter deer?

Whoa! D.W--

Our food isn't good
for deer to eat.

I won't feed him.

I'll get him to come near me.

D.W., that's not safe.

You can look at the deer.

If I can only look

I might as well
be watching TV.

This is
the deer's home.

You wouldn't like it

if someone fed you
strange food in your home.

I would if it was a deer.

( snoring )

( audience laughs )

( both laughing )

Coming through!

( both giggling )

( groans )

( Walter munching
and slurping )

( giggling )

If we bring Walter
home with us

he can live at our house.

We can't bring
a wild deer home.

He can sleep
in my room.

No, D.W.,
have some

You don't want me to have

any friends who
are wild animals!

( crying )

You okay, honey?


Walter's family is in the woods.

Would you like it

if someone took
you away from
your family?

Just Arthur, or everybody?


( crying )

Walter, what's wrong?

I miss my mom and dad

and my sisters,
Lizzie and Kathy

and Sheilarae
and Mary Alice

and my brothers,
Dennis, Petey and Paul

and my cousins...

I didn't know you
had a big family.

You never asked.

I'm all alone.

I'm the only
wild deer in town.

I'm so sad.

I guess I understand.

But is it okay
if I'm sad?

Of course!

All ready.

Except for D.W.

He looked right at me
and he wasn't afraid.

You kept your distance

and showed respect
for his home.

She watched me all
weekend from the bushes.

I wish she could
live with us.

Those animals
never stay long.

And they live in those
metal, rolling things.

She'd never have been
happy out here.

Yeah, I guess you're right.

A great thing about books

is that there are
all different kinds.

There's fiction--
that's made-up stuff--

and non-fiction--
that's real stuff.

There's picture
and chapter books.

There's books about history,
like this one.


( whinnying )

( panting )

History can be pretty exciting.

Here's a book about the ocean.

( yelling )

What's the matter--

you raised in a barn?

What are you
doing, Arthur?

I can't hear you!

That's better.

I'm looking
at all the books.

Books, who cares about books?

( gasping )


( shouting )

( screams )




Am I the only one
whose brain hurts?

The last time I saw
this many numbers

I was paying for
a broken window.

Who has the answer-- Buster?

You better get it right.

Is it...z-z-zero?


( bell rings )

I thought
I was going to die.

Your book reports
are due tomorrow morning.

What's your report?

I'm trying to choose

between the best books
I've read.

If you can't decide

I read an exciting book
about magnetic fields

that I highly recommend.

No, thanks.

It can't be
as good as this.

What about you, Buster?

It comes with six free magnets.

Um, sounds great, Brain, but I
plan to do what I always do.

Book reports are no sweat.

"...only one thing could
have set the horses free...

the creaky shadow."

"Opposites attract."

"This has been proven
by scientific research."

( screaming
on TV )

Arthur, bedtime.

Ten more minutes, mom.

I have to finish
this book report.

You look tired.

( yawning ):
I had to get
up extra early

to finish
my book report.

Didn't you?

Of course,
here it is.

"Pa-Kanong: Creature
With the Big Face."

That's great--
can I borrow it?

I don't think so.

I return

I borrow
from you--

even that gum.

I can't loan it.

" Pa-Kanong?

Hey, I saw that
on the Giant Monster
Channel last night--

big, ugly,

I cried.

You did your
book report
about a movie?


That's how I do
all my book reports.

All movies come from books.

They don't?


Be a book,
please be a book.

Sorry, no book called

Pa-Kanong, Creature
With the Big Face

was ever published.

But it was
a movie in .

Do you want the video?

No, thank you.

This is a tragedy.

What will you do?

My dad's a pilot.

Maybe he can fly me
out of the country.

No... mom's making
my favorite dinner.

Ratburn will give me
an "F" for sure.

Knowing Ratburn,
probably F-minus.

Maybe even a "G" or an "H."

I should tell
Mr. Ratburn now

so everyone doesn't
have to watch me flunk.

Sure you're ready?

It's a far, far
better thing I do

than it would be
to cry and run home.

Did you get an "F"?

No, if I hand in a report
on a real book by Friday

I won't get penalized.

That's great!

Something weird
is going on:

There's still food
on Buster's plate!

All you have to do is
read a book by Friday.

Arthur, I have
a confession to make:

I've never read a whole book
in my entire life.

Sure you did.


Yes, you did.


What about

The Scare Your
Pants Off books
we all read?

I watched
the TV show.

Whatever book he
reads for this report

will be his first book.

He needs suggestions.

How about this
molecular theorem book?

It's his first book-- go easy.

My first book was,
Ponies Go to Paris.


I tried to read something hard

and stopped reading
for a long time

because... it was hard.

Molecules are small.

Small things are easy.

Molecules are not easy.

Forget science,
Sherlock Holmes!

How about
short books?


Here, take the latest
Scare Your Pants Off book.

"Curse of the
Jumping Peanut."

See, you're
reading it already.

So how'd
you like it?

I only got to page two.

I told you,
it should be easier.

That's easier.

Sam and the
Sandwich Company.

Read it right here.

Don't move
until you're done.

"The sun was shining the morning
that Sam won a tour

of the Spectacular
Sandwich Factory."

You lucky boy!

You found the Golden
Sandwich and get to see

my sand witches and sandwiches.

Yeah, well, I found
a Golden Sandwich

by biting it and
broke off all my teeth.

But you won all the real
sandwiches you can eat.

But I can't chew them.

Do you have
a Soup Factory?

I'm starving!

♪ When you break off
all your teeth ♪

♪ It becomes so hard to eat. ♪

Oh, I'm so hungry.


At least he made it
to page three.


Why did you
stop reading?

I can't read it--
it makes me too hungry.

It was too hard--
we need an easier book.

"The Jolly Jollisters"?

It's a family
that solves mysteries

and they're very happy.

"The Mysterious Ink Stain."

This is a mystery
that we must solve.

Yes, Bud, we must.

How could this ink stain
be on our couch

when we Jollisters
only write with pencils?

Woof... woof.

Could you guys
please keep it down?

I'm trying to watch TV.

Oh, no, he gave up again.

Even that was too hard.

I know you
can read this one.

Just force yourself
to keep reading.

I'll try.

"A car with no driver
climbed into my room

"and said, 'Let me drive you
to Afka-Phazoom.'

"The Bondo-Gareemers
waved as we passed

"downhill we went slow
and uphill we went fast.

"Pobers and Barinkters
and a piece of the moon

"asked to come along
to Afka-Phazoom.

"I said, 'Let me out!
There is not enough room

and I don't care to go
to Afka-Phazoom!'"

Why did we stop?

Nothing happens
if no one's reading.

And it was just
getting exciting.

Well, I didn't
want to go anyway.

He stopped reading.

How can my best friend

not like reading?

You don't know all
you're missing by not reading.

I'll just become rich

and pay the Brain
to do that for me.

I might be too busy
discovering new planets

to read to you, Buster.

Anyone can finish this book.

What's that other book?

Robin Hood.

If you really work at it,
someday you can read this.


"The sky is blue.

The ocean is blue."

( moans )

I can't do it.

Wait a minute...

So you finished it?

Not really.

Buster! You're
going to flunk!

I was too tired
from reading this--

I'm almost done.

It was so exciting
I couldn't stop.

You read that much?

Hey, you can't be
a faster reader than I am.

I guess the problem was

I just wasn't reading
anything I liked.

I mean, Blue-- come on!

Is it okay that my report
has a cliffhanger ending?

Next time, start early
and finish the book.

So, I don't flunk?


I can't wait for
the next chapter
of Robin Hood.

Me, neither.

Let's do it now!

Wow, this is great!

You done
with this page?

Almost... hold it...

Okay, turn.

This is the best
book I ever read.

I thought
it was the first.

That, too.

♪ What a wonderful
kind of day ♪

♪ If we could learn
to work and play ♪

♪ And get along
with each other ♪

♪ You got to listen
to your heart ♪

♪ Listen to the beat ♪

♪ Listen to the rhythm,
the rhythm of the street ♪

♪ It's a simple message
and it comes from the heart ♪

♪ Believe in yourself ♪

♪ For that's the place
to start ♪

♪ And I say hey! ♪

♪ Hey! What a wonderful
kind of day ♪

♪ If we could learn
to work and play ♪

♪ And get along
with each other ♪

♪ Hey! What a wonderful
kind of day! ♪

♪ ♪ Hey!
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